The Rise of the Writers of the Republic of China

Chapter 518: 517 [Our journey is the sea of ​​stars]

  A small town in the west of England, Mainhead.

  15-year-old Arthur Clarke ran all the way out of school and came to the town post office with familiarity.

   "Charlie, are you reading the newspaper again?" a post office employee laughed.

   Arthur Clark's well-behaved greeting: "Hello, Uncle Joseph!"

   The employee smiled and said, "Come in, your mother is sorting the newspaper and will be off work soon."

   Clark's mother was a post office operator. His hobby since childhood was to read the old newspapers and magazines of the post office, especially those whimsical science fiction stories. Clark is a fan of science fiction, and when he was 12 years old, he observed the moon with a homemade telescope and made a map of the lunar surface. Although he is only 15 years old, he has already taught himself radio technology.

  This old man is like Wells, his family is also very bad. His father has died of illness, and he relies entirely on his mother to earn money to support the family. When Clark graduated from high school, he could only go to work, and he did not have the opportunity to enter university until he was 29 years old. Before that, he had participated in the development of the early warning radar defense system of the British Royal Air Force.

Without Zhou Hexuan, a traveler, Clark would be the first person to predict "artificial earth satellites". In his 1945 work "Extraterrestrial Rebroadcast", he concluded that radio and television signals could be transmitted through geostationary satellites to worldwide.

   At this time, Clark was still a teenager who liked fantasies. He ran into the post office to say hello to his mother, and then came to a corner by himself, where countless outdated newspapers and magazines were piled up.

   Clark's reading speed was fast. He picked up a newspaper and scanned the contents quickly, only stopping when he found an article related to science. Sitting in the pile of old newspapers and magazines like a mountain of rubbish, Clark was very excited. He was like a scavenger, happily scouring for his own treasure.

   "Hey, this is actually an American science fiction magazine, it's too rare!" Clark hurriedly put it into his school bag.

   At this moment, the mother who had already got off work came over and shouted: "Charlie, go home soon!"

   "Come on, Mom!" Clark replied, his hands still rummaging through the waste paper.

   After two minutes, the mother urged again anxiously: "Charlie, hurry up, the post office is going to be locked."

   "Come, come!" Clark stood up reluctantly, and suddenly caught a glimpse of a brand-new magazine buried under the scrap newspaper. He quickly pulled it out, but it was a copy of "School of Science" stained with coffee, and most of the cover was dyed brown.

  The mother and son walked back to the farmhouse on the outskirts of the town. The house was in disrepair. The doors and windows were broken everywhere, and they were fixed with rough wooden strips.

   Mother came home and immediately went into the kitchen to start making dinner, and turned on the mineral radio to listen to the radio.

   It was just that there seemed to be a problem with the radio, and the mother couldn't make a sound even after taking a few shots. She immediately shouted: "Charlie, come and fix the machine!"


  Clarke came running with the tools, and took apart the radio with agility. After a few tries, he smiled and said, "Last time my wiring was not secure, it was just a small problem."

  The children of the poor are in charge of the house early, and all the electrical appliances in Clark's house are discarded items he picked up from the town. For this radio, for example, he dismantled three broken radios and assembled the available parts inside.

   Repairing the radio in two or three times, Clark couldn't wait to go back to the bedroom, took out the "School of Science" magazine and looked at it.

  This stuff is a rarity, because few people order it in a remote town. In addition to science fiction, the content also includes the latest scientific developments, as well as various shallow or deep scientific theories.

   Clark first turned to the page of science fiction, because the novel can be read immediately, while other popular science content he has to understand while reading, and even do experiments according to the explanation inside.

   "Legend of Galactic Heroes?"

  The magazine is dirty, coffee not only stained the cover, but also infected most of the text, so that some of the handwriting has been blurred. Clark was unaffected by this, and read science fiction stories with conjecture, completely immersed in the fantasy world.

   "Charlie, dinner!" cried the mother.

   "Come on, Mom!"

  Clark put down the magazine in a hurry. He had read the prologue three times over and over, and the huge cosmic world frame shocked him beyond measure.

Oh, God!

   After more than 1,000 years, human beings have actually completed the pioneering of the galaxy and established a powerful interstellar empire. The expressions about dictatorship and democracy in it, Clark, who is only 15 years old, does not understand very well, he just likes that magical world.

  Unfortunately, this issue only has a prologue, and Clark dreams of seeing the story behind it.

   For the next few weeks, Clark would run to the post office every time after school just to read the story behind the prologue of "Legend of the Galactic Heroes."

  Unfortunately, few people in this remote town ordered "School of Science", let alone "School of Science" stained by coffee. It wasn't until Clark graduated from high school two years later as an auditor for the school's pensions department that he discovered the magazine set at the home of a retired school administrator.

In 1956, when the 39-year-old Clark received his first Hugo Award, he said in his acceptance speech: "One of my childhood dreams was to be able to read The School of Science in one issue. When I got the When I got my first salary in my life, I ordered this magazine without hesitation. Reinhardt and Weili Yang accompanied me through my boyhood. Thanks to Mr. Zhou Hexuan, it was a wonderful time. The vast universe can make People forget their troubles. Now I have become a science fiction writer, and I hope that my works can also accompany countless teenagers and young people and become their best partners in their growth..."

   Throughout the 1920s and 1930s, whether in Europe or the United States, it was the golden age of science fiction literature.

   This is due to the many scientists represented by Einstein. With the progress of cutting-edge science such as relativity theory and quantum theory, a sci-fi boom has been quickly set off in Europe and the United States.

   However, there are still some differences between Europe and the United States. European science fiction writers like to carry private goods and discuss real topics in science fiction. Generally speaking, the artistic value is higher. On the other hand, in the United States, it is purely commercial, adding elements such as **** adventures and suspenseful reasoning.

   There is no doubt that if "The Legend of Galactic Heroes" is serialized in the United States, it will definitely be more popular than the European side, and it is obviously more in line with the appetite of American readers.

   But this does not prevent the "Legend of the Galactic Heroes" from being sought after in the UK. First of all, this is the golden age of science fiction and has a broad reader base. Secondly, it must be popular and popular, and it must be deep and deep, and readers of any class can read it with relish.

   Yes, Legend of the Galactic Heroes is very deep, at least in the early 30s.

  Yoshiki Tanaka, the original author, borrowed too many things, such as Hitler's dictatorship. The confrontation between the two protagonists in it can be regarded as the war between democracy and dictatorship, justice and fascism, and there are also shadows of Napoleon, militarism, feudal dictatorship, ****, fundamentalism, and racism.

  These elements may seem banal 50 years later, but written in the 1930s, they were too eye-catching enough to be considered a novel about politics.

   Countless British teenagers like Clark are immersed in the cosmic fantasy of "The Legend of the Galactic Heroes". This sci-fi work accompanies them through a long period of youth and has become a common memory for a generation.

   There are often English youths in secondary school 2 who quote the lines in this book and say: "Our journey is a sea of ​​stars!"

   When that generation of readers grew into middle-aged people, "Legend of the Galactic Heroes" was also made into a TV series for the first time, and the ratings instantly exploded, easily crushing all the TV programs at that time.

Later, Lucas, the creator of Star Wars, said: "When I was 16 years old, I first saw "Legend of the Galactic Heroes" on TV. It was a TV series imported from the United Kingdom. You can't imagine that This kind of shock, the vast universe, the bright starry sky, is more beautiful than anything in the world. Since then, I have a dream about interstellar war, and I want to create my own cosmic story."

   These are all things to talk about later. At this time, British science fiction readers love and hate Zhou Hexuan - what a beautiful novel, why can't you update it faster?

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