For the surrounding students, the night wind was very unflattened at this time, and even a handsome face could not hide the feeling of under-flattening.

Countless students even looked unhappy with the night breeze, others are still exhausted, you meow easy promotion, what are you! Naked show-off, standing and talking without back pain. The students below can’t wait to end up until the night breeze, and they want to teach him a hard lesson.

Of course, those who have this idea are not Night Wind’s classmates, they are all students in other classes, they have not seen the Night Wind Battle Hinata Day and Heaven battle, so they have not yet witnessed the strength of Night Wind, naturally confident, even if the reputation is strong, the real battle has various means.

Of course, they also wronged the night wind, and the night wind just wanted to find someone to do a trick and see how their strength and peers were.

This is a capital injustice!


“Below, Night Wind vs. Inuzuka Jaw.”

As the examiner’s words fall. There was silence.

Three seconds later, a uproar erupted.

The surrounding students were excited.

“A contest of two geniuses.”

“Great, let the two geniuses compete in advance, we will know what they are good at, and target them in advance.”

“It’s best to be evenly matched, the injury is serious, even medical ninjutsu can’t be treated quickly.”

The surrounding students were excited.

It’s a contest between seed students!

The battle between the newborn genius and the old genius, the people of the Inuzuka clan, the imperial dog clan, the strength is also very strong.

“Come on, Shiromaru.”

Students with tattoos on their faces walk into the examination room with a white dog.

“Hey, how did that person bring a dog on the field and not interfere with the game?” A little white student looked confused.

“Idiots, they’re the Inuzuka family, the Imperial Dog family. It’s okay to include animals and bugs in the ninja tool, which is also part of the strength. ”

In the field, the night wind and Inuzuka Jaw stand opposite each other.

Night Wind looked at Inuzuka Jaw with slightly curious eyes, this person remembered as if there was a chapter of manga memories, standing behind the fourth generation of Hokage, was the companion and comrade of the fourth generation of Hokage. I remember that many people who posted the bar at that time were talking about whether this person might be Inuzuka Ya’s father, that is, Inuzuka Ya, one of the twelve small powerhouses of the future wood industry.

Whether it is specific or not, Night Wind remembers that it was not revealed in the finale of the Hokage, which is a guess, but if not it should be an elder.

At this time, the night wind carefully looked at Inuzuka Jaw, and Inuzuka Jaw looked at the opposite night wind with sympathy on his face.

For the night wind, he naturally knows a little about it, defeated Hinata, because of trivial things and the Uchiha family, he also knows about the arrogant and domineering, no one in sight, hanging the sky of the Uchiha family.

Inuzuka Jaw sighed with a slight pity: “It’s a pity, the genius who has not grown up is nothing.” ”

“Are you showing off?”

“No, I just feel that a genius like you was defeated by me and is one step away from entering the final assessment. If you change someone, maybe you can easily enter the final assessment. But I’m a genius of the Inuzuka clan, and I have to win. ”


The night breeze was completely speechless!

This tone, this attitude, is like the declaration of the opponent who was beaten by the protagonist in some middle two novels, and the geniuses of the Hyuga clan before it were also like this.

“Who loses and who wins, not necessarily.”

“I will definitely win.”

Inuzuka had a confident look on his face, and his eyes shone with confidence.

“The contest begins!”

The special shinobi examiner decisively announced the beginning.

“Beast Ninja! Four-legged technique! ”

“It’s appeared, that’s the secret method of the Inuzuka clan!”

“That’s the four-legged technique, making yourself like a beast, with a huge increase in grip and attack.”

In the field, I saw Inuzuka on all fours, with extraordinary momentum, like a wild beast, rushing towards the night wind.

“Wow, so fast!”

The students around the venue couldn’t help but talk about it.

Especially those students whose strength was mediocre and ordinary shouted, facing such a fast speed, everyone was wondering how to deal with the night wind.

In the eyes of outsiders, it is very good speed, in the eyes of the night wind, it is just ordinary to the extreme, such a speed, the pure body of the night wind can be achieved, no special physical skills, no need for powerful physical skills, that is, simple body speed.

Therefore, the night wind also moved, and as soon as the footsteps stepped on, the night wind also rushed towards Inuzuka Jaw.

“Wow, Night Wind classmate is also so strong.”

Countless students were shocked, Inuzuka Jaw had such rapid speed because of ninjutsu, while the night wind was purely physical.

“Interesting, the foundation is solid!” A Naka Shinobi teacher was amazed in his heart. At this time, the physical fitness of the students is as strong as the night wind, and there is almost nothing.


The two are about to collide head-on!

One is pure physical art, and the other is the beast ninja method.

“Hmph! The attack power of the beast ninja method has increased greatly, and encountering me is your biggest failure. Inuzuka said darkly.


At the moment of the collision, a terrifying force directly struck from the arm and spread all the way to the body, and Inuzuka, who had just smiled and was confident, immediately changed his complexion, and his eyes showed a look of horror.

So strong!

That strength is extremely strong, if it were not for the beast ninja method, if it were an ordinary person, at least half of his arms would be wasted.

However, despite not being fatally injured, Inuzuka’s jaw was shaking and numb. The whole person was even shot out under this force.

In the air, Inuzuka deftly unloaded this force, otherwise he fell to the ground, at least with minor injuries.

“Good risk!” Inuzuka looked happy, fortunately, he had just mobilized the chakra in his body to pour into his arm while attacking, colliding with the night wind, otherwise even the four-legged technique would not be useful.

Inuzuka Jaw was still rejoicing, but there was silence on the sidelines.

In the brief silence, there was a boom underground.

“I’m not dazzled, pure physical skills have won the secret art of the Inuzuka clan.”

“I didn’t expect my strength to be so strong!” Night Breeze muttered.

Night Wind has been training, at most, he has worn tricks with Matt, and he has no idea how powerful he is, but when he fights against his peers, he finds that he has gone ahead of many people.

“It should be Chakra’s sake!” Night Breeze Dark Passage.

If it is a pure strength value, Night Wind feels that he should still be a long way from Little Superman, and the strength value is about one hundred and fifty, however, when the increase through Chakra, the strength value should reach about two hundred and thirty. The block is already half of the little Superman jaw.

Under the increase of throwing Chakra, Night Wind felt that when physical skills were at most, it was the lower level of ninja, but with the increase of Chakra, it could be close to middle patience.

The faces of everyone below were incredulous, and it even felt like a dream.

The students were still just amazed, but the official ninjas around them were shocked.

They became official ninjas but they had come into contact with the Inuzuka clan, and they could say that they knew more about the secret arts of this clan than these students, and they knew very well how difficult it was to win ninjutsu with physical skills. What’s more, physical skills are just something that is not in the flow in the eyes of most ninjas, and they can’t become strong in their lives.

“Is it so strong? But I’m not going to lose. ”

“Shiromaru, let’s go on.”

A soldier’s grain pill was thrown into the mouth of the dog who was directly beating soy sauce in the field.

“Gollum… Roar! ”

In an instant, the puppy that originally looked docile and white turned into a fierce red fierce dog.

The puppy climbs onto Inuzuka’s back.

“Beast Ninja Method, Orc Doppelganger!” The original puppy instantly became exactly like Inuzuka Jaw.

“I’ll do it.” Inuzuka looked confident.

“Four-legged technique!”

Two people, one up and one down, flew into the night wind.

The night wind deftly jumped into the air, and the two pounced, leaving a small hole in the ground, and earth and rocks splashed out.

“Good opportunity, you can’t dodge in the air.” Inuzuka laughed.

“Look at my orc-body mysteries! Tooth to tooth! ”


The two Inuzuka jaws spun violently, turning into a humanoid tornado, striking the night wind in mid-air with terrifying attack power.


Sharp collision, the night wind seemed to be swallowed by two tornadoes, crazy strangle.

“Haha, I won.” After casting his teeth, Chakra did not have much left, and Inuzuka Jaw, who did not have much physical strength, fell to the ground, panting, but his face was full of joy.

Looking at the night breeze lying motionless on the ground, the night breeze that was a little embarrassed all over his body, the chief examiner announced: “In this competition, Inuzuka Jaw won …”

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