Mrs. Ella Hayden, 26 years old, teaches both Algebra and Geometry classes for freshman and sophomore students. She had been teaching Reaparth's Academy for 4 years already. While she a relatively young teacher compared to her other colleagues, her classes are recognized as some of the best and easiest classes to learn in so she is pretty popular.

Well, besides her well-received teaching skills, Mrs. Hayden is also popular with many of the students for other reasons. The fact is that Mrs. Hayden is also an exceptional beauty.

Shoulder length light brown hair accented by her beautiful hazel eyes. As a teacher, Mrs. Hayden prefers to wear modest business casual clothes that would not reveal much of her skin. However, due to her beautifully maintained body and mature curves of a young 26-year-old woman, she becomes the target of many male student's fantasies… or so I heard.

Right now, Mrs. Hayden is currently wearing a white V-neck top with a long sleeve dark purple cardigan, knee-length skirt, and black low heel dress shoes. While her skin exposure is comparatively low, her clothes are form-fitting enough that her womanly figure stands out.

Her personality is that of a woman of confidence. She is strict when the situation calls for it but is laidback enough to answer all kinds of questions that a student may ask, even if not school-related. She is very kind and is willing to take the time off her own break to teach any students who have trouble understanding her lectures.

With a teacher like this, it's no wonder why so many young male students became so infatuated with someone like her.

There had even been instances that Mrs. Hayden had been confessed from her students quite often. Of course, those proposals went nowhere as she turn each of them down gently but firmly.

The reason? Besides the fact that such a student-teacher relationship is normally forbidden, Mrs. Hayden is also a happily married woman. Her husband was an older senior who went to the same college she did who she had dated for 4 years before they finally married 2 years ago. Why do I know this? Mrs. Hayden told her students herself for those who ask.

I, personally, haven't ever been her classes before (unfortunately) so I wouldn't really know, but it seems Mrs. Hayden often is happy whenever her students ask about her relationship with her husband.

Even from the third-person point of view, it is obvious that the Hayden couple is very lovey-dovey.

But now… the very same Mrs. Hayden is showing an extremely brusque attitude and the obvious appearance of a person who lacks sleep.

What happen to her?

"… You are…. one of my students, right? Your name is I recall…"

"Yes, I am Alexis Owens and I am currently taking your Geometry class in the 2nd period."

"Ah yes… I remember now. You're that famous girl… or so I heard from the other students."

"Haha, is that so?"

"Well, leaving it at that… what did you want to ask me? Did you have any questions about the most recent assignment?"

Huh? Different from what I imagined, Mrs. Hayden is talking a lot more normally than expected. I would have guessed she would be a bit thornier than this, considering her current appearance. Seems she is perfectly capable of separating her personal problems from her job as a teacher.

Somehow… I respect that.

If she is like this, maybe asking her for a favor isn't going to be as difficult as I had thought.

"We have a request to ask of you. Would you be willing to become our club advisor for our new club?" Lexi asked.

"… I'm actually surprised. You want me to become your club advisor?"

"Yes. Is it possible?"

"… Unfortunately, I'm afraid I'm going to have to turn down that offer."

Ah… she turned it down. What are you going to do now, Lexi?

"Would it be fine to ask, why?" Unperturbed by her refusal, Lexi continued to ask Mrs. Hayden with a smile on her face.

"I think I had told you and the other kids in your class during my introduction that I am currently already a club advisor for the Academy's math club."

Eh? Is that true?

"I already know that. But I heard that teachers are capable of applying to two different clubs as long as the duties they need to perform don't overlap to the point where they would interfere in one another."

"…And your saying that your club will not do any of that?"

"Of course."

"Putting aside whether or not I will do it, isn't it better for me to know exactly what club you are planning to do?"

"That is true. That's is why have Dan-Dan here explain what it's all about!"

….Wait, what!?

"Dan-Dan? That's right I didn't get your name yet. You are… not one of my students right?"

"….Y-yes, my name is Daniel Foster. I have not been in any of your classes. I find that unfortunate since I heard great things about your classes."

"Oh? Such a good flatterer. I will take that compliment. Thank you."

Having been put on the spot by Lexi suddenly, many thoughts went through my mind on what to say. In the end, I thought of giving a compliment along with my introduction in order for her to warm up to me on the spot. It seems my plan was successful. Mrs. Hayden showed a rather gentle smile different from her current tired frowning look.

"And? Alexis said you would be elaborating on what kind of club you guys are doing.

"Yes… about that…"

At the start, the ones who actually thought of making the massage club had been both Kate and Lexi. Lexi was also the one who thought of asking Mrs. Hayden to become our club advisor. I am a complete bystander despite the fact this club was basically made for me. Why am I the one who has to explain what the club is about?

"The club we are making… is a Massage Club."

In response to my words, Mrs. Hayden only raise an eyebrow

"… A Massage club?"

"Yes, a Massage Club."

As expected, Mrs. Hayden showed only a bewildered look at my words.

"What is it that you do in this 'Massage Club'?"

"Um… I would be providing massages to any student who wishes to get massaged by me. And if they are satisfied with my techniques, I could charge them for longer sessions with me to be used as club funds… or that's the plan."

Yep, not the most convincing explanations I could have thought of. For one thing, I never did have enough time to actually think of a good reason why this club should be made in the first place. I was just brought here without a word. It's way too much to expect me to have a good explanation right from the get-go.

Lexi, you really put me on the spot this time!

"… I know that there are many clubs at the Academy that allow students to keep doing their hobbies and people are free to choose whatever they want, but this is the first time I ever heard someone trying to make a school club into a massage parlor."

Yeah, I could imagine that.

"While I can't claim to know the legality about this, but is it really fine for a student like you to do such things?"

Ah yes. The legality issue. I had almost forgotten. But I don't think that should be much of a problem.

"I have a Massage Support-Type System so it should be fine."

The day I had received my System, I was lectured extensively while also been given a booklet during my stay in the ISAB building about my rights as a System User. Within that booklet, as certain 'law' caught my eye. According to the booklet, for Systems closely related to all types of medical professions, such as my Ero Masseuse System (despite the name), a certain 'right' was given to such Users. By passing a specific licensing exam issued by the Earth Union, all medical-related System Users can be given the 'right' to use their Skills in a semi-professional capacity without needing all the necessary schooling that most normal people need to be allowed to do medical practice legally.

The past for how this 'right' came to be was a complicated one, but that doesn't matter at this moment. As long as I can pass that exam, I would be able to charge for my services in a legal manner.

"Is that how it works?"

"According to the Earth Union, yes."

"I see… then I've got nothing else to add."

Convinced by my words, Mrs. Hayden nodded her head.

Mrs. Hayden continued to ask many questions concerning the club and I. to the best of my abilities, tried to answer clearly as possible while simultaneously build the club from scratch in my head.

As time goes on, despite myself, I began to become more sure with my words. The more I ponder about it, the more I believed my hastily slap-dashed plan had the capability of actually working.

With new confidence, I continue to await Mrs. Hayden's decisions.

"… I understand that you are truly passionate about making this club. While, there are a few things I would like an elaboration on, but I don't see any problems with your club itself"

"Thank you very much."

"… However, this only makes me more confused. Why am I the one you guys chose to become your club advisor? Honestly, I hardly know anything about massages myself. I don't think I could possibly give you guys any useful advice in the first place."

"Uh, that's—we just thought that it would be good for you to become our club advisor Mrs. Hayden…."

That's a good question... Unfortunately, I have no answer for it.

I still have no clue as to why Lexi chose Mrs. Hayden to become our club advisor before she brought me here suddenly. My confidence from before is starting to fade. What am suppose to say now?

Noticing that I was troubled, Lexi chimed in a timely manner.

"It's not that we thought Mrs. Hayden would be good for us if you become our club advisor. Rather we thought it would be 'good for you' if you did."

"… 'Good for me'?"

"That's right. I saw that lately you been having a bit of a bad mood, Mrs. Hayden. As your student, that isn't something I can let slide. I wanted to do something about it. So I had a thought, 'Why not make her our club advisor'."

"… I fail to see the connection."

Lexi… are you doing what I think you are doing?

Noticing my gaze, Lexi gave me a wink.

"You see Mrs. Hayden, Dan-Dan's massage Skills are really amazing. Once he is done with you, you can really feel all of your tension go away all at once. If you were to become our club advisor, you could receive a massage anytime."

Lexi continued to talk to Mrs. Hayden as though she is doing a sales pitch.

Mrs. Hayden, surprised my Lexi's proposal, could only slowly blink as she tried to digest Lexi's words.

"… While I am glad that a student of mine is worried about my mental health, I know my body best. This is a personal problem of mine that I can deal with on my own. Although a massage sounds kind of nice, I don't think it could solve my problem."

"Why don't you try it first?"


"Right now. At this very moment. Let's have Dan-Dan give you a massage. If even after you received his massage and you still don't want to be our club advisor, we will respect your wishes."

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