The Rise Of The Ero Masseuse System

Chapter 21 - This is your... (*)

After resting a bit, Lexi lifted her glamorous body lazily up, her legs dangling to the side of the bed.

Her shirt, which had been left wide open, remained pulled down from Lexi's shoulders. This meant that Lexi's bra is now out in full view for me to see.

Her bra was a s.e.xy lacy black that seem to barely hold back her bountiful mounds that seem to almost spill out of them.

I could not help take in a silent gulp as I found myself staring hard at her huge chest. Once I realized what I had done, shifted my eyes away from her thinking its a bit too rude to keep staring.

Seeing this, Lexi seemed to find my embarrassment amusing and let out a small giggle.

"Fufu~. Dan really is a horny boy♥. Is looking at my b.o.o.b.s really that great?"

"...What are you talking about? I was just worried about how you were doing since you seemed a bit out of it after my massage."

While I think it was too late, I kept up my façade.


In response to my defense, Lexi only gazed at me with that knowing smile again.

"….Yes, I really like looking at your b.o.o.b.s…" I could only raise my hands in defeat under her silent pressure. I like your b.o.o.b.s, what about it?

"Fufu~. See~? I knew I was right."

Lexi looks so happy… Well, if she's good, I'm good. I'll just leave it at that.

"But it's really amazing. Your System, I mean. You see, you know how my b.r.e.a.s.t are really big? You were looking at them just now, so I think you know what I'm talking about."

Not knowing how to respond to such a question, I could only cautiously nod 'yes' in acknowledgment.

"As a man, it's probably something that really doesn't matter to you, but having big b.r.e.a.s.ts aren't all that great for the girl involved. I had been ailed by back and shoulder pain for as long as I had them when they grew out in middle school."

…I had heard of that before. Well, it's mostly knowledge I learned from my oldest sister and Mom. I remember being constantly asked to give the two of them shoulder rubs because of how much pain they were in every day.

"That's where you came in! Because of your massage, the back pain I had for the longest time is actually gone! It was as if I received wings with how light my body feels. And it is all thanks to you, Dan-Dan."

Different from her usual smile, the smile Lexi gave me at that moment was full of gratitude. It seems she really feels thankful for me for that.

That black light… Once I finished my massage session with Lexi, the black light had disappeared at the same time. Combined with what Lexi said about her back pain, I can now conclude that the black light was related in some way.

Pain sensitivity exists. Some people are just more sensitive to pain than others. The different shades of red light I see all over Lexi's body and the black light... they aren't as different as I had first thought. The more I think about, the more I started to believe that this was true. What I had first recognized as black light wasn't just a black light, but rather a red light in its darkest shade. Since the darker the shade represents more sensitivity, a complete black shaded red would be a sensitive spot to the point of pain.

Why I wasn't able to see the black light the first time I looked was probably cause of how deep the pain was. It was only when I focused I could finally see it. With the combination of [Sensitivity Vision (H)], [Deep Tissue Massage (H)], and [Healing Touch (H)] I was finally able to get rid of the pain that plagued her for a long time. While unintentional, I felt kind of proud of myself for the decisions I had made. In response to Lexi's gratitude, I took it honestly.

"Fufu~ Well having said my thanks there is still one thing I want to know. Can you tell me about it now? I think you know what I mean."


So it had finally come to this.

"That sensation…no, I felt ecstasy from the way your hand touched my skin… even that mysterious feeling... that was your Skill wasn't it? Can't you tell me? What is your Skill….no, your System?"

...During the time I was in the middle of massaging both Kate and Lexi, a peculiar sensation went through me, Something that I had never felt before. It didn't take me long to understand that the peculiar feelings that flowed through me were the true thoughts and feelings of both girls.

There is no mistake this phenomenon was a result of using [Sensitvity Vision (H)]. '...know their deepest secrets...', if these aren't 'trigger words', I don't know what is. Why it's like that, I have no clue. Maybe 'sensitive information' is included in the things I can see, or something. Who knows?

It's not like I was reading into their memories or anything. What I felt was their surface thoughts, a glimpse of their desires, their feelings towards themselves, others... and towards me. From Lexi, I felt a c.o.c.ktail of desire, curiosity, and even a sense of guilt. However, what I didn't feel were feelings of negativity directed towards me or my surrounding in any way.

It was for this reason, I decided... I will tell her part of my secret.

Even now 'Should really trust this Skill?' is rushing through my mind at a rapid rate. I only just started using this Skill today. There is still so much I don't know how it works. Is this really a good idea?

This time, though, I'm going to place all my trust in my instincts. That feeling... there is no way for me to describe it. Whether I should trust her or's not the same level as that. If I tell her about my System now... 'something good' for me will happen. My Skill guarantees it.

Having made up my mind, I told Lexi the necessary amount she needs to know about my System.



"..Hahaha!! The 'Ero Masseuse System', huh…. It just as I, no, it's even more than I had imagined! Haha, it's the best!"

"...Is that so?" I said as I pouted. Whether it's Kate or her, why is it that both of them laugh when they hear about my System?

"Fufu~sorry, sorry. It's just a little something. But for you to get a System like this... it's truly is amazing. Out of all the people in the world that applied for a System, only you could get a System like this. You should be proud."

"....Thanks, I guess. Though I don't really think getting something by luck is anything to be that proud of."

"....Fufu~ It seems you don't know how amazing it is for someone like you to get a System like yours, do you?"


What is she getting at?

"You heard about how it's common knowledge that the System you get from the 'Black Stele' is related to your 'potential', right?"

That I know. It's something even kids know nowadays with how popular Systems are to the public.

"What you probably don't know is how much it actually depends on your 'potential' in getting a specific System."

"What do yo--?"

"There was an article a read long ago about a certain boy. He was praised as a martial arts prodigy. In his childhood, he had won many martial arts tournaments and was known to equal many professional martial artists despite being 14 years old at the time."


"When it was time for the boy to receive his System, everyone thought he would have received an amazing Battle-Type System. I mean, what else could it be? With how much prowess he showed in the young martial arts world, who would think otherwise?"

Yeah, I think so too.

"But when the time came, the System he actually obtained is a Support-Type Painting System."


"The public was shocked. 'How was this possible?' they asked. Even the boy couldn't believe it. He tried to ask the 'Black Stele' once again to change his System. But of course, it did not listen."

...I couldn't help but feel a sense of unity with the boy she is talking about. His situation is kind of similar to mine.

"Time passed. The boy had long since disappeared from the martial arts world. People had thought they will never see him in the spotlight ever again. However, it was just a few months later that news of a genius painter had appeared out of nowhere. Surprisingly, it was the boy once again, this time making the news as a painter."

...This is a good story, but not really that shocking to be honest. Having received a Painting System, something like that should be easy for that boy.

"You would think the boy had been using his System to create paintings that allowed him to become famous once again when you first heard this, right?"

"...Is that wrong?"

"Fufu~ Let's go back in time just a little. Just as the boy had decided to leave the martial arts world, he was at a loss. 'Why was I given a System like this?' he asked. In an effort to find out, there was something he tried out. Without using a single Skill or anything related to his System, he decided to paint for the first time."

No Skills?

"At first he wasn't good at all. Expected of an amateur. But after he finished his first painting, a feeling familiar to him rose up inside him. 'This is not enough'. Just like how he felt when fighting against many martial artists and improving his skills, he too wanted to improve his painting ability. Not satisfied with one, the boy painted and painted. He painted to the point even his hands bled from holding the brush for too long."


"After for who knows how long, the boy completed his best masterpiece. With it, he sent it to an art contest believing he had nothing to lose. The result of the contest? Overwhelming victory. The number of votes he received for his painting blew all the other paintings out of the water."

...No way.

"The boy won many more art contests this way. Without even using a single Skill once, his artistic ability was so good there was no one else that could match him. All except for other Painting System users of course. Having found his reason to be given this System of his, the boy decided to dedicate the rest of his life to become a painter. This ends the story of the boy."

"...That was a good story." I didn't know what I was getting into when Lexi' first talked about it, but I am actually glad I listened.

"Fufu~ I know its not for me but thank you anyway.

"But in the end, I still don't get what you are driving at."

"Fufu~ you don't? From how I see it, it seems you do have an idea though?"

"...Humor me."

"Fufu~Fine. In this story, you saw how regardless of how much talent the boy had in his martial arts, in the end, the System he got wasn't anywhere related to this talent. However, when the boy first painted for the first time, he discovered he had an amazing talent for painting. A level of talent that even exceeds his martial arts ability."

... Yes, that's what I noticed as well.

"The way I see it, there is no mistake that the boy's potential for art exceeds the potential of his martial art and that the 'Black Stele' was able to see through it. This does not apply to only the boy in particular. In fact, it applies to anyone at all who receives a System. No matter who they are, the 'Black Stele' is capable of seeing through their 'strongest potential'."

"... So you're saying this applies to my System too?"

"Of course! Your potential for being a perverted massage therapist is guaranteed. Even without Skills, if you tried hard enough you could potentially do similar things as what your System allows you to do. Just like how the boy did it for his paintings. This is your undeniable 'talent'."

While I don't like how she phrased my potential but... I see. For my System to be a representation of my 'talent'... I never thought about it that way.

"With a 'talent' like yours, you could potentially obtain any woman you want. I haven't even heard of p.o.r.n stars having a System like yours. Something like that would totally be doc.u.mented somewhere yet there are no examples. You are just that special."

Special, huh? I knew my System was already special with the use of the [Ero Boost]. But I would have never thought just what my System represents alone is enough to make it special unless Lexi told me. I should count myself blessed for having a System like this, regardless of how I feel.

But in the end, it doesn't really help me achieve my goal...

"Fufu~ looks like you still not fully convinced."

"Mm? Nah, it isn't like that---."

"Well, as they say, 'seeing is believing' and 'action speaks louder than words'. In the beginning, I didn't have any intention of doing this but I changed my mind."

Before I could even process her meaning, Lexi immediately began to unbutton her already half-taken off shirt. Once she did, she threw it away to the side of the bed and then begins to unhook her bra as well.

Shocked by her action, I could only remain silent as my eyes were unable to turn away from her every move. Once she had unhooked her bra, the full appearance of her huge b.o.o.b.s revealed themselves in all of their glory.

"!!" I gulped.

While this isn't my first time seeing real bare b.o.o.b.s (thanks to my family), it is the first time I would be seeing b.o.o.b.s from this up close.

Despite being so big, her b.r.e.a.s.t shows no signs of sagging at all. The pure white skin accented with her pink cherries seemed to be appealing their presence to me.

Having focused so intently, my [Senstivity Vision (H)] activated automatically. From those pink cherries, a pure red light seems to exude strongly. Even from where I stand, I could see Lexi's are actually fully erect.

With a smile, Lexi casually patted the bed with her right hand. Seems she is telling to sit beside her. I surprised myself with how easily I immediately did as she directed.

"Fufu~♥ it seems you are completely ready. Here, have a look. Do you see how hard my are? Their waiting for you to make them feel good. Go on, touch them♥."

With Lexi's urging, unable to fight against my urges, I raised both of my hands and grabbed onto her boob from behind her.

"Nghh, aaah…♥♥♥"

Unbelievably soft! Each time I press into her voluminous pillows, the feedback it gave me is out of this world. I instantly became charmed by the feeling and kept on squeezing.


"Ah! Sorry, did I squeeze too hard?"

It seems I got way too into it and probably squeezed way too hard.

"Aaa♥, nnggh… that wasn't it….mnn, aaahn♥, aaa♥… I was just surprised about how good my b.r.e.a.s.t felt each time you squeezed….aaahn♥, you can do it even harder♥♥."

Phew. It seems that it was okay. But for Lexi to feel that good when I squeeze…

I had heard before that it's usual for big b.r.e.a.s.t women are not as sensitive as those with smaller ones overall. Even my [Sensitivity Vision (H)] is telling me that is true. Compared to Lexi's other 'sensitive areas', her b.r.e.a.s.t shows only a pale light pink. Only her is a deep red.

However, each time I kept squeezing and kneading her fleshy mounds, the pink light surrounding her b.r.e.a.s.t is visibly turning darker and darker in shade. That means, under my touch, Lexi's b.r.e.a.s.ts are becoming more and more sensitive.

"Ahhn♥, aaaa♥, aaa♥…more….play with my b.r.e.a.s.t more♥….Dan, make your strong hands change the shape of my b.o.o.b.s into your shape♥…. Ahhhn♥♥♥!"

For every squeeze, Lexi began to playfully beg for me to do more. Her pupils gave an illusion of being heart-shaped as she wraps her arms around my head from behind her. As I continue to massage her, I can hear Lexi's m.o.a.ns as she speaks directly into my ear in close proximity.

"Ahhn♥, I can't hold back anymore….ahhn♥, play with my! I want you to squeeze them hard♥♥!!"

As you command.

Placing both of her erect between my index fingers and thumbs I twisted them to the point where under my [Sensitvity Vision (H)] I could see the borderline where dark red turns into black.

"Aaaan♥, It hurts a bit, but it still feels good!! So goo~ood…♥♥♥♥!!"

Hmm, I found something good. While it was an accident, I discovered a new way to use my [Sensitivity Vision (H)].

With my newfound knowledge, I continue to play with Lexi's Sometimes I trace a circle around her areoles, other times I press her into her b.o.o.b.s giving her new stimulus.

Every time Lexi shrieks from pleasure, she continuously sticks in closer to my body. I don't know when, but as her positions change, she now sits on top of my lap. Her arms still wrapped around my head as I feel her sweet breath blowing onto my ears.

At the same time, she is doing this, her meaty ass is also sticking close to my hard rod.

As I squeezed her b.o.o.b.s, her ass grinds harder against my crotch. If this continues, I feel I could c.u.m even though my pants are still on.

"Haaan♥, aaaa♥, ahhh♥….how is it? The feeling of making a girl as beautiful as me turn into putty in your hands? You understand your talent now?"

"Guh! I understand. I understand already! If you continue to grind against me like this, I will…"

"Fufu~ you want to c.u.m♥? You want to c.u.m having your hard c.o.c.k rubbing against my ass cheeks♥? However, too bad for you it seems I'm going to c.u.m first….aahhn♥, aaaa♥, aahn.,,♥♥♥!!"

Lexi's ass continues to grind hard against my almost exploding c.o.c.k. But no matter how rough she does it, it doesn't seem to be enough as I continue to suffer. Not knowing what to do with my frustration, I assaulted Lexi's b.o.o.b.s even harder.

"Aaahn♥, aaan♥, aaaa♥, I'm c.u.m.m.i.n.g! Ahhnn, I'm gonna c.u.m from just having my b.r.e.a.s.t played with♥!! I'm C.U.M.M.I.N.G♥♥♥!!!"

Letting out an intense scream, Lexi's body stopped her grinding as her back arched backward. Showing a sloppy face of a woman reaching an ultimate climax, I could see a huge amount of sticky liquid seep out of her skirt dirtying my lap.

With a slump, Lexi dropped her raised arms and completely let her entire body rest right on top of my body.

A sweet and sour smell of a woman's orgasm filled the room.

"Haaa…. That felt really good, Dan-Dan♥. This is the first time I had ever felt anything like this. And you are the only one who can do this."

Lexi's back is directly slumped right against my chest. While she turns her head to look up in my face, her right gently strokes across my cheeks lovingly.


My heart skipped a beat as I noticed the expression Lexi has on her face as she looks at me now.

There had been only one other time a girl looked at me with those same eyes. Obviously, its Kate.

While having yet to ejaculate, my hard-on seems to become even harder. I want a release. I want to release it on her.

"Lexi, I---"

"---What are you guys doing?"


My body twitched violently as if it received an electric shock. My head slowly turned around.

What came into my vision is the appearance of an expressionless Kate as stares harshly at our current precarious position.

Shit. I had actually forgotten that Kate was still here.

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