About 50 kilometers northwest of London, there is a small town called Luton. In the quiet village on the east side of the city, there lived a famous figure - Bernard Shaw.

   From 1906 until Bernard Shaw's death, he lived in this country cottage.

   Bernard Shaw is 76 years old this year, and his beards have turned silvery white, but he doesn't show the slightest bit of old age, and he is still as energetic as when he was young. He flipped through a magazine article and laughed to himself: "Metaphor is a universal way of thinking and cognitive means of human beings. This explanation is really interesting."

   "An interesting person is visiting you." His wife Charlotte said suddenly standing at the door of the study.

   Bernard Shaw immediately stood up and said with a smile, "I'm going to meet that little guy myself."

   Bernard Shaw received a letter from Zhou Hexuan a few days ago. In his reply, he agreed that the two would meet in the next few days. Bernard Shaw walked quickly to the living room, and saw that Zhou Hexuan had come in and sat down, accompanied by an amazingly beautiful young woman.

  The elderly Mr. Bernard Shaw couldn't help but feel a little excited. He withdrew his eyes and shook hands with Zhou Hexuan: "Hello, guest from the East."

   "Hello, Western humor master," Zhou Hexuan introduced with a smile, "this is my girlfriend Vivian."

  Vivien Leigh hurriedly bowed and shook hands, like worshipping an idol, and even her body was shaking slightly.

Mrs. Charlotte brought the coffee herself, smiled at Zhou Hexuan and Vivien Lei, and sat down beside her and said, "Zhou, I read your paper on Shakespeare's opera studies and linguistics, it's really refreshing. "

   "It's just my own little idea." Zhou Hexuan smiled.

   Bernard Shaw's wife was also not an ordinary person, an early member of the Fabian Society, an Irish activist, and an active feminist movement. Feminism today is true feminism, and they advocate equality between men and women, especially in politics.

   What's more, the Fabian Society directly helped establish the British Labour Party, and it has existed as a Labour Party think tank for decades. Bernard Shaw's wife Charlotte, who was an early member of the Fabian Society, had better knowledge and insights than most men today.

   Of course, no matter how good a woman is, she is also a woman. For example, jealousy is inevitable.

   Legend has it that Charlotte once used a telescope, like a secret agent, to monitor her husband and his lover's cheating rendezvous. It is estimated that Hedong's roar should be more than once or twice.

   Bernard Shaw can also play, and there are at least two lovers who have been exposed. Last year, London's Canstadt Publishing House also specially published a "Bernard Shaw Correspondence", which is full of love letters written by Bernard Shaw to British actress Alan Daly.

   And Bernard Shaw has a hobby in women. As long as it is a lover he really likes, no matter whether the other party has a husband or not, he will try his best to make his lover belly bigger. When he was in his 60s, he successfully let an American actress in her 20s give birth to a child for him. The husband of the other party didn't know about it, and the illegitimate child was only in middle age to find out that he was Bernard Shaw's son.

   Bernard Shaw, holding a pipe, struck a match and said, "Zhou, I heard that you started an international anti-war organization?"

   "Yes, our pursuit is world peace." Zhou Hexuan said.

   Bernard Shaw laughed: "Then I must participate. It would be a pity to miss this kind of thing. By the way, you publicly called for boycotting fascism, so what do you think of communism?"

   Zhou Hexuan blinked: "I'm just like you."

   "Hahahaha!" Shaw laughed, "It's so funny."

   Bernard Shaw's attitude towards communism was very subtle. He sympathized with the Russian October Revolution. When he was young, he specialized in books such as Das Kapital. He even went to the Soviet Union to celebrate his 75th birthday last year. However, the "progressive socialism" he advocated in the UK believes that socialist reforms should abide by the British constitution, abide by ethics, avoid violence, and use a moderate method to promote the UK to become a socialist country.

   Zhou Hexuan said that his attitude was the same as that of Bernard Shaw. He did not support the theory of "gradual socialism", but believed that the development of socialism or communism should respect specific national conditions and adopt different methods. For example, the autocratic, backward and corrupt Tsarist Russia must rely on violence to overthrow the old rulers; while in Britain with a sound social system, it must take a gradual approach, and pure violence is completely unworkable.

   Zhou Hexuan said: "I firmly believe that the future world belongs to socialism."

   "Me too." Shaw laughed.

   Zhou Hexuan is not talking nonsense. Looking at the Western countries after World War II, the whole of Europe is moving closer to socialism, and Britain, France and other countries have been carrying out socialist reforms.

Bernard Shaw soon talked about his experience in the Soviet Union again, commenting: "The Soviet Union's first five-year plan developed very smoothly. Although it had various flaws, it achieved amazing achievements. As long as the Soviet Union is given another ten years to develop , must be able to catch up with, or even surpass, the United Kingdom.”

"I think so too," Zhou Hexuan said, "but the key point in Europe and the whole world lies in Germany, not the Soviet Union. Germany is now like a pot of hot oil that is gradually boiling, and the slightest touch of cold water will make the oil splatter all over the place. ."

Bernard Shaw nodded and said: "Germany is really bad, Hitler is about to lead Germany down a dangerous road. Although anti-Semitism is a European tradition, Nazi ideology is still too radical, and the most alarming thing is that Nazi ideology is actually starting to get Most of the German people agree. One Hitler is not terrible, but tens of millions of Hitlers are terrible."

   Zhou Hexuan smiled and said, "As an Asian, I don't really care much about the situation in Europe. In the Far East, Japan is a dangerous beast. It has already shown its claws and is ready to tear apart and devour everything in front of it."

   "Really?" Bernard Shaw said in surprise, "I don't know much about this. But I sincerely wish China, I hope China can get rid of the colonial powers and become a truly free country."

   "Thank you for your blessing. Perhaps, Mr. Bernard Shaw can visit China in person." Zhou Hexuan said.

  Even if Zhou Hexuan does not invite him, Bernard Shaw will go to China next year to investigate China's resistance to Japanese aggression. He smiled and asked, "When are you going back to Asia? I can go with you."

   "Really? That's great, next month." Zhou Hexuan said happily.

   Vivien Leigh was a little disappointed when she sat next to her. She wanted to hear Bernard Shaw talk about theatre art, but the two men kept talking about political issues, and Vivien Leigh was not interested at all.

   Although Bernard Shaw is the Big Dipper of the British drama world, he prefers the identity of a political theorist, and he has indeed made a lot of theoretical contributions to the political reform of the United Kingdom in the next few decades.

   Bernard Shaw should be glad that he was born in a country with a relatively stable political environment. The "gradual socialism" he participated in proposing can be realized step by step by forming political parties. On the other hand, Chinese counterparts, such as Zhang Junmai, Li Huang, etc., formed a political party that could only serve as a foil for the National Party. Without their own guns, it is impossible to achieve their ideals.

   Of course, neither a dramatist nor a political theorist is Shaw best known for either.

  The impression of most Chinese people on George Bernard Shaw exists as a joker. Even in the 21st century, the Internet is still full of jokes about Bernard Shaw.

For example, a little girl wrote to Bernard Shaw and said, "You are the writer I admire the most. In order to express my love for you, I plan to name my little poodle after you. What is your opinion?" Bernard Shaw The reply said: "Dear child, I fully agree with your sincere hope. But the most important point is that you must consult with your little poodle and obtain its consent."

   Another example is Isadora, the founder of American modern dance, who jokingly wrote a letter to George Bernard Shaw, hoping to have a child with Bernard Shaw, so as to have both her beauty and Bernard Shaw's wisdom. Bernard Shaw actually wrote back: "What if the child looks like me and has a brain like yours?"

   Even if Shaw died, he was still playing jokes. The epitaph on his grave reads: "I knew for a long time that no matter how long I lived, this kind of thing would definitely happen."

   If George Bernard Shaw lived in the internet age, he would surely be the greatest joker.

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