The Rise of the Shen Family

Vol 2 Chapter 784: Return to the family

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In the southern part of Pingzhou, there is a towering mountain range. Looking at it from a distance, the entire mountain range is like a crawling dragon, which may rise into the air at any time.

Therefore the name of this mountain is: Wolong Mountain.

On Wolong Mountain, there lives a family that has been passed down for thousands of years, and that is the famous Zhuge family in Lingnan.

There is a saying in the Lingnan cultivator world, "Lingnan formation is half of Zhuge." This is what Lingnan monks used to describe Zhuge's family.

The Zhuge family, as the second family in Pingzhou County, is also a veritable family of Zhendao.

The entire family has been passed down for thousands of years, and there will be a fourth-order master-level figure among the clansmen of almost every generation.

Not only that, the masters of the Zhuge family are almost all the formation masters above the third rank.

So this also resulted in the fact that almost all the formations above Tier 3 in the Qingyun four counties came from the hands of the Zhuge family.

. . . . . .

At the same time, in the high altitude of several thousand feet, a ship more than ten feet long is flying fast in the howling wind.

There is a faint light curtain on the periphery of the building, blocking all the oncoming winds from the light curtain.

At this time, at the bow of the ship, a group of innocent people dressed in plain robes stood there quietly, his gaze through the light curtain in front of him staring at the white and vast scene in front of him, seeming to be reminiscing in his mind. Some memory fragments.

Not far behind Zhen Tianzhen, Shen Jinghua and Zhuge Mingyue stood side by side.

The former is magnanimous and talented, while the latter is fresh and beautiful, like a graceful fairy, the two look like a natural pair.

They looked at the master who had been standing on the bow for a long time, and then invariably glanced at each other, and a dignified color flashed in their eyes.

Shen Jinghua and Zhuge Mingyue, one is a direct disciple of Zhen Naive, the other is from Zhuge's family.

Therefore, although the two of them didn't know very well what happened back then, they also knew the relationship between their master and Zhuge's family.

Back then, their naive people were originally members of the Zhuge family, but they broke up with the family for some unknown reason, and since then they have directly severed the contact with the family and never returned to the family.

And this time, it can be said that the naive person returned to Zhuge's family for the first time since he ran away from home that year.

All they did was their marriage.

"Brother, you said Master respects him..."

Zhuge Mingyue slowly raised her head to look at Shen Jinghua beside her, and a touch of worry could not help appearing in her beautiful eyes that were as bright as a bright moon.

"Don't worry, after so many years, Master should have let go...otherwise he won't let you and other tribesmen specially come to the Ten Thousand Array Peak to practice..."

On this side, Shen Jinghua looked at the innocent people not far away, and then his warm eyes met the former's, and he comforted.

Just as the two of them were whispering, the voices of innocent people suddenly sounded slowly in their ears.

"When did you two start talking about being a teacher behind your back?"

At this time, the innocent man who had been standing on the bow and looking into the distance had already recovered his senses and looked at Shen Jinghua and Zhuge Mingyue.

"Master, forgive me, my disciples dare not say anything wrong..."

Shen Jinghua and Zhuge Mingyue quickly bowed their hands.

Although they also heard that Zhen Zhenzheng didn't mean any blame, they still honestly bowed their heads and admitted their mistakes.

"Okay, I'm going to the place soon, prepare to let me go..."

The innocent man opened his mouth leisurely, and then turned and looked forward again.

. . . . . .

After half a cup of tea, a huge boat appeared above Wolong Mountain and slowly landed at the foot of the mountain.

Soon Zhen Zhenren, Shen Jinghua, and Zhuge Mingyue all got off the boat, their eyes all looked at the magnificent Lingshan in front of them.

Compared to Zhentian Zhenren and Zhuge Mingyue, it is the first time for Shen Jinghua to come to Wolong Mountain. Looking at the Lingshan in front of him, a shocking color flashed in his eyes, but a touch soon appeared. Meaningful look.

Even if he was just standing at the foot of the mountain, he could clearly feel that the entire spirit mountain in front of him seemed to be surrounded by the aura of the formation, and it had been integrated with the big formation here.

Zhuge's family, as a famous family in Lingnan, really well-deserved reputation.

On the other side, the innocent man also looked at Wolong Mountain in front of him with a complex expression, and a touch of recollection appeared in his eyes.

Among the three, the most casual and natural is Zhuge Mingyue. Although the next thing may make her feel a little shy, she now feels the joy of going home in advance.

I saw that she immediately took out a magic talisman from her sleeve, and after crushing it, it turned into an aura and plunged directly into the large array of light curtain on Wolong Mountain.

It didn't take long for a few ray of light to fly directly down the mountain, and fell in front of the innocent people and the others.

An elegant middle-aged man headed by, he walked in front of the innocent people, UU reading www.uukā bowed respectfully and said:

"Qingyun, I have seen San Shu Gong!"

On this side, the innocent person's gaze fell on the man, and he nodded slowly.

After that, Zhuge Qingyun looked at Shen Jinghua and Zhuge Mingyue standing side by side, and also slightly arched his hands towards Shen Jinghua.

He knew about Shen Jinghua's formation of a golden pill, so he didn't dare to neglect it.

However, Zhuge Qingyun's move made Shen Jinghua feel at a loss for a while, not knowing what to do.

At this time, Zhuge Mingyue, who was next to him, obviously saw this scene, and quickly whispered towards Zhuge Qingyun:

"Daughter has seen his father!"

Hearing this, Zhuge Qingyun just glanced at his daughter, motioned for a moment, and then spoke again to Zhenzhen Zhenzhen:

"Sanshu Gong, Wushu Gong and others are already waiting in the hall..."

"Let's go..."

The naive person nodded slightly, seemingly expressionless.

Thus, Zhen Tianzheng and others followed Zhuge Qingyun up to Wolong Mountain, and came to a magnificent hall.

I saw that in the main hall, four old people from the Zhuge family were sitting there, headed by a gray-haired old man about to die.

When the old man saw the innocent person, he immediately got up from the chair, and a touch of excitement and joy appeared in his turbid eyes, and tears flowed from his eyes.

"Three brothers..."

He came to the innocent man, bowed and arched his hands.

Seeing this situation, the innocent man hurriedly supported the bowed old man, and said in a rather heavy tone:

"It doesn't have to be like this... the things of the year are all over..."

. . . . . .

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