The Rising Of The Anomaly

Chapter 162 - 161 - Traumatized

Well, that went quite smoothly, all things considered. A few hours had passed since the end of the teamwork exam, and I was back home now. And I was feeling a bit more worn out that expected. I suppose this should be expected, since it's the first time I've had an overnight assignment like this. Plus, you know, there was my oversight with using Copy on the food.??

Technically speaking, this is my second overnight assignment, there was the attack on the Wight base camp, but that was different...for one thing, there were a few hundred full-fledged X-Warriors included in that Mission, even if most of them weren't all that competent.??

It was currently around 6 PM, the 29th of October, and I was laying down on my bed, staring up at the ceiling while munching on some chocolate bars. I've gotta replenish my energy somehow, after all, and sugar is a great way to do that.??

I'll have tomorrow off too, and then, the day after tomorrow, the 31st of October, will be the teamwork exam. I was tempted to hold one more training session with Kiran and Bytra before then, but there's no time...I really pushed them past their limits in the prior training sessions, and they must be even more worn out than I am after the teamwork exam.??

With that in mind, extra training at this point would probably be detrimental...we're better off focusing on being at a hundred percent by the 31st, that's what'll maximize our chances of not just passing the exam, but doing so comprehensively. Tch, too bad Altan isn't going to oversee this exam.

Mistakes are a lot more liable to happen with a temporary team that's only worked together for a short while, than with teammates you've fought alongside for a longer period of time. And considering how he handled overseeing my team, it'd probably be easy to slip mistakes past him.??

Once we got back to the Sanctuary, I heard him mutter that he's never doing this again, so it's unlikely that he'll be one of the overseers for the combat exam.??

Well, we won't know who's going to oversee us until the last minute, so there's no point in wondering about it now. Hm, I think I'll message my temporary teammates and instruct them to rest up-...actually, with Kiran, I probably don't need to tell him, I bet he's already asleep. Guess that just leaves the bitch...

'Hey, Bitch, focus on recharging your energy before the next exam. If you hold us back because you're tired or worn out, I'll murder you. Sincerely, fuck you.'

Aaaand, send. Huh, was that too petty? Nah, it's fine, she deserves it. Oh, she replied, that was fast. Let's see here...??

'Screw you, shithead. Duck you!'??

Duck? Oh, it's a typo-...??

'I meant *Fuck you.'??

She clarified the mistake...I'm not going to reply, I don't feel like getting into a texting argument with her. Because if I do reply, I'm definitely going to be nasty about it. Best cut it off before it gets ugly.??

Well, anyway, I'll focus on relaxing tonight and during the day tomorrow...and then, tomorrow night, I'll get everything ready for the exam and then rest up for the remaining time...yeah, that sounds good.??

So, should I enjoy myself tonight? Maybe I could go to the red light district, it's certainly been a while since I last visited, or better not, my face is too recognizable now, even if I wear a wig and take off my glasses, it's not worth the risk. And I'm not using Save and Load for something like this.??

Maybe I could give Suri a call? No, she seemed pretty tired when we got back. What about Ruby? I've never actually hooked up with her outside of when I go to get my weapons repaired or upgraded. Yeah, why not, let's give her a call...??

"Y-yeah, hello...?" She answered after a couple of rings, sounding out of breath.??

"Hey, Ruby, it's me, Kilzachs...uh, is everything okay, you sound kinda winded," I replied uncertainly.??

"Oh, well, actually I'!" She began, before trailing off with what sounded like a moan.??

"Are you on a call right now!?" Came a voice from the background, sounding indignant and a little familiar...??

"No, don't stop!" Gasped Ruby, before adding, "No need to glare at me, I just got a call from your brother and-..."

I quickly hung up before I could hear any more...nope...nope, nope, nope! I'm just going to pretend like I heard nothing...damn it, that's easier said than done!??

How do I erase this memory!? I let out a groan as I buried my face in my pillow...on the bright side, I'm no longer horny. But on the flip side, I think I might be scarred for life.??

I never thought I'd hear my sister's voice while she's in the middle of a hook-up, because why would I think about that!? I mean, no disrespect to the incest community, but that shit's fucking weird.??

Okay, I need to cleanse my soul after that, which means only one thing...time to stop by Delectables...


Ahh, much better...I'd just gotten back home after making my way to Delectables and buying myself a whole bunch of goodies to munch on. Oh, sweet rich chocolatey goodness, what would I do without you???

If everyone liked chocolate as much as I do, there'd be no drug addictions...heck, I might be so bold as to say there'd be no wars. Do you think the world wars would have happened if the world leaders had just gotten together and talked things out over some nice chocolate cake? Probably not!??

Wait, what am I talking about? Eh, whatever, I'll just focus on enjoying my dinner...I was supposed to have one of those microwave pastas, but I'll save it for tomorrow. Right now, I need to override my memories of-...nope, not even going to think about it, I'm scarred enough, thank you very much.??

Still, now that I think about it, I've really changed...regardless of the reason, in the past I'd have never considered calling another person to spend time with when I'm free, I'd have just found something to do on my own.??

On that note, I guess I'll watch a movie or something tonight, and after that, I can sleep when I feel like it. Yeah, that sounds like a plan.??

As I finished up the box of desserts I'd gotten from Delectables, my I-Watched buzzed as I got an incoming's Ruby. Crap. Ignoring the call won't do any good, if anything, it might make things even more awkward. I'll just play dumb and try to brush past what happened...??

"Y-yeah, hello?" I answered, stuttering without meaning to.??

"Hey, Zax, sorry for taking so long to call there something you need? Any weapons to be repaired?" She responded.??

"Well, uh...actually, I was just...uh...," I trailed off awkwardly, unsure of how to put it.??

"Hm? Ooh, I get it...that was a booty call, wasn't it?" She inquired teasingly, with a slight giggle.??

She's sharper than she lets on sometimes...this feels really mortifying...??

"N-no, it wasn't-..."

"Oh, relax, I don't mind at all! In fact...if you want, you can come over right now," She suggested in a seductive tone.??

"I, uh, don't know about that...," I responded, tempted but reluctant since...well, you know...??

"Why the hesitation? What, did you hear Ella's voice earlier?"??

"...please don't," I groaned with a shudder.??

"What? Oh, don't be a prude!" She scoffed with a laugh.??

"I'm not-...this isn't me being a prude, it's me being normal," I replied with an exasperated sigh.??

"Sure, whatever. Well, anyway, are you coming over or not? Ella left a little while ago, so it's just me...sure you don't want a piece of me?" She inquired seductively.??

...okay, she's convinced me.??

"...I'll be there in twenty minutes."

"Alright, now that's what I like to hear!"??


A little while later, I was in the building, riding up the elevator with a rising sense of anticipation...feel like all my weariness has transformed into adrenaline, I'm gonna be tired as hell after this, but until then, I don't care. I gulped as I reached her floor and exited the elevator, sending her a text as I headed for her door...??

'I'm here, almost at your place.'??

The reply came in no time, almost immediately after I sent the text...??

'Great! Just come right in, the door's unlocked.'

Well, I certainly don't need a second invitation, here goes...I reached for the door handle and opened the door, stepping inside. Huh, it's kinda dark in here...why are the lights all switched off???

My eyes adjusted pretty quickly, and as I looked around, I saw that the place was empty...well, empty of people anyway, it was as messy as usual otherwise. She must be in her makeshift workspace.??

I stepped to the left of the room, nearly tripping over some junk, before reaching the door to her workspace and opened it, taking a step in...and immediately being met with the sound of moans. I almost forgot, her workspace is soundproofed...but that was far from the main thing on my mind right now.??

Ruby was on a table, completely naked and flashing me a mischievous, lustful grin...but more noticeably, she wasn't alone. There was someone else, also naked. They met my gaze with a look of horror, as I reciprocated that notion...this is going to give me nightmares, this was a sight that I never thought I'd see, and certainly never wanted to see...??

"Z-Zax!? Wh-what are you doing here!?" Exclaimed Kilella in shock...yup, it was my sister, with Ruby sitting right behind her.??

She was on Ruby's lap, her legs spread and Ruby's left hand between her legs, while Ruby's right hand was groping her is way too much for my brain to handle. Damn it, Ruby, you horny planned this!??

Crap, I think I'm passing out from the psychological overload, everything's going dark...yup, definitely passing out...error, Kilzachs.exe has crashed...??


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