The Rise of the Shen Family

Vol 2 Chapter 631: Li Ningshang

[网] The rise of the Shen family. At the foot of Yunbi Peak, the old man took the girl to the gate of the Shen family. He looked up at the lush Lingshan and couldn't help but sigh:

"Finally here!"

At this moment, behind the old man, the young girl who covered her face with a veil also looked up at the vibrant scene in front of her with curiosity.

Among the lush forests, there are buildings, and you can still see busy sounds and shadows in the misty mountainside.

For the girl, this was the first time she left the medicine garden where she had lived since she was a child, so she was full of curiosity about all the sights outside.

"Master, where is this?"

Facing the girl's question, the old man stroked his goatee with a smile, and then slowly said:

"Linhai Shen's clan land!"

Just when the old and the young were talking, the Shen clan who was in charge of guarding the mountain gate had already arrived in front of them.

Today, the Shen clan guarding the mountain gate only has the sixth level of Qi training, and ranks twenty-seventh among the Yong Zi generation. Although his cultivation level is not high, he is still clever.

Although he hadn't seen the old man's cultivation level, he noticed the nine-layer aura of Qi training revealed on the young girl, so he quickly and politely bowed his hands to the old man.

"Just trouble the little brother to inform the patriarch of your family, that is to say, an deceased person is visiting!"

The old man nodded slightly, then spoke slowly.

After hearing this, the Shen clan member couldn't help but froze for a while, but he quickly reacted.

"Senior, wait a minute, I'll report it right away!"

. . . . . .

On this side, Shen Ruiling was busy on the Yuxiu stage, and Shen Jingan directly found him and handed him a magic talisman in his hand.

"Ruiling, an old man came down from the mountain, would you like to see it?"

Hearing that Shen Ruiling had accepted the magic talisman, he couldn't help feeling a little surprised when he saw the content on it.

"The deceased of the patriarch?"

I saw that he put away the magic talisman and glanced at Shen Jingan in front of him unexpectedly.

"I'll go and receive it!"

As soon as the voice fell, Shen Ruiling immediately swept down the mountain, but after a while, his figure appeared on the bluestone square in front of the mountain gate.

From a distance, he saw an old man and a masked girl standing there, and he felt two completely different breaths from the two of them.

The old man with white beard and hair gave him an unpredictable feeling, and at the same time there was a strong smell of immortality on him.

And on the graceful girl next to him, he could feel a fresh and refined magical breath that came out of mud but not stained.

When Shen Ruiling appeared, the Shen clan member immediately bowed and saluted, and the two old men here couldn't help but cast their eyes on him.

"The old gentleman met the patriarch of the lower clan?"

Shen Ruiling first secretly looked at the old man in front of him, and then asked with a smile on his face.

After sensing Shen Ruiling's gaze, the old man didn't care. Instead, he looked at him in a qualitative way, and slowly said with a smile but a smile:

"The [Six Yin Soul Gathering Pill] that I wanted to come to refine back then was taken by my little friend!"

Hearing this, Shen Ruiling couldn't help showing a look of surprise on his face, and the eyes of the two old men were full of surprises.

Six Yin Soul Gathering Pill!

This name made his thoughts float up to several decades ago, when he was just a little Qi training monk.

At this time, combined with the strong medicinal fragrance of the old man, Shen Ruiling seemed to have guessed the identity of the old man in front of him!

"Old gentleman, please follow me up the mountain!"

Shen Ruiling looked at the old man in front of him, and immediately waved and invited very politely.


The old man laughed with satisfaction, and directly followed Shen Ruiling to the Yuxiu stage, while the masked girl who followed behind did not say a word from beginning to end.

Although she didn't speak, her beautiful black eyes kept looking at Shen Ruiling, and she didn't know what she was curious about.

. . . . . .

At the same time, Shen Huanchi was working on the "Kuiyin Qingxiao Dian" that he had just obtained from the real person of Cangsu Qingyunmen in the Houshan cave mansion.

As the "Kwai Shui Qing Ling Jue" he had practiced before, it was a technique that came down in the same line, and it was obviously much smoother to change to practice.

I saw that the crystal-clear Xuanshui cold jade floated on top of Shen Huanchi's head, surrounded by strands of azure blue water attribute spiritual power, just like swimming dragons.

These pure water attributes surround Shen Huanchi's body, constantly pouring into his body, tempering the purple golden pill in his dantian.

Looking at him from afar, he was floating in a azure blue water ball at this time, and time seemed to have stopped.

At this moment, a spiritual light passed through the entrance of the cave and appeared in front of him.

Shen Huanchi opened his eyes slowly, and a shuddering light flashed in his warm eyes.

And when he saw the content on the magic talisman, an unexpected look appeared on Gu Jing Wubo's face.

In the next moment, Shen Huanchi's figure directly swept out of the cave and headed to Yuxiu Terrace.

. . . . . .

In the living room of the Shen family, Shen Ruiling once again arched his hands slightly:

"Sit down, old gentleman, the patriarch will be here soon."

"No hurry, no hurry!"

The old man smiled and waved his hand and said, but his seemingly muddy eyes kept falling on Shen Ruiling intentionally or unintentionally.

And between the two people talking, a faint golden core pressure appeared in the meeting room, and then Shen Huanchi also appeared.


After seeing Shen Huanchi appearing, Shen Ruiling immediately bowed his hands.

The former just nodded slightly, and then cast his eyes on the old man.

"Old Yao, why did you suddenly come here?"

Shen Huanchi looked at the white-haired old man and asked with a smile.

"Of course I came to Daoxi!"

The old man couldn't help laughing, and then dense wrinkles appeared on his face.

Hearing this, Shen Huanchi's face couldn't help showing a faint By the way, this is the old man's apprentice. "

The old man pointed to the masked girl behind him and introduced to Shen Ruiling and Shen Huanchi.

"Ning Chang has seen seniors!"

The girl bowed slightly and bowed to Shen Huanchi.

"You are welcome!"

Shen Huanchi smiled slightly and looked at the girl in front of him.

But when his consciousness swept across the girl, an extremely surprised color flashed in his faint eyes.

After a while, Shen Huanchi slowly looked at the old man, and said with a sigh:

"Congratulations to Yao Lao for winning this wonderful jade!"

Facing Shen Huanchi's praise, the old man showed a trace of triumph.

. . . . . .

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