After meeting with Labour Party leader Arthur Henderson, Zhou Hexuan had a tour guide beside him, who was specially responsible for accompanying him on inspections and speeches in the UK.

The tour guide, Clement Attlee, graduated from Oxford University, worked as a lawyer, worked as a volunteer in the ghetto, as a lecturer at the London School of Economics, participated in the First World War, and was discharged with the rank of major , turned into politics and became mayor.

  Attlee is a socialist. When the Labour Party came to power and formed a cabinet, he served as a war secretary. After he stepped down, he supported the national strike and participated in the study of the issue of Indian autonomy.

   Well, these are Attlee's past, and his future will be bright.

   served as deputy leader of the Labour Party at the end of 1932, served as the leader of the Labour Party in 1935, served as the British Secretary of the Seal in 1940, served as the British Deputy Prime Minister in 1942, defeated Churchill as the British Prime Minister in 1945, and since then led the Labour Party to vigorously carry out British socialist reforms.

   Zhou Hexuan never imagined that the old man Arthur would actually send a future British Prime Minister as a tour guide for him.

   In the entire British history, Attlee is also a number one figure, and his influence on the post-war British political system is too far-reaching. Not only that, but the Marshall Plan, the founding of NATO, the founding of Israel, the independence of Pakistan and India, the independence of Myanmar and Ceylon, the founding of Bangladesh... There are shadows of Attlee behind this series of international events.

   "Mr. Zhou, after your lectures at the University of London, I hope you can go to Oxford University." Attlee highly recommended his alma mater.

   Zhou Hexuan smiled and said, "If I have time, I'd be happy to do it."

  The two took a car to the University of London. The first stop was the London School of Economics and Political Science, where Attlee used to be a lecturer.

   In the car, Attlee asked in confusion: "Mr. Zhou, do you really think that the fascist forces will spread to the world?"

   "From all indications, this may become a reality." Zhou Hexuan said.

  Attlee was still an anti-war and peace figure at this time. He actively advocated British disarmament, and usually went on strike when he had nothing to do, which was completely irrelevant to the image of the British Prime Minister more than ten years later. This man has a humble and prudent character. Even if he becomes the Prime Minister in the future, he still listens to the opinions of others humbly. He said: "Mr. Zhou, I have read your academic works, and I still admire your advanced insights. But to be honest, your This prophecy is unbelievable.”

   Zhou Hexuan smiled and said, "Perhaps, you will believe it in two years."

  Although Hitler was propagating Nazi ideology at this time, it was limited to domestic political purges, persecuted and excluded dissidents, and there was indeed no sign of external expansion.

   Until two years later, Hitler publicly announced the expansion of the army, a serious violation of the "Versailles Contract". This made Attlee wake up, he changed from supporting disarmament to opposing appeasement policy, asking the British government to prepare for war to prevent German expansion.

   This is a sharp-eyed, clear-headed guy. As early as the beginning of Hitler's expansion, he realized that war was inevitable, and the heads of the British and French governments at that time were still lucky.

   Zhou Hexuan cannot give a reasonable explanation for the time being. Although Hitler has already made his mark in German politics, it will take another half a year to actually come to power. In the early days of Hitler's administration, his political and economic policies were also chaotic and disorderly. Before he publicly announced the expansion of the army, it was difficult for anyone to perceive his crazy ambitions.

   Smart people like Einstein who have lived in Germany for a long time can only subconsciously feel the horror of Hitler and the Nazis, because before those guys came to power, they had already mastered the country by provoking public opinion and political (harmonious) persecution.

   Hitler was indeed clamoring for expansion, but many believed that was nothing more than a propaganda tool for dictatorship.

   Zhou Hexuan said: "Richard, you can go to Germany and Italy for a field trip, and you can find a lot of clues."

   Attlee nodded and said, "I will go. The Nazis also advertised themselves as socialists, but their ideas were too radical."

  The two chatted all the way, and soon came to the London School of Economics and Political Science in the city center.

   As soon as Zhou Hexuan got off the bus, he saw more than 20 Chinese students waiting at the school gate, and some were even students from other schools.

  London School of Economics President William Beveridge personally stepped forward to greet him: "Mr. Zhou, welcome to LSE for academic exchange!"

   "Hello, Mr. Principal, it is my great honor!" Zhou Hexuan hurriedly shook hands.

   This is also a very powerful guy. After the end of World War II, William Beveridge formulated the blueprint for the welfare state for the United Kingdom. Most of the later British social welfare systems originated from Beveridge's hands.

   It can be said that the two people around Zhou Hexuan at the moment, Attlee and Beveridge, have joined forces to lay the foundation for modern Britain.

   "Mr. Zhou!"

   "Mr. Zhou!"

  More than 20 Chinese students waved their hands enthusiastically. Zhou Hexuan smiled and said to Beveridge, "Mr. Principal, can I have a few words with my compatriots?"

   "Of course." Beveridge nodded.

   Zhou Hexuan walked over quickly and said hello, "Hello, classmates!"

   "Hello, Mr. Zhou!" The international students responded in unison.

   Zhou Hexuan asked, "Is your studies going well? Are there any difficulties?"

   A male student said: "Difficulties can be overcome, but national calamities cannot be tolerated. We all want to graduate as soon as possible to serve the motherland!"

   "There are opportunities to serve the motherland, but the premise is to study hard," Zhou Hexuan asked, "What's your name?"

  The male student said excitedly: "Yang Deqiao, Zi Yuyao, a graduate of Central University, is currently studying economics at the London School of Economics and Political Science! I was admitted to the UK by Mr. Zhou's study abroad fund. Thank you Mr. Zhou for his generous funding!"

   "Very good, keep working hard!" Zhou Hexuan nodded with satisfaction.

  Yang Deqiao in history is also a famous person in the field of economics of the Republic of China.

   This gentleman joined the Communist Party in 1926 and turned himself in the next year to become the National Party, a traitor to our party. However, after the September 18th Incident, he was arrested and imprisoned for participating in the student patriotic movement. After his release, he was admitted as a public student at the University of London. , author of "History of Economics".

  Because of the butterfly effect brought by Zhou Hexuan, Yang Deqiao didn't wait for the September 18th Incident, he was admitted to Zhou Hexuan's study abroad fund to go abroad, and he became an international student three years in advance, and he didn't know how he would develop in the future.

   But no matter what, many of those international students sponsored by Zhou Hexuan will become treasures after returning to China, and many of them are in important positions. He is barely considered a student all over the world.

   Surrounded by the international students, Zhou Hexuan came to the large classroom with Beveridge and others. The classroom was full of students, mostly white, with a few Asians and even a few Japanese students.

   "Zhou, Zhou!" the white students shouted, all of whom seemed to be Zhou Hexuan's academic fans.

Zhou Hexuan raised his hand to signal everyone to be quiet, and said with a smile, "I'm very happy to come to the London School of Economics. I don't understand politics or economics. Your principal, Mr. Beveridge, is a famous economist. Don't make a fool of yourself in front of him. Today I will talk about the international situation, about how the British colonial system collapsed..."


   There was an instant uproar under the stage.

   In the famous British universities, the British colonial system is about to collapse?


   Principal William Beveridge was visibly taken aback, then a smile appeared on his face, he liked such unexpected speeches.

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