The Rise of the Shen Family

Vol 2 Chapter 759: Lei Di

   As the thick giant tentacles hit the surface of the bead, the overwhelmed bead completely lost its ability to resist, like a meteor dragging its long tail into the sea.

   And when the beads fell into the deep sea, the scene in front of Shen Ruiling also plunged into darkness, and everything in front of him slowly disappeared. A genius remembers 噺バ一Chinese m.x/8/1/z/w.c/o/m/

   After a long time, he still stood sluggishly on the spot, and the scene of the earth-shattering melee flashed in his mind.

   Although the two sides are separated by endless space and time, the oppressive feeling brought to him by the fighting monks and monsters in the screen is still extremely powerful, and the cultivation level of each one is unimaginable.

   So why did these peerless powerhouses fight in the ancient times, and what are the monsters that are shrouded in weird black mist?

   In addition, what will be the final outcome of this melee, and what will be the final outcome of the purple-robed monk who is the master of the beads?

   A series of questions appeared in Shen Ruiling's mind, but he didn't know any of these. Obviously, these questions had exceeded his current cognition.

   If the memory fragments transmitted by this spatial device spirit are complete, there may be some discoveries, but unfortunately they are all incomplete and unconnectable pictures.

   After meditation for a while, Shen Ruiling rubbed his numb temples, and then recalled the monk in the purple robe. He gained some confidence from those pictures.

   First of all, this bead came from the hands of the purple-robed monk, who was also the last owner of the bead, and the space inside this bead is the cave where he practiced, which can also be said to be a blessed land.

  Secondly, the cultivation level of this purple-robed monk has obviously surpassed the realm of cultivation that he recognizes. From the picture, he has reached a realm above the Nascent Infant or a higher realm.

   is just who this ancient predecessor is, and what realm his original cultivation level has reached, he can't tell from the picture.

   In the end, what made him feel most excited is that the practice practiced by this purple-robed monk and his practice "Three Yuan Zhuan Lei Jue" have the same inheritance relationship.

   This can also be a good explanation, why the spiritual power in his body can awaken the spirit of the bead and bring it to the [Zixiaodongtian].

   You must know that the "Three Yuan Zhuan Lei Jue" he obtained from the family's Buddhist scriptures pavilion can only be regarded as a fragmented scroll, and the exercises recorded in it can only be practiced to the later stage of the golden core, and it does not record the content of the Yuan Ying period.

   Although he said that he was only at the foundation of the Great Perfection cultivation base, he had not yet succeeded in forming a pill, and he was far away from the legendary Yuan Ying realm.

   But for him, the exercises he practiced are not always a hidden danger, and this hidden danger may even directly affect his future path.

   After all, as the cultivator's cultivation base gets higher and higher, the various costs of San Gong will also become higher and higher, so high-rank cultivators have to go through careful consideration if they want to change to other exercises.

   Originally, Shen Ruiling wanted to build a pill first, but as for the subsequent exercises, he was thinking of other methods. It would be best if he could find the follow-up exercises, but if he couldn't find it, he could only switch to other exercises.

   But it's all right now. The problem that has been plagued him has been solved, and he has found a clue about his follow-up exercises.

   Since the cultivation base of the purple-robed monk is likely to have exceeded the Nascent Soul Stage, it can prove that the cultivation technique he cultivates must be a complete inheritance that can be practiced all the way.

   And the [Zixiao Dongtian] he is now in is the Dongtian blessed land created by the purple-robed monk. Naturally, there must be the inheritance of his practice.

   So as long as he can find the exercises practiced by the ancient monk in this [Zixiaodongtian], the problem of his own incomplete exercises can be solved.

   And this exercise should be able to pass through the Nascent Soul Stage or even a higher realm. If he can get to that point, he doesn't need to worry about not having a follow-up exercise.

   Just as Shen Ruiling was stunned, the deep voice slowly sounded in his ears again.

   "Well, before I fall asleep again, do you have any questions as soon as possible?"

   Hearing this, Shen Ruiling immediately raised her head to look at the giant beast phantom above her head, and quickly asked:

   "Senior Qi Ling, dare to ask if the senior purple robe who created you is famous?"

   "As far as I know, everyone at the time called him Lei Di..."

   "Lei Di..."

   Shen Ruiling's heart was lifted. To be able to be called the emperor, his strength must be very terrifying, and before the emperor was crowned with a word of thunder, this person's thunder method is probably his famous skill.

   He muttered silently in his heart, and then he remembered the name in his heart, planning to find time in the future to see if he could search for information about this ancient monk.

   Of course, the most effective way is to go to the attic that I just saw in the screen. As the place where Zixiao Tianjun practices and meditates, naturally there should be information about his identity.

   Besides, it is extremely likely that there will be his follow-up cultivation techniques there.

   "Senior, the fairyland-like scene that just appeared in that picture, is it the space where we now exist?"

   Thinking of this, Shen Ruiling once again looked at the Qi Ling above her head, and asked hesitantly.

   I saw, this head spirit also looked down at him, and sighed with a heavy tone:

   "You have also seen that this seat was severely damaged due to the battle that year, leading to a great loss of spirituality, and the internal space was directly shattered under the last attack..."

   "The place where you stand now is only part of the medicine garden he created back then, and the rest of the broken space debris are floating in your surrounding area..."

   Hearing this, Shen Ruiling couldn't help but frowned, and asked anxiously:

   "Senior, is the attic built by the purple-robed senior still intact?"

   "That attic is where he retreats and meditates, so naturally it is intact..."

   Facing the former's question, this silver feather Lei Peng tool spirit seemed to glance at a distance, and then looked at him again without thinking.

   After Shen Ruiling heard this, his frowning brows slowly unfolded, so he hurriedly asked again.

   "Senior, I wonder if the junior can go to that loft now?"

   Who knows that silver feather Lei Peng Qi Ling directly shook his head, and immediately said:

   "Your cultivation is not enough now, and you haven't completely become the master of this place, you can't go there across the endless void of these four weeks."

"Moreover, I have just woke up now, and I am still very weak. For the time being, it is impossible to recover the broken space debris in this cave..." The fastest computer terminal of the new 81 Chinese website: https://www.@x81zw@ @

   Hearing this, Shen Ruiling's originally full of anticipation in her heart suddenly fell down, but he obviously wouldn't just give up so easily.

   "Senior, how can juniors go to that loft?"

   "One is to improve the cultivation base, and then refining this seat with the real Zixiao Divine Thunder, you can become the true master of this [Zixiao Dongtian]."

   "The second is to let this seat absorb enough thunder power as much as possible to repair itself, and let this space have more vitality..."

   Yinyu Lei Peng Qi Ling did not conceal anything, and directly spoke to Shen Ruiling.

   After listening to the former's words, Shen Ruiling immediately lowered his head and began to think, and began to think seriously in his heart.

   Neither of the two methods mentioned by the head tool spirit can be done in a short time, but the second method seems to be easier than the first one.

   Now, although his cultivation has reached the realm of foundation-building Great Perfection, and he has comprehended the rhyme of the Tao of Fire, he has not yet cultivated to the Great Perfection in spiritual power, and he still has to wait for an opportunity to consolidate his pill.

   So in a short period of time, he might not be able to form a pill, and he is still a little bit short.

   As for looking for the power of thunder to supply the spirit to absorb, this is easier than the pill formation, but this is only for Shen Ruiling.

   After all, although thunder-attributed spirit creatures are rare in the Lingnan Cultivation Realm, don’t forget that there is a valley in the back mountain of Yunbifeng that accumulates thunder all year round.

   The power of thunder there can be absorbed by the spirit, so as to quickly repair itself.

   Just when Shen Ruiling was seriously considering, the silver feather Lei Peng Qi Ling said in a deep voice again:

   "This seat was awakened because of the special spiritual power in your body, and now you are very weak, so if you have no other questions, this seat will fall into a deep sleep again..."

   Hearing this, Shen Ruiling suddenly remembered something, so he quickly asked:

   "Dare to ask senior, I don't know how to get out again?"

   "You have now been recognized by this seat, and you can be regarded as half the master of this space, so you only need to have a thought in your heart to leave, and it's the same if you want to enter..."

   I saw that the silver feather Lei Peng spirit had already swam towards the black thundercloud in the sky, and its low voice was rolling like a muffled thunder.

   As soon as he entered the thundercloud, he immediately transformed into the form of a whale, and merged with the entire huge thundercloud.

   After the spirit had completely disappeared, Shen Ruiling slowly lowered his head, and then looked around again.

   Although there are still many doubts in this space that have not been solved, the most important thing at the moment is to return to the outer space first.

   After all, he himself accidentally entered the inner space of this bead, but the patriarch was still waiting outside, and he was still afraid of him.

   Thinking of this, Shen Ruiling immediately thought, and the whole person immediately felt that his eyes were dark, and then a bright scene appeared in front of his eyes.

   I saw that he appeared in a strange room, and there was no one in the room, which made him immediately vigilant.

   He looked around cautiously, and then found a jade slip on the table in the room, so he immediately plunged his divine sense into it.

   As the contents of the jade slip appeared in Shen Ruiling's mind, he gradually let go of his vigilance, and finally his consciousness withdrew from the jade slip.

   It turned out that this jade slip was specially reserved for him by Shen Huanchi, and it explained some necessary things so that he could face the situation calmly.

  . . . . . .

   After Shen Ruiling was sucked into the interior by the aura from the beads, Shen Huanchi waited anxiously all night, but never saw him come out.

   The next day, Qingyunmen asked all the coalition monks to immediately set off to attack Taian County, and Shen Huanchi and the Shen family coalition monks had to keep up with the army.

   Therefore, as a last resort, Shen Huanchi could only leave the bead on the mountain of Liangtai Mountain when passing by Liangtai Mountain, and let Shen Yongxuan who was stationed here take care of it.

   And the former did not let Shen Yongxuan know the existence of this bead, and just confessed a few words and directly sealed the room where the beads were stored.

   Although Shen Huanchi can carry the bead on his body, he cannot guarantee when Shen Ruiling will suddenly appear from the inside of the bead, nor can he guarantee that he will be alone at that time.

   Therefore, it is most appropriate to leave the beads in a separate place where no one cares.

   Shen Ruiling then crushed the jade slip in his hand, and then looked at the bead on the bed again, subconsciously wanting to put it in his own storage bag.

   However, when his consciousness enveloped the surface of the beads and wanted to put them in the storage bag, he unexpectedly found that the beads were still lying there motionless.

   After seeing this scene, Shen Ruiling couldn't help but was taken aback, but he quickly figured it out, so he shook his head helplessly and laughed bitterly.

   Let alone what level of secret treasure this bead is, there is a space inside it, and this space is obviously much higher than his storage bag.

   So how can the storage space of a small storage bag be able to store [Zixiaodongtian].

   But the other way around, [Zixiao Dongtian] is able to hold storage bags. Previously, Shen Ruiling took his storage bag and entered the inside of [Zixiao Dongtian].

   On this side, Shen Ruiling cast his gaze on the pitch-black bead again, as if thinking in her heart, so she immediately opened her carry-on storage bag.

   I saw, he casually took out a piece of low-grade metal ore from the storage bag, and then a thought flashed silently in his mind.

   As his thoughts flashed past, the piece of metal ore in his hand disappeared instantly, as if it had disappeared out of thin air.

   Seeing this Ruiling was not surprised, but another thought flashed in his heart, and immediately afterwards, his whole person disappeared in place.

   On this side, Shen Ruiling reappeared inside [Zixiao Dongtian], lying on the barren land in front of him, that piece of metal ore that had just disappeared out of thin air.

   After seeing the metal ore appearing inside the cave, he nodded slightly, and then left [Zixiao Dongtian] again and reappeared inside the room.

   After verifying this, he was able to carry external objects into the [Zixiaodongtian] at will, which was equivalent to having a storage bag with a huge storage space.

   Of course, the aura inside [Zixiao Dongtian] is much richer than the outside world, and there is a deserted open space.

   When there is time in the future, he can clean up the land, and then move some of the elixir he needs into the [Zixiaodongtian] for cultivation.

In this way, Shen Ruiling moved most of the contents in the portable storage bag into the [Zixiaodongtian]. The original storage bag left one or two handy spirit weapons, as well as the talisman used in battle and other spirit stones. Waiting for something.

   The reason why these things are kept in the portable storage bag is that they are things that you need to use at hand, and secondly, they are also to be a cover for [Zixiaodongtian].

   After all, this [Zixiao Dongtian] is really too precious, a cave heaven and blessed land created by an ancient power, if you let others know it, it would be okay.

  The husband is not guilty, and he is guilty of his crime. Shen Ruiling still understands this truth.

  . . . . . .

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