The Rise Of The Ero Masseuse System

Chapter 12 - Warzone behind the Academy


From where I stand, I could see Tony, with his short swept-hairstyle and soccer team uniform, running towards us at full speed.

Once he arrived near us, he got directly between me and Katie and forced us apart.

Tony faced Katie while keeping his back towards me and completely ignoring my existence.

"Katie, why didn't you call me last night? I told you that you should have called once my practice was over."

"T-Tony… how did you find us?"

"One of my teammates said the saw you drag someone all the way to the back of the school. F.u.c.k this. By the time the told me, it had already been several minutes."

"I-I see."

I could see that Katie is very uncomfortable right now. Anyone would. Being caught with a person of the opposite gender by your boyfriend.

While this is technically not my fault and just bad luck, I felt that I should lend a hand. Katie has been helping me out with….'various' things anyways.

"Tony, you should cool down a bit. Can't you see that Katie is very uncomfortable right now?"

Thanks to my interference, Tony finally began to look straight at me. As always, he had a face that looks like he ate one too many sour lemons.

"Oh, it's you…. What the f.u.c.k are you doing here? Haven't I told you I did not give YOU permission to call any of us by our names? Piss off." Tony says, doing his best trying to appeal that he only noticed me just now.

As always, his mouth is exceptionally dirty when he talks to me. Well, he had always been rude to any guy that talked to Katie, but he is especially rude when I'm involved. I'll just deal with it like I normally do.

"Didn't your teammate say that Katie was dragging someone towards the back of the school? That was me, surprised?"

Yep, a ton of sarcasm. Gets him every time.

"What the fu----!?"

"Anyways, as I said, Katie is troubled by your actions. You should calm down a bit."


Interrupt him and don't give him any time to think. Tony had always been the type to lose momentum when unexpected things happen to him.

Katie is worriedly looking at my direction. At least it seems that she is calming down a bit now. It thanks to me taking Tony's attention away from her.

"Tch….I already told you this before, don't you ever get close to MY girlfriend. If she gets close to you, her body she will get dirty from the air you breathe out. You'll make her lose her value so piss off."

….It seems like he doesn't realize it, but every word he says when he talks about Katie all seems to treat her as some kind of object. What does he think she is!?

I can feel my blood pressure rising a bit. Wait! Keep cool. Keep cool. You'll just be playing in his hands if you just get mad.

"….So it's fine you get so close to me? You must like my breath since you get up in my face all the time. There is no use waiting, I don't' kiss guys."


Ohhh, get mad, get mad. As long as he is focusing on his rage against me he will probably forget about why his girlfriend was with another guy.

"…..Tssshh!!! Suuuu~haaaahh! Suuuu~haaah!"

Hmm? Tch, seems he trying to calm down. Careful now. You wouldn't want to break a blood vessel.

"Suuu~haaaah. Suuuu~haaaah…. Heh, there is something I heard from a friend that overheard a conversation you had with MY girlfriend. Seems you have a Support-Type System? And it's even a Massage System? Hilarious."

!! Someone overheard the conversation we had yesterday morning!? We talked so quietly and the classroom was so loud, how!?. And it was even from a friend of Tony. Who was it? Like I know. I barely even remember the faces or names of any of my classmates, least all of Tony's friends.

Thankfully, it seems that they only heard the latter part of our conversation. It must have been after Katie laughed loudly. It must have gotten their attention.

"…Yeah, my Systems a Support-Type and it's related to massaging, so?"

I'll just play it cool. Nothing wrong with having a Support-Type and it seems he thinks it's only about normal massages. I made sure to emphasize 'massaging', can't have him find about 'Ero'.

"Aren't you planning on getting into the College of Defense? I remember MY girlfriend talking about that once about you. AND you have a Support-Type. Hah! That's the most ridiculous thing I ever heard!!"

…Keep cool. Keep cool. Even if I know what he is trying to get at, I need to keep cool.

"There is no f.u.c.k.i.n.g way a person with a Support-Type like you can possibly get into the College of Defense. Keep dreaming, loser. Only people with Battle-Type Systems like mine, The Warrior Libero System, can get in. You'll just be thrown in the curb."


Hmmm....Oho~. seems that Tony said something even I can't ignore. Even though in my head, I know that it's bad but my body can't help but react.

"Oh? Want to duke it out? You should quit while you are ahead. A Support-Type like you fighting a Battle-Type like me, the results are as clear as day."

"Although you are a Battle-Type, with brains like yours you probably wouldn't be able to fight even if you were spoon-fed by the best battle instructor in the world."

"Hahh!? Oh, yeah? Try me! See who can't fight who now!"

"Bring it on, I'll make you eat dirt!"

"Wait! You can't fight here! Tony! Daniel!"

As Tony and I were ready to rumble, Katie began to fret like crazy. She is trying really hard to break up the fight between us. Sorry, Katie. There some battles a man can't back down from. Cheesy, I know.

But it seems that fate had other things in mind when another voice suddenly sounded out behind me.

"You three students over there! Stop what you are doing right this instant!"

Wondering what was going on, the three of us turned all at once to look in the direction of the speaker.

A somewhat tall beauty, with straight long red hair and a single braid on the side, is walking briskly towards us. She is wearing our school's blazer uniform style with a light blue ribbon indicating that she is a third-year student of our Academy and our senior. While I said tall, I meant that she was tall for a girl. As my height is 6 ft exactly and she just a little bit below that, she should be around 5' 11". Plenty tall, much taller than most people.

In terms of looks, there is no mistake that this young woman is a beauty. Katie and she make a good competition. While Katie could be classified as a young, vivacious, and mischievous type of beauty, the senior student would be classified as a mature, sharp, and cool-beauty.

The cool-beauty walked with deliberate long steps before finally reaching our area.

"I would like an explanation as to why three of our Academy's students are loitering in a place like this?" The cool-beauty said with an expressionless face. Her tone brooked no talkback.

"Um… And you would be?" But it seems to not work on Katie as she politely asks the identity of the cool-beauty.

"It seems that you do not recognize me. I am Violet Holland. I am a third-year as you can see. I am also currently working as a Student Disciplinary Committee Student Representative. Pleasures all mine."

The cool-beauty, Violet as she introduced herself, is apparently a student representative of the infamous Student Disciplinary Committee.

The Student Disciplinary Committee, or SDC, is a group consisting of faculty, staff, and students specifically educated to resolve various problems posed by the students. Due to the existence of Systems, student misconduct and System misuse is a common problem. The SDC was made as a way to handle such problems.

While faculty and staff are required in the SDC, a student representative can be chosen from the current students enrolled in the academy. Only students with good-standing and high ability are chosen as student representatives.

Just with her title alone, Violet Holland can be considered one of the most 'powerful' student in the entire Academy, in many meanings of the word. Usually, a student representative would be chosen from the Fourth-years due to the difference of experience. For a Third-year to take that spot.... her ability is not to be questioned.

"I had received a tip from a student that saw a male student in a soccer team uniform running full force behind the school while yelling on the top of his lungs. Seeing as this was a problem, I was sent from the SDC to deal with the issue."

Both I and Katie turned to look at Tony as he was the only one who fit that description.

With a wronged look as though he is saying he is not at fault, Tony turns his eyes away from looking at any of us.

Trying to find a way to get out of this sticky situation I opened my mouth, "I don't know about what you have heard, but there is nothing that would require your attention, Ms. Holland. It's just that guy over there, he was a bit too excited when he saw that his girlfriend here was going alone along with me. We were just in the middle of clearing some misunderstandings. She is a good friend and there was nothing to worry about, I said."

Hearing my words, Violet turned her cool eyes upon me. The only thing she did was stare at me for a long time without saying anything. I was starting to get a bit nervous. Was there something wrong that I said.

It seems that I was worrying too much because Violet stopped giving me the look and had an expression of acceptance.

"I see… Well, I'm glad that the misunderstandings are being cleared, I presume. I'll just let you three off with a warning this time, make sure something like this doesn't happen again."

"…." Tony remained silently sulking.

"Y-yes." Katie gave a nervous but clear answer.

"Of course," I answered as plainly as possible.

Violet gave a small smile and nodded her head in approval. She is quite pretty when she smiles….

Just as Violet was about to leave, it seems she just remembered something and turned back around.

"I almost forgot, I haven't gotten your names. While I won't file an incident report about this, I'll make sure to remember your names and faces in case of a next time."

"….Tony Carson." Even a rebellious Tony seems to know that it wouldn't be good for him to rebel against an SDC representative.

"Yes! My name is Katie Campbell, 2nd year." Katie gave a normal response.

"And my name is Daniel Foster, also 2nd year." I followed suit.

"Mr. Tony Carson, Ms. Katie Campbell, and…..Mr. Daniel Foster, right? I'll make sure to remember."

For some reason, she had a long pause just before my name. Why is that? Hope it doesn't mean anything bad.

With that Violet representative finally left.

While our fight was left at an unsatisfactory result, our feelings to continue it was completely dampened.

In silence, all three of us walked back towards the Academy.

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