The Rising Of The Anomaly

Chapter 121 - 120 - XXX-Warriors

Huh, this might be one of the worst days of my life...Asshole is so freaking creepy the way he is now that I actually miss his arrogance and condescension, and on top of that, I'm stuck with Bytra during the next combat exam? 

This is way too much negativity all at once, I hate this...I wish there was an active volcano nearby, I could use Cut and Paste to drown Asshole in lava in order to simultaneously wipe out all traces of any evidence. I can already picture it...ahh, beautiful. 

Anyway, the first session of the day had just ended, with the second session, combat training, to take place in one of the training halls in a few minutes. I was heading to the bathroom to splash some cold water on my face, since it was starting to feel like my head's about to overheat and explode from the stress. 

I entered the male bathroom and walked over to the sink, before taking off my glasses and twisting the tap open, letting the water fill my cupped palms and then splashing it onto my face...okay, that feels nice and pleasantly cool, but I don't feel any less agitated by everything that happened today. 

Well, whatever, guess I should head off to the training hall before I'm late. As I put my glasses back on and exited the bathroom, a familiar face walked out of the entrance directly across, the women's bathroom. Wait, where do I know her from...?

"Tch, it's you...," She remarked with a frown, before approaching me. 

"Uh, again," I replied, as I tried to recall who she was. 

She had brown hair tied in twintail ringlets, black eyes and a blue tattoo of a teardrop below her left eye...she definitely looks familiar, but I can't quite place her... 

"I'll admit it, I underestimated you, and that's a big part of why I lost, I let my arrogance and ego get the better of me. But mark my words, I'll beat you next time...hmph, I suppose I should thank you for being the trigger that helped me unlock my Manifestation Overdrive, and I'll make you regret that when I defeat you using it!" She declared, pointing her finger at me as she locked her fierce gaze with mine. 

Ohh, right, now I remember... 

"The twin scythes girl, that's who you are!" I blurted out upon realization, before I could stop myself. 

"Wha-...grr, did you seriously forget who I am!? Tch, so that's how little of an impression I left on you, huh? Just you wait, you little shit, I'll leave a lasting impression on you next time, got that!?" She snapped, before storming off with a huff. 

Well, that was...something. I don't have time to process it though, I'll be late at this rate-...holy crap, am I stupid or something? Bitch, I can literally stop time! 

Ugh, I think my agitated state of mind is messing me up a bit...I'm usually pretty good with remembering names and faces, and I actually worried about being late, when I can control the flow of time at will to a pretty significant extent. 

"Hey, Zax!" Suddenly called Kumar, as he turned the corner and spotted me, "You're looking pretty irritable, like more than usual. Also, uh...the heck was up with Tairo today? That was weird." 

"His attitude did a full one eighty when he found out that I'm an Anomaly, this version of him is SOOO MUCH WORSE than him just being an asshole," I sighed in frustration. 

"Well, don't let it get you too down, kid," He replied with a wry smile, before glancing at his I-Watch, "Oh, you should hurry up and get to your next class, just two minutes before you're late." 

No, I won't be late. But he's right, it's time to go... 

"<Activate Anomaly, Tier Two: Pause>." 



"I seriously can't over how much sugar you eat, it's fascinating!" Remarked Taayin with a grin. 

"Leave me alone," I sighed, rolling my eyes. 

Yeah, I'd gotten more sweets for lunch than usual, but I need it today, okay? No, you know what, I don't have to justify myself to anyone! I want sweets so I'm eating sweets, simple as that! 

Ughhhh....I'm way too stressed out, damn it. It was currently the middle of the lunch break, and I had a tray full of donuts and chocolate filled buns, along with chocolate milk and a few sugar-glazed pretzels that were filled with little drops of honey. 

The combat training session had gone reasonably well, with minimal interaction with Asshole, thankfully...but then, at the start of the lunch break, as I sat at a table with my teammates and a couple of other classmates, he showed up with a tray carrying a couple of caramel-coated crullers for me, and asked if he could sit with me. 

Obviously, I told him to fuck off, but since it would've been a waste to throw away the crullers, I ate them...I mean, it's not like the sweets did anything wrong, so why should they suffer just because they were delivered by an asshole!? 

...Jesus fucking Christ, I think I might be starting to lose my goddamn mind. I need to find a way to get him to stay away from me and-...huh? Wait, what happened to all my food? 

"Wait, did I eat everything I bought already?" I remarked in surprise and dismay. 

"You didn't even notice?" Inquired Mitchell with a raised eyebrow, "I don't know how you even fit that much food in your stomach, and seriously, how are you in good shape instead of obese as hell!? I mean, you just ate more than the literal fat guy in class!" 

"Oh, um, that reminds me," Spoke up Seila, reaching into her bag and taking out a lunchbox filled with small pastries, "My family had guests over last weekend, so I made these sweets...there were some left over, so help yourselves."

Wow, she's so my opinion, someone who shares sweets is a person deserving of great respect in my book. It's an honor to be on the same team with a person like that. Heh, yeah...I'm definitely starting to lose my mind. 

"Mmm, wow, these are amazing!" Exclaimed Suri in surprise.

"Want one?" Seila asked me, "Unless you're too full-." 

"Don't mind if I do," I replied, reaching over and picking up one of the pastries. 

"Help yourself...hope you like it," She said with a smile, before passing the rest out to the others. 

It was bite-sized, a little sticky and flaky. 

"This is called baklava right?" I inquired, as I put it in my mouth and began munching. 

I'd tried it in a sweet shop once, not Delectables, and it was okay, nothing special. But this... 

"Yeah, I haven't actually seen it any shops, but my mom used to make it when I was a kid, she got the recipe from the archives of webpages from before WWIII, and she gave it to me since I started getting into making sweets when I was around fifteen. What do you think?" She asked me. 

"Holy-...marry me," I blurted out. 

This is incredible...the syrupy sweetness combined with the crunch of the flaky pastry made for a delightful combo, it's so simple yet delicious. Excluding desserts from Delectables, this might be the best dessert I've ever tasted... 

"H-huh!?" She exclaimed in surprise, her face turning red, as I spotted Suri in my peripheral, glaring at me from the corner of her eyes. 

"Oh, uh...forget I said that, it was just so good that I couldn't help myself," I replied sheepishly.

"You should enter eating competitions, you'd probably win easily," Remarked Taayin with a laugh. 

"I don't know about that, my appetite only maxes out when it's sweets, and good sweets at that," I replied with a shrug. 

I then noticed Katie's eyebrows creasing into a frown, as she tapped on her holoscreen...she had made it visible only to herself, so I couldn't see what she was looking at, but whatever it was, she definitely wasn't liking it, she practically looked horrified. She then shifted her gaze to me with a look of concern... 

"Kilzachs, I need to talk to you alone," She remarked, standing up and gesturing for me to follow. 

"Ooh, how scandalous, maybe there was some truth to those rumors about you two-...yeeeoowww!!!" Mitchell began teasingly, before letting out a yelp as Katie walked past him, her left pinky crackling with small yellow sparks. 

Did she just zap him? Nice. 

Katie then led me out of the cafeteria and up the staircase, until we found a secluded spot by a window, near where the staff rooms were. 

"Hey, I thought using lightning outside of your manifestations injures you," I brought up out of curiosity. 

"Yeah, I can't move my finger much right now," She sighed, holding up her pinky, which was twitching a bit. 

"Oh...then, why would you-?" 

"Because it was worth it," She replied, before I even finished asking the question. 

"...fair enough. Anyway, what did you want to talk about?" I asked. 

"This," She replied with a frown, making her holoscreen visible to me and playing a video.

Hm, what's this, some kind of movie? It opened with a shot of a bedroom, and a woman then appeared on screen, with blonde hair tied in a low ponytail, red, I think those are red contacts...-, wearing a light blue sleeveless top with a black collar, black shorts and thigh high black stockings-...wait a sec... 

"That kinda looks like you, or at least, someone cosplaying as you-...," I began, before trailing off as someone else appeared on screen, with a very, very familiar outfit, glasses and hairstyle, "What the that supposed to be me!?"

"Look at the URL," Sighed Katie, an exasperated look on her face. 

Hm, the URL? Let's see, it's-...oh. It's A site that specializes in porn parodies starring parody versions of real life X-Warriors. And they've made one of Katie and me...guess I shouldn't be surprised, after everything that happened. 

And honestly, I don't care, or at least, I normally wouldn't...but something about seeing a pornstar cosplay as me is...really, really annoying. But I can't complain or call them out on it, because that would only draw more attention to the video. 

"This sucks, like a lot, but it's best if we just leave it alone," I sighed reluctantly. 

" sure about that?" She inquired with a raised eyebrow, a look of dissatisfaction on her face, as the title of the video popped up on screen. 

'Jizzachs Light X Katie CumCum'...are you fucking kidding me!? Ohhh, they did not just swap out the first syllable of my name with 'jizz'...those goddamn sons of bitches...! 

"Yeah...I'm sure...," I replied through gritted teeth, before adding, " the very least, I think I just might go find whoever came up with this title...and kill them."

"Yeah, that sounds good...count me in on that."


Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Don't forget to vote, and feel free to leave a comment, I appreciate any and all feedback and criticism!

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