The Rise Of The Ero Masseuse System

Chapter 3 - This was not what I wanted!!

Once I passed through the final doors, an ethereal sight greeted me.

When I was walking with the receptionist I had noticed the walkway was of a slight slope downward. Also rather than a straight hallway, the walls even had a slight curve to the left. It was obvious from these clues that we are actually somewhere underground.

In the middle of the large and spacious room, surrounded by multiple viewing glass windows, stands the rumored 'Black Stele'.

The size of the Black Stele was beyond what I could have imagined.

I had read that the Black Steles reached at least 30 feet in height from my textbooks.

It's one thing to read about it, it's another thing to see it directly.

The room the Black Stele resides in seems to be in the shape of the insides of a wide underground tower.

The Black Stele has settled within a pit measuring about 20 ft. below from where I stand.

Only a single bridge/walkway allowed me anywhere near the Stele. Anywhere else, only a 20 ft. drop awaits.

The Black Stele has the appearance of an Egyptian obelisk that seems to glow with a purple light. Words carved in a language I don't understand seem to pulsate all over the Black Stele.

Having reached just before the single lane walkway before stopping, the receptionist turned her body towards my direction.

"Here begins the only path to the Black Stele. More commonly known as the 'Road of Fate'. Please watch your step."

"You aren't coming with me?"

"We receptionists have strict rules forbidding us from following any client when they make their way to the Black Stele. Unless they have acrophobia and require assistance, we will not break this rule easily."

"I-I see…"

I took a large gulp of air and started to walk towards the Black Stele.

Since the walkway doesn't have any rails if I were to ever lose my balance…

Thankfully the walkway is wide enough so I don't have to worry as much.

For what took only a few seconds, but to me an eternity, I finally made it to the Black Stele,

Made from a material unknown to modern science, the Black Stele continues to glow softly in front of me.

I, once again, took a deep breath in and exhaled loudly out.

This is it.

My fate will be decided with one move from me.

As I slowly stretched out my right hand, my armpits began to sweat.

When I finally placed my palm upon the Black Stele, for a few seconds nothing happened.


Just as I was about to turn to the receptionist with questions, a feeling of dizziness overtook my consciousness.

My eyes were spinning in circles.

I felt like I couldn't stand in place.

Was the granting of the System always like this?

I'm even seeing a strange pink haze within my vision.

What was even weirder, a certain body part of mine began to react unintentionally.



I want to c---what am I even saying!?

While I continue to suffer from the strange sensations forced upon me, it seems it was coming to an end.

The dizziness, pink haze, and the 'unbearable' feeling all came to a stop all at once. It was like it was all but a dream.

Was I dreaming this entire time? Didn't I go to get my System?

As if to clear up my previous questions, multiple floating screens appeared in front of my face.

However, new questions popped up as where the old were thrown away,

"What the f---!?!"



You are now the proud holder of:




Current System Level: [1]

Current Max Level: [10] (XXX)

Condition for Next Level Up:

- Through massaging, make the woman around you c.u.m 100 times. Current progress: [0/100]

- Ejaculate through means other than initiated by yourself 5 times. Current progress: [0/5]

Current Skill Points: [0]

Bonus Skill Points: [10]



Daniel Foster (17)

Gender: [Male]

Current Level: [1] (0/1000)

Race: Human (Earth)

Title: [NONE]

Job: [Massage Therapist (H)] (Permanent)

HP: [100]

MP: [0]

STR: [16]

DEF: [15]

VIT: [18]

INT: [13]

AGI: [16]






1) [Reflexology (H)] (Price: 5 points)

2) [Swedish Massage (H)] (Price: 10 points)

3) [Deep Tissue Massage (H)] (Price: 10 points)

4) [Shiatsu Massage (H)] (Price: 20 points)

5) [Thai Massage (H)] (Price: 100 points)

6) [Healing Touch (H)] [PASSIVE] (Price: 5 points)

7) [Healing Touch (H)] [ACTIVE] |UPGRADE| (Price: 30 points)


1) [XXXXXXXX] (Price: 100 points)

2) [XXXXXXXX] (Price: 200 points)


1) [P.e.n.i.s Size +1] (Price: 20 points)

2) [S.e.m.e.n Volume +1] (Price: 30 points)

3) [Sensitivity Vision (H)](Price: 20 points)



Normal Methods:

1) Non-erogenous zone orgasm: 1 point

2) Erogenous zone orgasm: 2 point

3) Clitoral orgasm: 5 points

4) V.a.g.i.n.a.l orgasm: 10 points

5) Deep v.a.g.i.n.a.l orgasm: 50 points

6) Anal orgasm: 50 points

7) Oral orgasm: 50 points

Note: Only lines 1-2 can be done multiple times on any one girl. Lines 3-7 can be done to one girl per day. Points are multiplied X2 if a girl was subjected to the act for the first time.

Bonus Methods (Temp):

1) Touch woman's bare skin [5 points]

2) Remove woman's clothes [10 points]

Note: Bonus Methods can be switched out or removed at any time. It is best you complete them before they are gone. :)


Special Note: As a holder of the Ero Masseuse System, it is your duty as a gentleman to serve all women to the best of your abilities. Go forth young gentleman, spread your hands to all the corners of the multiverse.

p.s.: If there is a chance….I too would link to experience your expertise. *wink*



What….is this?

There are a lot of places I wish to give the good Japanese 'Tsukkomi' to, but I don't know where to start.

First of all, this name….Nani, the F.u.c.k?

The Ero Masseuse System...

What do you mean 'Ero'? Is it really 'that' 'Ero? And why the f.u.c.k 'Masseuse'?!?

These conditions to level up the System…are you joking me?

My Max System Level is 10? You've have got to be kidding. Though it also these weird [XXX] on the side, and what does 'Current' mean? Never heard of anything like that.

Why is my job a 'Massage Therapist'!? It's even permanent!! What does (H) mean!?

My status is mostly fine as I can see. But why is my 'LUK' '[Undefined]'? No MP also.

These 'Skills'….from what I heard it is normal to get only 3-4 Skills to buy at the start. Yet I got 1…7….9…..12 in total!? But most of them are massages from what I can tell. What are these unreadable Skills? And what up with [P.e.n.i.s Size +1] and [S.e.m.e.n Volume +1]!?

The point-earning methods….nothing needs to be said anymore. I mean what the hell are they trying to make me do!? It's asking quite the impossible task to a v.i.r.g.i.n who hadn't made a girlfriend ever since he was born! It even said multiple times....MULTIPLE TIMES! Even doing it once is nearly impossible. I ain't no Casanova.

This special note….is it trying to mess with me? Even though no one had been able to track where and how the 'Black Stele' came from, yet there is this 'note' that sounds like someone is directly behind in giving this System to me.

Ahhhh!!! It feels like my brain is being fried!

Normally, a young male my age would quite glad gaining as System that seems to be related to s.e.x.

However, to me, this was only a roadblock towards my dreams.

Isn't this just a Support-Type System!!?!?!

How I am suppose to get into the College of Defense now!!?!?!?

"This was not what I wanted!!!!!"

My hollow scream rang unperturbed through the air of the underground room.

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