The Rising Of The Fallen Warlord

125: Lumi-chan’s might

"Your Majesty… forgive me…"

"Hahahaha!! You have nothing to be ashamed of Oswald. That woman is just simply out of the ordinary. Besides, she bears the title of Maou, so it's expected for her to be absurdly strong. Her magic power is the strongest I've ever seen."

Regulus Rex admired Yurishia's strength. Demi-humans respect power and are always drawn to it. The Beast Emperor was no exception, so seeing Yurishia's display of power, he could only felt admiration.

"Honestly, I made an impression about her. She's not evil. She's a decent person and an interesting one too. If she was a male… I probably wouldn't mind if Yarina took her as her husband. However… even if she can produce a male genitalia… I can't get over it. It's just too wrong. I can't let my daughter become this woman's mate."

As the Beast Emperor gave his thoughts about Yurishia, both sides were ready for the next match. The score was once again tied at 2-2. Vanis, took a step forward and read the next names written on the paper.

"So then, for the next match, from the demi-human side we have Garpo, the one also known as The Indestructible. And from lady Yurishia's side, miss… umm… correct me if I pronounce it wrong… miss Lumi-chan."

"Eeh!? Yuri-nee, I can't believe you! Why did you write my name in that casual manner? You make it look like I am child. You could have used my proper name!"

Lumi-chan pouted her cheeks, floated up towards my head and started hitting me with her tiny fists. It was rather cute to see her embarrassed like this. Although she's right. She's older than all of us combined, but because of her looks I can't help but tease her a little. So cute.

"Anyway, Lumi-chan, I wasn't expecting these guys to have so many strong people. And Garpo is a name I am quite familiar with. Even 10 years ago before I disappeared he was someone famous."

The reason why he's called The Indestructible is because Garpo is a humanoid turtle. Think of something like the 4 brothers from the western comic books called Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Because of his turtle traits, this guy has the strongest endurance and the toughest skin of any humanoid being. In other words, aside from dragons, this guy's body is the strongest armor.

Cracking his shell, even on his belly is a chore in its own. And his lifespan is also high, just like a turtle. I'm sure for him the 10 years I wasn't around didn't affect him that much. But this is fortunate. If there's someone that can break this guy, that's Lumi-chan.

"Think you can handle him?"

"Don't worry. He is indeed strong, but if I keep my distance I'll be fine."

This is going to be an interesting match.


"And now without further ado, let the fifth match…. Commence!!"

Garpo took a look at Lumi-chan. He analyzed her from head to toe.

"Miss, would you consider withdrawing? I would rather not injure a child."

"Hey! Stop treating me like a kid!! I'm a full fledged woman! For that… I'll skewer you!"

Lumi-chan is really sensitive when it comes to her height. So calling her a child is something that really irritates her. Well… she somewhat tolerates it if I'm the one making those remarks. Regardless, she lifted her tiny hand and a magic formation appeared in front of her.

"[Icicle Shot]!"

Countless sharp ice shards were fired towards Garpo. However, he didn't move a muscle. He puffed out his chest. All the shards made contact, but they all crumbled on impact. Not a single one managed to pierce his shell.

"It's pointless. My shell is impenetrable. You'll run out of mana before you can pierce it. Give up and spare both of us this effort."

"Why would I do that? Impenetrable you say? I must disagree with you."

Lumi-chan started spinning her index finger and a magic formation I never saw before appeared. This is an attack I'm not familiar with but I can feel Lumi is enhancing it with her divinity aura. A golden spear manifested from the magic formation. It was pouring with mana.

"[Annihilation Spear]!"

The spear made its way with significant speed towards Garpo. Once again he didn't bother dodging, but this time…


His stomach was pierced and blood was gushing out.


"Impossible… my… my impenetrable armor…"

"You relly too much on your shell. Although I will admit it is incredibly hard, nothing is impenetrable. Everything has a weakness. In this case all it took was…..

…. actually I can't reveal that secret."

Phew. For a second I thought she was gonna blow her cover. The fact that Lumi-chan infused the spear with divine mana must stay hidden. Similar to how Zeshia can slash through anything, divinity will always be superior than something made or born in the mortal realm.

"Tsk!! I won't fall with just this!"

Garpo quickly kicked the ground under his feet and took a large charge at Lumi-chan. Elves are weak in physical strength and also lack stamina. Lumi-chan is no exception to that rule, so getting up close and personal would be the logical course of action. Well, I say would be because…"

"[Eternal Distortion]!"

Lumi-chan opened her eyes. Her eyes looked exactly like the night sky filled with stars. The moment she opened her eyes, a wave was unleashed. It felt like the space itself distorted. A blast like countless sound waves were generated. Eternal Distortion is one the abilities contained in those eyes.


Garpo felt as if her body was being disintegrated and wave force pushed him away.  Lumiera closed her eyes. If she left them open, she could have actually accidentally attack the other demi-humans too. Eternal Distortion also has a serious impact on the mind.

Garpo fell on the ground apparently lifeless, but he was still ok.

"Wha… what just happened!?"

The Beast Emperor was speechless. He didn't realize how his warrior was defeated. Vanis stepped into the arena and confirmed that Garpo was unable to continue.

"The winner of the 5th match… miss Lumi-chan!"

Finally… for the first time in this tournament… we were in the lead. It was 3-2 for our side. Lumi-chan performed splendid. I was sure she wouldn't lose no matter what. Now then, let's see if we can win one more match. One more victory… and we win the whole thing!

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