"Sorry, I'm late."

Dan knew that his appearance had been way too close. If he had been even a second later… no he was already too late.

"… It's totally fine. You came through and that is all that matters."

Despite having suffered so much, Kate was able to give Dan a bright smile.

The expression on her face reveals that Kate doesn't blame Dan in the slightest.

The contrast between Kate's smile and her current battered body made Dan feel even more guilty about being late than before.

"Thank you so much. If it weren't for your help, Kate might not have survived."

"Eh… No, no! It was the natural thing to do. I also want to thank you. Thank you for saving us."

"Mm… you're welcome."

Dan turned his attention towards the unfamiliar Elf girl who saved Kate from being crushed.

Dan was reminded of the moment when he had just arrived at the scene of Kate's imminent death. Unable to reach in time, Dan could do nothing other than to scream in despair. Although, before the despair could even set in, out of nowhere a beautiful Elf girl pulled Kate to safety in the next instant.

Had it not been for her timely rescue, Kate's fate could be imagined.

The amount of gratitude Dan feels for the Elf girl for saving Kate was not something that could be expressed in words. However, unfortunately, it doesn't seem as though Dan recognizes her as the hooded girl from before.

"Dan, she was the girl who had her hood on that I had saved before."

"!! Is that so!?"

Seeing Dan's confused look, Kate immediately guessed what he was thinking.

After taking a closer look, Dan was now able to recognize the Elf girl's familiar designed hoodie. Having been distracted by the unique appearance of an Elf, it took him a while to take notice of her clothes.

"But Dan! What you did just now to defeat the Milez was amazing! Before I knew it, it was killed instantly. Was that the new Skill you were talking about?"

"Hm? Ah, yes! You're right. It was one of my newest Skills."

"I agree. It was truly amazing. It was my first time seeing a Terrian's Skill with that much power."

"Of course, I put everything I had into it. Even I was surprised by its power."

Both Kate and the Elf girl expressed their astonishment for the extent of power [Ultimate: Last Touch] possessed.




[Ultimate: Last Touch] – Prerequisite: [Ero Trigger Point Style (H)]

A certain 'Ero Massease's' final 'trump card'. By pouring all of the points you currently have, the User is capable of unleashing a multi-level attack that occurs in an instant. After cognizing every 'fatal' pressure point in the target body, the User unleashes a flurry of finger jabs of unerring accuracy. Depending on the number of points used, its power can change. For the sake of victory, stake everything that you have. Only then can you taste the sweet flavor of victory.

Use it when you have no choice, okay♥




'Using all of my current points… what a crazy cost.'

Dan could not help but lament about the extravagant cost his second newest Skill cost him. It is not something he can use all freely as he would like. However, after using the Skill on the Milez for the first time, Dan was forced to reconsider its usefulness.

By the time Dan had arrived, the points he had left were around 150 in total. Just 150 points for this type of power.

Compared to his previous wasteful point expenditure using [Ero Trigger Point Style (H)], the difference in results is clear as night and day. A Skill worthy enough of being called Dan's 'trump card'. Nonetheless, the fact that this Skill is one of self-sacrifice to achieve such power does not change. Dan instinctively understood that this Skill is one he must not rely on in the future.

"I might have won this time, but it's not over yet. If I have to fight again, I got nothing left. We need to get to the shelter.��

"Ah, yeah we should get going."


"How is it, Kate? Can you move on your own?"

"Yes, I---ouch!"

As Kate began to stand up slowly, she suddenly let out a yelp in pain.

"… As I expected. You sprained your ankle again, didn't you? I can see it swelling."


"Geez…" Dan could not help but sigh from Kate's somewhat carefree response.

'Kate probably injured herself when fell. Was it during the time she was saved?'

"Uwa, um ,eh--- I'm so very sorry! It was my fault, wasn't it? If I had been more careful… Aaah, why did I not study Healing Magic! I'm very, very sorry."

Seeing her life's savior's face slightly twist in pain, the Elf girl began to fret crazily. Feeling that she was the one responsible for Kate's injury, the Elf girl could not help but apologize profusely. To trouble, her life's savior was something she wanted to avoid the most. The more she apologizes, however, the more fl.u.s.tered she gets resulting in her troubling Kate for a response.

"It's fine! It wasn't your fault, at all. It's actually not that bad. I still move with it. I'm tougher than I look, you know."

As if to prove a point, Kate put weight on her injured foot. Not wanting to be a burden, Kate tried her best to hide her pain while appealing that her injury is not bad.

'Doing this again, Kate? Didn't this happen before?'

Dan once again let out a big sigh. Then with a determined look, Dan walked over to Kate and immediately bent his legs to pick her up. Once he stood up again, the appearance of Dan carrying Kate within his arms could be seen. That's right. This is the legendary princess-carry!!

"Eh, eh!?"

"Don't move around so much. Right now is impossible, but I'll help you heal your ankle later. Just leave your body to me."

"… Okay."

In the face of Dan's forceful attitude, Kate meekly accepted her fate. Although, it seems that Kate isn't actually against her current position. A slight smile could be seen on her face as she snuggles up closer in Dan's arms.

"Ok. Now let get----!!"

Just as Dan was about to tell the Elf girl the sign to go, an ominous sound forced him to stop. With trepidation, all three of them looked towards the source of the sound. What they saw was enough to cause their blood to freeze ice cold.

The 'Space Rift'… has finally fully opened.

From inside the 'Space Rift', droves of giant insectoid like creatures filed out. Their appearances are the exact same as the Milezs that Dan had to use all he had to defeat just two. However, Milezs are not the only ones that came from inside the 'Space Rift'. Various creatures of different sizes, shapes, colors began appearing after the army of Milez's filed out. Some looked similar to creatures you can find on Earth, while others not so much. Some seem to even take appearances of monsters found throughout different stories or tales in human history. However, despite these differences, there is one thing that they all have in common.

They are the 'enemies of humanity'. Creatures that come from the Otherworld. The 'Invaders'!


"W-what should we do!? What should we do!?"

"Calm down. Right now we are pretty far away from the 'Space Rift'. As long as we don't attract attention to ourselves they shouldn't see us.

Overwhelmed by a large number of 'Invaders' that came out of the 'Space Rift', Kate and the Elf girl naturally turned towards their last hope, Dan. It is not surprising. The one that defeated the two Milezs from before is Dan, after all. Despite knowing that Dan is unable to fight any longer, to them he became their only emotional support.

Just as Dan said, as a result of Kate running away from the Milez before, they're currently quite far away from the 'Space Rift'. Escaping from this situation should be easy.

"I-I see. That's good"

"I-I understand."

"Good. Let's keep quiet and---- hm?"

I another new unfamiliar noise once again interrupted Dan from saying what he wanted to say.

'Are the 'Invaders' here already!?' was what Dan thought before finding out that the sound felt familiar.

The three of them once again looked around for the source of the noise before looking above their heads.

"Is that… a helicopter?"

"It is not just one…"

"That is…!"

Passing over their heads, a squadron of helicopters flew at low altitudes across the sky. The sound of the propellers even drowns out the noises made by the 'Invaders'. Once the squadron reached the air space over the 'Invader' army, the three of them saw the doors of the helicopters open all at once.


Getting excited, the 'Invader' army began screech out incessantly towards the squadron. Some even used each other as a springboard to try and swat the helicopters. Flying 'Invaders' could be seen diving at them.

Just as it was apparent that all the helicopters are going to be taken down if nothing is done, the situation began to advance faster than one could blink.

It was in an instant.

Every 'Invader' within a 10-meter radius was either cut to pieces, smashed to bit, or completely disappeared out of existence.

Standing in the middle of countless corpses and entrails, men and women of different ages wearing similar military uniforms were seen jumping out the helicopter doors.

OERF has finally made its appearance.

"… Dan, this is?"

"… Yeah, this time we are finally saved."

"…. Haaaaa~ I'm so glad! They were way too slow.

Once they knew that they were finally saved, all three of them completely relaxed their tense shoulders.

"… Staying here is still dangerous. How about we get going?"

"Never thought you ask."

"No complaints here."

It was just a coincidence that a group so unique from each other would be walking the line of life and death together likes this. Yet it was at moments like these that their thoughts become one and the same. With no objections, the unique trio all walked towards the closest shelter to get to safety.

With that, Dan and co.'s first battle had finally come to a close.



Time has passed. At a time that it would be right to say is evening, Dan, Kate, and the Elf girl were finally let out of the shelter. Just like before, an announcement could be heard throughout the entire town. It seems that OERF has safely gained total control over the 'Space Rift' and 'Invader' situation. Using a secret method only told to a few people, the 'Space Rift' was safely sealed away. It is definite that no more new 'Invaders' will come out from that particular 'Space Rift' again. However, just to be safe, the OERF will remain stationed around the area the 'Space Rift' has opened in to make sure nothing unexpected happens. The area had been cordoned off with yellow police tape accordingly.

"I almost forgot. We haven't actually ever formally introduced ourselves, did we? My name is Daniel Foster. I'm a second-year student at Raeparth's Academy."

"Likewise, I am Katie Campbell. Also a second-year student at Raeparth's Academy"

"Katie and Daniel, right? My name is Arryn Loralynn. As you can see, I am what you Terrians call of the Elven Race. I am an exchange student at Raeparth's Academy. Also a second-year."

Both Dan and Kate were surprised to find out that the Elf girl, Arryn, is enrolled in the same school as them. On top of that, matching even the school year.

"Is that so!? What a coincidence." Kate exclaimed.

"Then it was possible we might have passed by each other?" Dan asked.

"Hm… I don't think so. I don't often move from the designated area so the possibility is low, honestly."

"I see. That's too bad."

Is it as Arryn says, within Raeparth's Academy there is a specially designated learning space set aside for students like Arryn, who came from the Otherworld so that they can learn together at. While that sounds awful like discrimination, it is actually an important measure set by the Academy's administration. As these are students that came from the Otherworld, it is expected that each of these students holds a unique culture and language far different from those on Earth. Clashes of culture between the students happen more often than desirable. In order to eliminate such clashes, it was decided that the Otherworld exchange students are to be separated from the general students. This was an old rule that had been with the Academy ever since the creation of the Otherworld exchange program.

However, it is not like a cultural exchange between students from Earth and the exchange students from the Otherworld will never happen. That would defeat the purpose of creating the exchange program in the first place. After passing a cultural understanding test and expressed approval from their assigned faculty, exchange students are then allowed to interact with the other students without problems. Some are even allowed a physical pass that permits them to go into town. Usually, it takes these exchange students to the end of their second-year before they get approval for any of these privileges.

And yet, somehow beyond all odds, Arryn who should be just a early second-year student is somehow standing in front of both Dan and Kate. Realizing this truth, Kate couldn't help but ask, "I heard that it usually takes you until second-year before you are allowed to go out. Why are you able to do so?"

"Fufu~! Actually I had received approval to go to town ever since I first came here. I had always been fascinated with Earth so I tried very hard prior to enrolling in Raeparth's. Using my knowledge, I was quickly able to pass all the tests."

Arryn showed a proud expression as she brags about her feat.

"That's amazing!" Kate couldn't help but be surprised.

Arryn's proud expression became even smugger.

"Ahem! Well, that's enough about me. You two are from the same school, huh. That's perfect."


Both Dan and Kate tilted their head in confusion at the same time.


"I still haven't been able to pay back my life's savior yet. It's just perfect that I can make contact much more easily than I thought."

"Eh? Pay back, you say? But you already did."

Kate couldn't help but be confused by what Arryn means. While Kate certainly saved Arryn's life, Arryn also saved Kate's life as well. They should be even.

"I had injured my savior in the process. That does not count."

"Eh? I don't really---"

"Unless I am able to pay you back perfectly, it does not count. This is my personal rule."

Due to Arryn adamant insistence to pay her back, Kate could not say anything back.

"But I can't help but worry. Is your ankle really okay? Maybe I should find a doctor, or…"

Arryn began to express her worry for Kate's injury once again. To calm her down, Dan moved to speak, "It's going to be fine. I'll make it my responsibility to take her for treatment."

"Is that so? Then I'm glad."

Arryn let out a deep sigh of relief. To be honest, as long as Dan uses his [Healing Touch (H)] Skill, he could've healed Kate's injury anytime they were in the shelter. However, in the end, Dan never got the chance. Not that he couldn't have done it. It's just that Kate refused to have Dan use his Skill while there are so many people around. Unable to convince her, Dan had no choice but to give up for the time being.

"… It's getting late."

"That's true… I am planning on heading back to the dorm. What are you two planning on doing?"

"I will bring Kate to the closest doctor around here. They can probably treat her injury there."

"I see. Then this is where we part ways."

"So it seems."

Having established their next move, all three of them stopped at a crossroad before turning to face each other. Kate is actually currently held in a piggyback hold by Dan.

"I once again thank you for your help. My life had actually been save by not one but both of you. You have my utmost gratitude."

"We also thank you too. You too are a lifesaver."

"Let us meet again at school."

"Of course."

All three of them said their good-byes at the same time. Each of them turning to a direction they chose before walking off to the distance.

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