The Rising Of The Anomaly

Chapter 68 - 67 - Hanging Out(Part 3)

"Yeah, we'll take...three of these...ooh, and five of these...nine of these and, let's see...this!" Grinned Mitchell, as he gave the waiter our order. 

He'd booked a private room for us, which was really spacious, with couches and beanbags, a karaoke machine, projector, gaming console and the artwork on the walls was really cool, with murals of people from before WWIII who were into weed, like Snoop Dogg and...well, I don't really recognize anyone else. 

Some parts of the artwork were in crazy, trippy spiral patterns, it was kinda cool. This place is nice, I feel like I can relax here, the temperature was a pleasant cool and the lights were slightly dim, I let out a contented sigh as I sunk into a beanbag...or at least, I would have, if I wasn't being interrogated right now. 

"Drop it."

"Come on, man, spill! Who was that redhead, she seemed to really like you!" Remarked Mitchell, looking like he was about to burst with curiosity. 

"I doubt anyone else cares about-." 

"You think so? Well, guys? Anyone else curious?" He inquired with a grin. 

"Can't lie, that caught my curiosity for sure," Laughed Andre. 

"Yeah...I wanna know too," Agreed Suri, who was kinda glaring at me...awkward. 

I sighed and gave in... 

"She's an old classmate of my sister's, and she makes my weapons," I replied reluctantly. 

"What, that's it? Since you were being so stubborn, I thought it'd be something more interesting," Sighed Mitchell, sounding disappointed.

Yeah, well, it's not like I'm going to tell them about the payment agreement I have with her...some things I'd rather keep to myself even if hell froze over. Thankfully, they dropped the subject after that, and began chatting about random topics. And soon enough, the waiter returned with our order. 

Three large bowls of French fries...five pitchers of beer...ooh, a large platter with a literal mountain of sweets, I see brownies, donuts and a lot more...and finally, nine pre-rolled large joints...I don't know enough about weed to be sure, but this seemed kinda excessive. 

"Yo, man, isn't this kinda much?" Inquired Andre skeptically, voicing my thoughts. 

"No worries, I've got, like, a super high tolerance, I'll finish up if you guys tap out early!" Replied Mitchell with an excited gleam in his eyes. 

"That...doesn't seem healthy," Remarked Zoya. 

"What's that thing people used to say before WWIII...YOLO!"

"What does that mean?" Asked Andre. 

"Huh? You don't know?" Responded Mitchell incredulously. 

"Um...I don't know what it means either," Chimed in Seila. 



"Yeah, I've never heard that word before either." 

"So, none of you guys know what it means!?" Exclaimed Mitchell in disbelief, before adding as he lit up a joint, "Well, then, allow me to enlighten stands for Yes, Ostriches Love Obama-." 

"It stands for You Only Live Once," I interrupted with a raised eyebrow. 

"Aw, man, why'd you have to ruin it?" 

"Even if he didn't, none of us would have believed what you said," Interjected Suri with a sigh. 

"Mhm, that was stupid," Agreed Katie with a nod. 

Honestly...I thought it was kinda funny, the sheer randomness of it. 

"W-well, anyway...puff, puff, pass, bitches!" He exclaimed, passing the joint to Andre, "Oh, yeah, the rooms here are totes soundproof, so we can be loud!" 

Huh, somehow, I don't think his tolerance is as strong as he claimed it to be. But I digress. The joint then reached me, Suri passing it to me, while stifling a cough. I brought it up to my mouth and took a puff...huh, it's kinda sour and slightly burns the back of my throat...well, it is my first time smoking anything...I felt a cough coming, but swallowed a couple of times to push it down. I don't feel anything so far...well, I've only taken a single puff, so that's to be expected. I took another puff and passed it on. 

"Not bad, bro, first-timers usually cough a lot when they take a puff," Grinned Andre, "I can tell that you've never smoked, or at least, you rarely smoke or haven't smoked in a very long time."

"Oh, yeah? How can you tell?" I asked curiously. 

"Simple, your lips!" 


"Smokers usually have darkened lips...heh, well you can't tell with me, but look at Mitch over here, check out his lips, they're a bit darkened from regularly smoking." 

"Hey, you're making it weird!" Protested Mitchell, covering his mouth with a self-conscious expression. 

...what is happening?

" sure like sweets, huh?" Remarked Zoya with a chuckle. 

Hm? What brought that up-...oh. I was munching on a donut...but when did I pick it up? Hold on a sec...I can also taste traces of brownie in the corners of my mouth...

"Wait, when did I start eating these?" I muttered in surprise. 

"Wow, you didn't even notice? Somehow, that doesn't surprise me," Chimed in Suri with a slight smile, before seeming to recall something and turning to Bytra, who had so far been mostly excluded from the conversations, "Hey, you work at Delectables, right?" 

"Huh? O-oh, yes, I do, just part-time."

"Lucky," She sighed wistfully. 

I disagree, being surrounded by all those sweets all day only to watch as other people buy and eat them...that'd be torture. Anyway, we continued smoking, drinking and snacking, the conversations getting dumber and dumber with every joint. 

I didn't drink that much though, I'm not a big fan of alcohol. And as for the weed was actually kinda nice. I feel so...relaxed. And I was finding the stupidest jokes funny. 

"Alrighty, now that we're all nice and not-sober, let's play truth or dare!" Suggested Mitchell with a goofy grin, his eyes red. 

"What are you, twelve?" Mumbled Suri in reply. 

"I think it sounds like fun!" Protested Lin.

"Then, it's decided!" Declared Mitchell, before looking around and settling his gaze on me, "You can start us off, Kilzachs!" 

What's decided? Tch, it doesn't look like anyone's gonna put any energy into protesting too much. 

"Fine, in that case...I dare me to eat a donut," I replied dryly, picking up a donut and taking a big bite...somehow, eating feels a lot more satisfying while stoned. 

"Hahaha, nice!" Laughed Andre, as some of the others chuckled too. 

"Hey, that's not the way the wame, wait, I mean...that's not the way the game works!" Exclaimed Mitchell, his face turning red after getting tongue-tied. 

Wame gorks? I better be careful not to misspeak like that too... 

"It's not my fault, you didn't explain the rules," I replied with shrug. 

" sounded like you just said 'snot my fault'," Grinned Mitchell, earning a few giggles and chuckles from the others...I feel annoyed. 

"...the rules?" I sighed inquiringly. 

"Oh, right...pick someone, ask them 'truth or dare', and once they reply, come up with a question to ask or dare to give them, depending on what they replied!"

"That's...a lot of work."

"It's not work, it's fun!"

I really doubt that... 

"But I suppose I'll humor you...," I said reluctantly, before looking around at the others and settling my gaze on Suri, "Which do you pick?" 

"Oh, uh...truth, I guess."

Great, now I have to come up with a question? I just wanna relax right now... 

"Let's see...if you had to kill one person in this group, who would you pick?" 

"Wow, seriously?" Laughed Zoya. 

"Uh...I dunno. Hm,let's see...I think I'll go with...him, cuz he's the loudest and most annoying right now," She replied, pointing at Mitchell after looking around at everyone one by one.

"Not the most encouraging thing to hear from someone whom I'm teammates with," He responded with a nervous smile, before adding, "Well, anyway, let's keep going! The person who was asked 'truth or dare' will go next, and they can choose anyone besides the person who asked them!" 

"Do I have to?" Groaned Suri, before relenting and asking Mitchell, "I'll go with you, truth or dare?" 


"Hm...okay, heh, I dare you to text a flirty message to one of our classmates who isn't here," She replied with a slight chuckle...she looked kinda funny with her eyes all red and narrowed.

Oh, nice one...also, no matter how many turns I get, I won't be choosing dare even once. Anyway, now Mitchell had to pick one of Asshole, Taayin, Makoto or Kiran. 

"Hah, sure, no prob-...wait, all the girls are here, so all our classmates who aren't here right now...are guys. What if they respond positively to it!? I'm only into girls, so that'd put me in an awkward position!" 

"Um, you could just tell them afterwards that it was a dare," Suggested Seila, stifling a giggle. 

"And you're the one who suggested this game in the first place," Pointed out Katie, whose face was as hard to read as ever, though her eyes were pretty red, and her face a bit flushed from the alcohol. 

"F-fine, I guess I have no choice...," He grumbled, reluctantly bringing up his I-Watch holoscreen and making it visible to us.

He then opened his contact list and went through it...looks like he doesn't have Makoto's and Asshole's contact info, he had Taayin's and Kiran's though. 

"Hurry it up," Prompted Suri with a frown, as she took a swig of beer and set the mug down. 

"So, like, I can pick which one to message, right?" 

"Hm...actually, message Taayin, and include something like 'I want you to tie me up'. He's probably into that, considering his Mecondary, wait, I mean Secondary Manifestation," Remarked Suri with a smug look on her face. 

"Ooh, that's a good one!" Laughed Andre, letting out a hiccup. 

Mitchell reluctantly typed out the message for all of us to see...'hey, hot stuff, I want you to tie me up and do whatever you want to me'...a bit half-hearted, but no one was going to nitpick. He then hesitated, before pressing send with a tortured groan. 

"I'm, uh...gotta turn off my notifications for a while," He mumbled, sighing as he switched off the screen. 

Not gonna lie, his downcast expression was kinda funny. 

"You could, um, always look on the bright side," Said Seila, her lips quivering as she tried to keep a straight face. 

"Huh? What bright side?" He inquired indignantly. 

"It's your turn to choose and ask someone," Chimed in Zoya. 

"Oh, that's that case, I'll ask you!" He declared, pointing an Bytra, who looked taken aback...she'd been basically in the background looking awkward this whole time, bet she's wishing that she didn't tag along, "Truth or dare?" 

"M-me? O-okay, I pick truth."

"In that case, I just gotta know...why does Kilzachs seem to hate you so much?" He inquired curiously. 



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