The Rise Of The Ero Masseuse System

Chapter 8 - Katie's Desire (2) (*)

Having c.u.mmed from just having my n.i.p.p.l.e get rubbed by the inside of my clothes, my body is already tired.

If I were to c.u.m anymore, I feel as if my body will break.

I have to tell him. That my body can't take it anymore. That I will break if he does it anymore to me.

I have to….But….!

"Ahhh♥, nnnngh…..ahhn♥….s-sto—ahhn♥♥!!"

"You are feeling right now, aren't you? I can tell. How many times did you c.u.m just now? Please, tell me."

As I continue to m.o.a.n in pleasure under Daniel's assault on my foot, Daniel begins to interrogate me with only questions that embarrass me.

No! Don't ask me such questions right now. There's no way I'm gonna tell you anything.

"Nnghh…♥!! Ahnn♥, are yo---nngh---u an idiot? Ahhnn♥…. There's no way…nggh, I'm…ahnn, c.u.mMMIINGG♥♥♥!!"

I can't….

I actually came again.

Ahhhh!! I'm so frustrated!!

To c.u.m that many times, even though it's only Daniel. Even though he's only Daniel! Even now he is still just a v.i.r.g.i.n. To make me c.u.m like this…. Ahhhh!! So frustrating!!

At this point, I had already forgotten my previous promise that the only reason why he is massaging me in the first place is so that he can make me orgasm so that he could level up. The only thing filling my brain right now is the frustration I'm getting from being forced to orgasm against someone who I had been one-sidedly teasing to this day.

However, even this thought cannot last for long.

As if to say up until now it had only been a warm-up, Daniel moved on to the next phase.

Along with using his thumbs, Daniel started to use his fingers as well. As if kneading my foot like dough, Daniel firmly massaged all over my right foot.


I can't even m.o.a.n properly right now. The pleasure I feel right now is so much I can't even think nor speak.

My right hand which had been masturbating over my skirt for a while now unconsciously moved again. Not even knowing what I was doing, my right hand actually in under my skirt and I begin playing with my slit directly.

"NNnngghh, Aaahhhhnnn♥♥♥!!"

Ah♥…I came again. I came after I played with myself. I couldn't stop.

My face is burning from shame. I can't let Daniel look at my face. It's for sure a hot mess right now.

Daniel, you idiot! To make me feel so embarrassed. What kind of face are you making right as you continue to play with my body? It's not fair that you alone get to look at my messed up facial expression. It's only fair you show me yours!

Filled with a mysterious rivalry, while I was still embarrassed to show Daniel my face, but in order to see Daniel's I turned my face once again in his direction.


Haha… well well, what do you know? It looks like I'm not the only one who is getting turned on by this situation. To be breathing so hard… you look so perverted. Why did I ever think his System doesn't match with him at all? I can say this with conviction right now. Daniel is a total monkey in heat, L.u.s.t incarnate!

…But, he is like this because he turned by me, isn't he♥?

The moment I made that realization, it was as another heat source rose up and spread throughout my entire body. Different from when Daniel uses his Skill on me, it was a heat source that rose up from my heart.

I….I want to see Daniel act like this even more♥.

From seeing how I am squirming in pleasure, I want to see a Daniel that is going into heat because of me.

Why am I thinking something like this, I have no idea.

However….. this isn't bad♥.

I felt as if this was something I always wanted.

As we continue to look at each other in the eye, the rising feelings of desire keep going higher and higher as we each stimulate each other's senses.

It was never like this with Tony.

It had been one-sided. Only he felt good.

At one point, my h.y.m.e.n had already been broken from the training I did at both my club and my family's dojo. As a result, my first time with Tony didn't actually hurt as much.

But.... I could never gain any pleasure.

Only the feeling of a foreign object entering and exiting my secret place.

To not make him feel bad, I told Tony that I felt good. He easily believed me. Seems he had no doubts that he makes me feel good.

Tony wanted to do this with me again in the future, but from that point on I made any excuse I can to avoid it. My first time had also become my last time.

However, Daniel is different.

He's not even touching me directly, yet he made me feel better than Tony ever will.

More.... do it to me more...♥

I can't help but plead him for more. Please.... make me feel good, Daniel.

That was when Daniel dropped my foot.

"Eh? W-why….?"

Why did you stop!? I was already going crazy from your touch. To stop now….your so cruel.

Just as I was going into a depression, Daniel moved in closer to me and grabbed my right hand that had been masturbating this whole time.

"Eh? Eeeeeh!?"

D-Daniel is holding hands with me! He is even holding the hand I had just used to masturbate. How embarrassing~!

Daniel turned my hand over so the palm was facing up as he gently holds it in both of his.

Then with deliberation, Daniel used both of his thumbs to start rubbing gently all over my palms.

"Ahhh♥....ahnn♥, ahhnn.♥....ngghh..... it's coming again...♥♥♥!!!"

This! This is it! Just like how he made me feel good with just my foot, he is now making my entire body feel good from just massaging my hands.

His big long thick fingers gently yet firmly intertwine with mine, the gaps and sides of my fingers massaged thoroughly.

Ah... I can directly see Daniel's eyes burning in desire closer than ever before. Since he is massaging my hand, different from when he massaged my foot he is now standing only an arm's length away. At this range, as I can see his face, he can also see mine. While I feel embarrassed like you wouldn't believe, I didn't have the heart to look away.

"Ahhnn♥....hah, hah.....nnnghhh...ahnn♥....."

"Hah....hah, hah....hah.....hah....."

Between the two of us, only the sound of my m.o.a.ns and Daniel's heavy breathing can be heard.

It was then Daniel once again changed his tactics.

Having avoiding it all this time, Daniel used both of his thumbs as he places pressure on either side of my wrist and forearm.

As a result of that, my p.u.s.s.y, c.l.i.t.o.r.i.s, and w.o.m.b began to throb all at once.



Instantly my mind went blank.

What is this? What is this? WHAT IS THIS♥♥♥?!?

IT was as if everything before was just the appetizer and this was the main dish.

SO GOOD♥!! SO GOOD♥!! SOOO~ GoOOoO~~~~oOOooOD♥♥♥♥!!!!

Like a broken recorder, I kept m.o.a.ning incessantly.

"I can't stop! Won't stop! Ahhhn♥…..More, More…..MORE~♥♥♥!!!

As if I was turned into a fountain, I came multiple times in succession, so much so that I had since lost count.

I, out of reflex, looked again towards Daniels's face. I wanted to see what his expression was.

His eyes were completely bloodshot. His face was closer to me than ever before. His hot breath seems to brush across my skin.

An expression, full of desire. For me♥.

The bulge in his pants, like a muzzled beast, threatens to break from its shackle.

Ah….I can't take it anymore♥.

With his gaze on me, I felt my body get hotter and hotter.

More. Look at me more♥! Look at my perverted expression more♥♥!!

Ahh♥…'s good….it's good but…..I want more stimulus!

Before I knew it, I had already grabbed one of Daniel's hands back.

With a jolt, Daniel seemed surprised by my action. It seems he was focus to much on massaging me. Oh, how cute.

With deliberation, I moved his right hand…to underneath my skirt.

I guided his hand to the top of my now dripping wet panties.

As soon as he made contact, a wave of pleasure passed through me. It felt better than anything he did before. And yet he is still not even touching me directly...

Ah~~♥♥!! This! This was what I wanted♥♥!!!

L-let me make you feel good too.

Having finished guiding Daniel's hand, I leaned forward let my left hand to make its way towards the bulge in his pant.

Hah♥... this shape....this hardness.... even through his pants I can feel it.

It feels good right? Come, c.u.m!!

Then for the next few seconds, both of us began to massage each other most precious private parts.

Ahn♥…this is the last spurt, right? I don't think I can take any more of this.

Ah! It's totally pulsating in my hands. You're about to c.u.m too, right. Me too.

"Ahn~♥! Ahn~♥! Nnggh~! C.u.m….let's c.u.m…together!! Ngghhhh♥♥♥!!!"

As if we timed this beforehand, both of us reacted at the same time.

Daniel pulled down my panties and instantly started to directly touch my clit.

I unzipped his pants and grabbed his hard throbbing c.o.c.k directly.

So this is Daniel's c.o.c.k...♥♥

Its length is not that much different from when I saw Tony's. Male average, I think.

However, its girth is near twice as thick as his and the glans look like it would catch various folds if it were to go inside me...

How would it feel, I wonder.... if I had this inside of me. No, what am I thinking? I have a boyfriend....but...♥

As I kept fighting the voice of desire in my head, I had not stopped giving Daniel my best handjob. Daniel, as well, continued to play with my clit.

With increase zeal, all we could think about is making each other feel good.

Our faces gradually drew in closer. If he were to move any closer I .... I....!

Then the time came.

"Katie…..guuhh! I'm c.u.m.m.i.n.g!!!"

"Ahhn~♥! YES! Please c.u.m!! Let's c.u.m together~♥♥♥!!!!!!"

From the tip of Daniel's p.e.n.i.s, his white baby milk splattered all over in my hand.

C.u.m.m.i.n.g from having my clit played with, clear slightly milky liquid from my slit went squirting all over Daniel's hands.

Hah♥, hah♥….is this….what you call 'female ejaculation'? I never knew that one day I would experience this too...

In my hand, I could feel Daniel's s.e.m.e.n as it flows down and drops onto the ground.

Ah~! So this Daniel's s.e.m.e.n... even this volume is way more than Tony's...

To have come c.u.m so much because of me....I'm so happy~♥!

Afterward, our tired bodies could only be subjected to the afterglow that came from climaxing together.

That's why we didn't notice.

From one of the windows that looks over the Academy's backyard, a single female student had seen the entire event from beginning to end.

"Fufu… I was able to catch something interesting. It seems this year is going to be a little less boring♥!"

Leaving those words behind, the female student left with a seductive smile.

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