The Rising Of The Anomaly

Chapter 131 - 130 - Gamble(Part 3)

"Try channeling your XFE into the spot between your shoulders," Instructed Director Silva, as the rest of us looked on with a growing sense of intrigue. 

"Hmph, there's no way that thing can figure out how to use Manifestation Overdrive so easily," Scoffed Zarina with a frown. 

"Damn, you sound insecure as hell. You were pretty pissy when you found out that a student had mastered that technique before you-...," Began Altan, before trailing off with a mischievous smirk as she gave him a fierce death glare. 

I ignored them and watched Hebi as a look of focus appeared on his face and he exhaled slowly, before suddenly opening his eyes as an explosion of XFE burst out of him. 

"<Manifestation Overdrive: Wrath of the Python>!" He exclaimed, as the XFE swirled around him. 

The XFE then formed in the shape of a massive snake head with open jaws, before a huge blast of green energy burst out of it, striking one of the walls and drilling a hole through it, the entire place shaking upon impact.. Woah...

"No fucking way...," Growled Zarina disdainfully. 

"Damn, that's some high level damage, nice," Remarked Altan with an impressed whistle. 

I quietly sidled up next to Director Silva and muttered under my breath, making sure that the two Aces couldn't hear me... 

"If he figured it out this quickly...then there's a good chance that he'll be able to reach the level beyond Manifestation Overdrive too."

Her eyes lit up and widened slightly as I subtly sat back down, as Hebi's manifestation dissipating and he jogged over with a grin. 

"That was so cool! I kept channeling my XFE into that spot on my back, and then it suddenly felt like I could trigger something, so I did, and that happened! I think I can charge up the blast more if I want to, but it felt pretty powerful before I fired it so I didn't risk charging it up further...that was freaking awesome!" He exclaimed excitedly. 

"It certainly was. How much XFE did you use?" Inquired Director Silva with a gleam in her eyes. 

"Hm, not sure exactly...I think I have about, like...two thirds left? Seventy percent? Something like that, I think," He replied uncertainly. 

"I see...alright, then, try that again, but this time...when you feel that trigger, resist it and continue channeling your XFE as much as you can...until you maybe feel something like another trigger or...just something different, I guess," She instructed, not very clearly. 

"Basically, what she's saying is to try and take it to a level beyond Manifestation Overdrive," I clarified, since he looked pretty confused and uncertain about what to do.

"Ohh, that's what you meant, I think I get it! Alright, I'll give it a try!" He responded enthusiastically, looking excited. 

Director Silva wasn't even trying to hide the excitement on her face, she was all fidgety and had a smile on her face, which she kept trying to stifle, but she kept failing. 

"Not gonna lie, I was pretty bummed when you called us in literally hours after we got back from that last Mission, but gotta say, this is pretty fascinating stuff," Remarked Altan in intrigue. 

"Tch, I would have preferred to enjoy my day off, this doesn't interest me in the least," Huffed Zarina irritably. 

"Oh, hush and watch, we don't care about your sour grapes," Responded Director Silva, before adding sternly, "Everyone be quiet for a while, let's just watch without commenting until after."

For the next while, we watched in relative silence as Hebi attempted to trigger the potential level beyond Manifestation Overdrive, and to his credit, seemed to be on the right track for the most part. Unfortunately, he couldn't quite pull it off, not yet, anyway...

"Damn, I feel really worn out. I think I was getting really close though, for a moment it really felt like I was about to absolutely explode with power, but then I lost control of it," Sighed Hebi sheepishly, as he walked back over to us. 

"I see...well, let's set it aside for now, shall we? Instead, first take a break to recover your stamina and energy, and then, let's get to the sparring. Is that alright with you?" Suggested Director Silva. 

"Yeah, that's fine, I'm not really physically tired, and my XFE recovers pretty fast, plus I've still got over fifty percent left, so I should be good to go after a few minutes to catch my breath," He replied affirmatively. 

"Alright, then in the meantime...Kilzachs, why don't you spar against one of these two?" Suggested Director Silva, nodding at the Aces. 

"Yeah, I like that idea," I responded, not shying away from the opportunity to test my mettle against another Ace, as I shifted my gaze to the two of them, "So, who wants to fight me?" 

"Why not, I don't mind taking you on-...," Altan began to reply. 

"I'll fight you," Interrupted Zarina, stepping forward with a glare. 

"Based on your expression, you want a grudge match, don't you? Hmph, sure, why not...I'll take you on," I replied with a smirk, earning a scowl from her. 

"I'll crush you, you arrogant brat," She growled. 

"Oh, yeah? I'd like to see you try," I responded tauntingly.

We then stepped onto the middle of the space after putting on the Duel Field collars as Director Silva activated the barrier around us and a countdown began. I only have my X-Blades and X-Blasters on me, all my other weapons are at home, since I didn't figure I'd need them today. I suppose I can manage without them just fine, but I'd still have like to have those options up my sleeve. Oh, well, there's no helping it, I suppose... 

"<Primary Manifestation: Aqua Bow>, <Secondary Manifestation: Vision Boost>," Chanted Zarina, before adding as her manifestation formed, "By the time I'm done with you, you'll be on your knees, begging me for mercy."

Her XFE then took shape, forming a long blue XFE bow in her hands and wings on her back as I set my X-Blaster to sniping mode at maximum output. 

"That's awfully dramatic and all, but in the end, it's nothing more than an empty threat," I retorted with a smirk. 

She growled irritably but didn't say anything else, instead, getting ready to strike, as the countdown reached! 

The instant the countdown ended, she swiftly flew up and fired out a blue energy arrow at me, which I deflected with one of my X-Blades, before springing back as she fired three more at me, dodging the first two and knocking the third away with a slash, as she rapidly swooped down on me and closed in. 

She then formed a water arrow and fired it at me, right as I used Cut and Paste on myself to teleport myself above her and slashed at her with my X-Blade, which she just barely blocked with her bow, twisting herself around with an angled flap of her wings. 

Right as I fired a shot at her from one of my X-Blasters, she swiftly wrapped her energy wings around herself to deflect my bullet, before I teleported myself further away to get some distance. 

"Tch, enough...time to end this," She growled, drawing back her bow as she chanted, "It's over, <Manifestation Overdrive: Torrential Arrow>!" 

She's pulling out her trump card already? Not sure that's the best move this early in the fight, but even so, I can't take that attack lightly, or I'm finished... 

Water sharply and violently swirled and formed in the shape of spiraling arrow...once she fires it, it'll rapidly expand as it shoots forward, tearing apart anything that crosses its other words, to avoid it, all I need to do is get out of that path. 

The instant she fired, I teleported myself as high as I could within the Duel Field, but she responded immediately...the moment I disappeared and her devastating arrow crashed onto the wall of the barrier, she swiftly turned her gaze upwards towards me as I reappeared and took aim, a powerful energy arrow formed in her bow as she drew back the string. 

I really wish I'd worn my barrier bracelets, those things are so useful, I really don't use them enough. But the reason why I don't use them more often is simple...because it's not the only option up my sleeve. 

Right before she fired, I selected her and myself, before reciting the activation chants for Cut and Paste as fast as I could, as I began to plummet back down...and switched places with her. 

"What the-...!?" She exclaimed, but was quick to regain her bearings, spreading her wings out and taking aim at me with her bow as I did the same with my X-Blasters...but that was just a feint. 

Because, as she drew back her bowstring, I was inaudibly reciting two activation chants...and I finished chanting right as she let her arrow loose, which rapidly flew towards me, followed by three more a clone of me appeared above her and silently dropped down. 

That's right, I used Copy and Paste on myself to create a clone...I win. My clone slashed at her with its replicated X-Blade, teleporting her out before she even realized what was happening, right as her arrows began to close in on me. 

There's no way I can recite an activation chant in time...I swiftly drew out and activated my X-Blades, as I easily deflected the first arrow, but the force behind the projectile was immense, knocking my arm back more than I anticipated and slowing me down as I began to try and deflect the next incoming arrow. 

But I was only able to partially deflect the next two arrows, one of the grazing my right arm and the other grazing my left side, the consecutive, immense impacts against my X-Blades traveling through and numbing my arms, and as a result...I wasn't able to get either of my energy blades up in time to deflect the final arrow. 

Fortunately, the aim was slightly off, as it clipped the top of my right ear as it whizzed past me, striking the wall of the barrier behind me as I felt some blood trickle down my ear. 

That...was way too close... 


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