About fifteen miles north of Hulu Valley, the White Wood Tribe.

The three brothers of the Pan family rushed back to the tribe before it got dark.

The pan wolf carried two hares in his hand, and the pan bear and the pan tiger worked together to carry a wild boar.

With this wild boar, their hunt can be described as a bumper harvest.

The Baimu tribe is located in a birch forest, and about thirty acres of land in the middle of the forest has been cleared, and a wall more than five meters high has been built around the wood.

The three brothers of the Pan family were relieved when they saw the birch forest.

The barbaric world at night is extremely dangerous, and if they can't rush back to the tribe at night, but spend the night outside, they may not see the sun tomorrow.

The guards at the gate of the tribe saw the wild boar they were carrying, and they all showed envy.

"Pan bear, the harvest is good!"

A guard said.

"Hehe, good luck!"

Pan Xiong said with a smile.

Wild boar is a rare thing, normally it is good to hunt one a month. Not to mention the meat of wild boar, the thick and hard pig skin is the best material for making leather armor.

The three carried wild boars to the tribal slaughterhouse.

According to the rules of the Baimu tribe, medium and large prey cannot be slaughtered privately and must be sent to the tribal slaughterhouse. After slaughter, fifty percent of the meat goes to the tribe and fifty percent to the individual.

The furs can be brought back by themselves, sold to tribes, or exchanged for raw meat.

The furs brought back can only be used by themselves, and if they are sold, they can only be sold to the tribe. If it is found that it has been sold to outsiders, it will be severely punished.

"Is this wild boar slaughtered or handed over as a tribute?"

The butcher looked at the wild boar on the ground and asked.


Pan Xiong said.

They went out hunting this time to collect the tribute demanded by the tribe.

I thought that I would hunt a bunch of small and medium-sized prey to make up three hundred catties, but now this wild boar is more than enough.

"Go and weigh it later, if it is enough for three hundred catties, your tribute this time will be complete."

The butcher said.

Pan Xiong nodded, let Pan Hu and Pan Wolf look at the weighing, and left the slaughterhouse to meet the patriarch.


The patriarch of the Baimu tribe is named Bai Musheng, who is in his forties and burly.

He sat on a wooden chair and looked at the bear, who was standing respectfully three meters away.

"Are you saying that you met people from the Win tribe about fifteen miles south of the tribe?"

Bai Musheng asked in a deep voice.


Pan Xiong replied respectfully.

"How are they doing?"

Shirakusori asked again.

Lin Feng said that they were attacked by jackals and migrated there, and I didn't ask about the details. I'm just here to report back to you and remind everyone to watch out for jackals when hunting.

Panbear said with his head bowed.

"Got it, I'll tell the clansmen to be careful, you go down."

Bai Musheng waved his hand and said.

After Panxiong left, Bai Musheng pondered for a moment and found a henchman.

"I write a letter, you send it for me."


Savage World.

Six o'clock in the morning.

The figures of five players appeared on time in the clearing outside the cave.

The player's spawn point, resurrection point, and offline location can only be set in a certain area.

Lin Feng set it up in the open space of the inner valley.

Players can only go offline normally in the area set by the system, and if they go offline outside the specified area, they will leave their body in place.

What will happen if a soulless shell is left in this barbaric world, it is difficult to say.

"It's choking me, but I'm counting the time minute by minute, waiting for the game to start, it's like years."

As soon as he entered the game, Feng Hua Xueyue shouted loudly.

After playing this game, he felt bored in everything he did.

"That's right, after playing this game, the other games are all garbage in my eyes, even my favorite LOL is not fragrant."

Shoot your innocence and echo the word.

"Games that don't have 100% realism are boring."

Kaleidoscope feels the same way.

Several people chatted idly, but none of them walked away.

They were all waiting, waiting for their friends.

After going offline in the morning, they couldn't wait to give the game Amway to their friends and ask them to hurry up and make reservations.

There are those who believe, and there are those who do not believe.

However, there are friends who have made appointments and plan to come in and take a look.

New players will have to watch cutscenes and take character names, which will be a few minutes slower than them.

A few minutes later, a white light flashed and a new player appeared in the valley.

is a tall girl with a bit of heroism between her eyebrows.

She looked around in amazement, looked at her hands, and then pulled the collar of her animal skin blouse to look at it.

It's so real!

Daqing really didn't lie!

"Yezi, over here!"

Daqing waved at her.

Although the system made some adjustments to the character's appearance, Daqing, who was very familiar with Su Ziye, still recognized him at a glance.


Su Ziye came over with a smile.

You are innocent and see that the one invited into the game by Daqing is a beautiful young lady, and you can't help but pat your head with regret.

Why didn't I expect to invite a few girls to come in and play together, but called the three basic friends in the dormitory?

This game is so real, invite girls in, play together for a long time, love for a long time, maybe something can happen....

After Su Ziye, white light flashed continuously, and new players appeared in the valley one by one.

Everyone entered the game with a look of shock, shocked by the realism of the game.

Is this really just a game?

It's not too much to say that you have traveled to a real world!

The new players, all five old players, Amway, entered the game and found friends and got together.

The Daqing Five have also gathered together.

"Bunker, bunker, bunker! This game is really a bunker! "

The super invincible crackling Tyrannosaurus warrior shouted with excitement.

As a veteran reader of online game novels, this kind of game is simply his most coveted thing.

In comparison, the ranger is much calmer.

"There really is such a game, it is unreasonable, this is unreasonable, how can there be this technology?"

The calm ranger kept shouting unreasonable.

"Daqing, you give me a slap to see if it hurts."

After shouting a few unreasonable words, he looked up and said to Daqing.

"The pain level of this game is adjustable, up to thirty percent, as low as one percent, and by default at ten percent. This is perhaps the only thing in this game that is not 100% realistic.

"I think this should be a means of plotting to protect players." After all, there are definitely combat elements in the game, and injuries are inevitable. If you really want to be slashed or bitten by a monster, let alone 100% pain, even if it is 50% pain, I am afraid that most players can't stand it.

Daqing said.

"Oh? Can the pain level be adjusted? Where is it?

Ranger asked.

"Right in the Personal Properties panel."

Daqing replied.

When the four rangers heard this, they all opened their personal panels to find the pain adjustment, and silently adjusted the pain level to one percent.

Only the shooting is a little library, in order to pursue a more realistic feeling, directly pull the pain level and adjust it to 30%.

Are you still afraid of pain in the game?

Like what words!

"This game is so real, I don't know how freedom is."

Shooting a little Ku said curiously.

"Such as?"

Daqing looked at him.

"For example, in terms of dress, I don't know if this animal skin pants can be taken off."

Saying that, Shooting a little Ku had already begun to undo his belt, ready to take off his pants.

"Ahem, can you step on the horse normally!"

Daqing coughed twice and stopped the spicy behavior of shooting a little Ku with one kick.

The shot that did not take off his pants was obviously a little unwilling, and in a blink of an eye, he set his eyes on Su Ziye again.

"Hehe, Sister Ye."

He smiled and walked over to Su Ziye's side.

"What for?"

Su Ziye gave him a blank look and asked.

"Can you let me touch it, don't get me wrong, I just want to see how the game does in this detail, and whether there will be any forced inaccessibility or mosaics and other unreal settings."

Saying that, his hand had already reached out to Su Ziye's chest.

"You me!"

Su Ziye kicked over with a slap.


When he was kicked, he adjusted the pain to 30 percent, and the pain could be imagined.

He clutched his crotch, screamed, and adjusted the pain to one percent as fast as he could.

"Okay, don't make trouble, I'll take you to the patriarch to pick up the task first."

Daqing said.

"There are a total of six NPCs in the tribe, and in addition to the patriarch, the other five are children. The only NPC that can temporarily post quests is the patriarch.

Daqing introduced as he walked.

The task bar of the four rangers has also been updated with new missions.

Walking on the road, the four rangers looked at the rising sun in the sky, at the grass under their feet, the dew on the blades of grass, and the feeling of the morning breeze blowing on their bodies....

I still can't help but marvel.

This game is too realistic in terms of details!

"By the way, what did you choose to live in?"

Walking down the road, Daqing asked.

"I chose power."

After asking, he added.

"I also chose strength, I want to become the first warrior in the full service!"

The Tyrannosaurus rolled up its sleeves and exposed its muscles.

"I choose agility, I want to become the first archer in the full service!"

Shooting is a bit like a library, making a bow and arrow pose.

"I'm agile too."

Ranger said.

"I am intellectual." Su Ziye said with a smile, "What is the role of the four attributes?"

"According to my analysis, it should be similar to traditional games." Players with a power system have more strength and stronger attacks. Physique players have high defense and strong resilience. Agile players are faster and more flexible. In the case of the intelligence department, I don't know if there will be a profession of mage in the future.

Daqing analyzed.

As they spoke, they had already arrived at the cave, and Lin Feng was standing at the entrance of the cave waiting for them.

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