The Rise of the Shen Family

Vol 2 Chapter 771: Borrow the sword 0 million li

Over the collapsed Luqiu Mountain ruins, the aftermath of the battle caused by the war of cultivators in the Yuan Ying period made the entire sky change color, and the sky-shattering sword intent flashed from time to time in the blood cloud covering the sky.

In the outer area of ​​Luqiu Mountain, the low-rank cultivators all looked up at the sky, and their eyes were full of horror.

At this time, in their eyes, even Long Zhuqing, Shen Huanchi and other Jindan real men's battles seemed insignificant, and they couldn't be compared with the battle of Yuan Yingqi monks.

I saw that in the roaring wind, the pale-faced True Monarch Qingyang was barely supporting him, struggling to swing the ink-colored remnant sword in his hand to resist the attack of the fifth-order corpse refiner.

Earlier, he was seriously injured under the fifth-order Taoist talisman and the self-explosive golden core of the real person Junshan, and then immediately faced the joint attack of the Nine Nether Emperor and the fifth-order corpse.

Although the fighting between the three was very short, it was again fatally and severely injured, causing him to almost fall directly on the spot.

Fortunately, Situ Changkong arrived at a critical time and severely damaged Jiu You Ming Emperor with a single sword. The situation of True Monarch Qingyang only improved slightly.

Now, Situ Changkong has fallen into a bitter battle with Jiu Nether Emperor, and he needs to help the former contain the fifth-order corpse refiner of Jiu Nether Emperor.

However, for True Monarch Qingyang who was seriously injured at this time, it seemed very difficult even to contain a Tier 5 corpse.

The strength of the fifth-order corpse refining is not inferior to that of the cultivators in the early Yuanying stage, although the emperor Nine Nether spent most of his thoughts on fighting against Situ Changkong, so this corpse refining is not that high. NS.

However, the eruption of a powerful force can force True Monarch Qingyang to retreat again and again, and every time he fights, he is shocked to vomit blood, and the injuries in his body are constantly getting worse.

The current True Monarch Qingyang can only pin his hopes on Situ Changkong, hoping that the latter can solve the demon repair as soon as possible, and then come back and work with him to destroy the corpse.

On the other side of the battlefield, Emperor Nine Nether held the treasure of town education [Sky Burial Coffin], and from the coffin, the evil spirit of the corpse gushed continuously.

In the overwhelming corpse spirit, countless refining corpses concealed in it, constantly wailing and howling like ghosts and wolves.

Not far away, a blue-robed Situ stood in the sky, and the blue long sword in his hand continued to emit the sound of clamoring swords, and the lingering sword intent spread all over the space around him.

"The body of the sword spirit of the Jiejie Wandao Sword Sect is nothing more than this"

Although Emperor Jiu Nether had already fallen into the wind in the fight with Situ Changkong just now, the body of that seizure was full of wounds cut by sword qi, but he still had a hard mouth and tried to disturb the latter's mind.

Facing the provocative words of Emperor Jiu You Ming, Situ Changkong did not speak, but directly responded to the opponent with actions.

His sharp gaze was as sharp as a sword, looking at the Emperor Nine Nether in the black cloud, and immediately under the sky, countless sword auras spun out, revealing a terrifying sword intent.

In the next moment, countless sword auras gathered around the long sword in his hand, and soon condensed into a divine sword that penetrated through the heavens and the earth.

This sword released a ten thousand zhang of glow, and directly smashed down towards the body of the Nine Nether Emperor, the terrifying sword intent seemed to be able to split the entire sky with one sword.

Looking at the sword that pierced through the heavens and the earth, a jealous color flashed in the eyes of Emperor Jiu You Ming, his body immediately burst out with a soaring devilish energy, and the [Sky Burial Coffin] in his hand also flew out.

I saw that countless refining corpses that crawled out of the [Sky Burial Coffin] quickly piled up, forming a huge corpse king in the corpse spirit that shielded the sky and the sun.

This corpse refining is made up of the low-level refining corpse and corpse evil energy that has accumulated countless years in the [Sky Burial Coffin]. It has no physical form, but the monstrous demon energy emanating from its body makes everyone think it is. The devil came.


The sharp sword light stretched for thousands of miles, the huge sword body directly smashed the body of the refined corpse, the infinite sword intent immediately turned into an indestructible sword light and shining down, the countless low-level refined corpses in the giant refined corpse Destroyed one after another.

This incorporeal corpse king roared, and the two huge claws directly grabbed the smashed sky-high sword, seeming to want to grasp the lightning-fast sword light.

In an instant, there was a terrible tearing sound, and the two giant claws formed by countless low-level troubles and corpse spirits seemed to be directly torn apart.

Seeing this scene, Situ Changkong's sword eyebrows wrinkled slightly, and the countless sword intent in his body poured into the long sword that bloomed with peerless edge in his hand.

After that, it seemed that infinite power fell on the huge sword that penetrated the sky and the earth, and the sword light slowly fell into the huge body of the corpse king, with an impenetrable force that directly stopped his body. Split.

"Boom Rumble"

The giant sword split open the huge corpse king, and the terrifying sword intent attacked the next Nine Nether Emperor, and the monstrous demon energy around was quickly wiped out by the sharp sword energy.

When the corpse king was cut off by Situ Changkong's sword, the Nine Nether Emperor, who was the caster, instantly paled, and his gloomy eyes were full of horror.

At this moment, he immediately felt a Lingtian sword intent enveloping his body, so he hurriedly summoned the coffin lid of the only spiritual treasure in his hand [Sky Burial Coffin].

In the first battle of the Eastern Region, although Emperor Jiuyou Ming escaped from the five Yuanying True Monarchs of the Eastern Region, all his belongings were destroyed in the battle.

Now, although he has once again restored the Yuan Yingqi cultivation base, the only spiritual treasure in his hand is the treasure of the town education [the Burial Coffin].


The loud noise caused by the collision of metals rang through the sky and the earth, and the lid of [Sky Burial Coffin] directly flew out with the thin body of Emperor Jiu You Ming.

At this time, the Nine Nether Emperor had completely fallen into a disadvantage in Situ Changkong's hands, and he also saw the latter's powerful strength.

As an old demon who has lived for thousands of years, he naturally understood that living is the most important thing, so he immediately performed the [Blood Escape Technique].

However, just as Emperor Jiuyou Ming used the secret technique to escape for his life, among the monstrous devil qi, a sharp cold light swiftly pierced his left abdomen.

Accompanied by a scream, the secret technique of the former was directly interrupted, and a **** hole the size of a bowl appeared on the thin body, and the lingering sword intent around the wound continued to invade the body. .


The escape secret technique was forcibly interrupted, and his body was severely injured again, and a mouthful of pitch-black blood spurted out of the mouth of the Nine Nether Emperor.

His eyes were full of horror and looked in front of his body, and found a fifth-order high-grade spirit sword that exuded a terrifying and killing air was floating there.

This Tier 5 Spirit Sword exudes a unique breath of life, and soon a tall and stalwart figure emerged from it.

And this figure is Situ Changkong in a blue shirt.

"My body is like a sword, man and sword are one"

Looking at Situ Changkong who came out of that spirit sword, Emperor Jiu You Ming's face was as gray as death, and the color of horror on his face was already extremely distorted.

He traveled to the Eastern Territory back then, and naturally knew the Ten Thousand Dao Sword Sect very well. The trick Situ Changkong used just now was the unparalleled knowledge in the Ten Thousand Dao Sword Sect.

When Jian Xiu is completely integrated with his own life spirit sword, the improvement in speed and power will be unimaginable.

However, this trick has extremely high requirements for the qualifications of sword repair. Even in the Ten Thousand Dao Sword Sect, not one person among ten thousand people can understand the mystery.

However, Situ Changkong in front of him had already done it, and the realm of his human sword integration had completely reached the point of perfection.

In this way, the opponent completely cut off his back path, and his speed of using the secret escape method was far lower than the speed of the opponent directly.

"Okay, okay, no wonder you dare to come here alone to hunt down this emperor"

Nine Nether Emperor suddenly raised up to the sky and roared, and then the endless demonic energy exploded out of his thin body again.

"The emperor vowed to live with you today"

At the same time, the [Nine Nether Blood Corpse] that was restrained by True Monarch Qingyang also went mad, and forced back the unsuspecting True Monarch Qingyang with a punch, and then escaped into it at an extremely fast speed. In the endless corpse evil spirit.

Not only that, even the black robe messenger who fought against Shen Huanchi and the other four seemed to get rid of the entanglement of the former at all costs and rushed into the expanding blood cloud.

Seeing that the situation was not right, Situ Changkong immediately swung the long sword in his hand, and several sharp and terrifying sword lights attacked the expanding blood cloud and the black robe messenger respectively.

However, when the invincible sword light entered the blood cloud, it was as if a mud cow had entered the sea, and it quickly dissipated in the skyless blood cloud.

On the other side, the two black robe envoys instantly turned into two masses of blood mist under the sword light, and then the blood mist still floated into the blood cloud.

In the next moment, the blood cloud that covered the sky and the sun violently tossed up, and the blood-red dim light shining from it enveloped the entire Luqiu Mountain ruins.

And under the shining of blood, countless scarlet blood in the ruins of Luqiu Mountain wrapped the red blood in the corpses slowly drifting towards the blood cloud.

Seeing this scene, Situ Changkong's originally calm face also showed a dignified color, and he raised his sword to the sky again.

I saw that countless lingering sword qi appeared in the sky instantly, directly strangling the sky toward those red blood qi.

Although these sword qi annihilated a lot of the blood evil spirit, the blood evil spirit within the ruins of Luqiu Mountain seemed to float endlessly.

The previous battle and the ensuing landslide caused the fall of tens of thousands of monks, and these monks' corpses can continuously provide Jiu Nether Emperor with the necessary blood evil spirit.

At the same time, deep underground, Shen Ruiling had just cleaned up the spoils when a **** aura suddenly enveloped him.

And at the moment when the blood was irradiated, he felt the blood in his body immediately boil like boiling water, and the blood in his body raged out uncontrollably.

This feeling is exactly the same as the feeling in the big **** array in Shanghai Shangfang!

Shen Ruiling suddenly felt shocked, and quickly took out the [Zixiao Dongtian] and hid in it. After he entered the [Zixiao Dongtian], the boiling blood in the body returned to calm.

He looked at the outside scene through the jade beads, and found that countless red blood beads evaporated from the body of Feng Wenyao on the ground.

And these blood beads, under the light of that strange blood, drifted upwards directly through the surrounding rubble ruins.

The demon monk has taken action!

Seeing this situation, Shen Ruiling immediately understood, and the joy of obtaining the jade bracelet from the Wushang real person storage disappeared in an instant.

He knew very well that if he couldn't eliminate those Demon Dao cultivators, or the righteous Dao cultivators in the Lingnan Cultivation World led by True Monarch Qingyang and Qingyunmen were defeated in the hands of the Demon Dao cultivators.

So even if he obtains more treasures, what's the use? Whether the family can be kept in the hands of Mo Xiu is not certain.

In the sky of thousands of feet, the blood cloud covering the sky and the sun is getting bigger and bigger, and the aura emanating from the blood cloud is getting more and more terrifying.

"Friend Situ, this is"

True Monarch Qingyang looked at the expanding blood cloud, and that pale old face appeared with a look of jealousy.

On this side, Situ Changkong's gaze was also staring at the terrifying blood cloud, his sword-like gaze seemed to be able to see the scene through the boundless devilish energy.

"Devil God descends"

He said a bit solemnly, but obviously he didn't intend to explain to True Monarch Qingyang who looked blank.

"You don't need you here anymore, please let everyone below stay away"

Hearing this, True Monarch Qingyang was taken aback for a moment, but he quickly reacted, and he arched his hands towards the former:

"Then please ask fellow daoists!"

After that, he turned around and left, barely staying.

If it wasn't forcing him, True Monarch Qingyang really didn't want to die with these demon cultivators, and now that the other party asked him to leave, he would naturally hide as far as possible.

True Monarch Qingyang came to the front of Long Zhuqing, Shen Huanchi and the others, and immediately ordered them to stop the low-ranking monks outside Luqiu Mountain from leaving here as soon as possible.

In fact, there is no need for them to deliberately organize. When the blood came on, the people on the periphery of Luqiu Mountain had already fled to the distance in all directions.

At the same time, a huge hole suddenly cracked in the black cloud covering the sky, and a blood-red aura shone immediately.

Looking at it from afar, it was as if a huge blood pupil had opened in the sky, or it seemed that a huge spatial crack had opened.

"Jie Jie this kind of power is really comfortable"

Accompanied by a thunderous roaring sound, a terrifying monster with a body as high as a thousand feet and a single horn on top of it, with countless blood-colored tentacles behind it appeared in the sky.

As soon as this monster appeared, all the low-level cultivators on the ground instantly felt that they were being stared at by an extremely terrifying existence, and the terrifying pressure made them feel weak.

Even True Monarch Qingyang and Shen Huanchi and other Jindan real people suddenly lost their senses, with extremely horrified expressions in their faces and eyes, and this terrifying power had completely surpassed their cognition.

However, this huge monster didn't seem to be very interested in them. The blood pupils that looked like giant lanterns looked towards Situ Changkong who was wearing a blue shirt.

In the next moment, countless blood-colored tentacles behind him attacked towards Situ Chang, and the power carried on each tentacles was unimaginable.

Looking at the monster in front of him that had reached the peak of the Nascent Soul Stage and was infinitely close to the ascending realm, Situ Changkong's eyes did not have any fear, but the sword intent of the whole body was better than before.

I saw that he once again raised his sword to the sky, struggling to slash at the tentacles that struck, and countless sharp sword auras instantly gathered into a blue giant sword that penetrated the sky and the earth.


The cyan giant sword collided with the scarlet tentacles, bursting out extremely violent spiritual power fluctuations, and instantly swept in all directions.

But when this cyan great sword severed the sixth antennae, cracks began to appear on the original indestructible blade, and then completely dissipated in the collision with the seventh antennae.

With the disappearance of the blue giant sword, Situ Changkong was directly submerged in the indiscriminate bombardment of countless scarlet tentacles.

"Jie Jie ignorant junior..."

Seeing this scene, the giant monster suddenly laughed, as if it had already determined that Situ Changkong was dead.

However, at this moment, a solid blue spirit sword appeared, and the infinite sword intent burst out from the sword body, sweeping towards the countless **** tentacles.

"Please Jianzu to give the sword!"

A loud voice was slowly heard from the cyan spirit sword, and then a terrifying sword light burst out of the sharp-edged sword body.

At this moment, Jian Guang was prosperous, reaching millions of miles!

From that terrifying sword light, a monstrous sword intent bloomed, and this majestic sword intent was countless times stronger than the sword intent of Situ Changkong.

After sensing this sword intent,, the giant monster instantly frightened, as if it had seen an extremely fearful existence.


Between heaven and earth, there was a shocking sound that pierced through the sky. This was not the sound from Situ Changkong, but it was a response to him.

At this moment, in the endlessly distant land of the Eastern Region, an old man sitting cross-legged suddenly opened the pair of sword eyes that could pierce the world, and the terrifying sword intent of Ling Tian haunted his body.


The old man's voice resounded throughout the vast eastern region, and directly penetrated the endless void to reach the land of Lingnan on the horizon.

And with the sound of this sound, the sword light that broke out of the cyan spirit sword directly smashed the giant monster with a domineering force, and instantly tore its huge body to shreds. .

This giant monster uttered heart-piercing roars in the monstrous sword aura, but it quickly disappeared completely between the world.

. . . . . .

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