The Rising Of The Anomaly

Chapter 203 - The Wights' Plan(Part 2)

Point-of-View: Aku


"Okay, looks like you're all here now. Pay attention, I'm going to explain the details of each of your roles in the upcoming attack on the Sanctuary," I remarked, shortly after all the Anomalies that were a part of this plan had gathered in my tent. 

"Oh? I knew that those old geezers were planning on using us as the spearhead of this operation, but I didn't think that they'd come up with a plan so soon. Please tell me that it's an actual good plan," Sighed Rans, a female Wight Anomaly. 

She was slender and about average height, and had pretty minimal mutations, she looked more like a normal human in Wight cosplay than an actual Wight. Her face was almost completely normal, except for a slight gray-greenish color to her skin, but it wasn't rough and scaly like the rest of us. 

She had short black hair that framed her face and dark brown eyes, her canines stuck out a bit like a Vampire or something, and while her shoulders and biceps weren't that scaly, her forearms and hands were, along with sharp claws. 

She has the ability to steal XFE from someone and then transfer it to another...she can't steal from other Anomalies, but she can transfer XFE to them. She's also one of those that aren't brainwashed by the older Wights, but still follows them since there really isn't an alternative. 

"It's not our place to question their decisions, there's no doubt that they've come up with an absolutely perfect plan!" Spoke up Baku, a very much brainwashed Wight. 

He's an Anomaly of pure destruction, simple as that. Specifically, any severed body parts of his will cause massive explosions. He's missing several finger segments, which were severed over various points in the past to create mini-bombs. Those were all used against the Mutants though. 

His ability is insanely powerful and destructive, but I certainly don't envy it. He's got a roundish, scaly head and face, sharp teeth with really wide jaws and a huge mouth, a snake-like forked tongue, red eyes and a short, stubby tail. 

"It doesn't matter how good or bad the plan is, because either way, we don't have a say, we have to go through with it," I sighed in response. 

"Uh-oh, that's not very encouraging," Frowned Rans apprehensively. 

"I still don't see why we're being so cautious...with my powers, I could crush all those sheltered humans myself!" Declared Ked confidently...he keeps talking like that, and he'll be the first to die... 

He's a tall and heavily built Wight, with a fully rough and scaly body. He's got a kinda square-shaped face, with two straight, long fangs growing out of the upper row of his teeth and going down past his jawline. 

He had spiky reddish-orange hair, sharp green eyes, four arms and massive wings on his back. Despite the huge wings, the sheer weight of his body made flying quite a strenuous task for him to attempt. His Anomaly power is the ability to change his own size at will, he can shrink down to the size of a cockroach or grow as tall as a mountain. 

And that ability gives him quite a level of overconfidence in himself, though I can't deny that he is very powerful. His ability isn't at all complex though...he can't expand or shrink just a part of him, whenever he changes size, it applies to his entire body at all times. 

And, more off-puttingly, he ends up naked whenever he uses his powers, since they either fall off or get torn to shreds. And Wight clothing isn't exactly as high quality as the clothes you find in the Sanctuary, so yeah. 

"Yes, the higher ups recognize your ability, Ked. And that's why you have arguably the most important role to play in this plan," I said to him, buttering up his ego...otherwise, he might complain about his role, as it could easily be seen as little more than manual labor... 

That said, the plan can't succeed without him. And if he puts up a fuss, I'll get the blame since they put me in charge of leading this assault. Ughh, this is the worst. 

"Haha, but of course, that's only natural!" He laughed heartily, clearly boosted by my comment. 

"Sure must be nice, being such a simpleton," Muttered Kaze, a Wight whose most remarkable feature was how unremarkable his presence was. 

He was very short, probably not much more than four and a half feet. His jaws and mouth curved forward almost like a beak, and he had a longish mohawk-like hairstyle that fell back, with silverish-white hair. He had a fully scaly body, and four tentacle-like appendages growing on his back. 

His power was the ability to adjust the weight of anything or anyone, he could make them either heavier or lighter just by touching them. He's also got a surprisingly large XFE reserve for an Anomaly. I don't think he's all that brainwashed, he's way too self-centered and survivalistic for that. 

And of the Wight Anomalies that are spearheading this operation, that just leaves one more of us to introduce... 

"Hey, are my powers going to be all that important to this too?" Inquired Aug with a frown. 

He's a heavily mutated Wight, with a mouth that opens with four parts like a creepy flower, with circular rows of teeth and a long, narrow tongue. His eyes were a sharp red, he had a pair of horns on his head that curved back slightly and another eye at the back of his head. 

His right elbow split into two forearms, each with just three fingers, he had a long, bony spike extended out from his left elbow, and an extra long left index finger. He also had a pair of sleek wings on his back. 

Despite his scary appearance though, he's a pretty big coward and tries to avoid getting himself into danger. But that's not always easy for him, considering his ability... 

"Very much so, without your powers, our chances of success go down immensely," I informed him wryly. 

He's got the power to augment and boost the powers of other Anomalies, he expands on the limitations immensely. His presence makes all the rest of us much more serious threats.

And because his powers are so valuable, he'll retreat after the first phase of our attack. That, and also because he's not very competent when it comes to combat. 

"Oh, no...I'm gonna die this time for sure...," He groaned in dismay. 

"If you're so scared, then just hang back and leave it to me! I'll just stomp around a bit and that should do it!" Grinned Ked with a thumbs up. 

Yeah, if only it were that simple...sure, that would be incredibly boring, but it's better than losing. 

"Mhm, I'm sure that's all it'll take," Mumbled Kaze sarcastically, as he rolled his eyes. 

"Hey, come on, tell us about the plan already!" Rans urged me impatiently, shaking my shoulder roughly. 

"Please, stop that...or else," I warned her with a glare, before letting out a sigh and adding, "But yeah, I suppose that it's time that I tell you all how we're supposed to break into the Sanctuary and-..."

Before I could continue, I trailed off as the tent flap was pulled opened and someone stepped inside, cutting me off... 

"I don't mean to bother all of you, but I'm going to need to collect all of your consents regarding your powers being transferred upon your deaths," She remarked as she walked in. 

A Wight who, like me, had a part of her face unmutated. Specifically, the area around her mouth was normal, while the rest of her face and body had rough and scaly skin. She had purple eyes, dark green hair that she tied up in a frizzy ponytail and two blunt, short horns on the top of her head, that almost looked like cat ears. 

Keno...she's another Wight Anomaly, but she's so valuable to the higher ups that they'd never even dream of putting her in any danger. Her powers are just that important. Specifically, she can transfer the powers of an Anomaly to someone else when the former dies, provided that she gets their consent beforehand. 

The only reason why the higher ups haven't abused the hell out of her powers and continually sent the rest of us on suicide missions is because finding someone compatible with receiving Anomaly powers is hard. See, only someone with no active powers can receive powers from her. 

Prodigies aren't compatible with Anomaly powers, and Anomalies aren't compatible with the Anomaly powers of others. So only someone's whose powers are still dormant would be compatible, but most of the unpowered Wights are really weak and unsuited for combat, so it's not easy to find worthwhile replacement candidates. 

"Alright, I guess we don't have a choice...," I sighed, before turning to the others and adding, "Okay, so, I'll explain the plan after we give our consent to transfer our powers if and when we die. Let's get this over with and out of the way..."


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