The Rise of the Shen Family

Vol 2 Chapter 773: Get rich

With the collapse of the Luqiu Mountain, which was several thousand meters high, and the demon monks hiding in the Lingnan Immortal Cultivation World were all extinguished, this one-year battle finally came to an end.

   At this point, Qingyunmen finally destroyed the Promise Sect, which had also stood in the Lingnan Cultivation Realm for thousands of years, and ended the wars and disputes in the land of Lingnan for thousands of years.

   The four counties of Luling, Canglan, Shansui, and Tai'an, which were originally under the jurisdiction of the Promise Sect, have all been incorporated into the Qingyunmen territory.

   And the various cultivating families that originally lived in the four counties were either destroyed by the Qingyunmen monks in the course of this war, or because they had taken refuge in the Qingyunmen early, they could barely keep the mountain gate.

   As for those aristocratic families in Tai'an County that were deeply connected with the Wuji Sect, after the end of the Wuji Sect, they were basically uprooted by the Qingyunmen.

   At the same time, Qingyunmen also issued the highest-level Wanted Reward Order to the entire Lingnan Cultivation Realm, specifically to hunt down the remnants of the Wujizong who escaped.

  Although Qingyunmen was fully prepared when it attacked the Promise Zongshanmen, it did not hesitate to arrange for nearly half of the monks to surround the entire Luqiu Mountain.

   But in the end, people are not as good as the sky. The sudden landslide and the subsequent battle between the cultivators of the Nascent Soul stage caused the entire battlefield to fall into chaos.

   It is precisely because of this that a part of the Wujizong monks can escape from the chaos and hide in the Lingnan Immortal Realm.

   And the senior Qingyunmen knows the truth about cutting the grass and rooting out the roots, so for these remnants of the Promise Sect, they have hesitated to issue the highest-level wanted reward order.

   With the destruction of the Promise Sect, which was once able to compete with the Qingyunmen, and the attachment of the Linhai Shen family and the Ouyang family of Yizhou Island, all the monks in the Lingnan Cultivation World clearly understand that a new era is coming.

   This is going to be an era of great unification. There is only one overlord and only one overlord in the entire Lingnan Immortal Cultivation Realm, and that is the Qingyun Gate with True Lord Nascent Soul.

  . . . . . .

   While all the Lingnan cultivators were still immersed in the aftermath of the war, Shen Huanchi, Shen Ruiling and others had already returned to Yunbi Peak with the Shen family.

   In order to assist the Qingyunmen in the crusade against the Promise Sect, the Shen family sent a total of seven foundation-building monks and more than 80 mid-to-late qi training clansmen.

   However, after nearly a year of war, he returned to Yunbifeng safely, but only three foundation-building monks such as Shen Ruiling and more than twenty qi practitioners.

   Of course, on Liangtai Mountain in Canglan County, Shen Yongxuan and more than a dozen clansmen were still stationed. They did not participate in the final battle.

   But even with them, less than half of the people who survived the expedition were less than half of the people who had survived the expedition, and more than half of the people fell in this war against the Promise Sect.

  The horror and **** of the war can be seen from this!

   At this time, in a cave on the back mountain of Yunbi Peak, Shen Huanchi and Shen Ruiling came here directly as soon as they returned to the family.

   In front of Shen Huanchi, Shen Ruiling went directly into [Zixiao Dongtian] and took out the jade bracelet for storage.

   "Patriarch, this storage jade bracelet contains the heritage of the Promise Sect for thousands of years..."

After   , he handed the jade bracelet in his hand directly to Shen Huanchi, and his words couldn't help showing a hint of joy.

   On this side, Shen Huanchi cast his gaze on the storage jade bracelet handed by the former. Although the expression on his face did not change much, he was already excited in his heart.

   With his divine sense pouring into the storage space inside the jade bracelet, the mountain of treasures inside appeared before his eyes.

   After seeing this scene in front of him, Shen Huanchi still can't conceal the shock in his heart, even with the state of mind of a real Jindan.

Looking at the past, none of the piles of treasures are lower than Tier 3. Whether it’s various spirit tools, talismans, formations, and other treasures of heaven, material and earth, some of them have already reached Tier 4. The presence.

   Although Shen Huanchi is a real Jindan, but the Shen family is not a big family, so he was born in poverty, and this is the first time he has seen so many rare treasures.

   "These things in this jade bracelet are probably what the Promise Sect intends to use for a comeback..."

   After a long time, Shen Huanchi's consciousness slowly withdrew from the jade bracelet, and looked at Shen Ruiling in front of him and said thoughtfully.

   Hearing this, Shen Ruiling nodded slightly at first, but what he cares more about now is the various treasures in the jade bracelet of Real Man Wushang.

   "The patriarch, no matter what these things are used for, anyway, it is now in our hands. Let's check the contents first and then talk about it..."

   Hearing the words, Shen Huanchi couldn't help taking a look at the former, then slowly nodded:

   "Hehe... this is justified..."


   I saw that Shen Huanchi and Shen Ruiling looked at each other and smiled, and then began to count the various treasures in the jade bracelet space.

   Since the space inside the cave is really limited, the two of them can only come one by one, and first move the two large bookcases out.

   As the bookcase opened, the jade slips and the ancient books all appeared in front of the two of them.

   After several hours of inspection, Shen Huanchi and Shen Ruiling browsed all the jade slips in the two large bookcases in detail.

  Wujizong is a huge Buddhist scripture pavilion, but Wushang Zhenren finally only chose these two bookcases, and the most precious exercises and secrets of the Wujizong are naturally contained in them.

   But the facts did not disappoint the two of Shen Ruiling. They found a total of seven exercises in this pile of books that could be cultivated to the Golden Alchemy Stage.

Among them, there are three exercises that can be practiced to the later stage of the golden core, namely the water attribute "Seven Stars Ruo Water Jue", the earth attribute "Wu Earth Covering Record" and a rare Jin Dan exercise method of wind attribute in the Lingnan cultivation world. "Xunling Wind and Cloud Code".

   "Wu Tu Cover Dilu" is the famous practice of Junshan real man. By virtue of this practice, he has cultivated to the peak of the late Jindan period, and also has a glimpse of the mystery of Yuan Ying Dao.

   Although he did not succeed in stepping into the realm of Nascent Soul in the end, the power of this exercise can be seen.

As for "Seven Stars Ruo Water Jue", it is Ye Ming's practice. He can have the strength to compete with Long Zhuqing. One is his talent for the purpose of all kinds of people, and the other is that he has been in contact with cultivation since he was a child. Powerful exercises.

A monk who cultivates the "Seven Stars Ruo Water Jue" can comprehend the magical powers of his life [Seven Stars Ruo Water] when forming the golden core, and then he needs to refine seven different types of water from the yin to the cold to transform the [Seven Stars Ruo Water] Cultivation of supernatural powers to achieve great success.

   Until the day when the magical powers are achieved, the seven drops of water floating in the dantian will have the great power to stir into the sea.

   Although the two previous exercises are powerful, what really moved Shen Huanchi and Shen Ruiling was the rare wind-attribute golden alchemy exercise "Xunling Fengyun Dian".

  When the people were all over the world, the Lingnan Cultivation World was isolated from the world, so inheritances such as exercises and magical powers were very rare.

   And there are very few exercises that can be cultivated to the Golden Core Stage, even the Qingyunmen and the Promise Sect, which have been passed down for thousands of years, have only a handful of them.

   The most important thing is that the only remaining Jindanqi exercises are based on the attributes of the five elements, and it can be said that there are almost no exercises with mutated attributes such as wind and thunder.

   So when Shen Huanchi and Shen Ruiling saw this technique that could be cultivated to the late stage of Jin Dan, and it was still an extremely rare wind attribute technique, they could imagine the surprise in their hearts.

Of course, if it's just a exercise technique, it won't make them so excited. After all, exercises are for monks to practice. If no one can practice this exercise, then it will only be one in the Buddhist Scripture Pavilion. This book is all.

   The monks with the spirit roots of the wind attribute are extremely rare in the Lingnan cultivating world. Although they are not like the monks of the Tianling roots once in a thousand years, they are also talents with a once-in-a-century encounter.

   Therefore, there are very few monks in the Lingnan Cultivation World who can use this wind attribute technique.

   But for the Shen family, there happened to be a ready-made monk with a wind attribute and spiritual root, and that was the disciple Shen Feng accepted by Shen Ruiling.

   Although Shen Feng did not show his spiritual roots when he was born, he wasted the most precious nearly twenty years of the monk's life, which made him gradually lost in the crowd.

   But with the help of Shen Ruiling and the Shen family, he has successfully manifested the spiritual root and healed the wounds left on the meridians for many years.

   Although he wasted the first twenty years of time compared to ordinary monks, he finally succeeded in building a foundation before the age of forty.

   It is still less than fifty, but it has broken through to the middle stage of foundation construction.

   Judging from the current situation, Shen Feng's cultivation speed has already caught up with the foundation-building monks of the Three Spiritual Roots, and it is almost the same as the ordinary disciple of the Two Spiritual Roots in Qingyunmen.

   This kind of talent and cultivation speed is already the most top-notch among the many clansmen of the Shen family, and even Shen Ruiling is far behind him.

   Among the current monks of the Shen family, there are only three people who have the opportunity to form a golden pill. The most promising is naturally Shen Ruiling, followed by Shen Feng, who has Feng Ling roots.

   The last one is Shen Yongqi, who has just succeeded in building the foundation. She is a Shuanglinggen aptitude, and she will hopefully have a glimpse of Jindan Avenue from now on.

   Now Shen Ruiling is already preparing for the formation of pills, and for Shen Feng, Shen Huanchi and Shen Ruiling both have great hopes.

   However, if the latter wants to successfully build a pill, he naturally needs a wind-attribute Jindanqi exercise. This problem can be said to have been bothering Shen Huanchi and Shen Ruiling.

   Unexpectedly, now this problem has been solved by such a coincidence.

Moreover, Shen Ruiling was even more surprised that the "Xunling Fengyundian" exercises in the collection of Wujizong were actually the wind attribute skills he copied from the memory of Dongxie real person for Shen Feng to practice. Law.

   The "Xun Ling Fengyun Dian" that he gave to Shen Feng before could only be cultivated to the completion of the foundation building, and now he has finally completed the golden core period exercises behind it.

   After having this technique, Shen Feng, relying on his own wind attribute spirit root, has a great hope for success in forming a pill within a hundred years.

   In addition to these three exercises that can be practiced to the late golden core, there are two other methods that can be practiced to the mid-core golden core.

   One of these is the "Kurong Evergreen Art". The Shen family has already completed the foundation building of the Great Perfection in the Liang family's Tibetan scripture pavilion, but unexpectedly obtained the golden core part from the Wujizong.

   The other one is called "Eternal Ancient Golden Body Sutra", which is a metallic gold core exercise method, which can be easily condensed by a person who cultivates to a battle golden body that is a hundred feet high.

  The remaining two golden core exercises can only be practiced to the early stage of the golden core, one is the fire attribute, and the other is the water attribute.

   And Shen Huanchi and Shen Ruiling are also very familiar with this water attribute technique.

   However, the "Thundering Waves Art" in their hands can be cultivated to the middle of the golden core, and the Wujizong is only in the early phase of the golden core.

   As for why the Wujizong had the fame technique of the original Li Zhenren, Shen Huanchi and the others are not sure.

They only know that after having these seven Golden Alchemy exercises, plus the Golden Alchemy exercises that the family has accidentally obtained over the years through various reasons, they already have as many as ten. Not only the five element attributes have been collected, but also one Bufeng Linggen's golden alchemy exercises.

   I'm afraid that this number can already ignoring the Lingnan Cultivation Realm, even if the Qingyunmen, which is now in full swing, does not necessarily have so many Jindanqi techniques.

   Although the Shen family had so many Jindanqi techniques at once, they did not have enough talented people.

   Among the two large bookcases, in addition to the seven golden alchemy techniques that are regarded as treasures by the Promise Sect, there are many magical powers and secret techniques that can be mastered during the foundation and the golden alchemy period.

Not only that, those jade slips also have third- and fourth-order inheritances such as alchemy, refining, talisman making, and formations. There are even some partial inheritances such as taming spirit beasts and cultivating various elixir~www.readwn .com~ is indeed a big faction that has been passed down for thousands of years. Even if the Lingnan Cultivation World is lagging behind, they can try their best to make up the inheritance as much as possible.

   Among these inheritances, there is a set of fourth-order alchemists' inheritance, which includes seven kinds of pill recipes for refining fourth-order lower-rank pill, four fourth-rank middle-rank pills, and three fourth-rank high-rank pills.

   However, Shen Ruiling didn't care much about the fourth-order alchemist inheritance he obtained, because the value of this alchemy inheritance to him was not great.

   Since he last obtained a set of alchemy inheritance from the outside world from Yao Lao, he has clearly understood the old-fashioned and old-fashioned way of alchemy in the Lingnan Immortal Cultivation Realm.

   So now he is already beginning to transform himself, learning those outside alchemy methods, and integrating them into his own alchemy methods.

   And this fourth-order alchemy inheritance of Wujizong can only be used as a reference by him.

   Although Shen Ruiling is a little bit down on the fourth-order alchemy inheritance, the fourth-order talisman inheritance in the collection of the Promise Sect has great value for Shen Huanchi.

   In this fourth-order talisman inheritance, there are six types of fourth-order lower-grade talisman making methods, three fourth-order middle grades and two fourth-order upper grade talisman methods.

These fourth-order talisman drawing methods are of great help for Shen Huanchi to comprehend the natal talisman in the dantian. It can help him to draw all the nine-character mantras on the talisman as soon as possible, so as to obtain the more powerful natal talisman bestowed by him. the power of.

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