The Rising Of The Fallen Warlord

120: Let the games begin!

3 days passed really quick. And because we were under constant watch, I couldn't enjoy this place properly. But today was the long-awaited day of the showdown with the demi-humans. In other words, it was a crossroad.

If we lose this showdown, the chances of us being unable to live the same lifestyle we had up until now were high. For such a major thing we had to establish a Contract Roll. A Contact Roll is an unbreakable oath that must be respected.

And of course, the dignitaries of the demi-humans didn't find it fair for just Bessie and Leona being returned. They saw my alliance proposal as a forced occupation plot. So we had to make some changes. According to the Contract Roll, it was agreed that the losing side’s people would not be killed and both countries will treat the losers fairly. In short, our original bet still stands, but on paper, we changed it and put our countries on the line.

But between us, it's the small letters that matter. No matter who loses, the country still retains the ability to self rule, but basically we have to answer the winners call if he needs it. I actually still feel like I picked the short straw on this and was tricked. It feels that my gain is too little compared to our original deal. But what's done is done. I feel confident we'll win.

Even so, everybody felt that as long as their country was being made to live under the opponent’s rule, they couldn’t possibly expect to have the same rights as they had up until now.

That was exactly why the faces of my girls, were currently stiff. Specially Bessie. Guess they need a pep talk.

“Everybody! Do not worry! We will definitely obtain victory! I will show you the peace that I shall grab with these hands! Bessie, don't worry. I know you're happy with me. And I will do everything I can to keep you by my side, even if it kills me.”

"Oooh! As expected as Aneue!"

"We'll also do our our best. We won't let you down!"

"Let's win this, go back home and have lots of sex afterwards!"


Now let's do this!


The place we were taken was the location for the duel: Dialgo Plains. In front of everyone’s eyes lay a giant cavity.

It was a meteor generated crater with a radius of approximately 500 metres. The duel would be held within it.

When I looked towards the centre of the crater, Regulus and his men were already prepared on his side. I’m pretty confident with my girls. There's no one I'd rather march in combat with. But that doesn't mean that we can underestimate the enemy.

Naturally I approached the Beast Emperor and he approached me. We glared at each for a moment. Then, I spoke.

"I’ve already heard the details of your proposed dueling method, but just to make sure, could you explain it with your own words?”

“Understood. The dueling method is an old tradition passed down by the demi-human race, one called Aras Mithra.”

One: duels are carried out with equal numbers on both sides.

Two: in this case, duels consist of 7 individual fights.

Three: of them, the team that wins 4 of them is the victor.

Four: a battle is not lost until the designated leader of that team declares defeat.

Five: if once all is over, it ends in a tie, each side selects a single fighter for a one on one match.

Six: the outcome is decided once one side has become unable to fight, or one side admits defeat.

Seven: participants are selected beforehand, and changes are not permitted.

So far so good. Honestly it sucks not knowing your opponent, but I guess luck is also a factor in battle. Having confirmed there was no problem with the methods, it's time to discuss what would happen upon the outcome.

“It’s already been decided by Contract Roll, but the losing country comes under the command of the winning one. But we will respect the other party, and there will be no senseless killing. Your way of life won't change. Is that fine?”

“Yes. From what I see, our side has an overwhelming advantage. I'm not sure if your companions are your strongest, but if we are to lose, we will obey, and humbly bow before you. Similarly if we are to win, we will not handle you unreasonably, as long as Yarina and Leona will be returned to us. As long as your side is to honor the contract, we will not go back on our word. I swear it on the pride of all demi-humans.”

We then glared once more at each other. Like I said, as a ruler I respect him. But he needs to know to no matter the challenge, I won't lose.

"Well then, shall we begin?"

Saying that, he took a paper out of his breast pocket. On it, the names of the ones set to participate were written.

“Vanis is an assassin. He is not suited for combat. Is it ok if we have him as our referee?"

"Sure. I know how prideful you guys are, so I'm not worried about cheating. Hey, puppy, take this.”

I handed my paper over.

“I would like you to take charge of  this one as well, Vanis.”


He lowers his head, before taking a paper from the Beast Emperor. He then confirmed the names of those who would participate in the first round.

“Well then, let me announce the participants of the first round of this Aras Mithra! First, from lady Yurishia's side we have miss Yarina!”

The demi-human side started getting noisy, as their princess was announced in the first round. Actually Bessie was anxious and wanted to prove her worth, so she asked me to let her go first. Since I don't know the strength of my opponents or the order, I allowed it.

“From the demi-human camp is…”

Everyone’s dubious gaze gathered on Vanis, who unintentionally stared at the sheet.

“Ehem, I apologize. From the demi-human camp… Beast Emperor Regulus Rex!”

Not just our side, the demi-human side that didn’t know the order fell silent as well.

Among them, the only ones with pleasant smiles floating on their faces were Bessie and Regulus Rex. Seems like we're about to witness a father-daughter quarrel. Show him, Bessie. Show him the fruits of your labor by my side. It's your time to shine.

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