The Rising Of The Fallen Warlord

23: Something isn’t right

"You're not the only one with claws! [Slash Disorder]!"

Through the disguise of my mask, I poured mana into my own claws and slashed at his own arm to separate myself. This wasn't a spell. I was simply fueling my claws. I immediately used my Cure All to fix the holes he made in me. Then I jumped towards him just like a carnivore ready to attack it's prey. The giant monster got on his back feet and used his own claws to defend against mine.

I attacked with a tremendous speed, creating the illusion of multiple slashes at the same time. That was the ability Slash Disorder. Consecutive claw strikes in an instant. Sparks were scattered everywhere and eventually a dull sound was heard as if meat was ripped. I had no choice but to back away. 

Darn it. What the hell is this monster? He defeated my move and tore through my stomach. But this is just a scratch. I can heal it instantly. Seems I really got no choice but to use that.

The body has limits placed on it regardless what race you are. There are spells that give you physical boosts but they all are in the range of what your body can handle. But there is one move that goes against that theory. Force Boost. It forces mana directly into your muscles allowing you to gain absurd strength. 

Force Boost has 3 phases. Each phase gives a significant boost over the other. During Force Boost mode you can't use magic at all cause it all goes in your physical strength. Phase 1 quadruples your strength and phase 2 gives you a 10 time increase. 

Phase 3 is said to give a 20 time increase, but phase 3 must never be used as it has a great price attached to it. It let's you draw out maximum power, ignoring any limitations the body may have, however you will collapse under your own power. In short, after using phase 3… the user inevitably dies. 

And it's that exact ability I have to use right now. It's the only way way to match that thing. So here goes nothing…

"[Force Boost Phase 1]!"

A super saiyan black and red aura burst around my body releasing a powerful gale of wind. I let out a creepy smile. The monster was confused a bit. But this should be enough to deal with it. In the next moment, my figure vanished. 

I appeared behind the monster. When it turned his head back I was already on his left side. When he turned again I switched to his right side. I became too fast for it. Playtime is over.

"[Extreme….Slash Disorder]!"

A huge illusionary storm ran towards the monster at maximum speed. The slashing was done at an isane speed.


The monster let out a painful scream and his expression was heavily distorted. Countless slashes from above, below, backwards, forward, with a mix of raveling and stabbing and so on. It was impossible for the monster to defend. He couldn't react all. Wound after wound started to appear on its body. He was being chopped and aggressively pierced.

"Die, die, die, die, die!"

I screamed fanatically. Tons of black blood sprayed all over the forest. Finally I made a spinning corkscrew move and fully pierce his body and I came out the other side. What remained of the monster collapsed heavily on the ground.

*Heavily panting*

I did it. This thing is dead. But damn. I hate using this skill. The stamina consumption and the pain your muscles go through… without my Cure All this wouldn't be bearable at all.

"Lady Yurishia… you really killed it!"

"Yeah… I managed… somehow."

The difference between a B rank and A rank monster is huge. And according to the girls there's also an S rank category. I definitely don't want to face that until I get all my strength back. But that will wait. Let's see how grateful these elves are gonna be now.


They have a weird way to show gratitude. All their bows and swords were pointing at me now and my slaves. 

"Pardon me. I am captain Paris, leader of this squad. Who are you people?"

A young elf with green eyes and long blonde hair stepped forward.

"Is that any way to treat your saviours, you ducking fools!"


Oh yeah. Bessie is still under the effect of my order. It's funny to see her like this, but this isn't the time for jokes. 

"Listen, my friend here has a point. This isn't the proper reaction."

"Forgive my skepticism, but a single Mazoku killing an a A rank dimensional monster. We need to be careful."

"Understandable. My name is Yurishia. From left to right these are Nelia, Sylvia and Bessie. We were just passing by. We saw the scene and decided to help."

"Passing by? Surely you must have a reason to be here."

No point beating around the bush. 

"I'm here to see your ruler. There's something I must discuss."

The elf stood a moment and pondered. 

"We do owe you… very well. We shall take you and arrange an audience. But mark my words. If you try anything funny, the entire elf army will be your enemy in a second. Men, stand down."

Paris signaled his men and he brought some horses and got us ready for the journey. They even had a carriage which was good for Nelia since she can't ride a horse.

"Lady Yurishia, I still don't understand, what's the point of all this?"

Nelia whispered in my ear.

"Listen, just trust me on this one. I have a reason for this."

After a long horse ride, we finally reached a normal road. We arrived at the elven forest capital. I spotted a crowd of elves moving along the road and roadside, and I appraised them out of curiosity, since it's been years since I saw their kind. Elves have bodies and ears that are different to humans, but other than that, they possess characteristics that are pretty much the same as humans.

“Trot~ trot~ trot~ trot~~”

The foot soldier walking behind us suddenly blew his horn and all the people around us who heard it, quickly gathered around us and admired the cavalry as they cheered in celebration. Perhaps this was their way of celebrating victories. After all, this squad was tasked to fight a dimensional monster. 

There were shops and stands just like in human towns, but the only difference is that the elves lived in trees. It's worth pointing that these trees are thick and chambers were dug into them, making them rooms for elves. But at the same time, the tree was still alive and prosperous.

The only exception was the palace. The palace had a European nuance. I couldn’t see any distinct elf-like characteristics. This isn't right. What happened to the Eternal Tree? It seems the elves from here are very close to humans, because even their culture is the same. That's not how I remember it at all.

Upon entering, we saw a giant flower garden, and there was a pond right in the middle of the garden. It looked very sturdy for a pond that was merely used for entertainment in the palace. The surrounding grass was lush green, so there must be people taking care of it daily. In the middle of the pond were some geese lazily grooming their feathers. After passing the garden, we arrived at the square which was behind the garden with a fountain in the middle. The floor was spotless. Not even a stone was in sight.

"Come. His Majesty will see you right away."

Something… really is wrong about this place. Although it's not my business at all, it's just too weird. There are stuff that aren't supposed to change no matter what. Let's see if this so called king can shed some light.

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