Lin Feng said to Yingyi again.

The victory was dumbfounded.

Lord Renhuang sent the Heavenly Descent into the Barbarian Continent to help the Terrans rise?

Lin Feng is the chosen leader?

This sounds very mysterious, but looking at the players talking and laughing in the distance, he thinks it makes sense.

The heavens have finally begun to favor the Terrans!

"This matter is very important, if the other races in the Barbarian World know, it will definitely strangle our star tribe in the cradle. I trust you to win the battle big brother, so I will tell you the matter, you must not tell anyone.

Lin Feng solemnly instructed.

"Don't worry, I swear by the honor of the ancestor of the Ying clan, even if you kill me, I will never reveal half a word!"

Winning the battle is excited, and the oath is made to the sky.

Lin Feng nodded and continued, "The problem now is that the Heavenly Descent has descended in the inner valley. If other people also live in the inner valley, it is easy to find some clues over time.

"So I decided to make the inner valley a forbidden place for the tribe, and I can't enter it without permission." Everyone else, all living in the outer valley, what do you think?

Lin Feng asked for his opinion on winning the battle.

"Of course you can, it has to be!"

Win Zhan said without hesitation.

How can it be sloppy when it comes to the great cause of the rise of the Terrans?

"During this time, I had the Skyfallers cut down many trees and hoard a lot of wood. Starting tomorrow, we will start building houses in the outer valley.

Lin Feng said.


Victory was shocked to hear that Lin Feng had let the Heavenly Descent people do the rough work of cutting down trees before.

"The Heavenly Descent is the person sent by the Human Emperor to help me, wouldn't it be nice to let them do this kind of rough work? This kind of thing will be left to us later! Win


What if the descendants leave in anger?

Lin Feng smiled: "Don't worry, these heavenly descendants are very enthusiastic. As long as there is something for them to do, no matter what kind of dirty work, they will not mind. "

Player, what are you afraid of?

Just have the task and experience on it.

"It is worthy of being a heavenly descendant, too selfless, too great!"

When the victory heard this, he couldn't help but sigh.

Lin Feng and Victory returned to the crowd, and the decision to prepare to build a residential area in the outer valley was announced.

Construction will begin tomorrow.

When the players heard the news, they burst into cheers.

When building residential areas, NPCs will definitely issue tasks for them to help, whether it is to help collect materials, or to help build houses, there is always a experience point reward.

Even leaving aside the mission rewards, it's great to experience the fun of building in the game.

Isn't that much more real than those pixel-style sandbox games?

Winning the war, he was originally worried that if the Skyfallers helped build residential areas, the Skyfallers would be unwilling.

At this moment, seeing the heavenly descendants let out a cheer, one by one, eager to start construction immediately, I couldn't help but be a little moved.

Worthy of being a heavenly descendant, too selfless, too great!

With the help of the players, Win and the others built a simple camp in the outer valley as a residence before the construction of the outer valley residential area.

Afterwards, the full Han table showed off a handful of cooking skills and made a sumptuous dinner to celebrate today's victory.

The sumptuous dinner was unanimously praised by everyone, especially the winning battle and the three brothers of the Pan family, which can simply be described as gobbling.

Eating is more unrestrained than real jackals.


In the evening, players went offline one after another, and Lin Feng began to ponder the candidates for the three NPCs.

There are now nineteen "NPCs" in the tribe.

Yingyi and other five children, Win Battle six, Pan family three brothers, wind wolf, and four Mu people.

When choosing NPCs, you naturally have to choose those with strong skills.

In this way, NPCs can not only teach skills to players and improve their strength, but also use the player's experience points to learn skills to quickly upgrade.

It can be said to be a win-win.

He started by looking at the four skills he had acquired.


Power Strike (Active Skill): Concentrates full body strength for a full blow that increases damage by 50%.

Cooldown: 30 seconds.


Requirement: No Rank Requirement: Strength System

Level Requirement: 2

Learning Consumption Experience Points 100 points.



Step (Active Skill): Increases speed by 50% and immunizes against all slowdowns for 10 seconds.

Cooldown: 2 minutes.


Requirement: No Rank Requirement: Agility Level Requirement:


Learning Consumption XP 100 Points.



Enhancement (Active Skill): Thirty percent increase in defense for 30 seconds.

Cooldown: 3 minutes.


requirements: No department requirements: Physical fitness

level requirements: 2

learning consumption experience points 100 points.


Bullet (Active Skill): Unleash a magic bullet made of mana, and when hit, it will deal damage to enemies based on their own intelligence points.

Cooldown: 3 seconds


Requirement: No Rank Requirement: Intelligence Department

Level Requirement: 2

Learning Costs 100 XP.


four, Lin Feng believes, belong to the basic skills given to players by the system.

It's just that the owner of the system is too slow to upgrade, resulting in unlocking it now, leaving players with no skills available.

Especially intellectual players, if not unable to delete the number, they are estimated to have all deleted the number and come back.

Now with the primary skill of "Magic Bullet", the intellectual department can finally barely play.

After reading his skills, Lin Feng began to check the skills of other "NPCs" in the tribe.

He has to choose the most suitable three of them and become NPCs.

As long as the intelligent beings of the barbarian world join the star tribe, Lin Feng can see their attributes and skills.

First of all, there were four Mu people, Lin Feng glanced at them a few times and directly ruled them out.

It's not that they don't have skills, it's not that their skills aren't strong, but because the racial requirements of the skills they possess are all Mu races.

The hidden race of the Mu Clan has not been unlocked, and it naturally makes no sense to make the Mu Clan an NPC.

Lin Feng looked at everyone's skills, and after weighing up, he decided on the final candidate.

Win the war, win the yi, and the wind wolf.

Winning battles is at level 5 and has two skills, Tiger Strike and Will to Fight.

Among them, "Will to Fight" is a very rare passive skill!


Tiger Strike (Active Skill): Concentrate strength for a powerful blow, damage increased by 30%, and a 30% probability of hitting with a tearing effect, causing continuous bleeding.

Cooldown: 20 seconds.

Race requirements: No other requirements: Strength system, agility system

level requirements: Level 3

learning costs 200 experience points.


Tiger Strike, like Power Strike, is a damage skill.

Although Tiger Strike doesn't do as much damage as Power Strike, it has a chance to have an additional tear effect after hitting it, and the cooldown time is shorter than Power Strike.

It is important that both the strength and agility departments learn!

Judging from the experience points consumed, Tiger Strike is clearly stronger than Power Strike.

The second skill, Will to Fight.


Battle Will (Passive Skill): After entering the battle state, every minute the battle state lasts, the total attribute is increased by one percent, up to a maximum of thirty percent.

Race Requirement: No Rank Requirement: No Rank


500 XP consumed without school.


The Will to Fight is a skill that can be learned by all races and all families, without any learning requirements.

Of course, although the level requirement is none, up to 500 learning experience points still creates a level threshold.

Level 5 to level 6 requires 500 XP.

In other words, players must be at level 5 or above to store more than 500 experience points in order to learn this skill.

After winning the battle, it is Huanyi.

There is only one skill for Wingyi, but this is a very useful passive skill.


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