Weekend, Beiping.

  Chen Dexin made breakfast and shouted to the back room: "Xiao Jue, Xiao Yan, get up and eat soon!"

   "Come on!" The girl's confused voice came from the bedroom.

  Ma Yuzao came downstairs in a long gown and opened his own mailbox. In addition to several newspapers that I usually subscribe to, there are two letters and a thick magazine.

   He first carefully read the letters, one was written by his old friend Qian Xuantong, and the other was addressed to his daughter Ma Jue.

   "There's no reason for this, it's really nonsense!" Ma Yuzao was so angry that he scolded directly.

   Judging from the address of the sender of the second letter, it was clearly sent from the campus of Peking University. So this letter is easy to guess, it must be a love letter sent by Peking University students to their daughters.

   Ma Yuzao's current nickname is "Father-in-law of Peking University", and I don't know how many male students quietly call him that. Even some teachers in the school often use the title of "father-in-law" to joke with Ma Yuzao.

   Those little **** are annoying enough to be annoying at school, but now they dare to send a love letter to his house, which makes Ma Yuzao so angry that his lungs are about to explode.

   Back in the living room, his wife Chen Dexin had already put breakfast on the table, and the two daughters had washed up and waited for dinner.

   Ma Yuzao's basic self-restraint is still there. He will not open his daughter's letter privately, and he will not quietly throw it away. He handed the letter over and said, "Xiao Jue, yours."

   "Oh, thank you Dad." Ma Jue opened the letter easily.

   Ma Yan hurriedly came over to watch the fun: "Sister, let me see!"

   Ma Jue unfolded the stationery, and commented while reading: "The writing is not bad, it is a lyrical prose, but unfortunately it is too showy."

  Ma Jue kept in correspondence with Zhou Hexuan and Lu Xun all the year round. Her literary vision was frighteningly high, and she naturally disliked ordinary articles. Moreover, she is no longer the girl who pursued gorgeous writing in the past. Her style of writing was gradually influenced by Zhou Hexuan and Lu Xun.

   "Well written, this boy is very talented." Ma Yan commented.

   Ma Jue smiled and said, "Take it if you like it."

   Ma Yan pouted and said, "I don't want your love letter, I have received quite a few myself."

   "Cough," Ma Yuzao coughed, "Eat!"

   The two sisters quickly fell silent.

  May Yuzao picked up the newspaper and browsed the news while drinking porridge and eating fried dough sticks.

  Ma Jue picked up the magazine on the table and said strangely: "Hey, this magazine is very thick and the name is very strange."

  Ma Yan suddenly pointed at the cover and exclaimed: "Sister, look, there is a guide title on the cover, Mr. Zhou's new work "Black Soil" is officially serialized!"

   Ma Jue heard the words, quickly turned to the catalog page, and then quickly went straight to "Black Soil" according to the number of pages. I saw below the title: "This is a story that happened in the black land of the Northeast. The whole story has five parts: breaking through the Guandong East, the Russo-Japanese War, the Xinhai situation, the May Fourth Revolution, and the September 18th."

   Seeing this, Ma Jue thought it was a historical novel. As a result, after reading a part of the text, she realized that it was a story that happened in the folk.

   "Fei Gong" is a monthly magazine, and each issue is very thick, because the serialized "Black Soil" alone has as many as 25,000 words.

   Ma Jue even forgot to eat breakfast, and was completely immersed in the story. He read the more than 20,000 words at the beginning of "Black Soil" in one breath, and then his heart was extremely heavy.

  Because the tone of the story is too dark, at the beginning it was a famine in Shandong. The Qing government made a very high-profile adjustment of grain for disaster relief. As a result, from the central to the local level, layers of corruption were carried out, and the disaster relief grains all went into the pockets of corrupt officials and businessmen.

   Not only that, but the landlords and gentry also joined with unscrupulous businessmen to take the opportunity to raise the price of rice, forcing the common people to sell their sons and daughters, houses and land. A tragic natural disaster has turned into an even more ugly man-made disaster, and the suffering of the people has become a gluttonous feast for corrupt officials, landlords and businessmen.

   The hard-earned money that the common people have saved can only buy a little food. The land that the ancestors worked hard for generations was seized by the landlords and gentry, and the whole Shandong has become a **** on earth.

   What destroys Ma Yu's three views even more is that the people at the bottom who are victims also expose all kinds of human ugliness.

  For example, the Zhong family, the protagonist, brutally murdered two neighbors, the Ma family brothers, on the way to the east of Guandong for dozens of copper coins and three catties of millet.

  The next gold rush of the Zhong family was also full of all kinds of blood and brutality. They were first oppressed by the mine owner and the foreman, shedding bitter blood and tears, but once they had the opportunity to resist, they immediately joined the gold diggers to kill the mine owner. The Zhong family changed from being exploited to being an exploiter. And they intensified, more brutal than the previous miners, beating gold diggers to death at every turn.

  The content of this serialization ends with the orphan and widow mother of the Ma family, who was rescued by the leader of the Ma bandit and became his wife and adopted son.


  Ma Jue let out a long sigh of relief, as if he wanted to spit out the depression in his heart. She is very much looking forward to the next episode. Maybe the horse bandits will act for Tian and kill the Zhong family to avenge the Ma brothers. Or maybe the surviving young son of the Ma family is the protagonist, who grows up and becomes a hero.

   Fortunately, this story is not all dark, there are also some shining points of humanity. For example, a supporting role chooses to commit suicide after falling ill in order to save food for his wife and children; another example is a mining accident, a worker resolutely sacrificed himself in order to save a friend; there are also several farmers who have entered the Guandong East to support each other and open up wasteland in the poor mountains and rivers. Land, little by little become rich.

What   Ma Jue saw was the state of the world in the late Qing Dynasty, a picture of blood and tears of the poor at the bottom of the living.

   "Dad, read this novel, Mr. Zhou's new work." Ma Jue handed the magazine to his father.

  Ma Yuzao took over and read it carefully. His life experience is far richer than his daughter's, so he naturally thinks more and deeper when reading novels. Many storylines are like a sharp knife stabbing the heart. After reading the serialized content, Ma Yuzao said with emotion: "Zhou Mingcheng is going to write a masterpiece."

   "Black Soil" is not only about the stories of three families, but also interspersed with countless historical backgrounds and supporting characters from all walks of life. These events and characters are written so vividly that people feel like they are in Shandong and Northeast China in the 1850s, as if those stories really happened.

   In fact, the stories of those little people written by Zhou Hexuan all come from reality. Through various inquiries, inquiries, and records of the exiled people in the Northeast, he wrote 200,000 to 300,000 words of various real stories. These are all his creative materials, and they are written into the novel with a little modification.

   This time, only 25,000 words have been serialized. The story has not yet fully unfolded, and the Guan family has not had time to appear, which is enough to shock people.

  Hot tears, sweat and blood, watered the black soil under people's feet, and staged a series of joys and sorrows and entanglements.

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