In mid-September, "Legend of the Galactic Heroes" is about to be serialized in the UK, and Zhou Hexuan, who has dug a big hole, boarded a ship and returned to China.

   In addition to Vivien Leigh, there were also British Labour Party leader Arthur Henderson and British drama leader Bernard Shaw.

  The British Independent Labour Party has completed the general election. The new leader is George Lansbury, but he will not officially take office until October. In other words, Arthur Henderson, the former British foreign secretary, has lost all party and government positions and has become an ordinary little old man who can visit China without any restraints.

   During the ocean journey, Arthur Henderson and Bernard Shaw had a good chat. They are old friends and share the same political philosophy, constantly discussing the future of Labour and how to implement progressive socialism in the UK.

   In the three months that Zhou Hexuan left China, many important events happened.

  For example, Chang Kaishen held a military conference in Lushan, and made "inner peace first" as the basic national policy, and gathered 630,000 troops to launch the fourth military encirclement and suppression of the Red Zone.

   Another example is that Japan officially started armed immigration to the Northeast. The immigrants were organized in the form of an army, issued weapons, and fought while farming. None of the Japanese immigrants who stayed in the Northeast after the victory of the Anti-Japanese War were innocent, because they were soldiers or military dependents!

   Just when Zhou Hexuan left the UK, the Northeast Anti-Japanese National Salvation Army hit the Japanese Kwantung Army hard and won a beautiful victory. The Kwantung Army launched a retaliatory action for this, killing more than 3,000 villagers in Lijiagou, Pingdingshan, and Qianjinbao, creating the "Pingdingshan Massacre" which was dehumanizing.

When Zhou Hexuan arrived in Shanghai by boat, the League of Nations investigation team issued the "Report of the League of Nations Investigation Team", acknowledging that Northeast China is an integral part of Chinese territory, denying that Japan launched the September 18 Incident as "legal self-defense", and confirming that the puppet Manchukuo is Japan's violation of Northeast China Tools concocted by the will and force of the people. Judging from these contents, the League of Nations seems to be doing justice to China. However, this report also adds a content - advocating the establishment of a special system in the Northeast with a high degree of autonomy protected by foreign countries.

   In other words, the League of Nations attempted to turn the three northeastern provinces into an international condominium, thereby replacing Japan's monopoly on the northeast.

   It's like your house is seized by bullies, and then a group of bullies are invited to do justice. The group of bullies said that this house is not exclusive to anyone and should be shared with everyone.

   Once this report was published, it was immediately strongly opposed by the Chinese people, as well as by the Japanese Kwantung Army.

   The situation in the two countries is more delicate. Both the Chinese and Japanese governments tend to accept the ruling of the League of Nations. However, the Chinese government did not dare to publicly express its support due to the boiling of public opinion, while the Japanese cabinet was subject to the military department, and it behaved repeatedly and compliantly.

   In another half a year, the Japanese cabinet will succumb to the threat of the military and publicly announce its withdrawal from the League of Nations, and the "Report of the League of Nations Investigation Mission" will therefore become waste paper.

   Of course, there is not no good news in China. For example, the Nanjing government announced the implementation of the compulsory education policy, and promulgated the "First Phase Outline of the Implementation of Compulsory Education Measures" and "Short-term Compulsory Education Implementation Measures".

   "Outline" stipulates: August 1932 to July 1935 is the "first period", requiring all localities to set up "compulsory education experimental areas" during this period, and to impose compulsory system on school-age children - not reading is illegal. The "Measures" supplemented the problems left over from history: in order to relieve the elderly out-of-school children, short-term compulsory education can be implemented, and "short-term primary schools" can be established to eliminate illiteracy.

   Throughout the period of the Nanjing Nationalist Government, the Ministry of Education was probably the one that worked hardest. No matter how fierce the factional struggle between Cai Yuanpei and Li Shizeng, their goals and ideals are the same, that is, "education to save the country"!

   In order to achieve the goal of saving the nation through education, Cai Yuanpei, Li Shizeng and their henchmen carefully formulated various educational regulations. According to China's bad situation, various remedies have been devised, such as setting up "short-term primary schools" on a large scale to eliminate illiteracy. As a result, there is a serious shortage of teachers, so they quickly set up simple normal schools with no tuition fees to train primary school teachers.

   In 1931, there were only 20,875 students in the National Simple Normal School. By 1932, the number of students had soared to 59,006. Many of these students who graduated from the Simple Normal School went on to become primary school teachers and contributed enormously to the later literacy movement in New China.

   During the period from 1929 to 1936, the investment in education by governments at all levels in China was relatively stable. Not to mention the central government, even the local warlords with a little normal mind would attach great importance to education.

  What the Republic of China education funding must account for 30% of fiscal revenue, this kind of statement is a lie, only the fruit fans who have been pumped will believe it. Although not 30%, it has 3.3% (Data from the First China Education Yearbook, 1991 edition). The Nanjing National Government is obviously better than the Beiyang Government in education. Even if the development is slow, it is at least developing. .

   It was not until the outbreak of the full-scale Anti-Japanese War in 1937 that China's education situation fell to a low point again. It is not uncommon for university and middle school teachers to be owed wages, and elementary school teachers hardly receive any wages. Many elementary school teachers can only work to make ends meet while teaching with passion. Like the situation in the movie "Donkey Gets Water", it is almost impossible to use a donkey to eat empty wages? Oh, don't think about it!

  Education is a top priority for a country and a nation, no less than the development of industry and military.

   China has been able to develop rapidly after the reform and opening up, and one of the important reasons is the popularization of nine-year compulsory education. Even ordinary migrant workers have a world of difference between literacy and illiteracy. This is the super wealth hidden in the Chinese people.

   Doesn't India want to surpass China? Please make education popular first.

  The ship slowly sailed to the Shanghai dock. Vivien Leigh stood on the deck and looked at it, and said happily: "China is more prosperous than I thought, and I thought it was another India."

   Zhou Hexuan smiled and said, "What you see is the most prosperous city in China."

   Arthur Henderson and Bernard Shaw also stepped onto the deck, and Bernard Shaw said: "I have received letters from Chinese readers, and I have also discussed Chinese dramas in the letters. I heard that Chinese Peking Operas have caused a sensation in the United States?"

   "You can communicate with Mr. Mei Lanfang in China, he is a top drama master." Zhou Hexuan said.


The    whistle sounded, and the ship began to dock.

   Zhou Hexuan found that the pier was full of people, most of whom came to greet Bernard Shaw and Arthur Henderson. One is the famous British drama master in China, and the other is the former British foreign secretary. People from the cultural circles, military and political circles will surely flock to them, and the grand occasion is no less than that of Albert Einstein's visit to China.

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