The Rise of the Shen Family

Vol 2 Chapter 756: Bead mutation

???? At the same time, in the Qingyunmen camp on the other side of the Tuyang Valley Mine, Long Zhuqing and Zhen Tianzheng also gathered in a temporary cave.

???? "Uncle Master, did you find the treasure that the Zongmen suspected from Wang Yuanqing's body?"

Long Zhuqing turned his head to look at the innocent person, and asked calmly.

???? Faced with the question, the innocent people on the side couldn't help shook his head, and sighed heavily:

???? "Wang Yuanqing chose to solve his own soldiers before he died, and the whole person was disintegrated by the avenue Xiaguang, and all his storage bags disappeared with him..."

After hearing this, Long Zhuqing's eyebrows frowned slightly, and a thoughtful look appeared on his calm face.

???? On this side, Zhen Nao Ren looked at the silent Long Zhuqing again, and said in a deep voice:

???? "Now that Wang Yuanqing has been disbanded and died, if the sect wants to continue to track down that treasure, I am afraid that he can only find a way to start with the hidden Wang clan..."

???? However, as soon as his voice fell, Long Zhuqing, who bowed his head in contemplation, slowly raised his head, casting his eyes on the innocent man and said:

???? "Master, does the Wang family really have such a treasure?"

???? As soon as these words came out, the naive person immediately looked at the former with some confusion.

???? "Zhuqing, what do you mean by that?"

???? "I'm just thinking right now, Zongmen didn't know what the treasure of the Wang family was from the beginning to the end, so how can I be sure that it is related to Yuan Ying Dao?"

???? Long Zhuqing's expression is still unwavering, and he faintly tells his thoughts.

???? "In other words, that thing may be just an ordinary Tier 4 treasure, nothing special, but it's all the obsession of the sect all the time..."

????In fact, Long Zhuqing had opinions on the sect’s various methods of suppressing the Wang family, although the Wang family used to...Chapter 756 Bead Mutation (Chapter 1 /8 pages),. Relying on the power of the golden core ancestors, the interests of the sect were constantly being engulfed, making the sect become smoggy.

???? But it is undeniable that when the Wang family was in its heyday, it did make great contributions to the sect.

???? So in his opinion, the sect's handling of the Wang family is too much, so that it is far away from the sect, and it is enough to be a wealthy family obediently.

???? However, he was only a true disciple at the beginning, and he could not influence the decision of the high-level die-hards headed by Zhenren Ziyun at all.

???? Besides, he also knew at that time that the mysterious treasure in the hands of the Wang family was also conspired by the sect, so the suppression of the Wang family was not just to punish its original fault.

???? Long Zhuqing's remarks made Zhen Tianzheng unable to help but fall into thinking, apparently also thinking about the authenticity of that treasure.

???? After a long time, he hesitated and said:

???? "According to Zongmen's news, this treasure was originally obtained by Master Han Yuan from the "Meteor Star Sea", but no one in the Zongmen seems to know what this thing is..."

???? "Furthermore, after the fall of the patriarch, the sect did not find anything special from his belongings, but more than three hundred years later, news of the treasures in the clan came out from the king's family..."

????. . . . . .

When Long Zhuqing and Zhen Tianzheng were discussing the authenticity of the Wang Family's treasure in secret, Shen Huanchi had already put down the shameless black bead in his hand.

???? After some research, no matter how he tried to refine this bead, the latter did not respond, so he had to put the bead aside first.

After putting down the bead, Shen Huanchi picked up the jade slip that Wang Yuanqing had handed him, and peeked into it to check.

What is recorded in this jade slip is the hiding place of the surviving members of the Wang family, and this place is actually on an island in the eastern sea area of ​​Canglan County.

???? After a few breaths, Shen Huanchi’s spiritual consciousness slowly changed from the jade slip...Chapter 756 Bead Mutation (page 2/8), . He retreated, and then the palm that held the jade slip suddenly crushed the jade slip with force.

???? As the jade was reduced to a ball of powder, the content inside naturally disappeared along with it.

???? Shen Huanchi looked at the cloud of powder scattered on the ground, and a contemplative expression flashed across his warm eyes.

???? Although he promised that Wang Yuanqing would shelter the surviving royal family members after his fall, but he would not take both himself and his family in.

???? Therefore, how to bring the royal family members back to Yunbifeng quietly, still needs to be considered carefully, so that Qingyunmen should not be aware of the trace.

After a moment of contemplation, Shen Huanchi seemed to have an idea in his heart, so his gaze slowly moved to the storage bag next to him, and the tidal-like divine consciousness peeked into it again.

????Because Wang Yuanqing had lifted the soul restriction on this storage bag before the temporary, the former's divine consciousness entered the space in this storage bag very smoothly.

???? The entire storage space is ten feet square, stacked with various cabinets and boxes, as well as a lot of spiritual materials of various levels placed outside, the number of which is terrifying.

???? On those cabinets, there are all kinds of jade bottles and boxes, as well as many jade slips and books, which look messy.

???? It seems that after the Wang Family was breached by the Qingyun Gate, the various resources taken away from the family should belong to Wang Yuanqing.

???? "It is worthy of being the Jindan family that was famous in Lingnan back then. Even if it has fallen to such a situation now, the family heritage still cannot be underestimated..."

Looking at the treasures piled up in the entire storage space, Shen Huanchi felt a little emotional in his heart, and his eyes quickly moved across the cabinets and boxes.

???? In the end, his gaze fell on a corner, where a simple jade slip neatly placed there, as well as a number of sealed spirit jade boxes.

????As soon as Shen Huanchi's belief moved, these few things left the storage space in an instant...Chapter 756 Beads Mutations (Page 3/8) ,. , When he appeared again, he had already come to his position.

???? He picked up the jade slip, and the tidal sense of God immediately poured into it, and the words recorded in the jade slip gradually came to his mind.

???? The first thing that caught his eye was the five dragons and phoenix seal characters, followed by a large number of obscure mental methods and scriptures.

???? And as these words quickly printed into Shen Huanchi's mind, a faint smile slowly appeared on his face.

???? After a long time, Shen Huanchi's consciousness slowly withdrew from this jade slip, and the reopened eyes still revealed a touch of joy.

???? At this time, the jade slip in his hand recorded an earth-attribute golden core technique, and it was also a technique that could be cultivated to the later stage of the golden core.

???? As everyone knows, the golden core exercises circulating in the Lingnan cultivating world are very rare, and almost all are monopolized in the hands of the two major sects, Qingyunmen and Wujizong.

???? Among these few golden core techniques, most of them can only be practiced to the early golden core, and only a few can be successfully cultivated to the middle golden core or even the late golden core.

???? As far as Shen Huanchi knows, even Qingyunmen only has two exercises that can be cultivated to the late Jindan period, which are continuously passed on as Zhenpai exercises.

???? And in Shen Huanchi's view, this [Splitting the Land and Moving the Mountain Code] should not be among the two in Qingyunmen that are regarded as Zhenpai exercises.

???? After all, although the ancestor of the Wang Family was expensive as the Qingyunmen Supreme Elder, it did not mean that he had reached the point of covering the sky with only one hand in the sect.

Besides, in the Lingnan immortal cultivation world, because of the extremely scarce inheritance of exercises and other inheritances, everyone in Lingnan has been adhering to the principle of "the law is not passed down lightly" since ancient times.

???? Don’t say it’s the Zhenpai exercises in Qingyunmen. Even the foundation-building exercises in the Jiji family are regarded as treasures of the town family and will not be allowed to flow into the world of immortality. .

???? So this is the [Splitting the ground and moving the mountains...Chapter 756 Bead Mutation (page 4/8),. Code] It should have been obtained from other places by the ancestor of the Wang family or a certain generation of Wang family monks, and it is not suspected of stealing the Qingyunmen exercises.

???? But even if he has an idea in his mind, Shen Huanchi still intends to ask Shen Jinghua in the future, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble.

???? Then again, now that I have obtained this [Splitting the Ground and Moving the Mountain Code], the number of Jin Danqi exercises in the Shen family's collection has reached four.

???? In addition to Shen Ruiling’s [Three Elements Turning Thunder Technique], because the training conditions are too harsh and not suitable for ordinary people to practice, the other [Stormy Waves] and [Thunder Fire Tempering Golden Code] can satisfy ordinary people. Practice.

???? And the [Thunderfire Quenching Code] satisfies the cultivation of the tribesmen with the fire attribute and the metallic spiritual root, and the [Story Waves Art] satisfies the tribe with the water attribute and the spiritual root. In addition, the current [Cracking the Earth and Moving the Mountain Code] just satisfies the soil attribute. The people of Linggen cultivate.

???? After such a detailed calculation, the Shen family still lacks a wood attribute technique that can be cultivated to the golden core stage, and can roughly make up the five element attribute golden core technique.

???? For thousands of years, in the entire Lingnan Cultivation Realm, there are only two sects that have been passed on for nearly ten thousand years, the Qingyunmen and the Wujizong, that have been able to collect the Five Elements Golden Core exercises.

???? After Shen Huanchi solemnly put the [Splitting the Ground and Moving the Mountain Code] into his portable storage bag, he immediately reached out and opened a sealed jade box next to it.

???? In this jade box, there are three yellow talismans exuding strong spiritual power fluctuations, and the aura from each of them makes Shen Huanchi frown slightly.

???? There are actually three Tier 4 treasures, two of which have reached Tier 4 low grade, and one is Tier 4 middle grade.

???? Shen Huanchi quickly recognized the names of these three Tier 4 treasures, the two Tier 4 lower grade talismans were named [Taibai Jinguang Fu], and the 4th Tier middle grade talismans were [Ruyi Shoushan Talisman].

???? As the name suggests, the former is an offensive talisman, while the latter is a defensive talisman.

????Shen Huanchi put these three...Chapter 756 Bead Mutation (page 5/8),. After picking up the treasure talisman and trying to figure it out carefully, his eyes quickly fell on the two jade slips next to the three talisman.

???? What will be recorded in the jade slips that are put together with the three fourth-order treasures?

???? His spiritual sense directly penetrated into these two jade slips, and the contents of the jade slips quickly appeared in his mind.

???? As expected, the two jade slips were recorded in the special drawing methods of the two fourth-order treasures, the Taibai Golden Light Talisman and the Ruyi Shoushan Talisman.

Looking at the drawing methods of these two treasures, a touch of excitement flashed in Shen Huanchi's eyes, and he quickly put them away.

???? Next, he opened the other two sealed jade boxes. The two jade boxes contained a fourth-tier low-grade heaven and earth spirit treasure, and a fourth-tier low-grade thousand-year-old elixir.

???? These two things are obviously Tier 4 treasures collected by the Wang Family for thousands of years.

???? Shen Huanchi checked these two things briefly, then put them into the storage bag again, and prepared to return to Yunbi Peak to talk about it.

???? And at this moment, the restrictions placed outside his cave mansion were also touched.

????"come in!!"

After sensing the people standing outside the cave, Shen Huanchi sorted it out, and then immediately wielded a majestic spiritual power to open the forbidden light curtain at the entrance of the cave.

???? With the opening of the banning light curtain at the entrance of the cave slowly, Shen Ruiling, dressed in a green shirt, walked in quickly and came directly in front of Shen Huanchi.

???? "I have seen the patriarch!"

???? Shen Ruiling faced Shen Huanchi and bowed his hands in salute.

???? On this side, Shen Huanchi was about to speak, but his face suddenly changed, and he quickly looked at the cuff.

It turned out that at the moment Shen Ruiling bowed and saluted, the bead in his sleeve suddenly burst out with a faint purple light.

???? Although the purple light that bloomed was fleeting, it still caused Shen Huanchi's...Chapter 756 The Bead Change (page 6/8) ),. Note that he quickly took the pitch-black bead out of his cuff.

???? However, after Shen Huanchi took out this bead, it had returned to its original appearance, which was no different from ordinary jade in the secular world.

Looking at the bead in his hand that had fallen into silence again, Shen Huanchi couldn't help frowning again, his gaze slowly shifted from the bead to Shen Ruiling in front of him.

???? "Patriarch, what is this bead in your hand?"

???? Shen Ruiling had just witnessed the strange behavior of the patriarch throughout the whole process, so she was a little unsure, and she couldn't understand what was so special about that bead.

???? Shen Huanchi looked at Shen Ruiling from head to toe, and didn't seem to notice anything abnormal, and then slowly said:

???? "Look at this bead!"

???? After that, he handed the bead in his hand to Shen Ruiling with a blank face.

???? On this side, Shen Ruiling did not hesitate about the patriarch’s words, and directly reached out and took the black bead that the patriarch handed over, and then carefully checked he stroked his hand. The surface of the bead was nothing special except that it was extremely smooth, and he didn't seem to feel any spiritual power fluctuations from the bead.

???? While the present person was carefully examining the bead in his hand, Shen Huanchi on the side was also staring at the bead's reaction.

???? However, the scene he expected did not happen, and the bead still did not respond.

???? "Is it really my perception wrong?"

???? Looking at the beads that remained unresponsive in Shen Ruiling's hands, Shen Huanchi couldn't help but doubt himself.

???? At this moment, Shen Ruiling was trying to inject a piece of spiritual power into the bead. When his spiritual power touched the surface of the dark bead, the latter suddenly burst out with a bright purple light.

???? This time, the purple light did not disappear in an instant, but more and more...Chapter 756 Bead Mutation (Chapter 7/ 8 pages),. The dazzling, made the entire pitch-black bead bloom out of purple light.

???? Shen Ruiling's eyes were all rendered by the bright purple light, and an extremely shocked look gradually emerged.

???? At this time, he felt that the bead in his hand was rapidly absorbing the spiritual power in his body, and in just an instant he collected one-third of the spiritual power in his body.

???? Not only that, the spiritual power in the entire Tuyang Valley Mine seems to have been instantly mobilized, and the rich heaven and earth aura is constantly converging in Shen Huanchi's cave.

????. . . . . .

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