The Rise of the Shen Family

Vol 2 Chapter 791: Point the maze

Although Shen Ruiling still doesn't know what the thunder tribulation he will face in the future will be like, but from the description of the predecessor who created the "Three Yuan Zhuan Lei Jue", he can also know that he will face How terrible is the Thunder Tribulation.

It was precisely in order to face the extremely terrifying thunder catastrophe that the predecessor deliberately created the 【Three Yuan Gangqi】this magical power to guard against thunder.

I saw that Shen Ruiling immediately burst into the majestic red, black, and yellow spiritual powers, and these three spiritual powers of different colors swirled and converged on the top of his head.

In a blink of an eye, an aura shield of three-color spiritual power intertwined was formed, and the former was firmly enveloped in it.

The three kinds of spiritual powers with different attributes produced peculiar changes under the effect of mutual generation and mutual restraint, and they exuded a powerful aura.

After refining the [Diyin Cold Spring], the spiritual power of the three attributes of fire, earth, and water in Shen Ruiling's body finally reached a balance again and blended with each other.

In this way, the [Three Yuan Gang Qi], the magical power that requires the fusion of three different attribute spiritual powers, is completely formed.

And to this day, the power of this magical power is no longer the same as in the past.

After a while, Shen Ruiling slowly dissipated the [Three Yuan Gang Qi] around her body, and there was still the lingering condensed color in her eyes.

Although he had already cultivated the supernatural power of [Sanyuan Gangqi] to great success, he still had no bottom in his heart when he wanted to face the golden pill thunder robbery when he had formed a pill.

After careful calculation, there is actually nothing in his hands that can help him resist the thunder robbery.

Except for a few magic weapons and Tier 4 talisman obtained from Wujizong, at most, I can only let Liu Shu personally arrange a Tier 4 thunder imperial array.

After all, Shen Ruiling didn't know how terrifying his Thunder Tribulation was. For the sake of safety, he naturally did not dare to attract Golden Core Thunder Tribulation on Yunbi Peak.

At that time, if Lei Jie was too terrifying and destroyed the entire Yunbi Peak, it would not be impossible.

Therefore, if he wants to cross the catastrophe, he needs to find a suitable place to cross the catastrophe again.

Of course, for Shen Ruiling, it is the supreme secret treasure that matches his technique and contains the [Purple Heaven Cave Sky] that can really help him survive this Golden Core Thunder Tribulation.

According to the predecessor of Qi Ling, this secret treasure itself is a powerful thunder attribute secret treasure naturally bred by this heaven and earth.

Today, although this artifact has been severely damaged and its power is no longer in the past, it still needs to absorb enough lightning attribute power to repair its own wounds.

And the terrifying gold core thunder tribulation he faced when he formed his pill could just provide the thunder attribute power he needed to repair himself.

It’s a good idea, it’s worth installing. After all, you can cache books and read them offline!

. . . . . .

At the same time, on the Linghu Peak next to Yunbi Peak, Yao Lao, who was lying in the reclining chair, suddenly stopped raising his hip flask to prepare for a drink, and turned his head to look at the cave mansion in the depths of the back mountain.

"Oh... it looks like this kid is going to leave the customs..."

After that, he raised the flask in his hand again and poured a sip of spirit wine into his mouth.

However, he just poured the spirit wine in the pot into his mouth, and he seemed to have discovered something again. His turbid eyes quickly looked into the sky and found that there was a ray of heaven and earth will paying attention here.

"This kid has been unable to suppress his own cultivation..."

The drunk Yao Lao couldn't help but murmur, and a solemn expression flashed across his cynical face.

In the next moment, his figure disappeared directly in place, heading towards the mountain behind Yunbi Peak.

. . . . . .

On the other side, Shen Ruiling was still sitting quietly in the secret room, thinking about the problems he needed to face next.

In his current situation, although he can cross the catastrophe at any time, he still needs to make some preparations.

At the very least, I need to look for a few magic weapons that can withstand the thunder tribulation, and then look for a place where I can safely retreat from the tribulation.


While Shen Ruiling was in deep thought, the guarding restriction of his entrance was touched, so he hurriedly walked towards the entrance of the cave.

As the dusty stone door slowly opened, a figure standing at the door soon appeared before his eyes.

"Old Yao, why are you here?"

Looking at the old man in a gray-white robe, white beard and hair, and a strong drunken scent all over his body, a look of surprise flashed in Shen Ruiling's eyes.

On this side, Yao Laona's turbid gaze had also fallen on Shen Ruiling, and he began to examine the latter carefully.

Although the former's gaze seemed very random, when Shen Ruiling felt the gaze sweeping over him, a sense of vigilance suddenly rose in her heart.

At this moment, he felt as if he was standing naked in front of the former, and there was no secret at all under his gaze.

"Yes...Yes...The three levels of body, law, and soul are all cultivated to the perfect state, and I have realized a trace of golden pill rhyme. No wonder it will attract the prying of the will of heaven and earth..."

Old Yao didn't seem to notice the strange behavior of Shen Ruiling. While examining the former, he lightly praised him.

When Shen Ruiling heard the praise from the former, she couldn't help but feel a sense of self-satisfaction in her heart.

After all, in his cognition, Yao Lao was already regarded as an outsider in the world, and it was not easy to get his praise.

However, he calmed down quickly and said respectfully again:

"Lao Yao, I wonder if you are here this time...?"

Facing the questioning, Yao Lao's eyes flashed with a playful color, and then he said seriously:

"I came here this time mainly because I want to ask my little friend to do me a favor..."

Hearing this, Shen Ruiling couldn't help but pause for a moment, and then hurriedly bowed his hands:

"If the seniors don't dislike the low-level strength of the juniors, the juniors will not hesitate to give orders only!"

"Haha... the little friend said something seriously..."

I saw Yao Lao smiled slightly and slowly said.

He didn't immediately tell Shen Ruiling what he needed to do, but looked at the latter again, and then asked quite meaningfully:

"Do you want to get out of this Lingnan land?"

The former's voice reached Shen Ruiling's ears, and he couldn't help feeling a shock. A look of surprise suddenly burst into his eyes.

He naturally knew that Yao Lao came from outside Lingnan, and now the latter asked what he wanted to do.

Seeing his hesitation, Yao Lao suddenly smiled again:

"Does the little friend plan to stay in this secluded place for the rest of his life?"

On this side, Shen Ruiling had recovered her calm, looked up at the former, and said in a low voice:

"If you can flap your wings for ninety thousand miles, how would you like to be a bird in a cage..."

After hearing this, Yao Lao couldn't help showing a look of appreciation, and then smiled:

"Okay... the ambition of the little friend is really extraordinary..."

However, soon, he changed his conversation again, and before Shen Ruiling could speak, he looked at him again and asked:

"Does the little friend know what kind of world is outside?"

Facing the former's inquiry, Shen Ruiling couldn't help but pause, and fell into silence.

His understanding of the outside world only stays at the content recorded in the ancient books of the Wuji Sect, and these ancient books only describe him a rough idea.

So speaking of it, he is not ignorant of the world outside of Lingnan, but obviously what he knows may not even be considered a fur.

On this side, Old Yao saw that Shen Ruiling fell into silence, and said slowly again:

"The world beyond Lingnan is far more vast than you want. It is a world with thousands of sects and thousands of families, and it is also a world of strong people like clouds..."

"And the outside world is far more cruel and chaotic than you think, far from being comparable to the disputes in this land of Lingnan..."

Suddenly, Yao Lao seemed to fall into the memory, and the vicissitudes of voice inadvertently revealed the scorching state of the world that has passed by endless years...

Shen Ruiling stood there and listened quietly, still bowing her head in silence, but she already had infinite longing for the outside world in her heart.

Although in Yao Lao's mouth, the outside world is full of unimaginable cruelty and disputes, far less stable than the land of Lingnan.

But in Shen Ruiling's view, the cruelty and strife outside also means that there are more possibilities for him to see the scenery of Lingnan land that has never been seen before.

"Even if the world outside Lingnan is more dangerous, it is better than staying in the land of Lingnan to waste time, not to mention that as long as you have enough strength, you can naturally be fearless..."

Shen Ruiling's voice was slightly low, and the tone of her speech was also very flat, but there was an undeniable hint of arrogance.

"Haha...really new born calves are not afraid of tigers..."

The words of Shen Ruiling made Yao Lao burst into laughter immediately, but his eyes seemed to be a little more approving when he looked at the forward.

"The ambition of the little friend is really amazing, but you know how easy it is to get enough strength, there will always be a stronger existence than you in this world..."

After that, Old Yao looked at Shen Ruiling again, and said in a flat tone:

"Little friends now have two in ninety. The three levels of body, law, and soul are all cultivated to perfection. What is even more difficult is that they have understood the rhyme of the golden core, and the hundred-year-old pill formation has become a foregone conclusion... "

"I have to admit that Xiaoyou can really do this step in the land of Lingnan, he can indeed be regarded as a rare genius..."

"But looking at the world beyond Lingnan, the achievements of the little friends today are barely passing. For those ancient Taoism and aristocratic families that have been passed down for thousands of years, it is just worthy of their resources to cultivate..."


After hearing these words, Shen Ruiling's heart was shocked again.

"Furthermore, my little friend should also know in his heart that if you talk about spiritual root aptitude, my little friend, your spiritual root is nothing more than ordinary..."

"The qualifications of Sanlingen may be considered a pass in this isolated Lingnan land, but it is really not worth mentioning if it is placed outside Lingnan..."

On this side, Yao always glanced at the silent Shen Ruiling, and then continued to speak:

"Therefore, to say that you can achieve such an achievement now, little friend, in addition to your own extraordinary savvy, the inheritance contribution you got is indispensable..."

As soon as this remark came out, Shen Ruiling's gaze immediately looked at the former solemnly, and countless thoughts poured out in her heart.

To put it bluntly, the "Three Yuan Zhuan Lei Jue" is his greatest secret, and no one has ever been able to see the origin of his practice.

Now he was broken by the former, and it instantly made him feel uneasy.

"Haha... don’t panic, little friend, although the inheritance you have got is extremely precious, but you are the only person in this world who can cultivate. For me and others, it’s just a dispensable waste. , The result of forcibly practicing will only be a delusion..."

Yao Lao obviously saw the deep anxiety in Shen Ruiling's eyes, so he immediately explained with a smile.

Hearing that, Shen Ruiling didn't know whether what the former said was the truth, so the uneasiness in his heart still lingered in his heart.

However, it has been hundreds of years since the family obtained the "Three Yuan Zhuan Lei Jue". During this period, it seemed that he was the only one who could successfully cultivate.

At the same time, Yao Lao glanced at Shen Ruiling with a strange expression again, and then whispered softly:

"There have been countless powerful people born in this world, so the techniques passed down are ever-changing, and the inheritance is naturally messy..."

"For those of us who are latecomers, there are many ways to practice. You can practice step by step according to the existing systems of innate, qi training, foundation building, golden core, and Nascent Soul. Cultivation, replace it again if it is not suitable..."

"This method will not allow us to enter a higher realm at all. It is already a fluke to be able to form a golden core."

Shen Ruiling listened attentively, thinking about it in her heart.

"This kind of cultivation method is the path taken by most practitioners in the world. When they walk on this road, they will stop at a certain level, and then they will start to waste time until their life is exhausted. For a moment..."

"Speaking of these people casually, they also have a clear goal, that is, they want to improve their cultivation, and they have been able to go on smoothly on the road of cultivation..."

"But let's say they have goals. They don't have a trace of pursuit in their cultivation, they just blindly move they will never reach the end of the path of cultivation..."

Hearing this, Shen Ruiling nodded as if he didn't understand. Although he was still a little confused, he had already approved this point of view in his heart.

On this side, Yao Lao looked at the thoughtful Shen Ruiling and continued to say seriously:

"In addition to this path of practice, there is also a path of genius..."

"If you want to walk the path of genius, you must have enough talent and a strong inheritance. This inheritance can often lead directly to the end of the road of cultivation..."

"With these two things, the next cultivation will depend on the individual monk. Only by becoming the strongest in each realm can we reach the end of the fairy road step by step..."

"In other words, each realm of cultivating immortals has a clear distinction between strengths and weaknesses, so there is also a path for geniuses and a path for mediocrities..."

"On the road of cultivation, the strong will always be strong. The higher the level of cultivation, there will be fewer and fewer geniuses on this road, and all of them will be reduced to mediocrity..."

"Therefore, if you want to continue on the path of practice and become a strong enough person, you must be a real genius..."


Yao Lao's remarks shocked Shen Ruiling and her heart seemed to be completely reshaped.

After a long time, he looked up at Yao Lao, and asked loudly:

"Dare to ask seniors, how can we distinguish between the road of genius and the road of mediocrity?"

"Hehe... you don't know something, the old man said to you in detail..."

"The alchemy monks in this world can be roughly divided into three types, the blue pill monks, the purple pill monks, and the golden pill monks..."

"The difference between these three types of golden core monks is that they have different opportunities when forming cores, so the golden cores formed are also different..."

"You just need to remember that gold is the most expensive, purple is second, and blue is the last. The golden core monk is walking the path of genius, and he has almost half-footed into the threshold of the Nascent Soul Realm, while the Qing Dan monk is just mediocre. The road, it’s difficult to achieve Yuanying Avenue in a lifetime..."


Hearing this, Shen Ruiling seemed to understand, he hurriedly bowed and said:

"Senior, please give me some advice!"

He knew that Yao Lao came to him specially today and said this to him, it was definitely not a sudden intention to chat with him.

"Haha... the little friend now has a peerless inheritance, and this inheritance is enough for the little friend to reach the end of the road of practice..."

Yao Lao looked at Shen Ruiling in front of him, and the look of appreciation in his eyes became stronger.

"So what the little friend is missing at the moment is just an excellent foundation, and the formation of a golden core, so as to be truly invincible at the same level!"

"But as for how to form a golden core, the old man can only tell you that it is almost impossible for you to form a golden core in this Lingnan land, so you have to go to a place..."

"Dare to ask what is the predecessor?"

Shen Ruiling asked quickly.

"Meteor Sea!"

. . . . . .

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