The Rise of the Writers of the Republic of China

Chapter 477: 476 【Discussion】

   After several days of discussions and discussions, the "International Anti-Fascist Alliance" was officially named the "World Anti-Imperial War Committee".

   As for why the name was changed, it is because Romain Rolland's ideals are very lofty. He not only wants to oppose fascism, but also to oppose all unjust wars in the world, so the name of the "World Committee against Imperialist War" is more appropriate.

   But then the Second World War broke out, and the name of the organization was once changed back to "International Anti-Fascist Alliance". This is for publicity and easy access to government support, since the two names belong to the same organization.

   After a vote, Romain Rolland was elected as the chairman of the "Anti-War Committee", Zhou Hexuan and French writer Barbizet were elected as vice-chairmen, and Mrs. Sun was elected as the honorary chairman. As for Einstein, everyone wanted to elect him as vice-chairman, but Einstein resolutely refused, and in the end he just became an ordinary committee member.

The    meeting also specifically discussed the issue of imperialist aggression against China, and decided to send a delegation to China to investigate the actual situation of Japan's aggression in Northeast China, and to prepare to hold a "Far East Anti-War Conference" in China.

   Mrs. Sun served as the chairman of the preparatory committee for the "Far East Anti-War Conference", and the Chinese underground party organization was responsible for the specific propaganda and preparations.

   Night, hotel.

  Romain Rolland asked: "Zhou, that map of the source of the war you drew was deliberately exaggerated for China, right?"

   "There is no exaggeration, the fascist forces will definitely expand to the world." Zhou Hexuan said affirmatively.

  Barbiser laughed: "Although Hitler was a lunatic, he was not a fool. The French army is number one in the world. If he dared to take the initiative to attack France, he was completely killing himself."

   Zhou Hexuan suddenly didn't know how to explain it. Could it be that the majestic Grand France chose to surrender after only a month, and even the real war was only ten days?

   Who the **** would believe it!

   Judging from the data alone, the French regular army is close to 1 million. If the national mobilization is carried out, the army will expand to more than 5 million in minutes. And all kinds of military equipment are extremely advanced. The 3,000 tanks of the French army far exceed the German army in terms of quality, quantity and firepower.

   This can be easily lost, which is a hundred times more incredible than Zhang Xueliang losing the Northeast.

   That is the French army of several million. Even if it is a few million pigs, standing still and letting the Germans kill them, they can’t kill them all in a month.

  It is now internationally recognized that the British navy is the number one in the world, and the French army is the strongest in the world.

   And Zhou Hexuan said that Germany would take the initiative to attack France, and Japan would invade the British Far East colonies. Hearing it in the ears of others seemed like a joke from the Arabian Nights.

It was not until 10 years later that Romain Rolland wrote in the article: "Today's war, someone has foreseen very early, the world situation is like a game of chess, and it is developing exactly according to his prediction. Mr. Zhou Hexuan is a very magical Man, his eyes can see through the fog of time, perhaps this is the greatness of a great historian. But unfortunately, neither me nor the governments of various countries could believe his predictions before the war, because it was Completely contrary to common sense, it is absolutely impossible. God, seems to have played a **** and cruel joke with the world."

   Let's get back to the point.

  Barbisi suddenly said: "I think our anti-war alliance can cooperate with the Comintern, or even let the Comintern lead it, which will be more organized and influential."

   Einstein did not expressly refuse, but said: "In that case, I will withdraw."

  Romain Rolland stood up to mediate: "It's okay to cooperate with the Comintern, but it shouldn't let them lead."

   "I'm just making a suggestion." Barbisi quickly compromised.

Zhou Hexuan changed the topic and said: "I think the most urgent task is to carry out anti-war propaganda, let everyone know our organizational philosophy, and attract comrades from all walks of life to join in. Especially the political parties and officials of various countries, they are very supportive of the anti-war cause. It's very helpful."

Sir   Malay laughed: "I can introduce the leftists of the British Labour Party to join."

  Because public opinion in various countries is now skewed to the left, many parties have also begun to skew to the left, which can make it easier to get votes. One of them was Sir Marley, who was often dubbed "the red aristocrat" for his reckless propaganda of leftist ideas.

   American journalist Elason also said: "I can be responsible for propaganda in the United States. I believe that many American media people are willing to join our anti-war alliance."

  Someone is easy to do. Sir Marley is in charge of the British Labour Party, and Elaison is in charge of the American media. They alone have a lot of energy. In addition, Zhou Hexuan, Romain Rolland, Barbizet, and others are all great writers, and they are very good at talking and promoting propaganda. Their anti-war alliances can't be popular.

  Unfortunately, all of the core members advocate freedom. This kind of organization has poor cohesion and can be called a mess.

   Zhou Hexuan said: "Let's talk about membership fees and journals."

  Romain Rolland said: "The journal can be organized, I am obliged to be the editor-in-chief, but the membership fee is not necessary."

"This is necessary, and the organization needs funds to operate," said British bookseller Gorenz. "The membership fee can be set at 5 pounds per year. Members who are really in financial difficulties can apply for a waiver of membership fees. In addition, I apply for preparations for business operations. Journal, I am quite good at this aspect.”

  Barbis also engaged in publishing and publicity: "I will be in charge of the journal."

   Seeing that the two were arguing, Zhou Hexuan said with a smile: "Well, each country will set up a journal, and the name of the journal is called "Fei Zhan"."

   "This is a good proposal." Romain Rolland clapped.

   Nowadays, the communication conditions are inconvenient, not to mention the whole world, even in different provinces in China, the content of the same newspaper may be different. It is a good way to organize the conference journal separately.

  The group then discussed the organizational structure and planned to set up chapters all over the world. For example, Zhou Hexuan was the head of the China branch. The recruitment of members regardless of party or class, as long as anti-war people can join, which greatly facilitates the spread of the organization.

   Zhou Hexuan decided to go back and cooperate with the al-Shabaab. They were a group of passionate patriots who believed that they were very willing to support the anti-war cause - the anti-war imperialist war. China's war of resistance is a just war.

  This anti-war meeting in Amsterdam took about half a month to end.

The    conference was still very successful, with two major achievements: one was the establishment of an anti-war alliance organization, and the other was preparing to recruit the Far East Anti-war Conference in China and dispatching a Northeast War Study Group to China.

   Mrs. Sun soon returned to China and contacted the underground party to prepare for the Far East Anti-War Conference.

   Zhou Hexuan was invited by Sir Marley and Gorenz to England, where a series of speaking events were waiting for him.

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