The Rise Of The Ero Masseuse System

Chapter 27 - Lexi’s Proposal (*)

"… You guys sure got close all of a sudden."

"That's not true! It's just Lexi is on her ow---"

"Fufu~ you jealous?"

After that extremely 'eventful' night, I had sent off both Kate and Lexi from the Boy's Dorm lobby and we said our good-byes there.

Maybe because of that, as soon I returned to my room I fell into the deepest and most restful sleep I had ever experienced … right on the still dirty love juice soaked mattresses. As expected, despite my refreshed feelings from my beauty sleep, the smell when I woke up was… unforgettable to say the least.

I had to take the rest of my entire morning replacing the dirty bedsheets and showering my now smelly body while trying my best to rid my room of the smell. It was a bit of a disaster.

As a result, I had arrived at school extremely tired despite myself.

When I had arrived at my homeroom, I immediately noticed Kate who was sitting at her usual spot. Probably still awkward from last night, the moment Kate noticed my arrival she looked away in embarrassment.

Hmm, not that I expected anything less. I did confess (and kiss) right to her face after all. It's probably best I don't mention it again for now.

I had only just tried to greet Kate as I normally do when I heard the voice of someone who shouldn't be here ring clearly behind me.

"Good morning, Dan-Dan. KC!"

That's right, without any warning, Lexi had appeared suddenly in our homeroom. My other homeroom classmates also noticed her arrival and the class turned into somewhat of an uproar.

Unable to respond in time, both Kate and I could only stare at Lexi blankly for a hot second. Not minding our response, Lexi took a nearby chair and sat shoulder to shoulder with Kate, while linking their arms together, with a happy smile on her face.

Knowing Kate, I would have thought she would've carefully removed her arm out of Lexi's embrace by now, but instead got the impression that she seems to not mind it at all.

When I saw them together yesterday, Kate had been very hostile to Lexi for most of the time they were together. What happened after they had left me for them to become that close?

"… If I say I was jealous, what would happen?"

While Lexi's relationship with Kate seemed to improve exponentially, her treatment of me has been the same as always. As usual, she seems to find fun in trying to tease a reaction out of me.

As if to provoke me, when Lexi grabs Kate's arms, she purposely allowed Kate's arm to push against her bust to accentuate its size towards my direction. This image is certainly way too dangerous for my eyes… and my 'son'.

Trying to not take the bait, I fired back a question of my own.

"Fufu~ who knows? What shall I do~?"

Lexi gave an amorous wink as she purposely pulled Kate's arm deeper into her large valleys. At this point, Kate actually became somewhat annoyed and forcefully threw of Lexi's arms herself.

"Ara~ how regretful."

Saying things she doesn't mean, as always, her smile had not changed the slightest.

Kate, on the other hand, rubbed the arm that Lexi had been holding before only to place her own hands on her own b.o.o.b.s. She sighed a few seconds later seemingly in regret.

… I'll ignore this. Seems like a trap.

"It's a bit late, but why is it that you're here?"

"Just a 'bit late' is an understatement. What's wrong? Don't you like me being here, Dan-Dan?"

"No, that's not the case… it's just that I can't help but imagine you're plotting something again."

"Ah! How horrible! No matter how much of a Saint I am, even I can get hurt from your words. Aren't we friends?"


Lexi began to cry exaggerated crocodile tears out of nowhere. Is she trying to sound fake as possible?

I don't' believe anyone with a normal set of eyes and ears could possibly mistake her cyring for real.

Not getting the answer I want, I could only sigh in exasperation and wait until Lexi had her fill of fun.

Bored, I had only tried to glance at my other classmates only to immediately experience chills from what I had witnessed.

"I got it! I got it, already! So please stop your fake crying. People are looking."

My eyes once again traveled to the figures of the other homeroom classmates who are observing our situation with curious eyes.


'Hey, isn't that Alexis Owens? She's famous! Why is she in our homeroom?'

'When did Katie get so close to Alexis? Why hadn't I heard about this?'

'Tch. It's that guy again. Why does he get to talk to such pretty girls? Even though he's just a pervert.'

'Oi! That 'thing' just made our Alexis cry just now! What a piece of shit!'

'Unforgivable! Making Alexis cry is unforgivable! Talking to pretty girls while can't is also unforgivable!'

'Kill! Kill!'



What is it with everyone that whenever Lexi is involved they turn into this!?

If it not for being a classroom and homeroom is almost starting, I would have already been harassed by them.

This can't continue.

I made a meaningful glance towards Lexi.

Apprehensive that if I were to say anything more, the mob's anger would be provoked once again, I could only try to signal Lexi with my eyes as my last resort. 'You stopped them before, do it again' is what I was sending through my eyes.

Catching my gaze, Lexi quickly stopped her fake tears. It seems that Lexi was able to understand my message because she nodded her head as if in agreement. Whew, with this now they can---

"What's that Dan-Dan? You were just pouting that I didn't hold your arm as well? Fufu~ your such a needy boy. It's okay. You don't have to be so sad, I don't leave good friends hanging like that"


Hey, Lexi!? What the hell you think you are doing!!?


'What!? So jeal--- I mean such disgraceful behavior. To beg for pats from her like that. Just because he knows that Alexis would be kind enough to agree, he is taking advantage of her kindness!!'

'Unforgivable! Completely unforgivable! No! It's even more than that!!'

'Kill!! No, erase him from existence!!'

'Erase him!! Erase him!!'


Just when I thought things couldn't get any worse, it did. Lexi's actions just now were like pouring 10 tons of gasoline directly into a forest fire.

At this rate, let alone after school, I'll probably be lynched right now despite being in a classroom.

No, seriously, Are people really this radical?

And Lexi, what is your great plan for getting me out of this mess?

As I glared at Lexi, she only gave me a meaningful gaze back at me as she continues to pat me.

'If you're a man, dealing with something like should be easy, right?'

That what her eyes seemed to tell me.

…Is this her idea of a challenge? Don't tell she came all the way here just for this, right?

Haaah…Okay, Okay. I got it. I'll play your game

Against Lexi's patting hand, I grabbed it with my own and instantly pulled Lexi into an embrace.

"Of course, I'm jealous. I'm so jealous that I want to get a hug from you right now. We're friends so it's fine, right?"

Urgh, even I'm cringing at my own words. But it seemed I got the job done.

"Haha~ You really are a needy boy. Mm, it's totally fine."

Giggling like mad, Lexi responded to my embrace as she continued to press her large hills directly onto my chest. Plentiful hills filled with hopes and dreams. The b.o.o.b.s I had just fondled last night, I can now feel them once again.

The peanut gallery on the side watched the entire situation unfold, looking as though they became fish out of water. The mouths of the boys could only open and close in silence. The girls grab each other's shoulders as if finding support in one another while whispered up a storm.

Ahh… I f.u.c.k.i.n.g did it.

Bye-Bye, my peaceful days.

♪Hmm, mm, mm♪

… I'm a bit peeved that the main culprit of this ordeal is looking like she's having so much fun right now. I should get some compensation from that right?

My hands that had been placed on her back, lowered down slowly towards her buttocks. Once there I grabbed both of her butt cheeks hard and spread them apart.

"Hyaa---♥ nnnngh~~~~~~~~♥"

While shocked by my surprise attack, Lexi immediately muffles her m.o.a.ns into my shoulder as her body slightly quivers. Due to having my back to the peanut gallery, the other classmates weren't able to see what I had done.

Hmph, you played around a bit too much. A little punishment isn't too much ask, right?

After enjoying the feel of her soft ass for a while, I released Lexi from my embrace in an instant later.

There is a slight blush on Lexi's cheeks added with her slightly rough breathing that make her current appearance even more e.r.o.t.i.c than she was a moment ago.

"Haa, haa, haa….seriously♥ to stop there….mm♥"

Haha… don't give that look, I might be tempted to actually make you c.u.m right now. But this is your punishment. Just stay edged like that for the entire day.

Whew, now that I dealt with this little vixen, there is still one more person I made sure to not forget.

My eyes moved towards Kate who had been left alone the entire time as I was 'flirting' with Lexi.

Lo and behold, Kate is in a bad mood just as I expected.

Having the man, who only had just confessed their feelings to you yesterday, embrace another woman right in front of you…. Yeah, I would be pretty mad too.

But Kate, my feelings for you aren't so cheap.

Carried by the momentum from having hugged Lexi in front of everyone, I immediately pulled Kate into my embrace too. I also didn't forget to grab her ass cheeks as well.

"Hyaa---♥!! W-what are you---!?"

"I think it's unfair for me to hug only Lexi so I'm just trying to spread the love. It's fine, we're also friends, right? (The thing with Lexi just now was just me giving punishment to her for trying to challenge me just now. Please believe me.)"

Not forgetting to add lip service for the sake of eavesdroppers that are listening, I whispered into Kate's ears my excuse. As I did so, I continued to mold her ass cheeks at my every whim. Gently squeezing and pulling, I played with Kate but as everyone is watching (hidden from view of course).

"Nnnghh,,,♥!! ~~~~~~!! ♥"

I thought this from the beginning, but Kate really is extremely sensitive. I only touch her as long as I did Lexi and she already is about to climax.

If it's like this…!

With increased intensity, I kneaded Kate's ass cheeks even harder. My hands kept moving lower and lower as it seemed to get sucked closer and closer to the space between her legs.

Once my finger had reached right between her inner thighs, I immediately stopped my movements. Without giving her time to react, I instantly pulled aside her panties exposing her dirty holes. Around the perimeter of her backdoor, I trace my fingers slowly in a circle, carefully avoiding inserting it in.

"Mnnn..♥!! P-please, stop it…ngh♥…everyone's watching….aaan…♥♥!!"

Even though I wanted to continue longer, it seems keeping this up any longer is impossible.

In one final act, as Kate's legs became bowlegged from feeling it in her butt way to much, I drove my knee between her legs and rubbed her dripping wet slit.


Having gazed directly into Kate as I drove my knee directly against her soft folds, [Sensitivity Vision (H)] had of course activated. Through my Skill, I understood in an instant Kate experienced two orgasms from just having her clit rubbed with my knee.

I let my knee drop as I kept Kate up in my embrace since her legs had given out on her momentarily.

Once Kate was able to find strength in her legs again, I gently let her go.

Just like Lexi before, no even more so, her face was extremely red and her eyes were kept straight down.

"…..I told you to stop." Kate whispered with a slight blaming tone.

"But it felt good right?"

"... Yes♥"

"Fufu~ you two went at it way too hard. If I hadn't used my Skills to mask what was going on, you guys would've been found out immediately. Did you understand that?"

"It was because I knew you could do that which is why I did this in the first place. I believed that you would do that."

"…Ara~ you say pretty good things for someone who just acted like a scaredy-cat a moment ago. Fufu~ I'll give you 50 points."

Well, thank you for the unneeded analysis.

"Fufu~ KC! I also want a hug."

"Eh? Isn't this whole thing started from you hugging me? Why do you need to do it again!?"

"It's fine, it's fine!"

As Lexi forcefully pulled Katie once again into her embrace. I pretended to look at the two of them, only to glance at the eerily silent peanut gallery in the corner of my eye.

'Aah, ahh, ahh… our Queen…. she was tainted.'

'This has to be a dream. No, a nightmare. Someone pinch me!'

'To not only embrace our Queen but to also hug another pretty girl right after!? I want to feel jealous, but there is a me that can't help but feel respect…'

'What kind of relationship do those three have? I'm so curious I can't help it.'

'Is this a so-called 'triangular relationship'? Both Katie and Alexis are fighting each other at a chance to obtain that boy's love!"

''Kyaaah♥♥!!'' 'It's like a drama!' 'But those two look very close, though?'

…T-these people certainly changed their tune quickly compared to before.

While there are still quite a bit amount of hostile feelings directed towards me, I also somehow sense respect, curiosity over our situation, and even excitement?

Well, regardless of what they say, it seems none had noticed what I did to the two of them at all. They were only able to recognize me hugging the both of them normally. As expected of Lexi's Skills…. hiding things in plain sight is truly her expertise. Even without hiding our entire body, partial recognition blocking is easy a taking candy from a baby for her.

A little while later, Lexi finally decided to release Kate from her embrace.

Kate seems so tired even though homeroom still hadn't started yet. (I was partially the reason though.)

"I still haven't heard as to why you are here. Just to let you know I didn't forget."

"Muuu~ am I not free to visit friends? Well, it's true I do actually have a thing I wanted to ask you."

You had a reason after all.

"Okay, what is it? Spit it out?"

"Don't rush, don't rush. There's still time before homeroom starts."

With only 5 minutes left on the clock, what is this woman saying? If she doesn't leave now she won't make it back to her homeroom in time, does she understand? Or is it that she doesn't care….? Plausible.

"Mm-hm! Dan-Dan, how about we make a massage club together?"

Of all the things I would have thought she would have said, this wasn't one of them.

A… massage club?

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