Let's turn our attention back to China.

   In mid-March, the Red Army broke the fourth "encirclement and suppression" campaign of the Kuomintang. The Central Soviet Area and the Fujian, Zhejiang and Jiangxi Soviet Areas were joined together, and the Red Army quickly grew to more than 80,000 people.

  Nanjing National Government was in a state of turmoil. Chang Kaishen and Wang Zhaoming discussed again and made up their minds to "suppress bandits" with all their strength. Chang Kaishen even declared: "To fight against Japan, you must first suppress the bandits. Before the bandits have been wiped out, you must never speak out against Japan. Violators will be given the most severe punishment.

   At the end of March, an epic incident happened in the Northeast, and the protagonist of the incident was a Japanese named Yukio Ida.

  Sukeo Ita served in the Kanto Junjima Island Consignment Brigade, and his hidden identity was the Japanese Communist Party. He used a car to smuggle 100,000 bullets of the Kwantung Army to the anti-Japanese guerrillas of our party, and then committed suicide. He left a suicide note and wrote: "I really want to meet you and go down with the common enemy. Surrounded by fascist beasts, there is no way out. I am determined to commit suicide, and I present 100,000 rounds of ammunition to your army. It is hidden in the pine forest to the north, and I wish the sacred cause of communism an early success."

  Eastern Manchurian anti-Japanese guerrillas buried Mr. Ita Shunan, held a memorial service, and renamed Majia Datun Primary School to Ita Primary School.

   This matter has been widely reported in left-wing publications, but other newspapers and magazines can only consciously ignore it, because it is easy to be seized by the authorities. Even so, ita's righteous deeds have been widely praised by the Chinese people.

   Zhou Hexuan is also very emotional, although most Japanese citizens are responsible for the war of aggression. But there are still a handful of Japanese friends who contributed to China's war of resistance, and these Japanese friends deserve our respect.

  In early May, Zhang Xueliang basically gave up opium and went to Europe with his wife Yu Fengzhi.

  Nanjing National Government took advantage of the situation to set up the Peking "Government Reorganization Committee" to strengthen the control over the government affairs of the provinces in North China. To put it bluntly, Chang Kaishen and Wang Zhaoming wanted to control North China and tried their best to dig Zhang Xueliang's corner.

   The key figure who was sent to North China to seize power was Huang Yun, who was born in the Tongmenghui and served as the Minister of Education of the Beiyang Government and the Minister of Foreign Affairs during the Northern Expedition. This gentleman is Chang Kaishen's brother-in-law. He was dismissed because of the "Jinan Massacre" and is now reactivated.

Huang Zhu's trip has two tasks, one is to **** the civil affairs of North China, and the other is to stabilize the internal and external situation in North China - to put it bluntly, it is to betray national interests in exchange for Japan not to send troops on a large scale, and at the same time to divide and control Jinsui. Army and Northwest Army.

   Zhang Xueliang did not dare to resist openly, so he could only resist quietly.

  After Huang Yan came to North China, he was very depressed to find that he could not interfere in the civil affairs of North China at all. Even the various orders he issued will be violated by the people below, and it is just a decoration.

   At this time, Peiping had become the largest opium trade base in North China. On the grounds of anti-drug, Huang Xun appealed to Chang Kai for the positions of mayor of Peiping and railway director, and launched a vigorous anti-drug use.

   Anti-drug, of course, is just a pretense.

The real purpose of   Huangyun was soon revealed. He sternly rebuked Peiping officials for their ineffective drug control, and transferred two officials from Qingdao to serve as the chief of the Peking Public Security and a member of the Peiping Army Branch.

   This is the police force and garrison force to control Peiping! In addition, the mayor of Peiping and the railway chief are both from Nanjing, which means that the administration, finance, police and garrison of Peiping are all over.

  The officials under Zhang Xueliang were directly bombed. On the day Yu Jin took over as chief of the public security bureau, more than 800 people blocked the gate of the public security bureau.

  After much wrestling, Huang Yun was forced to make concessions. The public security chiefs appointed by Zhang Xueliang and Huang Yan were all dismissed, and the position was replaced by Chang Kaishen's nephew.

   Even so, Peiping was almost penetrated by Chang Kaishen.

  The mayor of Beiping, the railway chief, the public security chief, the gendarmerie commander, the military branch...the heads of these departments were all replaced by Chang Kaishen's direct descendants.

   Zhang Xueliang suffered heavy losses this time. When he returned from his visit to Europe, the surname of Peiping was no longer Zhang, and the top of the city changed to the Great King's Banner.

  When Huang Yan was a scumbag in Peiping, the Blue Shirts Club led by Dai Li also shook Peiping.

   After two years of development, the Blue Clothes Society has rapidly expanded its strength to the north, and there are even signs of their activities in the northeast. For example, the anti-Japanese hero Ma Zhanshan was successfully evacuated from the Northeast with the help of the Blue Shirts Society.

   Now the Blue Clothes Club has done another big thing, successfully assassinating the traitor Zhang Jingyao in Peiping.

   Zhang Jingyao was the one who threw Zhou Hexuan's works by the roadside when he failed to visit Zhou Hexuan. This guy has taken refuge with Wu Peifu, Zhang Zongchang and Zhang Zuolin, and now he has taken refuge with the Japanese. He also participated in the establishment of the puppet Manchukuo. He is about to be appointed as the commander-in-chief of the Second Army of Pingjin. Peaceful Tianjin.

  The Blue Clothes Club is still very powerful and quickly learned the news. Dai Li personally directed the operation, and Zheng Jiemin was responsible for the implementation. Zhang Jingyao was assassinated at the Six Nations Hotel in Beiping, leaving only Zhang Jingyao's one wife and twelve concubines to divide the family property.

  The Blue Shirt Club became famous in the first battle, and its "Hoe Traitors and National Salvation Team" was also widely praised, and enthusiastic young people signed up to join.

   At this time, the reputation of the Blue Shirts was relatively positive, but unfortunately, in two or three years, it will become notorious and become a spy organization that has changed.

  The day after the assassination of the traitor Zhang Jingyao, Gandhi in India started a 21-day hunger strike to protest the British occupation of India. Not only did it cause great repercussions in Britain, but even China had Gandhi supporters, and it seemed that the non-resistance movement could defeat the Japanese aggressors.

  This is an era of chaotic thinking, and any bizarre idea can find its supporters.

   For example, there are many pacifists in Britain who support Gandhi. After the September 18th Incident, there were British people who called for the formation of a World Peace Column. The idea they put forward is to organize an international peace team of hundreds of people to come to China, without any weapons, stand in the middle of the military positions of China and Japan, and use love and life to influence the Japanese aggressors, so as to achieve the withdrawal of Japanese troops and the armistice of China. The goal.

   There are still many people signing up for such a mind-blowing peace plan.

  Unfortunately, this plan to save the world with love could only be put on hold due to the unresolved toll problem. Otherwise, in the Battle of Songhu last year, hundreds of pacifists could be seen in the Shanghai battlefield.

  It is estimated that by that time, the armies on both sides of China and Japan will be ignorant - where do you come from so many funny people?

   At the end of May, Feng Yuxiang, Fang Zhenwu and Ji Hongchang established the Chahar People's Anti-Japanese Alliance in Zhangjiakou. Chang Kaishen was furious when he learned that, because this was a signal of the Northwest Army's comeback, he immediately ordered Huang Yan to stop Feng Yuxiang's anti-Japanese alliance at all costs.

   However, Feng Yuxiang was very powerful. With Fang Zhenwu as the former enemy commander and Ji Hongchang as the former enemy commander in chief, he resolutely led the army to the expedition, and successively recovered Baokang, Baochang, Guyuan, Duolun and other lost territories occupied by the Japanese army.

   For a time, Feng Yuxiang, Fang Zhenwu and Ji Hongchang became famous anti-Japanese generals admired by the people.

   And the central government tried every means to suppress public opinion, not allowed to report Feng Yuxiang's brilliant achievements, and even sent troops to attack Feng Yuxiang directly in early July.

   This is what Chang Kaishen did. In order to prevent the Northwest Army from rising again, he actually stabbed Feng Yuxiang in the back when the Northwest Army conquered the Japanese and conquered the lost ground in a row. The Japanese army completely occupied Jehol Province, and partially occupied Chahar Province. The national disaster was at the forefront, and Chang Kaishen was still taking the initiative to provoke a civil war.

  Feng Yuxiang resisted the attack of the Central Army while sending Ji Hongchang to continue the war with the Japanese. Ji Hongchang overcame the important town outside the Great Wall that was lost for 72 days in one fell swoop, which inspired the whole country.

   However, under the frantic attack of the Central Army, Feng Yuxiang was finally forced to dissolve the Anti-Japanese Alliance. Many of its weapons, ammunition and soldiers were taken over by Song Zheyuan's 29th Army, and the 29th Army took this opportunity to expand rapidly.

   Zhou Hexuan felt very sad about this, and also saddened by the assassination of Yang Xingfo.

   Yang Xingfo died of several gunshots in order to protect his son, and the China Civil Rights Protection Alliance was paralyzed.

   A series of perverted practices by the National Party have aroused collective indignation across the country. Countless progressives can't figure it out, what exactly is Chang Kaishen trying to do? The ferocious and brutal Japanese invaders did not fight, but specifically attacked the anti-Japanese team, and even brazenly assassinated a famous person like Yang Xingfo, who was Mr. Zhongshan's secretary.

   Zhou Hexuan's Northeastern epic "Black Soil" began serialization during this dark period.

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