The Rise of the Writers of the Republic of China

Chapter 525: 524 [New Year's Dream]

   1933, New Year's Day.

  New year and new atmosphere, all major newspapers and magazines are holding events.

   For example, Shanghai's "Star Daily" launched the selection of "Movie Queen". Hu Die was elected as the "Queen of Actors" with more than 20,000 votes, Chen Yumei ranked second, and Ruan Lingyu could only rank third.

   It's not that Ruan Lingyu is not famous enough, but that she doesn't like to show herself in the public eye. As long as she is not filming, she stays at home honestly. Hu Die, on the other hand, loves to socialize and entertain, and she often participates in many public events, and her exposure rate is much higher than that of Ruan Lingyu.

   As for Chen Yumei, well, this is Run Run Shaw's sister-in-law.

   The Shaw Brothers' stinginess is in the same line. After Shao Zuiweng made Chen Yumei popular, in order to prevent other companies from poaching, and at the same time to save an actor's salary, so he married Chen Yumei home as his concubine.

  Chen Yumei is very famous. She has made nearly 30 movies in three years, and her face on the screen is more powerful than Hu Die and Ruan Lingyu combined. The poor man was so exhausted that she couldn't even get paid, because she was the boss's wife. But it can't be said to be the proprietress, because she is just a concubine, and Shao Zuiweng has made a good business with no loss.

  Compared with the selection of the "Queen of Films" by "Star Daily", the activities of "Oriental Magazine" are much more high-end.

  The 30th anniversary of the founding of "Oriental Magazine", made a "New Year's Dream" topic, and sent more than 400 letters of call for contributions to celebrities from all walks of life across the country, including Zhou Hexuan also received one.

The magazine wrote in its preface: "In these dark years, not to mention the 30 million people in the Northeast who are suffering under the spears of imperialism, even our entire country and entire nation have fallen into a sea of ​​misery... We curse Today, we have tomorrow. If the real life of the day is tense and stuffy, we can at least have one or two sweet and comfortable dreams during this long winter night. Dreams are all our sacred rights! "

   Zhou Hexuan got this magazine at noon. He took a few wives out to the theater, and sat in the car to slowly read it.

  Celebrities have all kinds of dreams, Zhou Hexuan wanted to laugh at the beginning, and wanted to cry when he saw it. Because those dreams are too simple, but for the Chinese people at this time, they seem out of reach.

  For example, Zhou Gucheng, a professor at Jinan University, his dream is: everyone can have the opportunity to sit on the toilet to defecate.

  Everyone has the opportunity to **** on the toilet...what a dream!

   Ye Shengtao's dream is: everyone has food to eat, everyone has a job, the food he eats is definitely not someone's blood, and the work he does never fills the belly of one or two people.

   Foreign Minister Luo Wengan's dream is: military attachés are not afraid of death, civilian officials are not greedy for money, and they will always be citizens of a peaceful and prosperous age.

   There are also many daydreams. For example, Xie Bingying's dream is: a world without country, nation, and class distinction.

   Yu Dafu's dream is: no class, no competition, no material oppression, no one for everyone, and no need for private property.

There are also many rationalists. For example, Liu Shiying from the Nanjing National Compilation and Translation Institute said: The fate of China in the future will not be determined by our dreams, but by our actions... The national identity of China in the future will still depend on the knowledge and knowledge of its constituents. Competence and morality.

   "Modern" magazine editor-in-chief Shi Zhecun said: I thought the political system was irrelevant, the problem was all people.

   There are even more irritating thoughts. For example, Xu Tiaofu's dream is: In the future, China will have no terms such as Chinese learning, Chinese medicine, Chinese arts... national humiliation, national disaster and so on.

  Lin Yutang seems to have gone crazy in learning from Bernard Shaw to play humor. His dream is listed at the end, with only four words: I don't dream.

   When Zhou Hexuan explained his dream, he only said one sentence: This bad era is a dream, I just hope to wake up soon, China should be a prosperous, prosperous, great and proud country.

   Perhaps as stated in the preface of "Oriental Magazine", the Chinese people at this time are nervous and stuffy during the day, and only have one or two sweet and comfortable dreams at night. When this article, which recorded the dreams of hundreds of people, was published, it immediately aroused the spiritual resonance of countless people, and the "Oriental Magazine" on New Year's Day was sold out.

At the end of this call for papers, Zhou Hexuan's "I have a dream" was published again: "I have a dream. The dream will one day, every province, every state and every village in China will become a high-rise building. The civilized world with many factories and factories... Our country is no longer the object of ridicule, and there is no need to sign humiliating contracts. Any overseas Chinese can straighten his back and shout loudly: I am China people!"

  I don’t know how many readers, thinking of the dark reality, brought tears to their eyes.

   Zhou Hexuan put down the magazine in his hand, smiled bitterly and said to himself, "Everyone can dream, and for these beautiful dreams, I don't know how many people will die."

   Zhou Hexuan will soon meet a dying person!

   When he drove to the theater, Yang Xingfo shouted from a distance: "Mr. Zhou, I have long admired your name! My lord, Yang Quan."

   "Brother Hongfu, it's a pleasure to meet you!" Zhou Hexuan shook hands enthusiastically, "I didn't expect Brother Hongfu to come to join us today."

   Yang Xingfo said with a smile: "Mr. Shizhi wrote to me saying that Mrs. Zun is going to take the stage on New Year's Day, and I set out to Tianjin in advance to see everyone's demeanor in the Winter Emperor."

   Zhou Hexuan hurriedly introduced Zhang Leyi, Meng Xiaodong and Vivien Leigh. As for Wanrong and Liao Yaquan, they have already reached their due dates and may have children at any time, so they did not come to watch Meng Xiaodong's performance today.

   During the Republic of China, many concubines were married. Yang Xingfo was not surprised and shook hands with the three daughters with a smile.

   Everyone walked into the theater together, and Meng Xiaodong went directly to the backstage to prepare.

   Yang Xingfo said in a low voice, "Brother Mingcheng, are the preparations going well in the north?"

   Zhou Hexuan said: "I wrote more than 50 letters, about 30 replied that I would like to join, and more than 10 expressed my support."

   "That's good, that's good," Yang Xingfo said happily, "In addition to the fact that Hu Shizhi has invited more than 20 people, the scale of the Beiping branch is huge!"

   Zhou Hexuan couldn't help reminding him when he saw his excited look: "Brother Hongfu, you've been working hard for democracy and constitutionalism, but beware of the evil in Nanjing."

   Yang Xingfo sneered disdainfully: "Old Jiang will only assassinate that way. He will kill if he wants to. If I die, others will stand up."

   "Alas!" Zhou Hexuan sighed helplessly.

   The person in front of him is dead!

   Yang Xingfo was born in the Tongmenghui. He served as the secretary of Sun Yat-sen in his early years. In these years, he frequently contacted the Communist Party and actively rescued the arrested Communist Party members. His organizational and management skills are super strong, and the Civil Rights Alliance relies on him to run in various ways. Unlike Hu Shi, who likes to talk shit, Yang Xingfo is a doer.

   Therefore, Yang Xingfo must die. As long as he dies, the newly formed China Civil Rights Protection Alliance will be paralyzed. No matter how the rest of the people appealed and shouted, Chang Kaishen could ignore them. As for the threat from the authorities, 100 Hu Shihs were not as good as 1 Yang Xingfo.

   Zhou Hexuan suddenly felt infinite emotion when he looked at Yang Xingfo, who was completely disregarding his own life and death. Perhaps it is precisely because there are countless such lofty ideals in China that they will give their lives for the country, and China has dreams to speak of.

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