The Rising Of The Anomaly

Chapter 182 - 181 - Date(Part 3)

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Former best friend and ex, huh? Based on her reaction, her relationship with these two must have ended badly. Should I freeze time and get us out of here? 

"Aw, look at you, Katie...trying to make up for that blank face of yours by dressing up and putting on make-up? How adorable, too bad it doesn't suit you," Laughed the girl. 

"I-I...," Stuttered Katie, taking a step back. 

This isn't like her...whatever happened between her and these two, it must have emotionally scarred her, I've never seen her shrink back like this. 

"Heh, you got that right," Scoffed the guy condescendingly. 

"Can we help you?" I inquired coldly, taking a step forward as I began to get really pissed off. 

"Huh? And who might you be?" Came the disdainful response. 

"Oh, I thought he looked familiar! He's that Anomaly guy from the tournament, the one that got all heated during his interview! Well, now, he's kinda hot up close. Hey, you, you can do way better than this loser, why don't you-...?" Began the girl, reaching out to touch my arm, before letting a yelp of surprise as I grabbed her wrist.

"I didn't say that you could touch me, skank," I remarked icily, as I began to tighten my grip, "Now, get lost or I'll break you."

"Ow...ow, ow, ow, my wrist, let go! You're hurting me!" She exclaimed in pain, attracting the attention of passers-by. 

"Hey, what do you think you're doing, you bast-!?" The guy began to snap, trying to grab my hand, before I swiftly let go of the girl and whipped my hand across, striking his wrist and eliciting a yell of pain from him. 

Tch, that wasn't enough force to break it. 

"K-Kilzachs, don't. Let's just go, okay?" Mumbled Katie, her gaze downwards, unable to even look at these two. 

I kinda wanted to lay the hurt on them, but fine...seeing them is probably bringing back bad memories for her, so we won't stick around any longer. 

"Okay. Let's g-...," I began to agree. 

"Aw, what are you so afraid of? A little slut like you is-," The guy started to say. 

"I'll warn you once...I won't stand for you insulting her, do it again and I'll make sure you regret it," I warned him. 

"Ooh, I'm so scared. And besides, what's wrong with calling a slut a slut?" He snorted with laughter. 

"Don't say I didn't warn you," I responded, before inaudibly chanting, "<Activate Anomaly, Tier Two: Pause>, <Activate Anomaly, Tier Three: Cut>...<Activate Anomaly, Tier Three: Paste>...and now, <Activate Anomaly, Tier Two: Play>. Come on, Katie, let's get out of here."

"Wh-what is this!?" The guy exclaimed in horror, as the girl let out a shocked gasp, stumbling back. 

What did I do to them? Nothing much, just swapped their right thumbs. And by that, I mean that I literally swapped them. 

"W-wait, you can't just leave us like this! W-we're really sorry, p-please, fix this!" Begged the girl, clutching her hand in pain. 

Oh, interesting, looks like the mismatched thumbs hurt...guess I'll scare them. Katie looks a lot calmer, watching the scene play out with wide eyes. 

"Nah, I don't think I will. But don't worry, those'll eventually rot and fall off, the pain should be gone by then. Oh, you're gonna want to use some cologne or something, it'll probably stink once they start to decay," I mockingly advised them. 

"H-hold on, please! I'll do anything, j-just undo this, I'm begging you!" 

Hm? Oh, that gives me an idea. 

"Alright, then...both of you, get down on your hands and knees and apologize to Katie...I don't know what happened between you, but I don't care. Bow down and apologize, now...your foreheads better be grinding against the ground as you do, you'll need to be bleeding by the time I give you permission to lift your heads. You have five seconds before my offer expir-...," I began, before trailing off as they immediately got down on their hands and knees, their heads on the ground. 

"I-I'm sorry, Katie, I-I shouldn't have spread those rumors about you!" 

"A-and I'm sorry too, f-for everything!" 

The nervous tension on Katie's face then disappeared, as a look of bemusement replaced it. 

"Now, say that you're shit-eating maggots and that you'll never show your faces to her again!" I demanded, ignoring the stares of the people around. 

"W-we're shit-eating maggots, and we'll never show our faces to her again!" They responded in unison, without hesitation. 

Okay, I think that's enough. 

"<Activate Anomaly, Tier Two: Pause>, <Activate Anomaly, Tier Three: Cut>, <Activate Anomaly, Tier Three: Paste>, and <Activate Anomaly, Tier Two: Play>," I chanted, restoring their thumbs back to the way they were, before adding, "Alright, now get out of here...or I'll swap your heads next."

With panicked looks on their faces, they both left in a hurry, stumbling as they rushed away. And now that it was over, the crowd of onlookers continued moving, whispering to each other. 

"That," Muttered Katie, looking kinda perplexed, "I'm not sure what to make of what just happened."

"I, uh, might have been a bit too sadistic there...they were just really pissing me off," I responded sheepishly, before asking her, "Hey, want to go chill at a park or something? You look a bit pale."

"Huh? No, that's okay, you don't have to worry-," She began. 

"Yeah, let's go to a park. Come on," I interrupted, leading her this time. 

She's put a lot of thought and effort into making sure I enjoy myself this is the least I can do for her in return, giving her a chance to relax for a bit... 


"Hey...thanks a lot, Kilzachs," She sighed, as we sat down under a tree, in the same park where she asked me out. 

"Oh, don't mention it...I only did that because I wanted to," I replied with a shrug. 

"Even so, I'm grateful...a lot of bad memories came flooding back earlier, I could feel myself getting anxious...but after what you did, I forgot about all of that. I mean, yeah, it could have just been that the sheer extremity of it distracted me, but even got so angry, and on my behalf. That makes me really happy," She smiled, before patting her lap, "Lie down, come on."

"Huh? sure?" I responded uncertainly, before she pulled my head down onto her lap. 

"I wouldn't have offered if I wasn't sure. I know that I'm kinda scrawny compared to other girls, so it might not be that comfortable-," She began sheepishly. 

"Actually, you've got really nice thighs," I interrupted as my head sank into her lap, and before I could think it through, I found myself lightly squeezing one of her thighs. 

"H-hey, warn me if you're going to do that!" She stuttered, her face turning red. 

"Sorry, I wasn't really thinking, my bad," I responded apologetically, starting to lift my head up, before she pushed it back down. 

"I didn't say that I want you to get up," She mumbled with a pout. 

"Kinda feel like I'm gonna overdose on adorability," I replied with a wry smile. 

Her cheeks are so cute with that expression, especially since she was blushing slightly...I reached up and poked her lightly, before squeezing her cheeks softly. 

"H-hey, now...," She muttered, her gaze shifting about, before saying as I began to stop, "No, don't stop...keep going..."

"And I'm dead...," I trailed off as my heart skipped a beat, before playing dead...wait, what am I doing? 

This is...really embarrassing, but at the same time, it wasn't embarrassing. I don't know how to explain it, it's just a strange feeling. 

"You can be kind of a dork sometimes, huh?" She giggled, as she tapped on the tip of my nose, "Also, I still can't believe that you did that back there...I didn't know that you could swap people's body parts like that."

"Heh, did you see the looks on their faces when they first realized what had happened? It was hilarious," I chuckled in response. 

"You're kind of a sadist, aren't you? Well, not that that's anything new." 

"Huh? When have I have been sadistic before this?" I inquired, trying to think of what she meant. 

"Literally every time you fight someone that you don't like."

Oh...right, I forgot about those. 

"This felt different didn't have the same satisfaction I got from those fights, because it ended before I could do to them everything that I wanted to do...I actually wanted to keep swapping their fingers one by one, and then have them grovel, before leaving without restoring them back to normal," I sighed wistfully. 

"Wow. On the one hand, I'm glad you didn't go that far, we might have gotten arrested or something...but on the other hand, a part of me would have liked to see that. I have so many bad memories of those two, that after I finished highschool, I blocked them out of my memory and just pretended like they never existed, and everything that happened back then never happened," She explained, before adding with a wistful smile, "But that backfired today, because seeing them brought back all those memories I was ignoring."

"You said that they were your best friend and ex, right? What happened between you and them? If you don't mind me asking, that is," I responded curiously. 

"No, I don't mind. But I'd rather not get into the details, so I'll summarize...I started dating that guy when I was fifteen, and the girl was my closest friend. At first, I was really happy, but then he started to get more pushy and, well, tried to get me to do more stuff. But I didn't feel ready to do anything sexual back then, so I refused...and then, slowly but surely, both he and my best friend began to drift apart from me."

I can already see where this is going...tch, maybe I shouldn't have let them get off so easily after all... 

"I didn't realize it at first, and then I started hearing people spread rumors about me. Stuff like calling me a nymphomaniac and sex addict, and soon after, I was dumped, and my best friend hooked up with him. And she stopped being my friend too, I was teased and bullied a lot, the two of them joined in, and soon enough, they became the ones who were instigating it. I just couldn't understand how or why things had changed so drastically, but I just bore with it till I graduated highschool," She recalled, her eyes glistening slightly. 

I was silent for a moment, letting her story sink in, before standing up with a sense of purpose... 

"Looks like my hunch was right...I let those two off way too easy," I growled, as I cracked my knuckles. 

"Uh, Kilzachs? Where are you going?" Katie inquired warily. 

"Hm? Oh, I'm just going to go find those two again and swap their genitals, among other things. I'll be right back-." 

"Huh? Wait, you're gonna do what? H-hold on, I don't think that's-...," She began with a nervous smile, before exclaiming in alarm as she saw that I was being serious, "Kilzachs, no-!" 


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