Wang Zhengting took Zhou Hexuan to talk all morning, mainly about the details of business operations.

   Zhou Hexuan didn't know much about this, but he had never eaten pork, but he had seen pigs run, and he immediately told many things about later generations.

   The two also finalized many rules. For example, if a certain product is endorsed by a sports star, it should be limited to more than one year. During the endorsement period, the athlete may not endorse similar products. Also, sports stars are not allowed to endorse tobacco and alcohol products because these products are detrimental to sportsmanship.

  These rules should have been formulated by the government, but the Nanjing government is obviously a big hole, Zhou Hexuan and Wang Zhengting can only think about it by themselves.

   After chatting until noon, Wang Zhengting got up and said, "Mr. Zhou, let's go to dinner first, and chat while eating. Today, I'm here for a treat!"

   "Then it will cost Chairman Wang money." Zhou Hexuan laughed.

   When Wang Zhengting was the Minister of Foreign Affairs, he lived in an official residence arranged by the government. Now that he has lost his official status, he can only temporarily rent residential houses during his stay in Nanjing.

  The two went out together, called two rickshaws, and decided to find a restaurant to solve the problem.

   On the way, a carriage suddenly came galloping.

  I saw Chu Minyi, Secretary General of the Executive Yuan, wearing a white Tai Chi silk short jacket, holding a whip in his hand and being a groom, pulling the reins and shouting: "Drive, drive!"

   Yang Xiuzhen and sisters Yang Xiuqiong were sitting in the car. The elder sister waved to passersby excitedly, while the younger sister looked impatient.

  The horse-drawn carriage swaggered through the city of Nanjing. Wherever it went, citizens stopped to watch and pointed at Chu Minyi who was driving the horse-drawn carriage. Chu Minyi did not feel ashamed, but instead took pride in it. He Xing Zhizhi stood up and waved his whip proudly.

   Zhou Hexuan was stunned and said speechlessly, "Is Secretary Chu crazy?"

  Wang Zhengting said disdainfully: "He's doing his old problems again."

   "What old problem?" Zhou Hexuan asked.

   Wang Zhengting sneered: "What else could be wrong, a lustful disease."

   Zhou Hexuan asked carefully, only to learn from Wang Zhengting that the Secretary-General Chu turned out to be very out of tune.

  Chu Minyi is an active advocate of sports in the Republic of China. He is also a master of Tai Chi, kite flying and diabolo. This gentleman wore a suit to fly a kite two years ago, and also called on his officials to fly a kite as well. As a result, kites flew all over the city of Nanjing.

   Not only that, Chu Minyi is both lecherous and afraid of his wife. He once knelt down to his wife and begged for mercy in public because of the scandal.

A guy like    can actually be the Secretary General of the Executive Yuan, which is a central vice-ministerial position with real power!

  Haha, Wang Zhaoming's number one adviser is actually such a thing.

   Zhou Hexuan and Wang Zhengting came to a restaurant. Before the rickshaw stopped, they saw a high-end carriage at the door of the restaurant.

  Chu Minyi stood in front of the carriage and put his arms around Yang Xiuqiong's waist, while Yang Xiuzhen was holding a new camera and was preparing to take a group photo of Chu Minyi and Yang Xiuqiong.

   Yang Xiuqiong looked helpless and subconsciously wanted to distance herself, but was hugged by Chu Minyi's waist.

   There were countless passers-by watching, and many of them recognized Chu Minyi and whispered—

   "It's really indecent to hug and hug in the street!"

   "Chu Daguan people are going crazy again, and they are not afraid to go home and kneel on the washboard."

   "It's a pity that this mermaid from the southern country will not be able to escape the poisonous hands of Chu Daguan people."

   "Now that the national disaster is at the forefront, the Secretary-General of the Central Committee is still in the mood to have fun. The country will not be the country!"

   "The country has ceased to exist, and the four northeastern provinces have been wiped out. How can the country still look like?"


   Zhou Hexuan laughed angrily on the spot when he heard the talk of passersby. It seems that this Secretary-General Chu is really famous in Nanjing, even the fear of his wife is well known, and he has won the resounding name of "Chu Daguan Ren".

  Wang Zhengting said: "Don't worry about him, let's go in for dinner."

   "Okay." Zhou Hexuan followed suit.

  The two walked around the carriage and prepared to enter the restaurant. After taking the photo, Yang Xiuqiong broke free and shouted loudly, "Mr. Zhou, Chairman Wang!"

   Chu Minyi also greeted: "You two are coming to dinner too."

   Zhou Hexuan smiled and said, "What a coincidence, you can meet Secretary-General Chu everywhere."

   Yang Xiuqiong guessed that Zhou Hexuan was a rescuer, and hurried to him and said, "Mr. Zhou, Chairman Wang, let's have lunch together."

   Zhou Hexuan said casually: "Okay, it depends on whether Secretary-General Chu is willing or not."

  Chu Minyi was of course unwilling, but he couldn't say it clearly, so he nodded and said, "I just want to chat with the two gentlemen, so let's go together."

   Several people found a private room, Yang Xiuqiong quickly sat next to Zhou Hexuan, and said to Wang Zhengting, "President Wang, please take a seat."

   Well, Yang Xiuqiong was sitting between Zhou Hexuan and Wang Zhengting, and there was nothing to do with Chu officials.

   Facing Yang Xiuqiong's obvious rejection, Chu Minyi felt very upset. But he didn't dare to mess around. After all, Yang Xiuqiong was the goddaughter of Chang Kaishen and Song Meiling, and President Lin Sen also liked Yang Xiuqiong very much.

  Chu Minyi acted like he had nothing to say, his face was stinky throughout the meal, and he sat beside himself drinking boring wine.

   Zhou Hexuan despised him even more, just like this, being a county magistrate is not enough, let alone the secretary general of the Executive Yuan, Wang Zhaoming is really blind to value such a waste.

  The dignified central leader, wearing a silk white short jacket, willing to be a coachman, carrying a fifteen-year-old girl through the market with great hospitality, like what the hell!

   If you put it in China in the 21st century, it is equivalent to the Secretary-General of the State Council, wearing non-mainstream clothes, driving a modified motorcycle, and madly pursuing a junior high school girl in the street. Can you imagine that kind of picture?

   While eating, Yang Xiuqiong took advantage of Chu Minyi's inattention and begged secretly, "Mr. Zhou, can you help me?"

   "What help you?" Zhou Hexuan asked.

   Yang Xiuqiong pointed at Chu Minyi: "This Secretary-General Chu is so annoying. He forcefully dragged my sister and me to visit the Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum. He also said that he would take us to the racetrack in the afternoon, and I didn't like to play with him."

   Zhou Hexuan asked, "Has he ever touched you?"

   Yang Xiuqiong blushed and said, "There's nothing else, but he always pulls me to take pictures and get close to him every time. This person hates to death, and he also has body odor, which is very unpleasant."

   "Haha!" Zhou Hexuan almost laughed, holding his breath and said, "Don't worry, wrap it on me."

   Lunch was finished quickly.

   Zhou Hexuan said to sisters Yang Xiuzhen and Yang Xiuqiong, "I'm going to a play this afternoon, are the two young ladies free?"

   "Yes, yes, yes!" Yang Xiuqiong nodded repeatedly.

   Chu Minyi's face turned gloomy for a moment: "Miss Yang, didn't we agree to go to the racecourse to ride a horse together in the afternoon?"

   Yang Xiuqiong lowered her head and did not dare to make a sound. After all, Chu Minyi was the Secretary General of the Executive Yuan and the person in charge of the National Games. If she annoyed Chu Minyi and did something casually, she would not be able to bear it - even if Chu Minyi didn't dare to embarrass Yang Xiuqiong, she dared to attack Yang Xiuqiong's sister.

Zhou Hexuan smiled and said: "Secretary-General Chu, you drank at least half a catty of white bars for this meal. Driving under the influence is very dangerous, and riding a horse is even more dangerous. I think you should not take your life. Let's go, Miss Yang. , let's go to the play together!"

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