The Rising Of The Fallen Warlord

130: Yurishia’s full power

Ouch. Dang. His body is fully covered in fire. And I don't like to admit it but it's hot. This magma bastard… my mana supply is still bigger than his, but my stamina is draining faster. When was the last time I was pushed this far? Maybe when I face Guilford all those years ago.

"Hahahaha. Lady Yurishia, I must say, it's been quite some time since my blood boiled this much. This is really fun!"

"... What a battle maniac."

"Don't say that. I'm praising you over here. Although I guess it's to be expected of the one that bears the Maou title. However if the fight stays at is, it will pretty much be a stalemate. So that's why… allow me to show you why I stand above all demi-humans. This is… my full strength!"

The pressure increased tremendously. Before my eyes... an enormous living creature appears, and took my breath for an instant due to its overwhelming presence.

This is the full strength of the Beast Emperor? His entire body became bulkier and was covered with crimson flames, his head had 2 giant tusks like a sabertooth tiger… he reminded me of a famous anime character from back on Earth who also tended to become bulky with the power of the sun.

Even without experiencing, it was obvious that receiving any of his attack would surely bring anyone in a world of pain.

"This is my ultimate power. Solar Lion King! Now then… let's see if you can survive it."

Immediately, the flaming lion vanished instantly from the place.


My eyes lost track of him for a second and before I was aware of it, a wide-opened mouth was approaching me from the sky.

“Like I’ll let you!”

I swiftly did the only thing I could and tried blocking his charge with Zeshia. For a second I thought I could repell his attack, but...


I was forcefully pushed back.

A considerable shock ran through my whole body but I wasn’t even given the chance to feel it all together. Because he already shifted his position and prepared another assault. The only thing I could do was instantly use my teleport skill and move to another place.

I then tried slashing him with my claws from behind. He didn't flinch. More like he didn't feel he needed to. My claws… didn't leave a mark on him. He turned around grinning.

"Fufu. Are you out of tricks? You won't beat me like that. I have surpassed you, so unless you got something to put on the table you might as well give up."

“Is that so? Then Beast Emperor…”


“I will also show it.”


“I’m going to take this fight to the next stage.”

In that instant, the surrounding temperature suddenly dropped or it was just his imagination. He was taken aback by my words had said.

Oii!! Yurishia, you can't be serious!? I mean I know you've been secretly training since you met Delta but this is reckless. Your body won't last!

It only has to last a minute or two.

“Let me give you a piece of advice. If you want to stop now, do so. Because if I use my full strength…. it might end before you know it.”

"Hou? Then show me! If what you’re saying is true, prove it to me and surpass me!”

"Fool… in that case… don't blame me if I accidentally kill you… because I'm not used to this myself. HAAAA!!!"

Kaioken x10!!! I'm joking here but the effect is no different from the actual anime. What I was doing right was combining magic. Activating Iblis, Herculean Strength, Hyper Accel and placing them on a timer. And eventually when all skills activated, I supplemented everything with Force Boost Phase 2.5. Force Boost prevents the user from using magic, but buffs used beforehand stay active.

“I don't have a name for this yet. Shall we start the last round, Beast Emperor?”

By reflex, he took a defensive stance.

“Sorry about that. I can’t go easy on anyone right now.”

Afterimages of my figure formed. The Beast Emperor tried jumping sideways but I predicted this pattern so I shifted my position to get to the same spot. His sharp fangs tried reaching for me but, it was pointless.

The sharp fangs approached tried sinking in my shoulder. However….


Like a blur he hit nothing but air and I was standing behind him.

"I told you, you can't beat me anymore."


His masive body was blown away and sent tumbling because of my enhanced body.

“Now time for you to fly.”

Following that, I chased after him and kicked him upwards.


Although and his burning body started leaving scars on me, the damage he took was bigger.

"Impossible… such force… what… what in the world are you?"

"I’m bad at making explanations. But I'd brace myself if I were you."

Before Regulus was aware of it, I spinned towards his proximity, and delivered a kick to his stomach.


Regulus who received the full brunt impact of it, was thrown towards a large rock. He who hasn’t received a blow as powerful as this in his lifetime until now, vomited blood upon impact.

“Ugh…. I… I can't prolong this anymore… this is my final attack. Let's conclude this!! The true… [Fang of Destruction]!!"

All his flames concentrated in his fists. He was preparing for a one punch man move. It really seems like this is his final attack. In that case…

"I will surpass it!"

"Come, YurishiaAAAA!!"

Both our fists collided.


The tremendous blast created a huge clearing on the land, red and blue light dazzled the whole area causing the spectators to momentarily close their eyes. Some of them were even blown away by the force that could rival a nuclear blast. When the dust cleared, the fist thing that could be seen

……………………was Regulus Rex.

His eyes were as white as snow, and his mouth half opened, as if he had lost control over his body. He was lying on the ground with his consciousness clearly out in the dark.

Then… the figure that everyone was waiting to see.


"Satisfied… bastard?"

Most people were left speechless. Vanis took a closer looked and confirmed that Regulus was still alive. Then, with a twiching hand, he pointed towards me.

"There's no doubt about it. I must declare… the winner of the final match and the victor of the Aras Mithra… is Lady Yurishia!"

It's… finally over. Was about time. Because… I can't take… a single step anymore.

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