"I had been looking for you."

Appearing before Dan and Lexi was an unexpected— in a way, expected—person. His name is Kenneth Preston.



'This guy… he was that guy from that time.'

The moment Dan locked his eyes upon Kenneth, he was suddenly able to recall who he was. It was on the day Lexi had first made contact with him. When Dan had been fretting about how he was going to escape from Lexi's questioning, he appeared. Taking control of the conversation, Kenneth immediately brought Dan out of the line of fire and took Lexi away. Dan had been glad at that time since he was able to escape from Lexi—albeit temporarily—so he didn't really take the sudden intrusion to heart. However, it seems once again, Kenneth is back for more.

"I had just finished a game when I had noticed I couldn't find you around. So I was just wondering."

"Ah, sorry Kenneth! I wasn't able to go see your match."

"No, no. I wasn't blaming you for that. It was just me being a little disappointed you couldn't see me play."

Kenneth revealed a gentle smile that says he truly doesn't blame Lexi for not looking. Seeing that smile, Dan could not help but admit that Kenneth is truly a handsome person. Tall stature. Sculpted facial features that can put many teen male models to shame. Dark brown hair, wet from his sweat, slicked back, gave him a kind of devilish charm that attracts the opposite gender. In contrast, Kenneth's personality seemed to be that of a humble and honest man. Added to his appearance, this combination could make all the teenage girl's hearts flutter. It would be no surprise to Dan that Kenneth would be quite popular. Even now, Dan could see that many of his female classmates around him are looking at Kenneth's heart-eyes ever since he arrived.

However… Dan did not forget Kenneth from that time. The last expression he showed him was no way representative of a nice and humble man. Those cold piercing eyes, the intense glare, just from that one glance alone gave Dan the illusion of an arrogant king. The glance, though, lasted for merely a second before he stopped. It would have been easy for Dan to assume it was merely a coincidence and that he had not seen it. But Kenneth's glare was carved into his mind. With Kenneth's current behavior now, it feels only like a shallow and hollow play from Dan's point of view.

"Sorry! Knowing you Kenneth, you must have played really well. As expected of you."

"Stop it. I'm not that good."

"You don't' have to hide it."

'… He is ignoring me as always. This guy.'

Even though from Kenneth's position Dan is so much closer, he completely skipped over Dan to talk to Lexi. It is obvious that Kenneth is looking down on Dan a lot. To not even acknowledge Dan even though he is right there… no two ways about it.

'However, why?'

No matter how much Dan thinks about it, Kenneth's behavior towards him is way too abnormal. While it is true he is ignoring Dan as though he wasn't there, the extent to which Kenneth is ignoring Dab reached the point where he completely excluding his existence. Going that far just to ignore is like telling people that he actually does care.

Dan's contact with Kenneth had been shallow despite being in the same school. Even so, Dan feels that he has got a good grasp of the type of person he is. Kenneth is obviously a person who hides his 'true face'. Showing a likable persona while, in his mind, he looks down on everyone… that is what he is. However, the only reason why Dan could assume this was because Kenneth allowed his inner persona to show. To tell the truth, had Kenneth never removed his 'mask', Dan would have probably bought it like anyone else. That is just how good his act was.

'Was there something I did? Mmm… Nope, can't remember a thing. Should I use [Senstivity Vision (H)]? But—'

"Haha… So what were you looking for me for?" Lexi asked.

"It's nothing much. I just thought it would be nice if we are able to join teams together. Didn't the teacher say it? The last games of the day would be co-ed matches."

"Yeah, I remember. So you were going to ask me? That makes me kind of happy."

"Should I take it as a 'yes'?"

"Hmm… What should I do?"

In response to Kenneth's invitation, Lexi showed a pondering expression, looking like she is actually considering what he is saying. But her body language is telling a different story. From her hand that was still covering Dan's own, Dan could feel Lexi's fingers stab deeper into his skin.

'Her attitude is the same as that time.'

Lexi's clearly uncomfortable aura. Her completely different personality. It was exactly the same when Dan had first seen Lexi and Kenneth talk.

'Well, if we are talking about personas, Lexi won't lose in that department.'

Dan had always been amazed by Lexi's change of character when talking to different people. With Dan and Kate, she had acted like an annoying older sister or the meddlesome older girl from next door. To others, she becomes a happy-go-lucky school girl, a good girl, never one to make fun of anyone. Truly, which one of these personas is her 'true personality'? The first one? The other one? Or even none of these!

Well, personally, Dan thinks the 'persona' Lexi had shown both him and Kate is the 'real' her.

"I would like it if you were to join me."


'To make Lexi troubled like this... quite rare. To think this was the same person that told me to make her my woman… I don't know why she isn't acting as she normally does, but I can't just turn a blind eye.'

Before Dan had allowed Kenneth to take Lexi away because the bond between the two of them had been zero. However, with their relationship now, the situation way different from before. If Lexi feels uncomfortable, Dan has no reason on why he shouldn't help.

"Wait. Sorry about that. Lexi is going to be part of my team for co-ed matches."

Standing up, Dan faced Kenneth, blocking Lexi from his sight. As expected, even Kenneth can't continue to ignore Dan's existence any longer. With an amiable expression, Kenneth turned his eyes onto Dan. It was at that moment, Dan felt as though a bucket of ice was thrown over his head.

'W-what the—!? This sensation… it's different from that time…'

For a few seconds, Dan fell into an illusion as though he froze in place. Eventually, Dan shook off the sensation and stood up more firmly than before. Putting up higher levels of caution, he glared back into Kenneth's eyes.

"You are… Ah! You're that person from before. Alexis said your name was… umm—"

"You remembered. That makes me glad. I hadn't introduced myself properly at that time. I am Daniel Foster. Pleased to make your acquaintance."

Putting out heavy amounts of pleasantries without an inch of his true feeling in them, Dan faced Kenneth head-on. While he didn't know exactly what was that sensation Kenneth had given him, Dan felt being cowed by him would be the worst move to make. Using a subtle sarcastic tone, Dan propped himself up for the 'battle'.

"Now I remember. That's right, your name was Daniel. Then Daniel… why is it that you interrupted my conversation with Alexis? Don't you think it's kind of rude?"

"Lexi looked a little troubled so I was just helping her out. I think making another person uncomfortable is far ruder of an action though?"


In response to Kenneth's small jab, Dan answered back with a harder jab of his own. Lexi, seeing that Dan is actually moving to protect her, felt far more moved than she expected. Hearing Lexi calls Dan by his pet name, though his expression didn't change, Dan felt that Kenneth's mood had worsened slightly.

"Speaking of which, I forgot to ask what is your relationship with Alexis. I remembered you haven't been that close to her the last time."

"Ah, it was just recently Lexi and I became friends. Isn't that right, Lexi?"

"That's right. We've become really good friends."

"… Good friends, huh? How fast. It hadn't even been a week yet and you two are already on a nickname basis."

All three of them suddenly turned silent. Kenneth's smile is the same as always. Dan, trying not to let his emotions show, kept a stoic expression. Lexi, having stood up as well, grabbed the hem of Dan's shirt while partially hiding her body behind him from Kenneth. This deadlock continued for an unknown amount of time.

Not wanting to stay in a deadlock like this, Dan wished to break the silence. However, he held himself back. Dan wanted Kenneth to be the one to break the silence first. He felt that if he were to give in first, he would be losing 'something important' as a result. What that 'something' was... Dan had no clue. Fortunately(?), an unexpected assist from outside broke the deadlock.


Out of nowhere, a female student, wearing gym clothes just like they are, popped out to grab Kenneth's arm into her embrace. With a sweet voice, the female student calls upon Kenneth as though begging for attention.

"Erica? What are you doing over here?"

"Geez! Where were you, Ken? Because I saw that you weren't looking at my game I had to throw away the match in the middle just to find you."

"You did? That's not good. You are making it difficult for the rest of your teammates."



'… What the heck is this?'

Although Dan is kind of glad the deadlock is over, something arguably even more annoying came instead. Getting a closer look at the newcomer, Dan realized it was someone he recognized. She is Erica Parish. A 2nd year in the same gym class as with Dan, Lexi, and Kenneth. Similarly with Lexi, Erica, in a way, is a famous beauty within the same year. However, unlike Lexi, she is more infamous than famous.

While undeniably a beauty with straight dark brown hair and great proportions, Erica is known as quite the trouble-maker. Going against school regulations on proper dress code, arrogant attitude with teachers and students alike, even rumors of her 'sleeping around' float around here and there. In a different way than Lexi, there is probably no one in the 2nd or even the other years that don't know of Erica Parrish.

Yet that very same Erica Parrish is now cooing towards Kenneth like a small puppy.

"Ken. You're done with your business, right? Let's go!"

"Wait a second. I was still in the middle of talking to them."

"With who…. ah!?"

It seems that Erica finally was able to notice the other two's presence, which has been there since the beginning, after all this time.

….No. It is more accurate to say Erica has noticed Lexi for the first time.

"Alexis Owens…"

"Hello, Erica. How are you?"

"Why are you here!?"

Contrasting to Lexi's cheerful greeting, Erica's tone visibly lowered in a threatening way. It became obvious the type of relationship that they had with each other.

"Stop it, Erica. I was the one who had business with Alexis. I was planning on inviting her for a game."

"Ken! Why are you asking this hussy to join? Aren't I enough?"

"Don't worry. I was just rejected. Alexis seemed to want to be on the team with Daniel over there."

"Daniel? Who is that? Don't tell me…"

Erica finally turned her attention onto Dan. For Dan, however, being under the radar of Erica Parrish was something he never wanted. The reason why he knew her face in the first place was that he wanted to avoid her at all costs. Despite being a beauty herself, Dan can't seem to find Erica attractive in any way.

"This dull-looking guy? Alexis Owens wants to be on his team?" Erica switched between looking at Dan and Lexi multiple times,"—That's nice. No, that's great! Just do it. You two look made for each other."

"Eh? Really? You hear that Dan-Dan? We look made for each other, she says!"

"… Is that something you should get happy about?"

Having made her own judgment of the couple, Erica spitted out words she intended to be a sarcastic attack against Lexi. However, the person in question took Erica's words as a compliment leaving her attack with not the intended effect.

"W-what the heck is up with that… you're just pretending to like it!"

As expected, Erica became confused.

"… Anyway, it seems the results are out. Alexis… you don't plan on changing your mind, right?"

"Nope. I promised to be on Dan-Dan's team. We're close friends after all."

"… I understand. It seems that I have no choice but to give up."

'Eh? Is that really fine?'

Surprised by Kenneth's decision to give up so easily, Dan wasn't able to believe him right away.

'There is no way someone like would give up like this… there must be something else. I know it.'

"Then how about this? Why don't we do a match together? Your team against mine. That much is fine, right?"

'Just like I thought!'

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