"Hou? You didn't even flinch. I must say, you are an interesting one. Even the mightiest foes would get startled by that, yet you appear to be calm. I can't tell if you are brave or just stupid though."

He turned his back towards me and then returned to his throne.

"Pardon that display earlier. However I wanted to see what kind of person the new Maou is. Honestly speaking, if you were just a normal Mazoku, I would have split your skull open by now. Now then, what is your business here? If you came for an apology for that small attack, you won't get one. Any father would do the same."

This guy has a weird logic. However part of me admires him. Bessie isn't his daughter by blood yet he treats her like his own child. Bessie even holds the title of princess. Our so called nobles could learn a lot from him. He has my respect in that area. This guy is also proof of my beliefs. Blood lines don't matter.

"No. I didn't come here for that. I came because of Be… err… Yarina."

"Interesting. So are you saying you are going to return her to me willingly?"

"Not exactly. I want you to hear your daughter out. It has to come from her own mouth."

"Hmm… I'm curious were this is going. Very well. Proceed."

Bessie then took a step forward.

"Father, I sincerely wish to continue to stay by Yurishia's side."

Bessie began her story. I enforced an order on her. I told her to be 100% honest. She didn't tell a single lie. She told the Beast Emperor how she was captured, how I bought her and thus saved her from a fate probably worse than death and a few other adventures. She told him that she became stronger ever since meeting me and matured in a fabulous way.

"I see. If that story is correct, then I guess I owe you a big thanks for saving my daughter. However, I must ask… Yarina, why do you smell so much like that Mazoku? Besides your own scent, you also carry that woman's scent too. It's like it's attached to you."

"Ah… that's probably because of all the sex we are having."

Regulus Rex, Mimi and the birdman… All their jaws dropped when Bessie said that. I could only facepalm myself. It's my fault. I know I ordered you to be honest, but did you have to say it so straight?

"Yarina… Don't tell me you were forced to swing that way?"

"I wouldn't call it 'forced'. Although it feels good to press my breasts against another woman… Yurishia is an exception. She can grow a male genitalia at will. Her big dick is quite a treat and makes me feel so good."

Regulus Rex clenched the arms of his throne chair. They were about to break. He was definitely pissed. I'd be pissed too if you give me an answer like that.


The Beast Emperor let out a powerful roar like a lion. It traveled across the entire room.

"You… you took my beloved daughters' virginity? Give me one good reason to not kill you right now!"

"How about love?"

"What the…!?"

"I mean, I love your daughter and she loves me. It's obvious that when these kinds of things happen containing the feelings isn't good, right?"

For a moment the Beast Emperor scratch his mane, took in deep breaths and try calming himself down. I don't know what he was thinking right now, but it's better to leave this guy to cool off a bit before I try saying anything else.

"Huh… I suppose then you want me to entrust my daughter to you then?"

"Pretty much."

"As if I will allow something like that! Think of this from my point of view. Yarina is under your master-slave contract. For all I know that entire speech could have been an implanted order. Also, usually I have a sixth sense that let's me judge the character of a person pretty well. However with you I'm getting mixed feelings. You don't seem to have bad intentions, but you also give off a weird alarm in my head. Not to mention that you also brought the traitor Leona with you."

Leona told me about that part of her past on our way here. The real reason she ended in the demon kingdom was because she was exiled from the demi-human tribes. Apparently she was ordered never to teach martial arts to anyone other than demi-humans, but she was caught teaching it to a human. 'Martial Arts are a form of art that should be shared with everyone' was Leona's line. I kind of agree with her. Nevertheless she ended up being exiled.

"So then, Your Majesty, that means we are at a stalemate here. What do you propose we do then?"

"I might have an idea. Fists never lie. Lady Yurishia, how about we make a bet? A small tournament between my men and yours. You said that Yarina improved under you. I would like to see that with my own eyes. I will properly be able to judge your intentions in battle better. And moreover, I would like to see what the current level of the Maou is. You who are called the savior of the demon kind… just where do you stand compared to me?"

Hou? Things are taking a weird turn. I wasn't expecting a peaceful outcome, but a tournament… I thought I was done with that kind of shit when I finished school.

The Beast Emperor, Regulus Rex is known for being a battle maniac, so I was expecting I might have to fight my way. However I wanted to avoid that. This guy is dangerous. Seriously dangerous. Analyzing him with my eyes just confirmed my suspicions. This guy is a level above Leona. And if that's true, I won't be able to match him in strength. But there's something else I feel within him. I can't put my finger on it, but he's different than any other demi-human I met.

Still, maybe I can twist this development to my advantage. Let's see if he takes the bait.

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