The Rising Of The Anomaly

Chapter 88 - 87 - Team Mission(Part 4)

Right as I pulled the trigger and fired, Kilella quickly began to fly away, forming an XFE blast in her hand. She then expanded her blast as hundreds of streaks of black XFE burst out of my Square Blaster, the force upon impact resulting in a shockwave that sent me flying back down towards the ground, before my body suddenly halted abruptly right before I could crash onto the ground. 

Ow, my neck, that was some intense whiplash, thought my neck was going to break for a second...oh, I see what happened, Mitchell grabbed me with one of his tails right before I could crash down...and he grabbed my torso, meaning that my head and legs suffered a fair bit of whiplash. I then glanced up towards my sister...the XFE armor around her right arm had been blown off, and her arm had taken a bit of damage too, a stifled look of pain on her face. 

My Square Blaster had been on the minimum output setting, but that was still too much for her to fully cancel out in that split second. Tier Three gives me some really great options to work with, that was a good little test. I then got on my feet as Mitchell let me go, right as my sister re-formed her XFE armor, her expression looking like she was going to take this more seriously. 

Mitchell then zipped up towards her while whipping his tails up in her direction, which she evaded pretty easily before firing out a couple of XFE blasts at him, forcing him to back away. The moment he flew away, Seila swiftly expanded her blades and rapidly swung them up at Kilella, who narrowly dodged her swings, getting grazed a few times but avoiding taking any major hits. 

Seila was making sure her swings kept Kilella from using her arms to fire any blasts...when suddenly, she fired out a barrage of blasts from the bottoms of her feet and from her tail, Seila quickly responded by shrinking her blades and using them to bat the blasts away before they could hit her, and the brief moment it took her to do so was all Kilella needed to swoop down and close in on her. 

She hurriedly began to block in alarm by crossing her blades in front of herself, but she was too slow, as my sister reached her and fired out a powerful red blast at her, the Duel Field teleporting Seila out. 

Tch, I couldn't find any openings to use my X-Blasters, Kilella is too fast, despite being slowed down by the Dark Attribute poisoning from my blast earlier. 

Teamwork isn't going to be enough to beat her either...we do have a few team combination moves, but against someone with the skill and power of my sister, they're at far too simple a level to work against her...and as a result, we aren't able to make much use of our numbers advantage. 

I fired out a barrage of shots from my X-Blasters at her as soon as Seila was teleported out, my sister swiftly countered with a red blast, canceling out my XFE bullets right as Suri leapt up behind her silently and swung her chainsaw across at her. Kilella reacted just in time, spinning around and leaping away, the chainsaw grazing the shoulder of her armor but failing to strike her directly. 

Suri rushed after her, swinging her chainsaw rapidly in quick succession, but to no avail, my sister was evading her easily, while making sure to keep me in her peripheral...I was moving around trying to get in position where her back would be facing me, and it looks like she's caught on to that. 

Suri doesn't seem to have realized it, but my sister was leading her around in a way that had her blocking my aim...with this positioning, even for me, it'd be hard to not hit Suri if I tried to shoot at my sister. Mitchell was in the air, but was looking unsure of what to do...he's likely not confident that he can attack Kilella with his tails without hitting Suri by accident either. 

Katie looked stuck too...her dragon manifestation was a bit too big to attack an opponent while an ally is nearby, and as for her lightning attack, it was almost guaranteed to hit Suri too if she fired it. My clone had already dissipated, creating one by Copy-Pasting myself costs about five percent of my XFE and it lasts about a minute, more or less. 

As for teleporting, Cut-Pasting myself costs about one percent of my XFE, so that's an option I can use more freely...but it's risky to teleport in close without a proper opening. And teleporting behind her is gonna be tough too, since I need to be able to clearly see and focus on the spot I want to teleport to. 

Yeah, I guess I could try throwing her off by teleporting around multiple times all over the place to try and create an opening...but that might confuse my teammates too, and that's too risky with our teamwork at such a basic level...well, if nothing else, this is turning out to be quite informative. 

Suri then sprang back with a look of frustration, having failed to land any decent hits, and as she quickly backed away and got some distance, Mitchell swiftly swooped down towards Kilella, who responded by zipping towards Suri rapidly, slipping behind her and grabbing her wrist, before swinging her around and flinging her up towards Mitchell, who halted in alarm and began to try to fly away. 

But he was too slow, and Suri narrowly managed to deactivate her chainsaw manifestation before crashing onto Mitchell, nearly knocking him down to the ground. I then quickly used Cut on myself and shot towards Kilella with my X-Blades active, as she fired out a barrage of XFE blasts up at them, before they could untangle themselves from each other and regain their bearings, teleporting them out. 

Her attention then began to shift towards me, to her right, before I focused on the spot to her left and activated Paste, teleporting myself there and swinging my blades at her neck, which she swiftly countered by whipping her tail up and deflecting my slashes, without even looking at me. I then sprang back as Katie's dragon head tail thingy opened its jaws and plunged down towards Kilella. 

She responded by firing out two powerful blasts, one towards me and one at Katie's manifestation. I quickly used Cut and Paste on myself to just barely teleport out of the way, as her attack struck the ground and kicked up a thick dust cloud, the other blast destroying the head of Katie's manifestation. 

I actually thought that was a good move, Katie sent her manifestation plunging in from a spot where I'd be able to see it coming, which gave me enough time to see it coming and then get out of the way...but it still wasn't fast enough. I could win easily if I used Tier Two and froze time, but opting for that feels the same as admitting defeat. 

Kilella then zipped after Katie as she began to re-form her manifestation, I swiftly teleported above her high in the air and fired down a barrage of shots from my X-Blasters, which she countered by firing a powerful XFE blast up at me, before continuing to zip towards Katie. Just what I wanted... 

Her blast then swallowed up my bullets and continued shooting up towards me...before disappearing as I used Cut on it. As I started to plummet back down, I focused my vision on the spot between my sister and Katie, adjusted the line...and then used Paste to bring back the blast, having it barrel straight towards Kilella. 

She quickly halted and sprang back while firing out another blast to cancel out the first one, right as I landed on the ground on all fours to spread out the impact and avoid breaking my legs...ow, my limbs all feel numb now... 

I then swiftly got back onto my feet and got out of the way, because right as Kilella canceled out the blast, Katie's manifestation changed, enveloping her entire body in the form of a large dragon. 

"<Manifestation Overdrive: Dragon>."

The air around the manifestation was crackling violently, as age rapidly charged up a massive amount of lightning in the jaws of the manifestation, before firing it out at Kilella in a massive, blinding blast of powerful lightning, which shot towards her rapidly, closing in on her before she could get out of the way. 

Right as it struck her, a bright red glow burst out, before a loud crackle erupted and kicked up a dust cloud. From what I know, Katie can't maintain this form for long, but I'm pretty sure she can fire out more powerful lightning...she must have used a smaller blast to prolong the time limit of the form. 

As the dust cleared to reveal Kilella, it looked like she had taken some damage, but not enough to defeat her. That red flash just before the lightning struck her...she must have burst out her XFE to weaken the lightning as much as possible. Had Katie had enough time to properly charge up her blast, we might have won. 

"Hey, that was pretty it's my turn," Smirked Kilella, before reciting her activation chants, "<Secondary Manifestation: Flaming Armor>...and now, you should feel honored, this is the first time I'm testing this out against someone else...take this, <Manifestation Overdrive: Blazing Inferno>!" 

In the next instant, I felt a stifling wave of heat hit me, followed by a bright, scorching orange light...and the next thing I knew, I was outside the Duel Field...which was completely filled with flames, it looked like a massive, transparent, dome-shaped container of fire. 

The barrier then cracked, the cracks rapidly spreading out and widening as the orange glow inside grew brighter and more intense by the second, when suddenly, the barrier shattered, a massive wave of heat bursting out in a stifling explosion of heat and hitting us as it did, causing me to stumble back while struggling to catch my breath. 

"Oh, wow, I think I almost suffocated for a moment there!" Exclaimed my sister, as the heat faded and the dust cleared. 

"Her fire attack is faster than my lightning," Mumbled Katie, sounding a bit displeased. 

The other three were looking kinda glum too...well, for the most part, it was a pretty one-sided defeat. I could see the bright side though...if we can figure out how to properly fight as a team with real combos and stuff, we'd be a force to reckon with. After this fight though, that seems like a big if right now... 


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