The Rise Of The Ero Masseuse System

Chapter 24 - Their Various Thoughts and Feelings (2)

"Fufu~ That was fun!"



The current time is 9:15 PM.

A curfew is enforced for 9:30 PM on weekdays for all residents in both the Boy's and Girl's Dormitories. If you were to be found breaking curfew, you can face all kinds of disciplinary actions from fines, suspensions, to even expulsions.

The reason for this rule was originally used as a deterrent against violence between System Users done in the after-hours in the past. It used to be enforced every single day, but ever since security against such violence has strengthened over the past few years, the curfew lost its original purpose. Now the curfew is settled to be only enforced on the weekdays but not on weekends. The reason now is that it's suppose to 'help make students follow a healthy sleeping schedule' or something on those lines.

As such, while I felt kind of regretful, the girls had to quickly get on their clothes and are now standing in the lobby of the Boy's Dorm.

Luckily, seems no one is in the direct vicinity so the girls are now able to walk out of the dorm without problems.

"Fufu~ It's is a bit regretful, isn't it? Next time, let's do it at a time we are more free, OK♥?"

"So you're fine doing it again…" Though I say this, I don't actually feel like refusing the next time.


Kate is saying nothing about it. In fact. Kate hasn't said anything ever since we came to the lobby.

"..." I too was silent as I kept looking at Kate.

The entire day was really a huge roller-coaster ride.

One moment, I had thought I would get blackmailed brutally only in the next moment I get to enjoy a threesome blowjob from two beauties.

Even now I still can barely believe such a thing happened.

But because of this situation, I felt as if I realized something important about myself.

Heh... Life sure works in mysterious ways.


"…. Eh? W-wha---mmm!?"

Without giving her any time to think, I once again stole a kiss directly from Kate's lips.

It wasn't an extravagant kiss like before. Just a normal kiss. My lips pressed onto hers as I stared directly into her wide eyes.

Lexi was only grinning in the background watching this in interest.

I only did this for a few seconds before backing off a few seconds later.

Kate looked as if she had no idea what has been done to her as she continued to look at me wide-eyed.

Looking at the absentminded Kate, I open my mouth to say one last thing.

"Kate…I have feelings for you since long ago."


"But... I will not say you should go out with me."

Due to my words I left Kate absolutely speechless. But I was not done yet.

"You don't have to answer me now, but I'll accept anything you might say. However, I will just say this: I believe you deserve so much more than that jerk Tony. If there is anything I can do, just say the word."

With those final words, I sent off both girls on their way. Lexi waved me good-bye as she left. Kate was walking quickly, never turning to look back at me once.

I continued to look at their retreating figures until they finally left the premise.



'Kate…I have feelings for you since long ago.'

I rewinded Dan's confession in my head again and again. The memories of our last kiss also passed through my mind.

Dan… He said he has feelings for me.

I am... so happy!

I had been confessed to many times before, but none of them made my heart flutter as hard as they do now. This level of happiness... in my entire relationship with Tony I had never been as happy as I was today.

That was when I finally fully realized... I like Dan. Not as friends, but something deeper.

When was it? This feeling was not something that popped out of nowhere. Was it from the first time he massaged me? Or was it even earlier?

I couldn't help but squirm relentlessly in my mind.

After a while though, my crazy feelings slowed down to a pause.

I like Dan… but that's exactly why I feel so conflicted right now.

Towards Dan's feelings, I could feel nothing but joy.

But at the same time, I couldn't help but remind myself of what he said afterward.

'... I won't say to go out with me.'

... Why he told me that... I felt like I could understand what he meant by it.

And then when he said his final words... I felt as if I received an important wake-up call.

My boyfriend is Tony Carson. From the moment of my confession and his acceptance, it's been over a year since we were a couple.

But if I were to be asked on how happy I am in a relationship with him, I would undoubtedly say I am not happy at all.

Its been a while since I knew that our relationship would never work out. I knew that's it's probably best for us to break up.

But in the end, I didn't. No matter what, I wasn't able to break my relationship with him in his face.

'The reason why he is so controlling... it's because he is truly possessive of me. That's the level of how much I meant to him' This was the thought I had every time I tried to break up with him. I had convinced myself that was the case.

But I realized it now. That was just an excuse. I was merely a coward. A person who couldn't handle change. I only chickened out from the repercussions of what would happen if I were to break up with him. Even if it was for my own happiness, I couldn't make the change myself.

And the one to help me realize that flaw of mine was none other than Dan.

He had not only confessed to me, knowing full well of my relationship, he also didn't back down at all. He told me I deserve someone better than Tony directly and that he would help me if I ask.

I never thought Dan would be that type of person. He was always kind and considerate but was never the one to impose his opinions on to anyone. Except for his enemies of course.

At that moment I had thought, 'Dan sure has changed.' I couldn't help but think he was cool for saying such things so confidently. He wasn't like that earlier today.

Seeing the new confident Dan, it was then I was reminded of my cowardly self.


Before I noticed, I had clenched my fist tightly.

I can't let this go on. I too need to change.

The more I remember Dan's words, the more I felt that my worries are insignificant.

Just seeing Dan's new confidence, I felt as if I gained confidence as well.

There is nothing scary. I don't have to face this alone.

Dan had been the one to make me realize this truth.

I had nothing but gratefulness for what Dan has given me, even if that wasn't his intention.

I felt as if I could finally move on with my life.

"Thank you... Dan."

"Fufu~ You seem quite happy. You also seemed to have decided at something as well. I could see it in your eyes."


Of course, how could I have forgotten?

We were going the same way so it was obvious she would still be here with me.

Alexis Owens. Or 'Lexi' as she wanted me to call her.

The one threw both Dan and me into chaos the moment we met her.

It wasn't until Dan had met her that he had changed. You can say it was because of her as well that I finally gain the confidence to change my life.

To thank her, however, is something I couldn't do. Even now, I have no idea why she did the things that she did.

"…Lexi. Can I ask why you went so far?"

"Fufu~ What do you mean?"

"You already know what I mean."

Against Lexi's teasing, I only answered bluntly.

"Fufu~ That's right, isn't it? Of course, you would want to know.

Lexi slowed down to a stop. I too also slowed down as well. We still had plenty of time until curfew comes. I continue to wait for Lexi's words.

"The reason as to why I first made contact with Dan-Dan... it was just curiosity."

"... Curiosity?"

"That's right. More specifically I had an interest in his System."

"!! His System? Are you saying you knew about Dan's System before?"

If that is true, when and where was it leaked? It can't be my fault, is it?

"To clarify, I only heard that his System was a Massage Support-Type System. I didn't know any specifics before and it was a rumor that seemed to have been spread by your boyfriend."

... Tony did say that he knew Dan had a Massage System. He said he had heard from a friend that eavesdropped to part of our conversation... I should apologize to Dan properly next time.

"So everything you did had been because you were curious of Dan's System?" I felt that was kind of hard to believe.

Lexi shook her head. "Of course not."

"Then why...?"

"It was true it started as a curiosity, but when I began to know a bit more about Dan-Dan and his System I felt this was something I had been waiting for all my life."

... waiting for all your life?

"For very personal reasons, I have developed a dislike for Battle-Type Systems. No, it would be more appropriate to call it close to rejection."

Due to Lexi's bombshell of a confession, it took me a few seconds to process it. If that is true then---

"I know what you want to say. To clarify, I learned to accept my own System. I could also handle people who have Battle-Types too if their personalities are good. However, otherwise, I would put it my way to avoid anyone who has a Battle-Type."

...If this is true, Lexi would be the most uniquely troubled person I have ever met. I don't think she's lying with how serious she looks, but that makes me wonder why she enrolled in Raeparth's Academy in the first place. In this place where Battle-Types are popular and even celebrated, it's probably the worse place for her to be.

Lexi recognized my confusion.

"... The reason why I applied to Raeparth's in the first place was for the sake so I can change."

Eh? Change?

"I wanted to find something I could do. In my current condition, I felt I would probably face a roadblock somewhere in the future. In order to change that, I came to Raeparth's with my own free will."

...Lexi's amazing. I can find no other ways to describe it. For the sake of changing herself, she decided to go to a place that's probably one of the worst places for her to be. For someone like Lexi, I had nothing but respect.

"At the same time, I also wished to find love. How very cheesy of me, I know."


"Even with the way I am, I still have preferences on who I would want to date. However with how the world is, finding my ideal was like looking for a needle in a haystack."

"When you say preferences, you mean...?"

"Fufu~ That's right. I wanted someone with Support-Type like Dan-Dan."

Of course.

When I had heard she had preferences, that's what came to my mind first.

"Why Dan specifically. Why not other people with Support-Types?"

Exactly why Dan? It can't be because she thought he'd be good at s.e.x right?

"The first reason is that I do like Dan-Dan as a person. It's actually quite rare to find a Support-Type System User who is relatively normal. For some reason, it is common for STS users to become more eccentric the longer they hold an STS. Despite my dislike for BTS users, I still wouldn't want to date someone like that."

I see. That makes sense. Even I wouldn't want that.

"However my biggest reason is different. This is just my intuition speaking, but I believe Dan-Dan will become someone amazing. You understand KC?"


Knowing about Dan's 'special ability', Lexi is closer to the truth than she might think. Dan didn't tell her yet, right?

"I can't help but want to see the path that Dan-Dan is going. Honestly, I don't know if I truly 'like' Dan-Dan. But I know that if I let him free, I'll probably never meet anyone like him ever in my life again. I don't want to lose that chance. That's why I decided to go so far despite not thinking about it before. It was unexpectedly really nice. Fufu~ Does this answer your question?"

"... Yes, it's enough."

First, it was for curiosity. Then for love, she decided to never let him go, huh?

If I look at Lexi's movement objectively, while I would not be able to say all the things she did were praiseworthy, there is a part of me that respects her drive to take action for her future.

Not many people can do what she did for themselves. It's that point alone I feel that I can look up to her.

I can see why Lexi can be so popular. Her beauty, her fame, personality, and then adding her willingness to take action for what she likes there are probably not many guys that could refuse such a person. Her b.o.o.b.s are also very big…

Does Dan…also like this type of person?

Even though Dan told me he had feelings for me, is it possible he would hold up if Lexi seriously seduces him? How long can Dan possibly wait so that it doesn't happen?

But when I imagine Dan becoming a couple with Lexi… I felt an unmistakable pain in my heart.

That… I don't want that. If that were to happen, I don't know what I…

"I'm not going to monopolize him."


"Didn't I say it before? 'Let's do it together'. That offer still stands."

What did Lexi just say? 'Let's do it together'? Didn't she admit to liking Dan? Why would she…? I don't understand.

"I think you already know, but Dan-Dan's System… I don't think it's possible that he would ever need just one girl if he wants to level up effectively."

"… I know."

I don't want to admit it, but for a perverted System like Dan's, a single girl doesn't seem to cut it. Even though the conditions he has right now is something I probably could have managed with just me, there is no guarantee it will be like that in the future.

"I am not sure how much I like Dan-Dan. If its a comparison of feelings, I would have totally lost to you. That's why I decided I wouldn't try to monopolize him. For Dan-Dan's sake. For your sake as well. But that is just my feelings. If you don't agree I would understand."

After saying those words, Lexi only gave me a gentle smile.

That was when I understood.

'I really am no match for Lexi.'

As a human….and as a woman.

Truly, this really sucks. I couldn't help but give myself a wry smile.

For Lexi to think so much for the both of us even though we barely know each other… there's no way I could win against that.

When I remember the moments when I felt a little jealous of her… Aaaahhh!! I want to hide in a hole.

After wallowing in the proverbial hole I made myself… I gradually began to ponder her words.

Together, huh.

Truthfully, I still don't understand Lexi.

I am a normal believer in monogamy. The feelings of girls who are part of a polygamous relationship, I have no clue.

If I had my way, I would never allow the person that I love to have multiple relationsh.i.p.s on the side. It would be just mere cheating. I would never accept that.

But… for Dan, such a relationship is something he probably needs. He might not even need relationsh.i.p.s, just flings would do. A normal relationship could possibly shackle him down.

The reason why he needs to get into the College of Defense... I heard from him a long time ago.

After hearing about that… I couldn't help but want to do everything in my power to help him succeed.

If he needs to have relationsh.i.p.s with other girls so that he can succeed, I-... I would do my best to accept it.

Surprised? The one who is most surprised is myself.

For me of all people to reach that conclusion.

The world is full of surprises.

"…Let's do it…. together. If that what will help Dan the most, I'll do it."

The moment I said this, Lexi's smile became immediately bigger and she embraced me in a hug.

"Fufu~ That's great! Really great! Nice to be with you, KC!"

"Mmm… puha!! W-what are you doing!?" Having my head suddenly buried within the bosom of a classmate, I wasn't able to comprehend immediately.

"Fufu~ Since you agreed to do this together, shouldn't we learned to get used to each other first? You don't want to have to be awkward every time, do you?"

"N-no, I wouldn't want that. But to do this so suddenly. I needed some more time---"

"It's okay. It's okay! You'll get used to it in no time."

"Now see here---!"

The rest of the time it took us to walk back, Lexi kept linking arms with me. Knowing what I say is futile, I allowed her to link arms with me until we arrived back to the dorm.

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