The Rising Of The Anomaly

Chapter 56 - 55 - False Accusation

"You're late, Kilzachs."

" bad."

" explanation as to why you're late?" 

Hm, 'I was stuck in traffic'...probably wouldn't work. 

"Well...would you believe that I lost track or time while dabbling in some philosophy?" I replied sheepishly. 

"What does that even know what, never mind. Let's get to the matter at hand," Sighed Director Silva, relenting. 

Sweet, I got away with being late. I'd just arrived at her office, and she wasn't alone...a few X-Warriors were in here, including the two that I'd ran into today. Okay, now I know why I'm here...might as well play dumb though...after all, I haven't done anything wrong... 

"Right, so what is the matter at hand?" I inquired curiously. 

"Do you recognize these two men?" She responded, nodding at the two, whose injuries were all wrapped up in bandages.

"Hm? They do look familiar...ohh, yeah, I ran into them at a training facility today, real nice guys, I gotta say!" I answered with a fake smile. 

"Don't get smart with me."

"Heh, sorry."

"Anyway...they've claimed that you provoked, and then attacked, them. What do you have to say to defend yourself?" She inquired with a frown. 

"Oh...well, how to put this...that's a total sack of bullshit."

" you're saying it's a lie? Be more specific, I'd like you to elaborate."

"Sure, but first...out of curiosity, what do you think happened, Director Silva? Do you think I'm guilty?" I asked, with genuine curiosity. 

"Well, if I'm being honest, the evidence doesn't exactly make you look good...," She replied with a grimace. 


"What evidence?" I inquired with a raised eyebrow. 

"First, the fact that they've suffered severe injuries while you're perfectly fine. And second, this..."

She clicked on her I-Watch a couple of times, and a couple seconds later, a projector descended from the ceiling, projecting a screen onto the wall and playing a looked like security cam footage. Oh, it's of my altercation with those two douchebags...wait, what...okay, that's definitely been edited to make it look like I'm the aggressor... 

"I think we've seen and heard enough, Director!" Snapped one of the other X-Warriors, "This student has clearly let your favoritism towards him go to his head! This kind of violent behavior is completely unacceptable!" 

"Yes, that's right, a mere student ought to be showing full-fledged X-Warriors a lot more respect than this!" Agreed another. 

"Quiet, all of you! Well, Kilzachs...what do you have to say for yourself?" She inquired, looking at me expectantly. 

Hm, given the 'evidence' against me, I definitely looked guilty...but I wasn't really all that worried... 

"I can say this much with absolute certainty...that footage has been tampered with," I replied confidently. 

"Oh? That's a bold accusation...the staff at the facility verified the footage when they sent it to me. If that's a baseless accusation, then you-," She began to reply. 

"But it's not baseless at all. I have proof," I interrupted her with a slight smirk. 

As I made my sudden proclamation, the entire room when silent for a moment, several skeptical looks being thrown my way. 

"Go on...what's your proof?" Inquired Director Silva with a raised eyebrow. 

"Before that...," I replied, turning to the two assholes I injured, "Sure you don't want to admit that you guys had that footage altered? You're gonna look pretty dumb in a moment if you don't."

"Hah, why would we lie like that? What an idiotic bluff!" Scoffed one of them. 

"Yeah, you won't get away with this, you arrogant brat!" Declared the other. 

Well, I was nice enough to give them a chance... 

"Alright then," I remarked, tapping on my I-Watch and sending Director Silva a file, "Go ahead and play that on the projector."

"A video file?" She replied, as she tapped on her I-Watch, "What is this?" 

"Oh, nothing much...just that the right lens in my glasses is highly modified and can record video, which is what I did."

Ruby's handiwork, of course. She'd made several upgrades to my lens, it was pretty awesome. I'd started recording the instant that I was approached. The two who'd accused me were looking a little shaken up, and Director Silva had noticed, narrowing her eyes at them. 

Without another word, she tapped on her I-Watch, and the video started playing. And just like that, my name was cleared, as it became clear from the footage I recorded that I was the one who was harassed, and then acted in self-defense.

"Well, the truth is clear two handed in doctored evidence in an attempt to frame a student...I'll decide on a punishment later, and I can assure you, it will be severe. I'll also need to have a word with the staff of that training facility," Remarked Director Silva with a frown, before turning to me, "As for you, Kilzachs...while you are innocent in this case, you can't deny that you used excessive force."

"In my defense, they're full-fledged X-Warriors, and if I may be frank...I thought they'd be, you know, stronger. So I didn't hold back," I replied with an innocent shrug. 

"Why you cocky little-!" Began one of them furiously. 

"Silence!" Snapped Director Silva, before turning to me, clearing her throat and adding, "I apologize for you having to go through this, Kilzachs, I'm sure it wasn't a pleasant experience. Is there anything I can do to compensate for this?" 

There's nothing in particular that I want, but I suppose I might as well get something for this inconvenience...

"Let's just go with money, you decide how much," I answered with a shrug. 

"Show some respect, you brat!" Yelled one of the other X-Warriors, "Didn't your parents teach you to respect your elders and superiors!?" 

No, they really didn't. And even if they did, why would I take the advice of people I have zero respect for?

"I'm not gonna respect you just because you've lived a few years more than I have. I respect those who I think deserve respect, like the Director here, she's actually competent." 

"Grr, what are you trying to imply, you little shit?" He growled, standing up threateningly. 

What, is that suppose to scare me? 

"Hm? I thought that was more than just implying? I mean, I wasn't exactly being subtle," I replied with a smirk. 

"What was that!?" 

"I mean, why are you even here? Were you really looking forward to seeing a student get humiliated that much? As far as I can tell, the only people that needed to be here are me, these two and the Director. So why are there five other random X-Warriors here? Seriously, isn't this kinda pathetic? First off, these two should be ashamed for picking on a student, but more than that, they should be ashamed for not being able to back up their arrogance. All bark and no bite, just...pitifully weak."

"Hey, watch it, don't push your luck!" Warned one of the other X-Warriors. 

"What do you mean? I'm the victim here, I was framed and falsely accused for an act of self defense...I've done absolutely nothing wrong," I replied in an innocent tone. 

"You need to shut your damn mouth, boy-!" 

"And why should I? This is more than just pathetic, it's sad, full-fledged X-Warriors making such a big deal over such a minor issue...all because they're jealous that a student is getting some attention. Or maybe it's because I'm not a Prodigy? Either way, it's just plain sad. And looking around, it looks like none of you are K-Ranks or Aces."

"That's right, but how do you know?" Asked Director Silva curiously. 

"Just a guess, they give off a kinda...second-rate best." 

"You little bastard-!" 

"Quiet! That's enough from you too, Kilzachs, I'm sure you've vented enough. Granted, you didn't exactly say anything that wasn't true, but you're a bit too blunt, you don't want to say too much, so quit while you're ahead," Adviced Director Silva, letting out a tired sigh. 

"Yeah, I think I'm satisfied...can I go now?" 

"Yes, you can leave." 

What a waste of my time...that said, it was pretty satisfying. My reputation among the X-Warriors was probably going to get worse now, but hopefully, this'll deter them from fucking with me. 

"Oh, one more thing before you go, Kilzachs...I'll leave this decision to you, regarding this whole incident, would you like it to be kept quiet, or do you want it made public?" She asked, as I began to twist the door handle. 

Good question, what should I go with...?

"Hm, let's see...make it public, including both the altered footage and my footage."

"Are you sure about that?" 

"Mhm...yes, I am."



Okay, I didn't expect was a day later, and I had just been caught off-guard by a story included in the X-Warrior Zone news channel report. When I told Director Silva that she could make that incident public, I didn't think she'd have it reported on the news...well, whatever, it's being reported in a way that makes me look good, so I guess that I don't mind. 

"Woah, you're on the news, dude!" Exclaimed Hebi, as they began playing my video recording, ", you shattered that guy's knee...damn, that's gotta hurt..."

"Yeah, well, I'm not gonna sit back quietly if someone's rude to me," I replied with a shrug, turning it off. 

"Hey, I wanted to watch that!" 

"You can probably find it online-." 

"But catching it live is more exciting!" He protested, grabbing the remote from me and switching it back on. 

The video was still playin-...wait, that's...

"Huh...she was recording that whole thing?" I muttered to myself in surprise. 

Footage of me in her office with those X-Warriors yesterday...and the broadcaster was currently playing the part where I was tearing into them... 

"...-more than just pathetic, it's sad, full-fledged X-Warriors making such a big deal over such a minor issue...all because they're jealous that a student is getting some attention. Or maybe it's because I'm not a Prodigy? Either way, it's just plain sad. And looking around, it looks like none of you are K-Ranks or Aces."

"That's right, how do you know?" 

"Just a guess, they give off a kinda...second-rate best." 

"You little bastard-!" 

I grabbed the remote back and switched it off again. 

"Hey, what'd you do that for, it was getting really good!" Protested Hebi in dismay, as I kept the remote out of his reach. 

"Watch it online," I replied, as I headed back to my room. 

I didn't want to watch that...I don't know exactly why,'s kinda embarrassing watching myself get all heated and talkative like that... 


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