The Rising Of The Anomaly

Chapter 166 - 165 - Combat Exam(Part 3)

"Alright, guys, time to head back," I declared, as ten minutes had passed since we got to the six hour mark. 

"I really don't feel like it, but I also want to be done with this, so okay," Sighed Kiran, standing up with a groan. 

"You're like an old man sometimes, you know," I responded wryly, as we got back into formation. 

"Yeah, yeah, whatever," He replied indifferently, letting out a stifled yawn. 

"Hey, bitch, take a couple of steps to your left, you're a bit out of formation," I informed Bytra. 

"Tch, screw you. I can't wait for this to be over," She snapped back in response, before doing as I instructed and adjusting her position. 

"I just hope it's smooth sailing on the way back," Said Kiran wistfully. 

Seriously, I hope I never have to team up with either of these two again...Bytra for obvious reasons, and Kiran because he complains a bit too much. Though if he can fix that, I suppose I'd be open to teaming up with him again. 

During classes, he's one of the people I'm most comfortable around, and considering how antisocial I used to be, that's saying a lot. When I entered the Academy, in my mind, I was only going to interact with people in order to avoid being an outcast like I was in school, I never actually expected that I'd form genuine human connections. 

True, I'm not super close to anyone in particular, but I'm far from indifferent towards them, at the very least. I didn't fully realize it until that experiment with my Tier One powers went wrong and Suri nearly died. Andre actually did die, and while I was simply on polite terms with him, I still felt guilty about causing his death. 

When it comes to people I don't know, I don't really feel much of anything when my actions put them in vegetative states. So those feelings of guilt and remorse weren't exactly something I was all that used to, and those emotions helped me solidify my determination to stop using Tier One carelessly. 

Well, anyway, I should focus on the matter at hand, I can't let my guard down until we're back in the Sanctuary... 

"We probably won't encounter too many Mutants on the way back, since we left plenty of Mutant corpses scattered on the way here, but still, don't relax till it's over," I reminded them over the comms, as my drones surveyed the area ahead. 

"We're not stupid, dickhead, we already know all that," Retorted Bytra with a grumble. 

"Oh, I'm sorry, I guess I don't need to say anything to someone who didn't screw up at all-...oh, wait, but you did screw up! Or am I mistaken?" I countered mockingly.

"...fuck you."

Nice, I win. No, not yet...if I relax, I might end up screwing up on the way back, gotta stay vigilant. I won't give her the satisfaction, not to mention that if I screw up, she might feel better about her screw up with the Doggos, and I definitely don't want that. Gotta concentrate... 


About four and a half hours later, Kiran and Bytra was starting to look pretty worn out. From their expressions, their muscles must be in pretty bad calves and back feel pretty sore too, and they probably have it worse than I do. 

"Let's make this a twenty minute break, since we won't be taking any more breaks after this one. At the pace we've been going at, it should be about an hour, maybe even less, before we're back at the base," I surmised, as they collapsed onto the ground with tired sighs. 

I spread my drones out around us in order to keep an eye out, so that these two could focus on resting for the next twenty minutes, instead of worrying about an incoming Mutant attack. 

"Can't we make it a thirty minute break? My legs are killing me," Grumbled Kiran, rubbing his calves tentatively. 

"No, that won't make much of a difference...whether it's twenty minutes or thirty minutes, either way, it won't be enough time for your muscles to heal. If we take too much time, then fatigue might start to set in sooner, which'll only make you more aware of the soreness and aches, so we're sticking to twenty minutes," I responded firmly. 

"Ugh, it's annoying when you use logic to back up your arguments, makes it hard to argue against," He sighed with a wry smile. 

"I'll take that as a compliment," I replied with a slight smirk. 

"Hey, can't we move at a faster pace? We're in the home stretch, why not get over in a hurry?" Inquired Bytra, a hint of impatience in her voice. 

"We're already going as fast as we can without disrupting our efficiency, so no. If we rush, not only will we get tired faster, but we'll also have narrower perspectives. Peripheral vision especially suffers with increases in speed, meaning we'll be slower to react to any incoming attacks from the sides," I explained objectively, before adding, "You should've been able to figure that out if you'd just have used your brain, bitch. Then again, I suppose you wouldn't have much of a brain in that head of yours, huh?" 

"What was that!?" She snapped in response. 

"So not only are you stupid, but also deaf...this is bad, we should check if you're blind too," I remarked with a mock tone of concern, before pointing my middle finger at her, "How many fingers am I holding up?" 

"Oh, let me see...okay, I think I've got it. You're holding up broken finger!" She exclaimed, as she attempted to grab my finger. 

I managed to react fast enough and put my finger down before she could grab hold of it. 

"Heh, too slow, bitch!" I declared triumphantly, as she glared at me. 

"Is it just me, or are the arguments between you two getting more and more immature?" Muttered Kiran, before adding, "Not gonna lie, it's kinda funny."

"Hmph, whatever," Huffed Bytra, turning her back to me. 

Johan was also watching with a look of amusement...yeah, I suppose that it is rather childish to argue like this, but I just can't help it. Anyway, speaking of Johan, this sure has been a sharp contrast from Altan's overseeing of the previous exam. 

Except for that one time he spoke up, Johan's been quietly observing us from behind the whole time. I actually forgot that he was even here a couple of times, I'm pretty impressed by how he's able to diminish his presence like this. 

I took a sip of water as I sat down and breathed slowly in and out, bringing my heart rate down so that I could recover as much stamina as possible in the remaining time for this break. 

All things considered, this has gone pretty well...excluding Bytra's slip up when she got surrounded by those Doggos, everything has gone almost perfectly.

While I would have liked to test out more of my skills and abilities than just my accuracy with my X-Blasters, the fact that I haven't needed to opt for any of my other options is a good thing. 

Still, I really would've like to test out my X-Blades...I've hardly gotten to use them after Ruby upgraded the energy blades to vibrate, I really want to see how well it can cut through an actual moving target. 

Well, whatever, I'm sure I'll get a chance to test it out sooner or later, there's no need to be impatient about it. That's right, my focus right now should be seamlessly finishing off the task at hand, I can't let my concentration waver just because the finish line is in sight. 

Oh, looks like it's almost time to wrap up this final break, guess we should get ready to get moving again... 

"Get warmed up, you two, we've got about minute left. Let's finish this off as smoothly and uneventfully as possible," I declared, standing up and stretching my arms up. 

"Ughhh...I swear, I'm going to sleep like a corpse when I get back home," Vowed Kiran with a groan, as he got back on his feet. 

"It feels like my legs are going to split in half...walking is the worst," Complained Bytra, her knees wobbling slightly as she stood up. 

Not to most promising signs...the more worn out they get, the more their concentration will waver. I really hope they can keep it together for just a little while longer. 

"Let's go, get into formation," I instructed, as they finished warming themselves back up again. 

"Just a little bit more, just a little bit more, just a little bit more...," I heard Kiran muttering to himself like a creepy chant. 

Okay, we better hurry and get to the finish line already, because I, uh, think he's starting to lose it...


Alright, not far now...about fifty minutes had passed since the last break, and through my drones up ahead, I could see the base we set out from in the distance...awesome, we're less than a kilometer away now! 

I let out a sigh of relief as I continued trudging forward...yeah, I know it's not quite over yet, but with the goal literally within sight, I couldn't help but feel a sense of relief wash over me. I suppose that I should inform the others too, they're just about at their limits... 

"Good news, guys, we're just a few hundred meters away from-...," I began, before stiffening and trailing off as I felt a slight rumbling., no, no! Is it a Mutant? Damn it, we're so close, the goal is right there, why now...!? 

"What's going on!? Is this an earthquake!?" Exclaimed Bytra warily, taking a step back. 

Please let that be the case... 

"Probably, hope it settles down soon," Responded Kiran, sounding a bit concerned. 

What...what is this feeling of dread in my stomach? Something isn't right...I can't quite put my finger on it, but...I'm getting an ominous sense of Deja Vu right now. It can't be-... 

And then, I felt my body freeze in fear, as the rumbling grew louder, the ground shaking more violently...a terrifyingly familiar sensation. A sensation that I've only felt a handful of times...but a sensation that I'll never forget...yeah, I didn't want to even consider it, despite it being the first thing that came to mind when I felt the rumbling, but there's no doubt about it, it's definitely... 

"Scatter, quickly! Something's coming, this isn't an earthq-!" I began to yell in horror and alarm...but it was too late. 

The ground up ahead suddenly burst out like a massive explosion, chunks of earth crashing down loudly, but even in that deafening ruckus, I could have sworn that I heard a cry of pain, before the sound of flesh tearing apart echoed through my earpiece communicator... 

The force of the ground bursting open had sent me stumbling back, and as I evaded and blocked the flying rubble using my Barrier Bracelets, the dust began to clear as the shaking and rumbling began to settle down, giving me a clear view of what had caused it.

Damn it, no...not this monster again...even though I recognized the sensation, I didn't want to accept it. But I can't deny it any more, not when I'm staring right at's the Crocsnek, it's back. 

And it was...chewing. Blood was dripping down the sides of its jaws, as it munched ravenously. And that's when I saw it...just a few meters ahead of me, a small puddle of blood surrounding something...I let out a shocked gasp of horror as I got a clear look at what it was, my blood running cold as I shakily stumbled back. 

Th-that's...that's Kiran's head. But his body was, that's not it. I realized it immediately, where his body was in the jaws of the Crocsnek, being torn apart into tiny, bloody pieces by the fangs of the vicious creature... 


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