Why is George Bernard Shaw hypocritical?

  Because of the inconsistency between Shaw's words and deeds, he kept saying that he understood and respected, but he neither had a deep understanding nor given enough respect to the issue of China.

   Zhou Hexuan was still patient at first, but he couldn't bear it any longer.

   In mid-October, everyone came to Nanjing.

  Chang Kaishen personally received Arthur Henderson and Bernard Shaw and accompanied them to visit the historical sites in Nanjing. The next morning, the two went to the Central Military Academy and the Central University to give speeches, publicly expressing their support for China's resistance to Japan, and gaining unanimous support from teachers and students.

   In the evening, Lampson, the British Minister to China, also hosted a banquet for them. The next day, Mrs. Lampson held a cultural salon, specially invited Bernard Shaw to attend, while Arthur Henderson visited various government departments in Nanjing.

   Arthur Henderson behaved perfectly normal, a staunch progressive socialist. To put it bluntly, it is a capitalist reformist, and there is no conflict with the political system of the Republic of China. Coupled with his status as the former British foreign secretary, there is no obstacle to becoming a guest of Chang Kaishen.

   Arthur Henderson is not interested in participating in cultural events, he is keen to communicate with Chinese politicians. Similarly, Chinese cultural circles are not interested in Arthur Henderson, and they are too lazy to invite him to various events.

   There is only George Bernard Shaw, and there is an endless stream of visitors every day, and the foreign ladies are also very fond of this old man.

  The cultural salon held by Mrs. Lampson, because of the presence of Bernard Shaw, the wives of foreign ministers in China came to participate with great interest. Soong Meiling naturally did not miss this opportunity, dressed up elegantly and came to the official residence of the British Minister to China early.

  There were only three celebrities in the Chinese cultural circles invited, besides Zhou Hexuan, Cai Yuanpei and Lin Yutang.

  Lin Yutang was not qualified to be considered by the wife of the British Minister to China, but he admired George Bernard Shaw very much, and flattered Bernard Shaw very comfortably. Bernard Shaw regarded Lin Yutang as a little Chinese brother, and specially asked Mrs. Lampson to send an invitation letter to Lin Yutang.

   Zhou Hexuan brought Vivien Leigh to the official residence of the Minister, and happened to meet Cai Yuanpei who came by rickshaw.

  Cai Yuanpei greeted: "Mingcheng, long time no see!"

   "Hello, Mr. Jongmin." Zhou Hexuan smiled and shook hands.

  Cai Yuanpei suddenly whispered: "Mingcheng, Mrs. Sun, Lu Xun, Yang Xingfo and others are organizing the China Civil Rights Protection Alliance. The purpose of the Civil Rights Alliance is to fight for civil rights, oppose dictatorship, and actively resist Japan. Are you interested in joining?"

   Zhou Hexuan smiled and said, "I'll think about it again."

   Therefore, Chang Kaishen's rule was unpopular. During the Northern Expedition, Cai Yuanpei believed that only the Kuomintang could save China, and actively helped Chang Kaishen to plan the purge of the party. I don't know how many progressives were massacred. But just a few years later, Cai Yuanpei's thinking changed rapidly, he began to oppose Chang Kaishen's dictatorship, and actively participated in the rescue of persecuted political prisoners, including many Communists such as Yang Xhui, Ding Ling and others.

   "This kind of thing still needs to be considered?" Cai Yuanpei was quite dissatisfied.

   Zhou Hexuan can only say: "Okay then, I agree to join."

   "China Civil Rights Protection Alliance" belongs to a patriotic organization - let's call it "Civil Rights Alliance", not the "China Democratic League" that everyone is familiar with. The full name of the latter is "China Democratic Alliance".

   As the name suggests, the core proposition of the "Civil Rights Alliance" is to protect civil rights, and regard Chang Kaishen's rule as a fascist regime. Because of this, Yang Xingfo, who served as the Director-General, will die next year in the assassination of the National Party spy. As for Mrs. Sun, who is the chairman, and Cai Yuanpei, who is the vice-chairman, the reason why they can live well is because they have too much influence, and Chang Kaishen doesn't dare to get rid of them easily.

  Cai Yuanpei heard that Zhou Hexuan agreed to join, and immediately said with joy: "Our civil rights alliance has added another general!"

   Zhou Hexuan said with a smile: "I'm not a general, at most a little scoundrel who raises the flag and shouts."

After Cai Yuanpei was happy, he pointed to Vivien Leigh and asked, "Mingcheng, is this your British confidante?"

   Zhou Hexuan smiled and introduced, "Mary, this is Mr. Cai Yuanpei, a famous educator in China."

   "Hello, Mr. Cai." Vivien Leigh greeted.

   "Hello, nice to meet you, beautiful lady." Cai Yuanpei spoke fluent English.

   Vivien Leigh has been doing well these days, because she has always been by Zhou Hexuan's side, and both foreigners and Chinese treat her with courtesy. Moreover, Vivien Leigh found that the Chinese are really powerful. They can speak English wherever they meet, and they are not a barbaric and backward country like the legend.

   At this moment, Lin Yutang also came and said with a smile, "Why don't the two gentlemen go in? Hiding here and whispering."

   "Yutang is here too," Cai Yuanpei said, "I just developed a comrade, and Mingcheng is also willing to join the Civil Rights Alliance."

  Lin Yutang smiled and said, "Then our team has grown again."

   Well, Lin Yutang is also one of the initiators of the Civil Rights League. It's just that he likes the petty bourgeoisie, and he doesn't care much, and he's not too keen on the specific affairs of the Civil Rights League.

   Several people entered together, Mrs. Lampson greeted them warmly, and brought coffee in person to greet them and sit down.

   Cai Yuanpei asked, "Where's Mr. Minister?"

   Mrs. Lampson laughed: "He's going to accompany Mr. Henderson."

  Lampson, the current British Minister to China, is a very traditional British diplomat.

When the September 18th Incident broke out in the Northeast, Chang Kaishen actively sought help from the British and American powers. Lampson's reply was: "I hope China will not negotiate with (Japan) withdrawing troops." Chang Kaishen got this reply and expressed in his diary He felt his feelings - "very horrified".

   And when China wanted to determine its sovereignty over Tibet, Lampson suggested that the British government simply ignore it, and the British government adopted this advice, leaving China’s sovereignty over Tibet unresolved for many years.

  From the perspective of the Chinese, Lampson, the current British Minister to China, is a very, very annoying guy. However, this guy is still a China-savvy, and he is familiar with China. He is not the kind of blind and arrogant diplomat.

  There were more and more guests in the living room. Song Meiling appeared in a cheongsam, which attracted the admiration of foreign ladies.

   Bernard Shaw arrived at the latest and instantly became the focus of the audience. Just a few words made everyone laugh. Lin Yutang sat next to him and flattered.

Unconsciously, the topic of Sharon changed from British drama to Chinese drama, and Bernard Shaw said unabashedly: "I have watched a lot of Chinese dramas in the past few days, including Peking Opera, Hui Opera, Kunqu Opera and so on. To be honest, China Drama is still in the medieval stage, and its content and presentation are outdated. British drama was like this 100 years ago, but after a series of reforms, British drama has kept up with the changes of the times, and Chinese drama undoubtedly needs reform.”

   Zhou Hexuan asked, "Reform in content or form?"

   “Both content and form need to be reformed,” Bernard Shaw said.

   Zhou Hexuan said with a smile: "Chinese drama has matured in form, and each drama has its own performance system. As for content reform, Chinese dramatists are also trying, and it needs to be more in line with the atmosphere of the times."

Bernard Shaw said: "No, no, the form also needs to be reformed. The way of performing Chinese drama is too outdated, just like Chinese culture. In this regard, I discussed this with Mr. Lu Xun and Mr. Lin Yutang a few days ago. I He believes that China has no culture to speak of now, everything is following the footsteps of the West, and it is still in the stage of rough imitation. Chinese scholars rarely have their own ideas, they always try to cater to the West, but they don't learn the same way, which is very embarrassing. already."

  Cai Yuanpei was silent. Although Bernard Shaw’s words were not pleasant, they also spoke to the current situation of Chinese cultural circles.

  Lin Yutang echoed: "Mr. Bernard Shaw said that Chinese scholars really need to go further. We are far behind the Western world, and I am afraid it will take decades or even longer to catch up."

Bernard Shaw said with a smile: "Of course, Mr. Zhou is an exception. He has pioneered research in many fields. However, I think that Mr. Zhou's excellence is precisely because he has lived in the West since he was a child. His thinking is actually Western-style. It has nothing to do with Chinese culture. I always see Mr. Zhou as a Westerner, not a Chinese.”

   Bernard Shaw's vision is very accurate, and many of Zhou Hexuan's thinking habits are indeed Western-style. However, Zhou Hexuan disagreed. He believed that he belonged to modern thinking, not Western thinking, and immediately smiled: "Mr. Bernard Shaw, you are wrong. Many of my behaviors and habits are indeed Western, but my core values ​​are Chinese. Chinese traditional cultural concepts have long been rooted in my blood."

   "Traditional Chinese culture? Those are things that have long been outdated," said Bernard Shaw with disdain. "Chinese culture has made no contribution to the progress of modern human civilization."

  Cai Yuanpei was very angry, but he couldn't find a reason to refute it. You can say about the four great inventions, but they are all old antiques. They are talking about the achievements of modern culture. Which one of China is not following the footsteps of the West?

   Zhou Hexuan sneered: "What is modern Western culture? The colonial culture of brutal plunder, or the industrial culture of slavery and exploitation?"

Bernard Shaw smiled and pointed at Zhou Hexuan: "Zhou, you are secretly changing concepts. You know that I am talking about the professional fields of science, medicine, education, and economics, but you are secretly changing the concept of pan-culture to refute me. This is not Argument, but sophistry."

   This guy's brain is too bright, Zhou Hexuan was speechless for a moment, and he didn't know how to refute for a while.

Suddenly, Zhou Hexuan smiled and said, "Mr. Bernard Shaw, you are also sophistry. You use all the great powers to replace the West, and then use the West as a whole to belittle China. How can you compare it? Today's Western civilization is a common feature of countless Western countries. The result of efforts, not the specific contribution of any country or nation. Can Britain stand against the whole world? No. Can China stand against the entire West? No. You are not arguing, but discrimination, a white man against a yellow race Human discrimination! You must take back what you just said, or I will break up with you!"

   Bernard Shaw was stunned for a moment, and suddenly felt that what Zhou Hexuan said made sense, he was indeed playing racism.

  Lin Yutang was thoughtful, Cai Yuanpei smiled, and Song Meiling watched the men quarrel with interest.

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