The Rise of the Shen Family

Vol 2 Chapter 776: Refining【Diyin Cold Spring】

It took several hours for Shen Huanchi and Shen Ruiling to check the contents recorded in the dozens of jade slips one by one.

These jade slips are all about the various things seen and heard in the ruins of the'Meteor Star Sea'. They are the secrets compiled by the Wuji Sect at the expense of dozens of talents for thousands of years. It can be said to be extremely precious in the Wuji Sect. Passed on together.

I saw that both Shen Huanchi and Shen Ruiling slowly put down the jade slips in their hands at the same time, and then they looked at each other involuntarily.

"From these jade slips, the Promise Sect obviously found a valuable heritage in this'Meteor Sea'. For this reason, it took nearly a thousand years to send three groups of sects to explore this heritage. place..."

Shen Huanchi looked at Shen Ruiling in front of him, and said slowly thoughtfully.

On this side, Shen Ruiling nodded slightly, and then glanced at the jade slips and several ancient things placed with those jade slips.

"Patriarch, according to this jade slip, the opening time of the'Meteor Sea' is often a few years after the outbreak of a shipwreck..."

"Now that my land of Lingnan has just ended a once-in-a-millennium shipwreck, there is a high probability that this'Meteor Sea' will appear again... so shall we..."

Hearing this, Shen Huanchi's gaze fell on the former again, and those gentle eyes were full of contemplative expressions.

Although Shen Ruiling didn't say the following words, how could he not understand the meaning in his heart?

Now they have obtained all the information about that place of inheritance from the hands of Wujizong, and they have directly obtained the results of their nearly thousand years of exploration.

In other words, the Promise Sect has spent nearly a thousand years of hard work, sacrificed several Jindan true talents to have an impressive place to inherit, and finally fell into the hands of his Shen clan for nothing.

And it just so happens that the "Meteor Sea" is about to open again. This can be said to be a godsend, everything is ready.

Really, everything is ready, only the east wind is owed!

However, Shen Huanchi obviously saw not only the great opportunity in front of him, but also the endless murderous opportunities hidden behind this incident.

"This matter needs to be considered for a long time. It is not as simple as we thought..."

After half a cup of tea, Shen Huanchi said solemnly.

"The entrance to this offshore relic has been firmly in the hands of Wujizong and Qingyunmen. They intend to let others know from start to finish..."

"Now that the Promise Sect has been destroyed, Qingyunmen is the only one in Lingnan, and it will naturally regard this ruin as a thing of its own..."

"So it is basically impossible for us to enter the ruins under the eyes of Qingyunmen and True Monarch Qingyang..."

Having said this, Shen Ruiling paused again, and then continued to speak after looking at Shen Ruiling who was silent.

"Besides, you can also see the danger of the ruins, even if the real Jin Dan enters it, it is possible to die..."

"Although we have obtained the legacy of the Promise Sect, the current strength of the Shen family is obviously not enough to venture into it..."

Shen Huanchi's meaningful words kept echoing in Shen Ruiling's ears, instantly letting him dispel the idea of ​​entering the'Meteor Sea'.

As the patriarch said, the strength of his Shen clan is still too weak at present, no matter it is facing the Qingyunmen or the various dangers in the secret realm, it is not enough to contend.

Therefore, they must not be able to stand out at the moment, but should develop in a low-key and secret manner, and continuously enhance the strength of the family.

Only when they have sufficient strength, can they compete with the Qingyunmen, and can also enter the extremely dangerous "Meteor Sea" to obtain their own opportunities.

On this side, Shen Huanchi immediately wielded a piece of spiritual power, and put all the jade slips and other objects in front of him into the storage jade box.

"Although the family has acquired the wealth that the Promise Sect has accumulated over thousands of years, the foundation of the family is too thin after all. It seems that if you want to completely digest these things into the family's own power, it seems that there is no one or two hundred years to do it. Not to be..."

Hearing this, Shen Ruiling nodded in agreement, and then helped the patriarch re-install the treasures in the cave into the jade bracelet.

After everything was sorted out, Shen Huanchi looked at Shen Ruiling again, and slowly said with emotion in his heart:

"Now that the Promise Sect and the foreign demon monks have been extinguished, the entire Lingnan land can finally usher in a period of peace and stability..."

"Take advantage of this period of time you practice hard, and you should also prepare for the future formation of alchemy..."

"Rui Ling understands!"

Shen Ruiling hurriedly replied to the patriarch, thinking about her cultivation plan for the next period of time in her heart.

Hearing this, Shen Huanchi nodded slightly, and then said again:

"Okay, you go back first, I have to retreat for a few days..."

In the final decisive battle, Shen Huanchi, Long Zhuqing, Zhen Tianzheng and other four people jointly restrained the two magic cultivation that reached the peak of the late Jindan.

Although they have the benefits of the formation, they are not the opponents of the two magic repairs, and they can barely resist the opponent's attack.

During the battle, Shen Huanchi, Long Zhuqing and others suffered injuries of varying degrees, but they were suppressed at that time.

After the Battle of Luqiu Mountain, Shen Huanchi didn't have enough time to heal his injuries, so he hurriedly returned to Linhai County with the army.

Now that everything is gone, he can also retreat with peace of mind and heal his injuries.

"Ruiling retire!"

On this side, Shen Ruiling once again arched his hand towards Shen Huanchi, then turned around and walked out of the cave, towards the cave in the mountain behind him.

Since Yun Bifeng was promoted to a fourth-order lower-grade Lingshan, the aura in the mountains behind Yunbifeng has naturally also been greatly improved.

And those high-level cave houses in the back mountains that were originally opened on the spiritual cave have become the most aura of the entire Yunbi Peak.

Shen Ruiling's cave mansion is closer to the depths of the back mountain, and the spiritual power gushing out of the spiritual cave in the cave has reached the fourth-order low-grade.

When he opened the guardian ban that had been in the dust for more than half a year, the pure spiritual power accumulated in the cave rushed outward like a tide.

For a while, Shen Ruiling couldn't help being intoxicated by the wave of spiritual power, and the pores all over his body were greedily absorbing the pure aura flowing from the surface of the skin.

The battle against the Wujizong lasted for nearly a year. During this time, he hadn't practiced without decent meditation. If he wanted to replenish the spiritual energy consumed in his body, he could only use the lower-grade spiritual stones to cultivate. He was exhausted long ago. It's unbearable.

But at this moment, a huge black shadow suddenly fell from the sky and landed beside Shen Ruiling with a light movement.

Shen Ruiling was not surprised by the sudden appearance of the dark shadow, and immediately cast his gaze on the dark shadow.

I saw that this dark shadow turned out to be a arachnid monster with a black carapace. The two fangs on its mouth kept making a'kaka' sound, and the whole body exuded an extremely strong monster. It looks terrifying.

This arachnid monster that suddenly appeared was the same as that of Shen Ruiling's [Soul Devouring Tarantula]!

Speaking of it, this [Soul Devouring Tarantula] was a spirit beast that he began to cultivate during his Qi training period, and he even completed its incubation and birth with care.

And this [Soul Devouring Tarantula] did have a great effect during his Qi training period and the initial stage of foundation building, but it slowly couldn't keep up with his cultivation pace.

After all, the improvement of the monster's cultivation base is too slow, and it usually takes decades or even hundreds of years to upgrade to a small level, and it still has sufficient resources.

Shen Ruiling's [Soul Devouring Tarantula] only broke through to the third-tier inferior after he swallowed a third-tier inferior [Demon Grass with Demon].

However, after Shen Ruiling broke through to the late stage of foundation building, this [Soul Devouring Tarantula] still only had the strength of a third-tier lower grade, and it was obviously no longer able to keep up with the former's cultivation pace.

So after this, Shen Ruiling didn't take care of this spirit beast too much, but let it hunt and practice by himself in the dense forest behind the mountain.

Of course, although Shen Ruiling implemented a free-range strategy, he would also summon this [Soul Eater Tarantula] every once in a while to provide it with some high-level monster blood food and help the monster beast. The third-order spirit pill to upgrade the cultivation base.

This time, Shen Ruiling had been away for nearly a year, so when this [Soul Eater Tarantula] sensed the return of the former, he immediately sprang out of the dense forest in the back mountain.

On the open space at the entrance of the cave mansion, Shen Ruiling looked at the [Soul Devouring Tarantula] that appeared in front of him, and there was a flash of joy in his eyes.

He could clearly feel that the strength of [Soul Devouring Tarantula] had broken through the bottleneck of the third-tier middle-grade in less than a year, and became a genuine third-tier middle-grade monster.

It seems that since Lingzun returned to the forbidden area of ​​Houshan, the cultivation speed of this [Soul Devouring Tarantula] has accelerated a lot, and it seems that it has gained some great opportunity.

I saw that Shen Ruiling took out a few high-level [Filling Pills] from the carrying storage bag, and threw them to the [Soul Devouring Tarantula] in front of him.

The next moment, the [Soul Devouring Tarantula] immediately spewed out several sticky spider silks, and the several [Filling Pills] in the air were accurately delivered into the mouth.

After swallowing those few [Souling Pills], this [Soul Devouring Tarantula] quickly circled around Shen Ruiling a few times, and then entered the dense forest under the sign of the former.

Looking at the [Soul Devouring Tarantula] once again escaping into the dense forest, Shen Ruiling's eyes then slowly appeared a touch of contemplation.

He had previously practiced free-range breeding because of the low strength of [Soul Devouring Tarantula] and the fact that it was very noticeable to carry a spirit beast bag with him.

But now this [Soul Eater Tarantula] has broken through to the third-tier mid-range, and with its natural magical powers that can attack the opponent’s soul and the poison of that body, even facing the monks in the late stage of foundation building, it will have a battle. Forceful.

Moreover, he now possesses the [Purple Sky Cave Sky] this space secret treasure, which can train [Soul Eater Tarantula] in the cave and summon it immediately during battle.

In this way, it is impossible for the opponent to be prepared in advance because of the spirit beast bag that he saw. It is extremely likely that he will be recruited under the sneak attack of [Soul Eater Tarantula]. It only needs to pause for an instant, and he will be fully prepared. The certainty can solve the other party.

So Shen Ruiling was thinking that it was time for him to take the Soul Eater Tarantula on his body, as an unexpected back hand, able to give his opponent a fatal blow when necessary.

Moreover, bringing [Soul Devouring Tarantula] on his body also facilitates his feeding anytime and anywhere, and can improve its strength faster.

But now that he is in the family, he is not in a hurry, so he will take him with him when he needs to leave the family again.

After stopping for a while in front of the cave, Shen Ruiling stepped into the cave and walked directly into the training room, once again opening the defensive restrictions outside the cave.

After half a cup of tea, he slowly sat cross-legged on the cattail mat next to the acupuncture point, and then immediately took the [Zixiao Dongtian] out of his arms.

Following Shen Ruiling's thoughts, the copper kettle containing the [Di Yin Han Spring] appeared in front of him out of thin air.

And at the moment when this copper kettle appeared, the temperature in the entire cultivation room suddenly dropped, and the white frost quickly spread across the entire stone room and spread to the outside world.

Looking at the [Di Yin Hanquan] that appeared in front of her, Shen Ruiling's pupils immediately showed a very complicated look. There was a little dignity in the look of UU Reading www.uukā, and at the same time, it could not be restrained. Of joy.

Now the spirit power of the three attributes of fire, earth, and water in his body showed that the fire attribute was the most powerful, followed by the earth attribute spiritual power, and finally the water attribute.

The reason for this is that among the water-attribute spiritual objects he refined, there is no heaven-earth spiritual object that can be compared with the fire-attribute spiritual objects [flame-devouring flames] and earth-attribute spiritual objects [sky-filling stone].

But now, the [Earth Yin Cold Spring] in front of him can solve the problem very well. He only needs to refine these [Earth Yin Cold Springs], and the spiritual power in the body will be restored to balance.

At the same time, the majestic spiritual power contained in [Diyin Cold Spring] is enough for him to directly raise his cultivation base to the peak of the base construction period, a real half-step golden core state.

By that time, the fire, earth, and water in his body had been completely balanced, and he had also cultivated the spiritual power in his body to the realm of foundation building for great perfection.

At this time, he was ready to start forming his pill!

Thinking of this, a green-red flame appeared in Shen Ruiling's pupils, and then a raging fire was released from his body.

The blue-red flame instantly enveloped the copper kettle that had been frozen into ice. The [Diyin Cold Spring] inside entered his body under the traction of the "Three Yuan Zhuan Lei Jue", the pure coldness of the cold Qi gathered in his dantian.

Suddenly, Shen Ruiling's complexion changed drastically. At first, he flushed, then immediately became purple and blue when he was frozen, and soon turned red again.

And in the stone room outside, there also appeared a scene of ice and fire.

. . . . . .

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