The Rise Of The Ero Masseuse System

Chapter 5 - Katie Campbell (2)

"Hey! Is this really okay? I mean, what about your club?"

"It's fine, it's fine! I was told to have the day off anyway, so this works perfectly."

The current time is after school.

Just as the students of Raeparth's Academy are either going home or taking part in extracurricular activities, the two of us were in a rather inconspicuous spot behind the school building. Due to the school's record-breaking 10,000 student enrollment, the size of the school building to accommodate that many students and faculty all at once is to be expected. Because of that, there are actually many of these kinds of spots all around the school.

Katie was sitting on one of the steps in front of the school's back doors.

While I said inconspicuous, If any student were to look down through the windows on the backside of the school, they could easily spot us.

Thankfully, there seems to be no one that curious.

Just in case, we even used a kind 'blind spot' from CCTV cameras they place around the school's perimeter. Even if this is a prestigious school, funded by a world level organization, human carelessness cannot be underestimated. Well, while there are 'blind spots', if anyone were to move from those spots even a little bit the CCTV cameras will totally catch their figures. Also, the placements of these 'blind spots' are in areas deemed unimportant or non-vital so the school administration decided to not waste anymore time and money just to replace these cameras.

"Even if your club is okay, what about that boyfriend yours?"

"Tony? It's fine. No worries!"


As I continue to stare down on the sitting Katie, it seems she became a bit more willing to talk.

Raising her hands in resignation, she said, "Really, it's fine. Tony has club activities now and I also told him about how I'm on break from my club. He told me I could go home on my own today too."

"… aren't mistaking that from, 'You should go home right away without meeting anyone', are you?"


"Hah, seriously…"

Tony Carson, the boyfriend of Katie for over a year already. He and Katie had been a couple ever since they both graduated from the same middle school.

Even when we became friends, she was already in a relationship with Tony.

Member of the soccer club. While not the ace, he was selected as a regular member many times and is considered one of the many key players.

Known as the all-around nice guy, while being a bit of a jokester. He has pretty good looks and is so-so popular with the ladies.

When he announced his boyfriend-girlfriend status with Katie to those who listened, quite a few tears were shed it seems. From both genders.

Katie is of course quite popular as well. Beautiful looks, with a friendly deposition and an eternal smile. She can talk to anyone. That's probably why she could talk to a loner like me.

Well, it seems that Tony doesn't take much of a shine towards me talking to his girlfriend or anyone else for that matter.

Whenever he catches Katie talk to another male, he comes in tries to end their conversation as quickly as possible.

It seems he was trying to hide it, but it was obvious to me that he was being very possessive and a control-freak. This trait of his is getting worst day by day.

Even when Katie talks to girls, Tony wouldn't allow it without him being there if he could help it.

Katie obviously knows of this. She says she thinks it's cute that Tony acts so jealously like that.

Really? I don't believe she's saying the truth.

Tony's attitude towards me…you understand.

Even when I don't confront him, he goes and picks fights with me at any chance he gets.

If it wasn't for his jealousy, it seems that Tony is quite the catch.

Still don't like him though.

Really. What does Katie still see in that guy?

"Haaa…I won't say anything bad. Let's just quit this and go home right away."

"Hmmm… That's fine, but… do you have anyone else that can help you with your System? Not like you have any other female friends."

"Guh… It's fine. I could ask Kay if she could…"

"Really? Your own sister…you plan on making her...ya know?"


"You see."

'You see'… not!

Thinking about it normally, asking my little sister if she would allow me to make her orgasm through massaging sounds like a ticket straight to jail….even though we are not blood-related.

….It somehow sounds even worst when we are not blood-related!

"That's why I'll make it my responsibility to help you out as a friend. Thank me."

"Thank you? Even if we are friends, to help me out in this…"

"Why not? You even came all the way out here with me? Don't tell me you aren't liking this?"

"Ah…well…you see." I kept mumbling even more incomprehensible words.

Honestly, to say I wasn't happy when someone as beautiful as Katie invited me to make her orgasm would be a total lie.

"After seeing work so hard so you can get into the College of Defense, it made me think I want to do whatever I can to help you succeed, you know?"


A fuzzy feeling welled up inside me thanks to her warm words. I felt blessed for having someone like Katie as a friend.

"And besides, even though you say, 'it's to make me orgasm', it's not like you are going to touch me directly 'there' or anything, right?"

"Of course!"

No kidding! To touch someone that intimately when we are only friends and even someone else's girlfriend, I don't have the guts.

As I continue to feel all complicated inside due to her words, seems things aren't going to end quietly.

"Well, honestly, I don't think you can possibly make me even close to orgasming from a massage. You're even a v.i.r.g.i.n."


"What did you say?" My voice a threatening low. Is she challenging my abilities?

"What? It's the truth though. No way just a v.i.r.g.i.n like you can make me c.u.m from just a massage. The experience gap is too wide."

"So you're saying that you have that much more experience than I do?"

"Isn't it obvious? I don't just have a boyfriend for nothing."

While I knew that Katie and Tony had been a couple for a long time, but to hear from Katie herself that they reached the point of a physical relationship…it hits different.

I have never aimed to get into a relationship with anyone. I don't have time for that.

But to hear about this…jealousy isn't a big enough word. Envy. One of the seven deadly sins. That's how I feel about Tony.


"Tch…. Look here! I'll make you eat those words. Right here. Right now! Don't look down on a v.i.r.g.i.n's rage."

"Heeeh…. If you can do it, do it. Let's just hope it's not merely an empty bluff."

'Bitch!'.... of so I would like to say, but that's a bit much.

Katie is just trying to goad me. She knows I get a bit out control if people question my skills.

Though I know about it, I can't help myself. It doesn't help that she also said those things as well.

Well, as long as I can get back at her, it's all that matters!

First, having put it off too long, it's time to get some skills.

I quickly opened my System's window with just a thought.




Current Skill Points: [0]

Bonus Skill Points: [10]




1) [Reflexology (H)] (Price: 5 points)

2) [Swedish Massage (H)] (Price: 10 points)

3) [Deep Tissue Massage (H)] (Price: 10 points)

4) [Shiatsu Massage (H)] (Price: 20 points)

5) [Thai Massage (H)] (Price: 100 points)

6) [Healing Touch (H)] [PASSIVE] (Price: 5 points)

7) [Healing Touch (H)] [ACTIVE UPGRADE] (Price: 30 points)


1) [XXXXXXXX] (Price: 100 points)

2) [XXXXXXXX] (Price: 200 points)


1) [P.e.n.i.s Size +1] (Price: 20 points)

2) [S.e.m.e.n Volume +1] (Price: 30 points)

3) [Sensitivity Vision (H)](Price: 20 points)




The only points I currently have now are the 10 Bonus Skill Points I received when I got the System.

With it the only Skills I can buy right now are:

1. [Reflexology (H)]: 5 points

2. [Swedish Massage (H)]: 10 points

3. [Deep Tissue Massage (H)]: 10 points

4. [Healing Touch (H)] [PASSIVE]: 5 points

Hmm. It seems that if I either tap it or focus on the words, I can get more detail. Let's see….



[Reflexology (H)]: Through massaging various 'reflex areas' on their hands and feet you can provide beneficial effects to specific body parts. From the feet, turn a woman's entire body into an erogenous zone you can play as you please. Make sure you make them feel good as well! :)

[Swedish Massage (H)]: Standard of standards. Through the use of long strokes, kneading, wringing, percussion, and vibration you can provide the female a heavenly full body massage. Provides relaxation so deep that can make even a v.i.r.g.i.n not feel pain when they have their first time. Sooner or later you will need this, so stay sharp! :)

[Deep Tissue Massage (H)]: A more focused, ther.a.p.eutic massage. Using more deliberate, slow strokes or friction to reach deeper layers of muscles. Useful for removing the stiff shoulders and back pain for the well-endowed. Just by giving it to them the relief they want, they might give you the 'relief' that you need, if you know what I mean. *wink-wink*

[Healing Touch (H)] {PASSIVE}: By using your hands, you can naturally make the person relax and their natural healing abilities would be boosted. Even if you were to touch an injured part of their body, they would not feel any pain. It also has the side of effect of making them go into heat if you touch them long enough. Passive version, unable to turn off unless upgraded. Be careful in crowded trains. :)



…Before I start, that emoticon...annoying.

Let's see… 'Swedish Massage' seems to be a good option.

It's one of those, right. The massages you see in those Spa Resort commercials.

If I choose this, I won't have any more points left for anything else.

Also, it feels like I would need to touch Katie more than I need to. I'll pass.

'Deep Tissue Massage', 'no' for the same reasons as the one before. If I choose it I can't choose anything else.

Also a full body type massage. Big b.r.e.a.s.t…*glances at Katie's chest*….yep not big enough to have 'that' kind of problem.

…Woah! She is giving me a killer stare right now. Did she know what I was thinking? 'Woman's intuition' is scary… Let's not meet her eyes.

'Reflexology'…it seems I only need to touch her hands and feet for this one.

Though I don't know how massaging the feet could make a person c.u.m.

It's probably why it's only 5 points.

Though with this, I can also buy the 'Healing Touch', 5 points, as well.

If I use the 'Healing Touch' and 'Reflexology' together just maybe…..

Okay, I decided!


You have purchased [Reflexology (H)] and [Healing Touch (H)][PASSIVE].

We thank you for your purchase and hope to see you again real soon.

Have an 'Ero' day. :)


As soon as I purchased both of the Skills peculiar feelings passed through my entire body. Esoteric knowledge relating to the various 'reflex areas' is being poured directly into my brain. It also feels like my entire skin is extremely itchy that it is almost unbearable. After a while, the peculiar feelings stopped all at once.

I quickly checked myself out. Did my body change or anything? Did I get a third arm or eye? After patting myself everywhere and not finding anything out of the ordinary, I finally relaxed.

However, it seems that the same could not be said for my mind. Knowledge that I didn't have before is now capable of being pulled up at any time. I could recall like with the back of my hand the various ways I could touch a person's feet that even the most unfeeling would orgasm in moments. amazing. Can this really...

Now I'm ready.

Get ready Katie. I'll make you wish you asked me to stop when I make you c.u.m like a fountain!

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