The Rise of the Shen Family

Vol 2 Chapter 634: Recruit son-in-law

[网] The rise of the Shen family When hearing these words from Shen Ruiling, Shi Taihu was stunned, but his brother Shi Tailong quickly reacted.


Shi Tailong directly grabbed his younger brother Shi Taihu's shoulders and shook violently, the excitement in his heart was completely on his face.

Shi Taihu also reacted under the violent shaking of his brother, and a smile appeared on that somewhat white face.

Although the two brothers were only mortal cultivators, they had been in the world of cultivating immortals for so many years. They still understood what the qualifications of the three spirit roots meant.

The qualifications of the three spirit roots meant that he would have the opportunity to become a foundation-building monk in the future.

On this side, Shen Ruiling and Shen Ruizhi looked at the excited Shi brothers and couldn't help but smile at each other.

After a while, Shi Tailong realized the misbehavior of his brothers just now, and immediately bowed and saluted the two of Shen Ruiling.

"It's my brothers who are rude, and I invite the two seniors, Haihan!"

After seeing his brother bowing and saluting, Shi Taihu also bowed his hand immediately.

"It's okay, get up first!"

Shen Ruiling nodded slightly and directly asked them to stand up.

Then his deep gaze fell on Shi Taihu again.

After feeling Shen Ruiling's gaze, Shi Taihu's body couldn't help but tremble slightly, and he lowered his head and dared not speak.

"The qualifications of the three spirit roots... there is already hope to get a glimpse of the demeanor of the foundation period."

Shen Ruiling still looked at him calmly, staring at him from time to time, and slowly said with a smile.

Hearing that, the hearts of the Shi brothers were already overwhelmed.

The words of a senior in the foundation building period personally confirmed the thoughts in their two hearts again.

However, at this moment, Shen Ruiling's words poured out their excitement.

"But judging from your bone age, you are close to forty years old, and now you only have the sixth level of Qi training. It is not easy to build a foundation!"

After hearing this, the Shi Tailong brothers immediately raised their heads and looked at Shen Ruiling, their eyes flashed with anxiety.

Shi Tailong deserves to be older, and is also an old man. When he saw Shen Ruiling's smile, he seemed to understand.

"Senior, please make it clear!"

Shen Ruiling couldn't help but glanced at him, then cast his gaze on Shi Taihu again.

After pondering for a while, he suddenly asked in a deep voice:

"You are willing to join my Shen family!"

As soon as these words came out, it was not only the Shi brothers who were stunned there, but also Shen Ruizhi on the side did not react for a while.

However, Shen Ruizhi quickly figured it out, and did not say anything, but quietly watched the reactions of the Shi Tailong brothers.

On this side, the Shi Tailong brothers obviously hadn't reacted from it yet, and their faces still showed that unbelievable look.

In the Lingnan cultivating world, it is also very common for various cultivating families to recruit sons-in-law.

After all, recruiting son-in-law is beneficial to both parties.

Because for a family of cultivating immortals, the talents of the spiritual roots are the foundation of the family. Only when the number of people in the family continues to increase, more geniuses will appear in the family.

Therefore, in addition to marrying the family's female cultivators, they also need to marry some outstanding casual cultivators.

In this way, not only can those casual practitioners be recruited into the family, but they can also give birth to children and increase the population of the family.

For those casual cultivators, entering a family of cultivating immortals through enthusiasm can be said to be the fastest way for them to achieve the fastest growth.

When they entered the Cultivation Clan, they changed from a casual cultivator to a family cultivator, and not only did not need to face the intricacies of the low-level casual cultivator.

Moreover, as family monks, they will be able to obtain guidance and instruction from the family's foundation-building elders on the road in the future. When walking outside, they can even use the name of the family to do things.

It can be said that the matter of becoming a parent is your wish and mutual benefit.

However, Shi Tailong obviously did not expect that Shen Jiaran would throw an olive branch to his brother and let him join the Shen family.

You know, the Shen family nowadays is not a simple foundation-building family, it is a wealthy family with real Jin Dan!

But the two brothers are just a drop-in and can't be a casual cultivator, how can they be worthy of a woman from the Shen family.

But if he can really join the Shen family, with the resources of the Shen family, Shi Taihu's hopes of building a foundation will be much greater.

And when the Shi Tailong brothers hadn't recovered, Shen Ruiling and Shen Ruizhi quietly observed their reactions.

"You don't have to answer me in a hurry, you can think about it and make a decision."

"In addition, my Shen clan also has a system of investigating candidates for son-in-law, so whether you can eventually join my Shen family or not will need to go through a series of investigations."

After a while, Shen Ruiling cast his gaze on Shi Taihu, who lowered his head in thought, and slowly said.

Upon hearing this, the Shi brothers couldn't help but raised their heads to look at the two Shen Ruiling in front of them, and immediately replied:

"Junior understand!"

Shen Ruiling nodded slightly, then looked at Shi Tailong and said:

"You prepare, you will take us into the Black Wind Mountains tomorrow."

Shi Tailong was stunned for a moment, but he nodded and agreed.

. . . . . .

After coming out of the Shi brothers’ room, Shen Ruizhi asked:

"Do you really plan to recruit this person as a parent?"

Shen Ruiling didn't answer immediately. After groaning for a while, he said in a serious tone:

"Let's take a look first, but it's time to help the unmarried female sisters of the Yongzi generation find someone to live."

Here, after Shen Ruizhi heard this, he nodded slowly, and stopped talking.

However, here Shen Ruiling looked at him again, and said with a faint smile:

"By the way, fourth brother, shouldn't you also find a partner to start a family?"

Facing Shen Ruiling's inquiry, Shen Ruizhi couldn't help but froze for a moment, and then waved his hand:

"Nowadays family affairs are busy, it's not the time to think about this!"

Hearing this, Shen Ruiling glanced at him with deep meaning, and stopped talking.

. . . . . .

The two of them talked as they walked, and soon came to the chamber on the Yuxiu stage.

"Tomorrow I will take that Shi Tailong into the mountain, so stay in the family."

As soon as Shen Ruiling sat down, she looked at the opposite Shen Ruizhi and said.

Upon hearing this, Shen Ruizhi said with some worry:

"I'll go with you!"

"No I am enough for this matter. Besides, the family also needs you to stay, and the sixth uncle needs manpower to do it."

Shen Ruiling shook her head and refused, but then he said again:

"But I need a helper for this trip!"

"You don't want to bring that girl Qi'er with you too, do you?"

Shen Ruizhi was taken aback for a moment, looked at Shen Ruiling with strange eyes and asked.

As they were talking, a giant eagle had landed at the door, and a teenage girl jumped directly from the back of the giant eagle.

The girl walked straight into the chamber and came to Shen Ruiling in front of them.

"Qi'er has seen Fourth Uncle, Fifth Uncle!"

Shen Ruiling looked at the girl in front of her, her mouth bends in an arc.

This girl is naturally Shen Yongqi, but now she is only twelve years old, but her cultivation base already has eight innate levels.


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