The Rising Of The Anomaly

Chapter 60 - 59 - Attack On The Wights(Part 1)

"Alright, I'm assuming that everyone had put on their earpiece communicators...we begin now, launch the aerial assault!" Commanded Kumar, as we got into place. 

Here we go, then... 

Both the jets and the buses had cloaking barriers built-in, but they weren't perfect, it's not like they eliminate sound, and they kinda shimmered at times too. Therefore, the jets would arrive first, and the buses after the aerial assault was launched. Everyone on the Mission was connected using wireless earpieces, though only Kumar would be talking into them, since there were so many of us. 

After all, if everyone could talk into the communicators whenever they felt like it, we'd likely be hearing them in our ears for the entire time. Therefore, we were only allowed to talk into the communicators if we had something urgent to report. Anyway, the jet I was in, along with one of the other jets, were currently hovering over the Wight campsite, with the cloaking barriers still active. 

"Aerial assault, launching now," I responded, as I strapped the drone-jetpack onto my back and flew up through an open hatch, the X-Warriors in other the jets also exiting using their flight Manifestations. 

There were about twenty in total, since the other three jets were...well, let's just say that they had a different assignment. Now, then...I activated the scope in my lens and scanned the campsite...there were several Wights roaming around, several large tents, some vehicles and a large shed...that's probably their food and water storage area. 

Hm, I think I'll record this battle, might be useful for future reference...I activated the recording feature in my right lens to start it. The wind is pretty strong, and it's blowing through the campsite...perfect. I triggered and tossed down several of my poison smoke bombs down at the Wights, before then reaching behind me and pulling out my Square Blaster, activating it. 

Where should I target for the opening attack...the supply shed? No, I don't think so...the tent at the center of the campsite was much larger than the rest, it looked pretty important, and what's more, there were large gas canisters next to it, those were likely fuel for their vehicles...looks like I've got my target. 

As my bombs exploded and the smoke began spreading throughout the campsite, I took aim with my Square Blaster, locked onto the target...and fired.

Hundreds of streaks of black XFE burst out of the slot-like nozzle, spreading out as they rained down towards the ground, rapidly converging as they closed in on the the next instant, a large shockwave burst throughout the campsite as a massive dust cloud rose up from the center, followed by a powerful explosion as the canisters went in fiery explosions. 

As the shockwaves settles down and the smoke cleared, some blood spatter and body parts were laying around where the tent had been. 

The moment my blast made impact, the others got in on the action, Kilella had been in the other jet, so she was here too, along with Zarina. They, and some of the others were currently zipping around while firing powerful XFE blasts down at the campsite, screams of pain beginning to ring out and echo around. 

My Square Blaster on full power can one-shot a K-Ranked Mutant, the only problem is that the cooldown time is five matter, I have plenty more options up my sleeve. I put away my Square Blaster and switched my X-Blasters to long-range mode, as several Wights began flying up towards us...some had wings, while others used XFE to fly. 

And wow, Hebi hadn't been exaggerating...some of them really were grotesquely mutated. But in the end, it doesn't really matter...they're all going to die. I took a deep breath and slowly exhaled, before taking aim and firing at the Wights who were flying up towards us, nailing several with headshots and killing them, though some were able to evade or block using their XFE. 

Hey, now...I think I'm actually enjoying this. The other X-Warriors who in the sky with me were also joining in now, firing down at the Wights that were flying up. There's dozens of them, possibly over a couple hundred or so...well, we expected this, we knew from the start that we would be outnumbered by about twenty to one, so if this is all of them that can fly, that's actually better than expected. 

Woah, not bad, some of them are using the corpses of the ones who were dead as shields in order to continue ascending. I've already killed fourteen of them with my X-Blasters, my sister was blasting their campsite relentlessly with powerful XFE blasts along with some of the others who had strong attacks at their disposal. 

Alright, it's almost time...I'll soon be switching my focus from offense to defense, specifically, defending the jets and making sure they don't get taken down. Because the responsibility of the offense was about to shift elsewhere...ah, speak of the devil...the buses had arrived. 

As the smoke from my bombs began to clear, X-Warriors rushed in towards the campsite from either side, from the front and from behind, right as three more jets appeared, from either side and from behind. 

When we stopped earlier, the other three jets went around so that they could pincer the Wights from every direction, along with six of the buses, two from every direction except the front, from which we had four buses...the Wights were in utter panic and chaos, running around like headless chickens. Hm, but it won't last long, they'll start fighting back soon... 

Suddenly, from the jet that approached the campsite from behind, a massive amount of yellow XFE, the Lightning Attribute, manifested below the jet...Kumar had jumped out and activated his Primary Manifestation, Colossus, at its full height of fifty meters. He then formed his Secondary Manifestation, Lightning Spear, to slash at and stomp around the back of the campsite, wiping out the Wights situated there. 

Tch, more of them are flying up...but now that the other jets had arrived, it should be manageable, we had plenty of aerial troops, and since the Wights were ascending up towards us, we had the height advantage. Huh, looks like my sister was fighting a couple of Wights that were actually challenging, never mind, she was just toying with them. 

The other Aces were going pretty well too...but we can't rely just on them, we're so outnumbered than everyone needs to pull their weight and land multiple kills. 

We've gotten all that we can out of the element of surprise, and from the look of it, we've taken out about half of their forces so far...which isn't bad, five thousand isn't a small number, but we were still outnumbered more than ten to one...I don't think any of our aerial troops had been killed, but a few of the ground troops were already dead. 

The panic among the Wights was starting to fade and get replaced by rage...this is bad, they're starting to fight back, and pretty effectively at that. On average, at least, they're individually stronger that us...well, this was never going to be easy, they aren't like the mindless Mutants we've fought till now, they're as intelligent as we are, and a lot more resilient. 

The flying Wights had almost reached us...I'd taken out thirty-two of them already, at a cost of eighty percent of my XFE. I took out a vial of a certain serum and swiftly chugged it was called XFE Recovery, and was usually forbidden from use since it had a few negative side effects, but it could instantly recover XFE, I had three vials on me, because drinking any more than that would put my life in danger. 

My XFE was now a bit over ninety percent...and I won't have to worry about the side effects until about two hours from now, so right now, I'm more or less as good as new, with barely any stamina used up. As the Wights began to close in, I pulled out my X-Blade handles and activated them, forming the energy blades. 

It's a good thing I practiced flying with this drone-jetpack for the past week or so, I could move around fairly well in the air with was controlled using my toes, which was kinda hard to get the hang of, so it was a good thing I'd managed to figure it out. I evaded as a pair of Wights flew up on either side of me and swung their XFE weapons at me. 

I slashed off one of their arms, eliciting a scream of pain from him, before swiftly descending a couple of meters as the other one swung her weapon at me, and then rapidly ascending straight towards her and slashed one of my X-Blades upwards, slicing her in half vertically. 

The other one then let out a furious yell and swung his weapon towards me, I swiftly countered by swinging one of my blades to deflect it away, though the force knocked my arm back...these Wights are pretty physically strong, I'll be screwed if I take a direct hit. Their speed was more than manageable though, this drone-jetpack is really fast. 

I swung my foot up, connecting with the bottom of his jaw and knocking his head up, dazing him slightly. Now's my chance! Before he could recover, I swiftly swung my blade across at his neck, slashing his head off. As his body began to plummet, three more Wights surrounded me. I swiftly connected the bottoms of my X-Blade handles and twisted, locking them together. 

The instant I did, the energy blades grew narrower and longer, forming a two-sided spear. I held it horizontally and rapidly spun myself around as they closed in, slashing them in half across their midsections. Another Wight came zipping up towards me, I split the handles and reconnected them along their sides, reforming the energy blades into a single wide and long blade. 

I then spun myself across downwards and swung the blade straight down, ripping him vertically in half before he could react. Hey, not bad, if I do say so myself. Still, there's still a ton of them left. I can't afford to take it easy, I've got a lot more work to do... 


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