The Rising Of The Anomaly

Chapter 51 - 50 - Level Q

Today was the 24th of July, and it was the first day of my Level Q classes. Just as Johan had predicted, it hadn't taken much more than a week's delay for the classes to start. Like with the six months of Level J, Level Q also had the same three subjects, though XFE combat would now also include hand to hand combat. 

I'd been kept in the loop regarding the upcoming attack on the Wight campsite...bug-sized drones had been created to go spy on that area and keep track of their movements, they seemed to be preparing to move towards the Sanctuary within three weeks. And so, we'd strike first. Specifically, by heading out next weekend. 

Not sure of the specifics yet, but I highly doubt we'd be walking...after all, Russia is nothing short of massive, and it's not like the terrain being reduced to a wasteland had made the country any smaller. It could upto two whole weeks to get there on foot, maybe longer. But in a vehicle, it'd take more or less a day or so, depending on the speed. 

It still hadn't quite sunk in, just how big a role I was supposed to play in this upcoming battle...and Director Silva hadn't been kidding, I really was the best marksman in the Sanctuary...some of the X-Warriors had been skeptical about letting a student tag along, let alone play a more important role than they I was made to blast down at another group of criminals to prove what I was capable of. 

After I finished, some of the X-Warriors, the ones considered to be the most accurate with long-range attacks, were made to do the same thing...and boy, did most of them suck. At best, a few had accuracy rates of eighty to eighty-five percent, my sister among those...but that percentage was under the assumptions that both they and the targets were still. When it came to moving targets, their accuracy dropped quite a bit, and when aiming at moving target while also being on the move, most of them were pretty much firing blindly. 

My sister was okay at aiming while on the move, since she's pretty skilled at flying around using her Primary Manifestation, and in her case, her full-power blasts were powerful enough that she could possibly kill a target even if she missed hitting them full-on. 

I figured that the lack of good shooters in the Sanctuary was due to the lack of intelligent enemies till now...think about it, the only threats till now were effectively mindless monsters, most of them attack wildly and leave themselves wide open as a result...the main reason for long-range weapons is for when the target is too dangerous to engage in close-range, but in most cases, X-Warriors can overpower Mutants with their natural power, so why would they bother working on tedious skills like marksmanship, right? 

And when I compared training routines and schedules with some of those X-Warriors...well, as it turns out, I might be, kinda, maybe, sort of a workaholic when it comes to training. Honestly, I was pretty shocked at the lack of time most of the X-Warriors dedicate to training. 

Anyway, I was currently in class, in the middle of a theory lecture...for Level J, the instructor in charge of this subject had been Instructor Joan Anderson, but now, for Level was Kumar. And he was, uh...kinda boring at it. Instructor Anderson had been pretty boring too, but with Kumar, he was clearly half-assing it, and since he looked dreadfully bored himself, those vibes ended up being transferred to us, as well.

There were now thirteen students in this class, following the three deaths during the final exam of Level J, Jian Lee, Alex Jaice and Misaki Aki. Personally, I felt...indifferent. Well, except for Misaki, I'm glad she's dead. Anyway, just like during Level J, I managed to snag myself the corner seat. Kiran once again sat one seat over in the same row, but this time, the seat between us wasn't empty...Suri picked that spot. 

"Hey, Kilzachs, quit nodding off!" Kumar called out, "Pay attention!" 

Seriously, he singled me out? I wasn't the only one who was looking bored here, you know. Plus I didn't get enough sleep last night, so it's not my fault! And unfortunately, in my half-asleep state, I didn't mince words... 

"Shut up, half-pint...your sister kept me up all night so I'm tired, and this class is boring, so excuse me for-...huh, maybe I said too much...uh...just kidding?" I said sheepishly with a stifled yawn. 

The entire class went silent, while Kumar struggled not to let his irritation show. 

"Why, you little...I hope, for your sake, that you didn't intentionally word that the way you did." 

"Uh...word what?" 

"Grr, the part about my sister!" He snapped, barely containing himself. 

Oh...crap, I did word that pretty poorly... 

" bad?"

"You know what...forget it, whatever," He sighed, before continuing with the lecture even more half-heartedly than before. 

Phew, I managed to get away with that...I'm pretty blunt even on my best days, but when I'm drowsy, my filter just completely shuts off. Best not to talk while I'm in this state. 

"That was way too tense, what were you thinking!?" Whispered Suri incredulously. 

"I'm just tired, leave me alone...I physically can't mince words when I'm like this."

"Well, at least you're self-aware," Chimed in Kiran with a yawn. 

I wasn't really paying attention to what he was saying...I was really grouchy over my lack of sleep. Director Silva called me last night right as I was about to go to sleep, to discuss the upcoming attack, and didn't hang up until three hours later...yeah, I lost a full THREE HOURS of sleep last night. I'll have to try and get in a couple of extra hours of shut eye tonight. 

I couldn't help dozing off during the rest of the session, failing to pay attention to anything that was taught by Kumar. Well, whatever, I'd set my I-Watch to record this session, so I can just review it later. Anyway, I eventually woke up and kept myself from nodding off again, by which there were only a few minutes left for the session to end. 

"Alright, let's wrap it up here for today, shall we? I have an important announcement that I'm supposed to inform you brats about, so pay attention," Remarked Kumar with a clap of his hands, getting everyone's attention. 

Huh, I wonder what it could be. He'd come over to my new place in the X-Warrior Zone yesterday, but hadn't mentioned anything about this. 

"So, I'm sure you all know that X-Warriors aren't allowed to take on Missions alone, they have to do so in a group, the size depending on their rank. However, going with a different group every time is counterproductive, after all, it's takes a lot of practice to work in tandem with someone. If you aren't familiar with the abilities of those that you're teamed up with, you're just going to get in each other's way. With that said, here's what has been proposed by the higher ups...form the students into permanent groups or teams, and they'll have to stick with those teams even after becoming X-Warriors."

Wait, what!? If that's true, then...if I end up in a team of people I don't like working with, I'm stuck with them indefinitely!? Hell no! 

"All the X-Warriors are currently being sorted into teams of four or five, except for the Aces, who are grouped in teams of two or three. That should emphasize the fact that this isn't optional, going forward, this will be the new way in which X-Warriors are to operate. Now, X-Warriors from different teams are allowed to team up, but only if at least one other of their teammates is also with them. In other words, if X-Warriors from two different teams want to form a temporary team for a Mission, then there would need to be at least two from each team, so a minimum of four. Well, you guys can read up on the rules later, I'm not going to go through them all right now."

I really didn't like this...but if I am going to be stuck in a team, then I might as well

"So, uh, do we get to pick our teams or are you going to be the one to decide that?" I inquired warily. 

"I, or rather, all the instructors who've taught you will decide that. Don't worry, factors like how well certain students get along with each other will definitely be taken into account." 

Huh, he was looking a bit frowny and kinda glaring at me...guess he was still mad about my drowsy retort. That's fair. 

"Excuse me, sir, how will we be divided?" Asked Andre curiously, raising his hand. 

"Oh,'ll be divided into three teams, two teams of four and one team of five. We have decided that Kilzachs will be a part of the five-person team, though."


"Hah, because he's a Dud and needs more people to protect him?" Laughed Asshole with an amused and condescending look on his face. 

I'm stronger that you, fuckface... 

"No, because he's the only one in this class who's capable of backing up that many people."

Wait...was that a compliment? So then the reason I was getting stuck with more teammates was because of my mad skillz? Damn, it ain't easy being this good-...alright, kidding aside, I was kinda flattered but also exasperated by this. 

"I'll say! Hey, instructor, put me on the five-person team too, I was able to REALLY cut loose during the first teamwork exam with Kilzachs backing me up!" Exclaimed Taayin eagerly. 

Uh-oh, I don't like that...I mean, I guess I don't dislike the guy, but his weird combination of violent and hyperactive were too much for me to deal with, I'd have my hands full if I was stuck having to back him up. 

"That's going to be 'cutting loose' instead of fighting sensibly is a bad habit, so putting you with a teammate whose abilities enable that bad habit isn't a very productive move. Well, time's up, so I'm out."

With that, he abruptly left, before Taayin could argue or anyone else could even begin to ask him another question. 

"Permanent teams, huh? Well, I guess it is better than teaming up with different people each time," I sighed wistfully, "I just hope I don't get anyone who'd be a pain to work with."

"Agreed, just one awful teammate and you're stuck with them for life," Nodded Kiran in agreement. 

At the very least, I didn't want to be in the same team as Asshole, Bytra or Makoto. Of the rest of my classmates, I could manage, at least somewhat. Anyway, it was time to head down to one of the training halls for the next session...combat training... 


"Good afternoon, students, I'm Instructor Annika Mikhailova, and I'm in charge of combat training for you Level Q students. And for your first lesson...we'll be doing something a bit unorthodox."

"Ooh, a battle royale, maybe? I'd love to fight everyone all at once," Remarked Taayin with a smirk. 

That sounds like it'd be messy and chaotic... 

"What? No, of course not," Responded the instructor with a bemused look, "You need to learn how to deal with unusual opponents, you've all experienced how different it is to get attacked by intelligent enemies instead of mindless and feral Mutants, haven't you? So, for today, I won't be the one administering this session, I'll instead leave that task to one of our best Level A students."

The door then swung open and someone walked in. A girl, she looked somewhere around our age or a year older, with medium-length light pinkish-blonde hair that covered her forehead with straight bangs and stopped just above the base of her neck in the back. She had bright yellow eyes, wore a red t-shirt under a black unzipped leather jacket, a black skirt over dark purple leggings and metal-knuckled gloves. 

"Hi, everyone, it's nice to meet you all!" She greeted us in a friendly tone, "I'm Sakura, and I' Anomaly."

Huh...I did not see this coming, but I have to admit...I'm intrigued to see what happens next... 


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