The Rise of the European Emperor

Chapter 709: Royal University of Political Science and Law

The idea of ​​establishing a university of politics and law has long been known by Marin. However, East Friesland, including the current Grand Duchy of the North Sea, lacks scholars and young students of the right age. Therefore, it was delayed.

You know, the compulsory education that Marin started a few years ago, those children and teenagers, most of them have not finished the primary school curriculum, and only a few smart children have begun to learn. Marin's plan is to wait for this small group of children to complete the relatively difficult junior high school courses before opening formal universities to train them.

what? You said that the junior high school level is not enough to go to college? Please, that is the standard for future generations. In the early 16th century, the level of junior high school graduation was definitely considered a high-level student, and was fully qualified to go to college.

Of course, Marin now runs an Aurich University. However, the enrolled students are mainly aimed at noble children in the country and civilian children in some other states.

However, for those noble children, Marin did not have much hope, just let them be gilded. And what Marin really values ​​is mainly young civilian students from other states. In order to attract these people, Marin set up a large number of scholarships and provided work arrangements after graduation to attract them to work for themselves.

At the current Aurich University, the main courses offered are theology, law, economics, medicine and natural sciences. The training of grassroots officials mainly depends on the legal profession and economic profession.

However, Marin has always believed that this seems to be lacking. Because students of the law department are more suitable to be a judge or lawyer. Economics students are more suitable to be a financial officer. This is because the current level of economics is lower, more like accounting in later generations than economics.

Therefore, Marin's idea is to establish a special political and law university and include the two courses of law and economics. At the same time, joining the political class, combining the two disciplines of law and economics, makes graduates a comprehensive talent who is proficient in the law and understands the economy.

As for the content of the political class, it is naturally not the high-end doctrine of Ma Beard learned in later universities. To be honest, although later generations of Marin have also taken courses such as Ma Zhe and Ma Zhengjing in universities, that is not suitable for the university that Marin wants to start. In the final analysis, it is also a question that the **** determines the head-Ma Dawei's doctrine is against the monarchy, and Marin is just a feudal monarch.

Therefore, Marin feels that Taylor's brainwashing stuff is more suitable for the needs of this era ...

Taylor ’s allegiance to the king ’s brainwashing politics, combining existing law and economics, and the establishment of a professional political and law university have always been Marin ’s grand ideas.

In Marin's plan, the future political and legal university will train grassroots and high-level officials across the country. Without this university degree in politics and law, they will not be appointed. No matter where you are powerful, as long as you are not a noble, you must produce a diploma from the University of Political Science and Law before you can be appointed as an official. Otherwise, get out!

In other words, in addition to noble children, civilians want to be officials, they must have a diploma from the University of Political Science and Law. Otherwise, refuse to enter ...

And if you want to obtain a diploma from the University of Political Science and Law, not only must you have excellent academic performance, but your counselors will also keep track of their ideological dynamics-all students who oppose the monarch will not be allowed to graduate and will not be given a diploma ... , To eliminate the possibility of students who oppose the monarch become officials ...

Although, it cannot be ruled out that some deeply hidden people hide their true thoughts and mix up with diplomas. However, such people are after all a minority. If the number of people is small, the climate will not be achieved ...

All of these were originally Marin's own plans. However, considering that in the future he will be in England. Exactly, after this massacre of nobles, the British officials were extremely scarce. Therefore, Marin simply let Edward first try this kind of political and law university. When Edward became famous, he could almost control England, just picking peaches ...

Moreover, in the process of establishing a special political and law university, Marin will participate in the whole process and send Dahuo Taylor and others to help prepare for the construction. In this way, Marin can fully understand the difficulties in the initial construction of the University of Political Science and Law and overcome them. Then, these experiences will become an important reference for Marin to build a full-time political and law university ...


Edward was very interested in Marin ’s proposal to establish a full-time political and law university. In particular, Marin proposed that students of political and law universities should be asked to “talk early and report late” to his portrait every day, making him dark. It's great. To this end, Edward intends to transfer scholars close to the law and economics of the York family from Oxford University and Cambridge University as soon as possible, together with the so-called "promotion master" Taylor and others supported by Marin, to establish a professional political law university in London.

As for the name of the university, Edward was designated "The Royal University of Political Science and Law". As for the school site, it is directly set in the western suburbs of London, about the area of ​​Westminster. In addition, according to Marin's proposal, Edward will serve as the first president of the "Royal University of Political Science and Law". Of course, an "Executive Deputy Principal" will be established to take charge of school affairs. After all, Edward is still a king, but he has no time to manage the school. Except for the opening ceremony and graduation ceremony, other times, it must be managed by the "executive deputy". The "executive deputy" is also very Huaxia characteristics ......

With the title of principal, those graduates can later claim to be "king students". At the same time, it inevitably stood on the side of Edward. And this trick was learned by Marin and Jiang Shaodou, and it seems to be very useful ...

If one day attracts some outstanding students ~ ~ you can also play like this:

"Okay, XX, don't call your majesty. In private, call me the principal ..." Listen, how warm and tender ... A monarch said, you have not given up all your loyalty Otherwise, is it worth the great headmaster to value you?

Of course, these are pure Marin's YY. At the same time, it is indeed Marin's plan. Marin intends to prepare for the separate formation of the University of Political Science and Law and the Military Academy after returning to China.

In other schools, Marin may not care too much, but the University of Political Science and Law is a place to train national officials. The Military Academy is the cradle of training officers. These two universities, Marin must also serve as the principal! By that time, officials across the country will be their own students, and all military officers will also be their own students ... In this way, worry about the country's instability?

Marin has imagined a picture of middle-aged Xie Ding, Marin, wearing military uniform, came to the meeting room ... Suddenly, all the people in the meeting room stood up and shouted "Good Principal!" ... … Then, Marin waved his hand calmly and said, "Everyone's sitting, everyone sits" ... Hey, to bring a "Nanny's horse" for Mao ... Isn't this Jiang Guangtou's line? Marin touched his head-it seems that he is not bald yet ...

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