The Rising Of The Anomaly

Chapter 118 - 117 - Experimentation(Part 3)

"You said that you trigger Manifestation Overdrive by making your heart rate spike and focusing your XFE into the spot between your shoulder blades right? How does it feel when the power is triggered?" I asked Katie, after we'd all assured the director that we wouldn't reveal the truth about the Awakening Procedure. 

" kind of feels like I'm about to burst, and then, if I'm able to suppress that bursting feeling for long enough, the XFE I channel into my back feels like it explodes out and the manifestation forms," She explained, after thinking about it for a moment, "If my suppression slips before that 'explosion', then my XFE simply returns to normal. I can't really think of a way to do it differently to see if it can manifest in a different way, I've tried focusing my XFE into different spots in my body, but none have any affect."

So, she's been experimenting by herself, huh? Her XFE control is definitely a cut above most other Prodigies, and it's almost as good as mine is, which is saying a lot, since I actively needed to master a pretty high level of XFE control in order to be able to use my X-Weapons consistently and put in a lot of time and effort in order to sharpen my control. 

" that explosion-like feeling is what triggers Manifestation Overdrive? In that case...what if you suppress that 'explosion'?" I suggested, after mulling over everything she said. 

Her eyes widened slightly, a rare readable expression on her face...she was definitely thinking 'how did I not think of this before'. 

But it makes sense that she wouldn't consider it...Manifestation Overdrive could be considered as the level above Primary and Secondary Manifestation...and since Manifestation Overdrive is still a new technique that only a handful of people can use, I doubt anyone's yet considering the fact that there might be a level above that, since most of them haven't even mastered Manifestation Overdrive, let alone thinking about what's beyond it...I mean, it's not like they're saiyans. 

"Okay...I'm going to try it out," She declared, standing up and walking away to get some distance from us, to avoid getting us caught up in her lightning if it goes wrong. 

Well, guess all I can do now is watch, can't really assist in any way with this, so-...I then let out a quiet 'huh', as a thought crossed my mind. Could that actually work? If it does...then the possibilities for me would be...

Hm...yeah, I think I'll try it out. Or rather, now that it's crossed my mind, I definitely can't not do it! But first, I'll sit back and watch Katie try to break past Manifestation Overdrive, it's only fair...also, I'm very interested to see if she really can do it... 

 looks like we're definitely on to something with this suggestion, but...she's probably a long way from getting it under control. With the first several tries, she failed to suppress the 'explosion', and wound up activating Manifestation Overdrive. 

But then, she eventually managed to suppress it...for like, a second. However, after that brief moment passed and she lost control of the suppression, she didn't end up activating Manifestation Overdrive like with the previous attempts. 

Instead, streaks of lightning burst out from her, which sent her XFE levels plummeting to less than half her total capacity. A couple more failed attempts resulted in her draining the majority of her remaining XFE, so she was currently taking a break. 

But even as she struggled to catch her breath and wiped beads of sweat off her forehead, she had a look of determination in her eyes...which means she can sense that keeping at this will definitely lead to something. 

"I think it's going to take a long time and a lot of practice to get this under control," She remarked with a frown, as she took a swig of water, "Suppressing the feels like it's a hundred times harder than activating Manifestation Overdrive."

"But you think you can do it?" I inquired with a sense of intrigue. 


"When you do, make sure to contact me right away," Spoke up Director Silva, who had a really cheerful look on her face. 

"This really is all very impressive, you guys are, like, revolutionizing XFE fighting techniques," Remarked Sakura in awe. 

"Oh, you're still here? Thought you left," I responded with a frown. 

"Hey!" She exclaimed indignantly. 

"Actually, I thought you left can go if you want, Sakura, we're-," Began Director Silva. 

"How would I leave? I don't know how to operate a teleportation platform by myself, and that's the only way out of this place," Pointed out Sakura with a grumpy look on her face...she was genuinely offended that we hadn't noticed that she was still here. 

"Oh, you want me to take you back?" Offered the director. 

"No, thanks...I'm not missing this, no way!" She responded, shifting her attention back to Katie, who was sprawled on the floor. 

Can't blame her for feeling that way, this whole thing was extremely interesting to me too...sure, Prodigy powers aren't accessible to me, but the more I know about how they work, the more options I'll have against them, so this is all still very useful stuff to me. 

Now, then...I suppose it's about time I test out the theory I thought of, I can't contain my curiosity anymore, and with Katie resting to recover her XFE, this is my chance to do so. I stood up with a sigh and stretched, loosening myself up. 

"What are you upto?" Katie inquired curiously, looking up as I got on my feet. 

"Well, a thought crossed my mind...when a Prodigy channels their XFE to the point between their shoulder blades, they can trigger the Manifestation Overdrive variation of their powers, and it also looks like they can take that a step further. So...what if an Anomaly tries that? Channeling their XFE to the point between their shoulder blades?" I suggested with a raised eyebrow. 

"Yo! If that really leads to something, how cool would that be!? Hm, but what would it even look's hard to say since every Anomaly's powers are so different to each other," Wondered Sakura, her interest piqued. 

"Well...let's find out, you try too, the larger the sample size we have, the better," I pointed out. 

"Yes, I agree, join him, Sakura. Either of your powers taken to the next level would be...honestly, unimaginable," Remarked Director Silva with a wry smile, a gleam of excitement in her eyes, but also a trace of caution. 

She realizes the risk, either one of us could get so unimaginably powerful that if we decided to run amok and do whatever we want, no one would be able to stop us. But her excitement and fascination overpowered that sense of caution and wariness...heh, even if it isn't Sakura or I, the director just might end up inadvertently creating an absolute monster, if given the chance. 

Well, whatever, ifs and buts aren't going to stop me, there's no way I'm going to ignore the possibility of unlocking more power. While I do prefer to rely on the skills I've actually worked on and earned, it certainly doesn't hurt to have more options up my sleeve. 

After all, the simple fact is that there are plenty of opponents out there that I could never defeat with my physical skills alone...Ace Mutants, to give one example, though I don't know if 'opponents' are the right word to refer to them as. They're basically overgrown monsters, technically speaking. 

Oh, looks like Sakura is already starting...I think I'll watch her before I try it out myself. I mean, for example, if it's something that's dangerous for Anomalies to try, I might as well let her go for it first, right? 

"Ahh, it's no use! Trying to channel and build up XFE in the spot between my shoulder blades is impossible, it feels, uh...oh, I know, like trying to grab a balloon that's coated in baby oil while your hands are covered in heavy soap suds, AND you're blindfolded!" Exclaimed Sakura, a look of frustration on her face. 

"That's...surprisingly accurate, actually," Remarked Katie, before adding, "Though, to a lesser extent that you're trying to imply."

"I think I get it. Sakura, you don't use X-Weapons, right? Since that's the case, you've never needed to gain a high level of mastery over your XFE control, which is absolutely crucial for a technique like this. And that brings me to something I've been wondering for a while," I said, before turning to Katie, "How is your XFE control so good? I didn't think that was something Prodigies work on all that much."

"Well, no, it isn't...but I thought it'd be most effective to master the basics before everything else," She replied with a shrug. 

"Huh...well, that certainly explains why you've made so much more progress with Manifestation Overdrive than anyone else," I stated in realization. 

"Good point, I didn't even think of that," Chimed in Director Silva. 

Alright, guess I'll give it a try myself now...I don't think it'd be a stretch to say that my XFE control mastery might be the best in the entire Sanctuary. Okay, my XFE between my shoulder blades, and then build it...more...more...

Oh, wow...Sakura's oily balloon analogy might have actually been kinda spot on...but it's not a problem, I can definitely control this. Just keep it stable, same as when I activate my X-Blades, just with a bit more concentration and focus...

Okay, much XFE do I have to-...suddenly, a black mist began forming around me, and I felt my power start to surge, and the energy in my back begin to overwhelm me...this is definitely taking longer than it takes Katie to activate her Manifestation Overdrive...damn it, it's getting harder and harder, I don't know how much longer I can hold it! And then, I felt something snap...and the mass of energy in my back felt like it was about to explode-... 

I then lost control of it, the mist around me instantly dissipating as I collapsed onto my knees, breathing heavily...wh-what was that? Just then, right at the end there...I felt an incredible level of power in me. 

"Hey, are you okay, Kilzachs!?" 

"You don't look so good." 

I could hear them talking but I wasn't listening...I was too preoccupied by what just happened. This has to be something different to Manifestation Overdrive...I nearly channeled my entire XFE capacity into the spot between my shoulder blades, about eighty percent, I'd whatever I was about to trigger, requires eighty percent of my XFE to activate, huh? 

From what I've heard from my sister and Katie, it only takes about two or three percent of their XFE to trigger their Manifestation Overdrives, and it's only after it activates that it starts to guzzle their XFE. Even taking into account the differences in XFE capacity between them and me, there's no doubt that whatever I just tried to activate, needs a lot more fuel to act as the trigger. 

But if that's the case, what happens if and when I do successfully trigger it? Will it drain my XFE instantly and only last for like a couple of seconds? I don't know, but...just for moment there, I felt unreal level of power welling up inside me. And I couldn't deny the fact that...I wanted that power... 


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